20 minute read
Converting Tourists To Customers, By Ron Kustek
FEATURED COLUMNIST Converting Tourists To Customers
Thanksgiving and Christmas provide some of the most important selling windows for
“10 Questions” from page 23
If a person is working in any space visited by members of the public, such as a reception area, waiting room, a restroom, or exam room they need to wear a mask.
If a person is working in or walking through any common areas such as hallways, stairways, elevators, and parking facilities they would wear a mask.
If a person is in a private cubicle, but are less than 6 feet from someone walking by or present in your cubicle they need to wear a mask. When are masks not required?
If a person is in a private office as long as members of the public do not visit that office. Further guidelines:
Lunch should be eaten out of the office with at least 6 feet between people.
Eating outside when the weather permits is a great idea. It is not a good idea to eat with other people in a contained space, in fact the chance of being infected with COVID is higher.
Breaks that are taken with others need to continue with mask wearing protocols and maintaining physical distancing, and not in a small space.
businesses all year. Besides opening your door on a sunny day or putting the word “Sale” in your window, how do you plan on getting this season’s tourists to visit your business — whether in person, online or both?
Historically, tourism has contributed over one-third to our economy in Santa Cruz County. Appreciating the value of tourists and converting them to being your seasonal customers is essential for your success this upcoming holiday season.
Some of the topics we’re going to cover are those that you may not know about — which could be a problem — because if you haven’t collected or know specific information about your tourist customers, then you’re at a disadvantage to your competitors who do.
Where They Stay
You know when there’s a tourist customer who walks in your business. Since they’re not a regular customer that you likely know or recognize, you’ll
I’m an Instructional Assistant working from home. I now have to use my own ink to print my weekly homework packets to model for the students
I work with. I know Certificated are getting a stipend for using their Internet. What about us, who also use our internet, our ink? How about Doc Cams are those available for us? Those would come in handy too.
to obtain printed materials to implement lessons, please coordinate with your teacher to pick up a packet or contact site office staff to coordinate use of the printers and/or copiers on site.
Additionally, you may utilize the District Office printers in the Special Services department. We are open daily 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and able to support these types of needs. Discussing your needs with the teacher or case manager you are working with is another option.
Please work with site administration to get equipment that you need such as document cameras. If the document cameras or other equipment you need are not available at your site, then contact the Special Services office and they will work to locate the equipment.
“10 Questions cont.” page 26
probably ask if they live in the area to see if they’ve recently moved here, and if so, where they moved from.
Not being a local you may notice their un-tanned skin tone or those who actively look all around their surroundings, as first-time tourists often do. These are likely easy cues for you and your staff.
But when you talk to them, and ask where they’re from, do you bother to ask where they’re staying? Are they By Ron Kustek staying with friends, and if so, where? Are they AirBnB folks? Are they staying at one of the nearby hotels in the area?
If they’re staying at one of our many fine hotels or motels, you need to first know that (by asking) and then collect that information, to find out which may be the lodging facility that would be best for you to partner with.
