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Six Reasons Why Now’s The Time To Start A New Business!, By Ron Kustek
FEATURED COLUMNIST Six Reasons Why Now’s The Time To Start A New Business!
By Ron Kustek
If you’ve ever thought about starting your own business, now is likely the BEST time to be taking that leap forward as an entrepreneur!
Though it may seem counter-intuitive, history will show you that after the 2001 recession, and especially after the 20082009 recession, that new businesses began to increase (Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics). Given the short 2020 recession caused by the pandemic and tremendous loss of jobs, we are likely poised for another resurgence in the creation of new businesses.
There are a number of key reasons for this new small business growth potential, and some of these reasons didn’t exist in combination with each other after past recessions. These are the “Top 6 Reasons” why now may be the best time to start your new business:
1) Support of Local Businesses Post-pan-
demic. Across the nation and especially in Santa Cruz County, a strong community exists to support independent business owners. Everyone is aware that the past 18 months have been especially difficult for small business owners, and many want to support their local business instead of Amazon or large chains which likely had better financial resources to weather the storm. 2) More Affordable Rents. Sadly, many businesses closed during the pandemic
and many landlords have lost tenants and their rental incomes. Though many landlords are also often small business owners, over-supply & demand has been bringing rents lower. Since an empty storefront produces no revenue, smart landlords are finding it’s better having a bit less monthly rent coming in vs. no rent at all. 3) Low Interest Rates. Interest rates have been at an all-time low, and will likely remain low through the end of 2021.
As we’re now seeing the Delta variant wreak momentary havoc on the recovery, continued low interest rates makes it more attractive to take out a small business loan or a line of credit.
This will help your cash flow now and in the future, as well as save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars on your loan repayment! 4) Available Employees. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the
Santa Cruz-Watsonville community has a 6.7% unemployment rate (May 2021) which is down significantly from the January 2021 rate of 8.7%.
But those who are weighing the challenges of returning to work are also looking for fair wages. Businesses are competing for workers, both skilled and unskilled, and the one thing both have in common is earning a living and being properly compensated for
their time, efforts and risks they’re taking by returning to working with the public and fellow workers.
5) New Opportunities For New Ideas.
Think of the new ideas which have been created in the last 18 months, many as a result of the unprecedented global pandemic. As we’ve all had the time to do more online shopping and become better aware of all the changes and developments over the last 18 months, the next 18 months should also provide the same fertile ground for your new idea!
“New Business” page 26
Back to School
1. *____ mater 5. *Graduate degree, acr. 8. Opposite of stereo 12. Defense ditch 13. Fishing rod attachment 14. More sure 15. One’s final notice 16. Dutch cheese 17. Golfer’s traction aid 18. *Half-year terms 20. At the summit of 21. Water nymph 22. Actor ____
Mahershala 23. Be a busybody 26. Metrical foot in poetry 30. Earlier in time, archaic 31. Become bony 34. Shakespeare’s tragic monarch 35. Labanotation founder 37. Theodor Geisel, ____
Dr. Seuss 38. Threshold 39. Relating to the ear 40. Weather advisories, e.g. 42. + or - atom 43. Widely esteemed 45. Most mature, as in fruit 47. Indian dish 48. Dashboard window 50. Female sheep, pl. 52. *”The Breakfast Club” punishment 56. Flower holders 57. Singles 58. High school breakout 59. Acoustic output 60. Overwhelming defeat 61. *Gym class test? 62. Catchall abbr. 63. *Geography class staple 64. Not talker?
1. ____ of cookie fame 2. Stud site 3. Cripple 4. *Go to class 5. Mythological princess of Colchis 6. TV cooking show pioneer James ____ 7. Contributions to the poor 8. *Kind of choice 9. Black and white treat 10. Less than average tide 11. Table scrap 13. Laces again 14. Milan’s La ____ 19. Manicurist’s office 22. Is it ____ wonder? 23. Hard on outside, juicy on inside 24. One of the Muses 25. Payment option 26. From a great distance 27. Chill-inducing 28. Type of palm tree, pl. 29. Council of _____, city in Italy 32. *Back-to-School retail event 33. WWII general who became President 36. *Faculty member 38. “Peace” with fingers 40. TV classic “____ in the Family” 41. Superlative of true 44. Lowest male singing voice 46. Small bomb 48. Christopher
Columbus’ birthplace 49. Consumed (2 words) 50. Small ladies’ handbag 51. What one does at the altar 52. *College freshman’s new digs 53. International Civil
Aviation Organization 54. Half as much as twice 55. ____-do-well 56. Every American’s uncle?
