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Community Calendar • Arts & Entertainment – Pages 28
by a licensed grief counseling therapist, on the third Thursday of each month. Register at https://www.birchbarkfoundation.org/griefsupport or call 831-471-7255.
Saturdays & Sundays ECOLOGICAL RESERVE TOURS AT ELKHORN SLOUGH Tours start at 10 a.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. Sunday,1700 Elkhorn Road, Watsonville Volunteers lead walks highlighting the natural history of the Elkhorn Slough. Capacity is limited due to physical distancing requirements, and individuals must sign up on a first-come, first-served basis.
Groups of six or more should call ahead at (831) 728-2822 or visit https://www.elkhornslough.org/ group-reservation/ to reserve a tour. For more info, visit http://www.elkhornslough.org/esnerr/tours/ First Sunday Every Month WESTSIDE MARKETPLACE 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., Old Wrigley Building Parking Lot, 2801 Mission Street, Santa Cruz 95060 Come by on Sunday and shop at over 40 unique & wonderful artists, makers & vintage sellers — there’s something for everyone at the Westside Marketplace!
Rain dates are scheduled for the following Sundays.
The Market is free to attend and is 100% local!
All local and state health guidelines will be followed. Please wear your mask, maintain social distance while you shop and stay home if you don’t feel well. Hand sanitizing stations will be available. For more info, go to the event page: www.facebook.com/events/ 170470481551895; Food Trucks A Go Go: www.foodtrucks agogo.com/; or SCM Makers Market: scmmakersmarket.com/ for a list of all of the vendors.
Thursday December 16 thru Sunday December 26
TOY TRAINS ARE BACK Noon-6 p.m., Museum of Art & History, 705 Front St., SC Visit the whimsical world of Toy Trains, hosted by the Museum of Art & History for the 16th year.
Members of the Golden State Toy Train Operators will be on hand Thursdays thru Sundays to share their amazing collection of toy trains. The exhibit will close early at 3 p.m. on Dec. 24, and will be closed Christmas Day.
Masks are required when viewing the train display. There is no charge to view the exhibit. https://www.santacruzmah.org
Friday December 17
LITTLE TRENDS HOSTS SANTA 2:30 to 5 p.m., Little Trends, 1052 S. Green Valley Road, Watsonville Little Trends boutique for babies, toddlers and tweens, owned by sisters-in-law Araceli Gonzalez and Laura Espindola, will host Santa Claus at a ribbon-cutting with the Pajaro Valley Chamber of Commerce.

UC Santa Cruz Adventure Rec presents the 2022 Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour Santa Cruz. Tickets go on sale Dec. 18 in time for gift giving.
Tour dates are: Feb. 25, 26 and 27, at 7 p.m. each night at the Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz.
This event benefits the UC Santa Cruz Wilderness Orientation Willie Williams Scholarship Fund and Adventure Rec student scholarships. Each year, nearly $20,000 of scholarship funds are awarded to UCSC students based on financial need, affording them the chance to share in outdoor adventures.
Each night features a different lineup, Maple, Larch and Spruce. Tickets are $25 for Saturday and $23 for Friday and Sunday. To buy tickets, visit https://recreation.ucsc.edu/adventure/banff
Santa (aka Peter Melton of Aptos) will be available for photos and the ribbon-cutting will be at 4 p.m. Message on Instagram @littletrendsllc
WINTER WONDERLAND 6:30 a.m.-8 p.m., YMCA, 27 Sudden St., Watsonville Central Coast YMCA will host its annual Winter Wonderland at the Watsonville Family YMCA.
The free event for the entire community will feature ornament-making, face painting, gingerbread housemaking, snacks and more. For info, call (831) 757-4633 or go to centralcoastymca.org.
Friday December 17 thru Sunday December 19
AGAPE NUTCRACKER BALLET Times Below, Monte Vista Performing Arts Theater, 2 School Way, Watsonville Agape Dance presents the Nutcracker Ballet live at the Monte Vista Performing Arts Theater.