We recommend that if you need
“Tourists” page 27
ACROSS 24. Unacceptable in a 1. Glamour’s partner juror 6. Prime time monitor, 25. Fire fuel acr. 28. ThÉ alternative 9. Prelude to a duel 30. Jumped or leapt 13. Video killed this type 35. Chipping choice of star? 37. Plural of #25 Across 14. Orinoco or Grande 39. Coupon clipper, e.g. 15. Temple Square 40. A woodwind performers, e.g. 41. Vernacular 16. Set straight 43. The brightest star 17. *Thanksgiving is on 44. One born to Japanese the fourth Thursday in immigrants this country 46. a.k.a. leaf 18. Filthy dough cabbage 19. *Opposite of 47. Capital on the Dnieper
Thanksgiving, 48. Rear of a ship, pl. traditionally 50. Boisterous play 21. *The day’s offering 52. Not sweet, as in wine 23. Declare 53. Has divine power 55. None intended, often 57. *Macy’s offering 60. *34th Street offering
64. Relating to pond scum Soviet republics, acr. 36. ____-do-well 65. Highest card in “War” 8. Raccoon’s South 38. Without help 67. Blood of the gods, American cousin 42. Allegro and lento
Greek mythology 9. Give the cold shoulder 45. Get some air 68. Like unbagged tea 10. Locket content, 49. Seed alternative 69. Female traditionally 51. Jonathan Franzen’s 70. Thousands, for short 11. Snob puts these on 2015 novel 71. Microsoft browser 12. Prior to 54. Rental agreement 72. *What we do on 15. Necklace fasteners 56. Chip snack
Thanksgiving 20. Spiral-horned African 57. Weary walk 73. ____ welcome! antelope 58. Bug-eyed 22. ____-been 59. Tear down
DOWN 24. Mendicity 60. Track competition 1. Steffi of tennis 25. *Thanksgiving Day 61. Cabbage in France 2. Tibetan teacher football hosts 62. Displeasure on one’s 3. Beware of these, in 26. Galactic path face spring 27. One in a gaggle 63. Gaelic tongue 4. Window treatments 29. *Utensil absent at 64. Draft choice 5. Bay Area serial killer Pilgrim’s table 66. Repeated Cuban dance never captured 31. Colonel or captain step 6. French Bulldog plus 32. Steer clear Pug 33. “When pigs fly!” © Statepoint Media7. Alliance of former 34. *Condiment of the day Answers on 31 » www.tpgonlinedaily.com Aptos Times / November 15th 2020 / 25
When the Sun is in Scorpio (and later in Sagittarius) humanity enters into a time of great testing. We see this occurring in our country today. The Nine Tests describe the Herculean labors (each sign offers us tasks and labors to overcome).
The tests are subtle and given to ascertain whether we are strong enough to proceed forward into further service in the world. As we encounter the tests we either enter into an expanded field of radiant Soul light or remain within the underbelly of Scorpio, darkened emotional personality waters. The latter eventually imprisons and drowns us.
In the Scorpio Labor, Hercules must seek out the nine-headed hydra (a darkness overcoming humanity who lives in dark swamps) and, when discovered, to lift the hydra’s nine arms & heads up into the air (light of day). Only then was the hydra (compilation of untruths, corruption, deceit, etc.), hiding away, able to be transformed. The story signifies recognizing all that is hidden and enslaving us and lifting it up to the Light of the Soul.
Hercules was told by his Teacher, “We rise by kneeling.” The to occur. Share and safeguard all that you value. need listening. Sit down together. Share heart to heart. Soul. •••
knees signify humility. One must be humble enough to, lift our shadow selves up to the Soul and ask for the Soul’s direction.
The Nine Tests focus on the three aspects of the personality (physical, emotional, and lower mental). The Tests … 1. Physical tests: sexuality, physical comfort over service to others; and right use of money. 2. Emotional tests: fear (inhibiting activities); hate and deception (which destroys relationships); excessive and obsessive ambition and desire for power, (which can destroy entire nations. Hitler was an example). 3. Mental (lower mind) tests: pride (creates a barrier to the Soul); belief in separateness and isolation (creates barriers to Right Human Relations); and cruelty (outcome of inappropriate use of power). These Tests are for our own personal spiritual practice. They are not for the purpose of judging self or others. Observation, discrimination, non-criticism and compassion are the outcome. We are all traveling a path together. We are all being tested. Understanding this, we begin to help each other, struggling as we are
How to more fully secure finances and resources You may be concerned about money—lack or loss of How you observe and tend to the Nine Tests will held in common and also stabilize rela- it or not receiving your share in a family determine what your next opportutionships? These questions you ponder legacy or will. You may be concerned nities will be. So, tend carefully to the next several months. Interesting with having resources to purchase the tests. They will appear even in answers appear. Maintain necessary something for the home. Sometimes dreams, at odd times day or night, boundaries and confidentiality yet be very truthful you hide away at home enfolded in shadows. If there is when you’re about to fall asleep and in between with those you trust. Pay bills, organize and safe- persistent grief, take Ignatia Amara (homeopath). Death thoughts, ideas and words on a page. Information guard important papers, tend to long forgotten needs could be on your mind. Death is the great adventure, a is available through this experience. Keep your (and deeds), and allow no alienation or separations liberation. You’re extra sensitive. eyes wide open.