We still have time, ‘til Wednesday, August 18th, to see the last of the spectacular Perseid meteor showers. Look for Venus, too, a golden light in the night sky along with bright Jupiter (beginning August 20th), both visible through December 31st. The sky is brilliant these summer nights, alive with stars, their different colors and hues intriguing.
We have the second full moon under Leo this Sunday, making August, a busy month with Sirius rising at dawn and calling humanity to freedom.
Uranus in Taurus retrogrades this week (Thursday, August 19th), joining retrograde Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. Uranus guides humanity into the new Aquarian era of freedom and community, under the new Laws & Principles. Uranus retrograde kindles in humanity an inner revolution, new inventiveness in the cause for freedom and liberty.
Uranus is a liberating energy and when retrograde, can build until it explodes! Careful everyone! In Taurus, Uranus is potent, practical, with revelations occurring at the speed of light. The need for freedom is re-awakened (think 1960s which our present times reflect). Realizing what confines and hinders us, we begin to radicalize, rebelling against limits to our self-determination and independence. Uranus awakens us from our deep slumber created by the glamour and thralldom of materiality (excessive). Uranus calls us to stand between revelation and revolution and tells us to be strong and courageous in our present struggle and crisis. We can do this, Uranus tells us.
At dawn on Sunday, Aug. 22, the second full moon under Leo occurs, the Sirius Festival. Sirius energy flows through Regulus, the heart of Leo. Sirius calls humanity to safeguard its freedom and maintain its liberty. Sirius is the Star of Freedom.
Sun enters Virgo Sunday afternoon. From creative self-identity (Leo), humanity moves into the sign of purification and daily life service (Virgo). As Virgo’s light unfold, the Virgin begins to gestate (is pregnant with) the Soul of humanity, preparing for Winter Solstice, when the new light is birthed. Everything under Virgo becomes a mystery. Everything becomes sacred, holy and magical. For those with “eyes to see and ears to hear.”
Many things are being revealed to you concerning your gifts, talents and goodness. Revelations about your true self will occur as you go about your daily work. You will notice compassionate intentions, aspirations to serve others with care and dedication. You realize that care of self is important and must come before tending to others. Then you can uplift those in need and your spiritual self is uplifted too. You’re climbing Jacob’s Ladder.
Your mind, which always seeks illumination (its spiritual task) has opened to new thoughts, ideas, terminology, spiritual sciences and the arts. You are becoming a mediator within groups as well as an artist. You continually question the root cause of everything and you’re very aware when people break the rules. You know the study of astrology and the wisdom teachings are our present-day guides. Contact everyone through the stars in the night sky.
Sometimes through your humor you become the star of the show. The presence you project to the world now needs to be that of the teacher. Call upon your opposite sign of Sagittarius (the professor) for assistance. Whereas you could be hidden and silent (well, sometimes), your intelligence and creativity are being called out. You realize it’s good to pursue pleasure, to be gifted, and to be ahead of everyone else. It takes several planets and stars to get us to this place.
Usually you’re attempting to understand yourself in terms of talents, gifts and creativity. Silently you want and need to be recognized and praised. The more praise you receive, the quicker you evolve and grow. In coming times you’ll seek beyond yourself into the heavens, the cosmic mysteries, and even the Diamond Sutras. Realizing much of what we’re attached to is transitory, you will establish yourself in ways quite different than before. You’re developing courage, the heart of the Lion. Look for Regulus.
Does it feel as if your finances and resources are at a standstill? Is some resource important and valuable to you seemingly too far away? What I suggest is an accounting and filing of all your monies in a folder or book. Set it next to your Gratitude Journal. Perhaps you’re already organized in this way. Virgos are so good at organization. The important question is one of values. In what way do you value yourself and others? Value of self brings forth personal, spiritual and financial freedom.
The routines and schedules you thought important, both at work and in relationships, are sometimes the ones you want to walk away from. You know that freedom to choose your own way is most important but for a long time you tried to compromise and accommodate. Now you are able to exhibit the uniqueness of self which was hidden away for so long. Tradition for you has its place only if beauty accompanies it. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, beauty follows you.
New archetypes stream through your mind, creating a new sense of identity. All old patterns are being shaken up, torn down, set aside. Thought forms, beliefs, what you previously depended upon, are dropping away from you, not looking back. Perhaps a bit of tears are shed, sometimes a heavy heart. Then sadness emerges and grief. Then after a time, a sense of happiness and joy appear. A sense of freedom is felt, a new direction is sensed. It’s a journey toward self-awareness. We are all in Noah’s Ark.
The time to come will allow you the recognition you seek. You experience life differently than others. Sometimes your presence and leadership, your creativity and service to the world create controversy and agitation in others. Know that Capricorn is a leadership sign, a sign of structure and rule of law. In our times now these virtues are being rebelled against. When disharmony occurs, the chaos that ensues will summon and brings forth a new harmony. Continue to lead.
Your mind is experiencing original insights, thoughts flashing at the speed of light, and ideas that only Aquarians understand. Your sense of humor has expanded too. With these gifts, you may introduce new ethics, concepts, educational ideas, and information to the world beginning in your personal day to day life. Be aware that it’s risky to do this. Aquarians come from the future, a golden age. Your entire life is a service.
You have the stamina and strength, courage and fortitude to be with people who offer you kindness and care. When these are offered to you in adequate measure, you then offer the same to others. It’s time to recognize your deepest hopes and wishes and to be consciously aware that new values and priorities are forming within you. Later you will be called to demonstrate these new values. The powerful people you meet reflect the power within.
The next stage of your development is emerging. No longer can you be the quiet one. What must you begin to do? Looking at your chart, Uranus (in Taurus, your opposite sign) says the study of the Ageless wisdom teachings explains all the world’s secrets and mysteries. They will deepen your already religious inclinations. In your group of people you become a leader. And so it’s important to communicate real information to those listening. The real information is in the mysteries.
You realize you’re different than most. Although you attempt to walk the straight line of tradition, it simply doesn’t work. Those lines disappear. You’re greatly talented though others may not recognize this. You are unpredictable and curious, having the ability for leadership. (Pluto as Soul ruler). So much change has occurred the past five years, you feel disorganized and deconstructed. Yes, it’s a preparation for the breakdown then the new order to come. “PVUSD Q&A” from page 24
Will the district implement a pass/fail form on its website for parents for high school?
Yes, high school parents have already received email notification last week.
As a result of COVID impact on education and pursuant to Education Code Section 49066.5 (2)(b), the parent, guardian, or education rights holder of a pupil or, for a pupil 18 years of age or older, the pupil who was enrolled in high school and enrolled in a course during the 2020–21 school year may apply to the pupil’s local educational agency to have a letter grade earned for that course, as reflected on the pupil’s transcript, changed to a Pass or No Pass grade.
High school parents may also find the grade change application on the district website at https://drive.google.com/ file/d/1X5e1OSsZWPfUujygoPt5tBkNQX 8LxJUm/view.
Will busses be ready to pick up and drop off my Aptos Junior High student on the first day of school? I have submitted the bus Google survey form already but I’m unclear on when busses start.
Students will be provided transportation beginning on the first day of school. You can find information on specific routes at the following link: https://pps-pajaroca.schoolloop.com/transportation/ busroutes. n
“New Business” from page 25 6) Supportive Business Services. From the many classes business available from
Cabrillo College on starting your own business to the supportive services provided for free by SCORE (Service Corp of Retired Executives) and the SBDC (Small Business Development Center), our community has seasoned and proven professionals to help you get started. I recommend you check out Cabrillo, SCORE and the SBDC instead of watching
YouTube videos or doing a Google search on “How To Start A Business.” Businesses are about people, and there are great people here who are able to help you!
This is not the time to be unsure of yourself, as many have found that out of tough times there are better times ahead. Today may be the best time ever for YOU to start YOUR new business! n •••
Ron Kustek is a former senior marketing executive at The Coca-Cola Co., and entrepreneur who is teaching business at Cabrillo College. The fall semester begin Aug. 23 and he will teach: Starting & Operating a New Small Business, Starting an Ecommerce Business, Business Information Systems and Marketing. Contact him at RoKustek@cabrillo.edu.