TAURUS A quiet frame of mind may be what you’re expe- Dear Capricorn, always moving upward and onward. Important tasks, set aside for months, now need tending riencing. There are many planets in The tests, none of which deter you, will and completing. These include cleaning, Capricorn and several in Scorpio influ- occur at home, with family, shifting your clearing, home repair, order and orga- encing thinking and communication. foundation. The tests, subtle and behind nization, gathering supplies, preserving, Careful that you don’t allow a critical the scenes, will transform and reorient maintaining day to day living needs, com- nature or separative judgments to take hold. Have the how you nurture yourself. The Nine Tests will ask mitments and something possibly concerning marriage. intention to pass the Nine Tests with loving care. Then what nourishes you and the family most? What new Deep emotions come with great tests, appearing in assist others in their tests. Hold a light up for them foundations do you want to build? What and whom partnerships and interactions. Relationships need deep in their darkness. Lighting their way. The Light of the do you love?
GEMINI LIBRA Your home and work life are in states of change. If During Scorpio each year, the nine tests appear. Review all monetary situations—loans, bills, and you are a writer, photographer, or artist They reveal themselves in daily life tithes in order to carefully assess notice the nine tests appearing in your events, such as tending to self, health, finances in the next three months. life. Attempt to portray them through animals and really, all interactions. You This is a good exercise. You’ll find the medium of your art. Wherever you will be asked to help and assist others, life is generous. In turn, you are to are, make it feel like home. Host a party. Use your fulfill more tasks, set high standards, volunteer, be generous, too. Give (tithe) to those in need. creativity to write about, describe, and film everything floss more carefully, act as if you are beloved, be Do this scientifically, a bit each month. Should about home. This allows you to look homeward again respectful, and communicate as if the maintenance financial differences occur, listen carefully, explain (angel). of the world depends upon it. You can do all of these yourself and stand your ground by sharing. Then with poise and humor, Venus by your side. share more. PISCES The world is listening to you as a teacher. Make sure CANCER SCORPIO all that you say and write contains the You might feel restricted, lost, alone and far away The tests for Scorpio center on self-identity. You will beloved. Everything is the beloved. from others, especially family and close observe your many selves through the Write and speak as if you hold the world friends. You may be stretched in four lens of who you used to be, who you in your hands and any movement your directions, while experiencing financial thought and presently think you are, words shift humanity into states of Knowledge, intelfears and dreams intruding upon and who you really are, now and in the ligence, love and Goodwill. What am I saying? That reality. “What’s real?” you always ask. This question future. This is complex but it’s not confusing. It’s every action made, like the effects of a butterfly, is all about the tests. You remember to step back clarifying, especially since the tests are focused in changes humanity and all the kingdoms. Therefore, and observe, to nurture yourself, and to dream more your daily life. Watch your communication. Always we are to act (write, speak, listen) as if....and always about what you really and truly desire. practice Ahimsa (doing no harm). with kindness. towards the new era, the “promised land, together. n Risa D’Angeles • www.nightlightnews.org • risagoodwill@gmail.com
What steps are being taken to keep racist, misogynistic, transphobic and overall harmful teachers accountable? How can community be made aware they are being heard without violating HR laws. What are the consequences for such poor behavior? I have seen it in multiple teachers and when students speak up, nothing is done.
The District has a strong commitment to equity and inclusion in education and zero tolerance for this type of behavior. We have board policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment and bullying based on any protected trait, such as race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.
Our policies prohibit any employee from acting in a manner that is racist, misogynistic or transphobic while performing their duties for the District. If anyone is aware of the violation of these policies while performing their duties for the District, I encourage them to file a complaint with the District, using our UCP process. pps-pajaroca.schoolloop.com/ucp
We investigate all uniform complaints against employees. The consequences will be based on the outcome of the investigation and the severity of the policy violation.
Can you put back Google Hangouts, please? I have awesome memories on it.
In order to abide by the Child Internet Protection Act, and student data privacy laws, school districts cannot provide accounts in communication systems to be used for non-academic purposes.
PVUSD must do everything possible to make sure that students are using district provided resources appropriately (for academic purposes) and in a safe manner.
Currently Google does not provide a way for district and school administration to monitor Google Chat in order to ensure that it is being used appropriately by students.
PVUSD is in the process of evaluating other instant communication systems such a Remind App that may be implemented for academic purposes with the needed oversight built in.
My child is depressed with all of this that is going on and only wants to cry. He says he feels depressed and I cannot explain how he feels makes me worried. Do you have some resources to help students who are suffering the same as my child?
Yes. We have several supports in place for students including our own social emotional counselors (contact your site administrator to connect with a counselor) and our community partner, PVPSA.
Links to all of the community resources can be found at the following webpage: www.pvusd.net/p/resources. Please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance for your child or to recommend that others do. n
“Tourists” from page 25
Perhaps you offer special offers to those who stay at a certain hotel. Maybe you partner with the hotel to promote their location on your website and/or in your store, in exchange for them to hand out a flyer to your location, or place one in each room as a “may we suggest for our special guests, our favorite local merchants.” And always be sure to include full contact information — email, website, phone number, your physical address.
The point is, if you don’t ask, you won’t know. If you don’t have an easy tracking or info collecting system in place, you won’t know. If you’ve not trained your staff to ask this kind of question, you won’t know how you may be missing out on this season’s tourist opportunities to increase your sales.
Where They’re Connected: Socially
Is your business actively engaging with loyal or potential customers on Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook? If not, you’re likely missing out on the conversations and sharing that happens between people who find a great local store and want to share that with their friends — on Facebook or other social mobile platforms.
If you and your staff observe a person looking at your items, taking pictures, and/or looking like they’re sharing something on their phone — that’s a great opportunity to ask what site they’re loving, and also to offer to take a picture of them next to what they may have photographed, so they can share themselves pictured with your items in your location!
This helps generate the buzz you want to be relevant to tourists, who are sharing their newfound discoveries with their friends in their network, but also likely on tourist-friendly sites like TripAvisor.
But did you know about the other popular social travel sites like Trippy? Everplaces? Gogobot or Tripit? If not, it’s time for you and your staff to brush up on your own social travel connectedness to have something in common with your tourist customers, and also a way to
Trippy.com is just one of many online travel options. understand how tourists can promote your business to others who are looking for the “inside scoop” on local travel gems.
Directing Foot Traffic To Enter
Finally, don’t underestimate the value of being able to entice the senses of customers to walk into your location. There are some tried-and-true means depending on the type of business you own.
If you’re a bakery, directing the buttery-smell of hot pastries outside is a great way to attract customers. Coffee shops can also direct the aromas of their brews outside in order to intrigue a passerby’s sense of smell — which is one of our most powerful senses.
If you’re a clothing store that also sells perfumes or colognes, perhaps a fine-misting every 10 minutes outside your location will intrigue those to enter. And on blistering-sunny-hot days, consider outdoor water misters that help refresh those walking by — so that they’re instantly thankful for their refreshing experience, and turn to find out more of what you’re offering inside …
With so many new customers coming to enjoy family and friends this holiday season, be sure you’re able to get tourists to visit and buy from your business so they’ll happily be sharing, talking about (and coming back to you) for years to come! n •••
Ron Kustek is a former senior executive at The Coca-Cola Co. and small business owner who is currently a business instructor at Cabrillo College. Contact him at kokustek@ cabrillo.edu.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Have a virtual or live event you want to promote?
PAJARO VALLEY CHAMBER UNVEILS HOLIDAY SHOPPING CONTEST Send your information to info@cyber-times.com by Nov. 20 The Pajaro Valley Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture invites the community to support local busi- give to this project as every bit helps and don’t miss our This 45-minute experience, designed to inspire nesses this holiday season with a contest full of fabulous Boardwalk drive-in theater show the evenings of Dec. and enlighten, will showcase the compassionate and prizes provided by local businesses. 18-20. innovative care at Dominican Hospital in this year of the
One entry per purchase — so the more you shop and Showtimes will be 5:30 p.m. and again at 7:30 p.m. on COVID-19 pandemic and the CZU Lightning Complex dine at local participating businesses, the more chances Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Fire. you have to win. Enter at participating businesses or drop Tickets are $45 per car at www.agapedance.com Light of Hope 2020 Fund-the-Need supports a new off your proof of purchase/receipt with your name and Melanie Useldinger, the founder of Agape Dance Academy, is medically-integrated Wellness Center with physicianphone number to the Chamber office before Jan. 4, 2021. organizing this fundraiser to benefit Agape Dance Foundation Inc. guided program oversight, care coordination, resources A list of participating businesses is on the Chamber’s Facebook for prevention and screening and health education. The and Instagram pages and www.pajarovalleychamber.com. DATED EVENTS goal is $315,000. To view Light of Hope, go to https://e.givesmart.com/events/ NUTCRACKER DANCERS NEED YOU Tuesday November 17 iLn/ where donations can be made online. Or send a check to We’re looking for a miracle this Christmas, for a beautiful work of art: a movie version of the beloved Nutcracker Ballet 2020. We hope to lift the human hearts of audiences, participants, dancers, community members and creators with this very special Nutcracker movie that will create beautiful memories of triumphant times in the challenging year of 2020. Please help us reach our goal of funds that will be the source of a truly high quality movie that shows off the incredible talent that has been celebrated year after year of our live Nutcracker performances! The goal is $10,000. Please consider any amount that you are able to WETSTEIN TO SPEAK TO CHAMBER Noon-1 p.m., Aptos Chamber of Commerce Virtual Meeting The Aptos Chamber of Commerce plans a virtual lunch meeting with Dr. Matt Wetstein, president of Cabrillo College, speaking. Minimum donation is: $10, Chamber members, $15 general, and free for Premier and Grand Champion members. Call 831-688-1467 to register and get the Zoom link. Friday November 20 LIGHT OF HOPE FOR DOMINICAN WELLNESS CENTER 5:45 p.m., Dominican Hospital Foundation Virtual Event. Dominican Hospital Foundation, 1555 Soquel Drive, Santa Cruz, CA 95065. Saturday November 21 AG HISTORY HARVEST ‘DRIVE-THRU’ DINNER 3-6 p.m., Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, 2601 East Lake Ave., Watsonville The Agricultural History Project is hosting the Annual Harvest Dinner: Horsing Around with History, which will include a drive-thru dinner pick-up. The meal is prepared by Monterey Bay Caterers. With the purchase of four Rodney Terra Jr. and Jared Bogaard of the Dominican tickets, a bottle of red or white wine Hospital Foundation invite the community to “Light of from Martin Ranch Winery is included. Hope,” in lieu of the annual Holidays d’Eleganz gala. A drawing with $4,000 in cash and prizes will be raffled.
Tickets are $50 each. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit www. aghistoryproject.org/harvestdinner or call (831) 724-5898. DECK THE HALLS FOR HABITAT 5 p.m., Kuumbwa Jazz Center Virtual Event Habitat Monterey Bay presents Deck the Halls for Habitat, a virtual event and silent auction.
The online silent auction, open for bidding since Nov. 14, features artwork, wine lots, leisure opportunities and holiday gifts. Proceeds go to initial construction on the first two homes in the new 11-unit development, Rodeo Creek Court, in Live Oak. Register free at https://www.habitatmontereybay.com/events
Friday November 27 Thru Sunday December 27
HOLIDAY LIGHTS DRIVE-THRU ADVENTURE Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, 5:30-9:30 p.m., Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, 2601 E. Lake Ave., Watsonville The Agricultural History Project and the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds Foundation will present the first Holiday Lights Adventure, a drive-through event.
From the warmth and safety of their vehicles, visitors will drive a half mile and see giant Christmas trees twinkling with lights, snowmen, Santa, reindeer, lighted tunnels and more holiday magic.
At the end, drive-through booths will sell food to take home.
Tickets at fairgrounds-foundation.org are $15 per vehicle in advance, $20 at the gate. For sponsor information, call the Fairgrounds Foundation, 831-786-9698. The event will be closed Christmas Day.