The sweet Sugar Plum Fairy, frosty Snow Flakes, tasty Ginger Snaps and the dramatic Nutcracker Soldiers all come to life on stage — plus stunning costumes, sets and Tchaikovsky’s vivid music score.
Shows are at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday; 2 p.m. Saturday; and 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Sunday.
The Petite Nutcracker featuring youngsters ages 3-7 and their favorite dances is 10-11 a.m. Saturday. Tickets are $20-$40 at: AgapeDance.com. Info: 831-359-0850.
Saturday December 18 Sunday December 19
NUTCRACKER MAGIC IN APTOS 1 p.m., 4:30 p.m., Cabrillo College Crocker Theater, Lower Perimeter Road, Aptos Santa Cruz City Ballet at International Academy of Dance presents the full-length Nutcracker Ballet at Cabrillo College Crocker Theater. Masks must be worn indoors.
This is the 14th annual Nutcracker for Santa Cruz City Ballet.
This Nutcracker has it all — from the youngest dancing gingerbread cookies to aspiring professional dancers and guest artists, Tchaikovsky’s iconic music, plus gorgeous costumes, dazzling sets, and exquisite dancing.
Tickets are $40-$45 for the general public and $35-$40 for senior citizens, students and children. Purchase tickets at www.NutcrackerSantaCruz.com
NUTCRACKER AT THE CIVIC 1 p.m. / 5 p.m., Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium, 307 Church Street, Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre presents “The Nutcracker” on the stage of the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium, accompanied by a live orchestra, a tradition since 2002.
The production features SCBT company dancers, many of whom are on the cusp of professional careers in dance.
A COVID vaccination card or negative test result within 72 hours of admission — with matching I.D. for everyone age 17 and older — must be shown to enter the Civic.
The protocol applies to all ages.
SCBT recommends viewers be at least 3 years old: The performance is 2 hours long with one 20-minute intermission. Concessions will not be sold. Tickets can be purchased at SantaCruzTickets.com, or call (831) 420-5260, or purchased directly at the Civic Box Office in front of the auditorium, which is open Tuesday-Friday 12-4 p.m.
SANTA AT EL VAQUERO WINERY Times Below, El Vaquero Winery, 2901 Freedom Boulevard, Watsonville Santa (aka Peter Melton of Aptos) will appear at El Vaquero Winery.
He will be on site Saturday, 5-5:30 p.m. and Sunday 2:15-2:45 p.m.
The winery will also be hosting a holiday party Sunday from 2-5 p.m., with music and dance performances. Visit https://www.elvaquerowinery.com/ for more information. For Santa dates, visit www.SantaCruzPartyCompany.com SANTA’S WORKSHOP 11 a.m.-3 p.m., VFW Hall, 1960 Freedom Blvd., Freedom It’s the most wonderful time of the year, so kick off the holiday season at Santa’s Workshop at the VFW Hall.
Visit Santa and his elves, build a toy, make an ornament, play reindeer games, and enjoy elf snacks. Face masks are required for all participants.
Enjoy all the festivities for $5 per child. Adults are free.
Proceeds will support recreation scholarships for Watsonville youth. Santa’s Workshop is hosted by Recreation Advocates, a nonprofit, Watsonville McDonald’s and Home Depot. For information about Santa’s Workshop or to request financial support for youth recreation activities, call 831-722-6012.
Thursday December 23
VETERAN FAMILIES: HEALING AFTER A DEATH 4 p.m., Online broadcast. Wreaths Across America Radio presents the final episode in its 2021 RoundTable series on Veteran Healing, sharing stories of resilience, purpose, and success at www. wreathsacrossamerica.org/radio via the iHeart Radio app.
The RoundTable will focus on emotional support following a death in the military for veterans and their families, risk factors for complicated grief, and how to turn challenges into purpose. Guest panelists include:
Dr. Chantel Dooley, director of Impact Assessment and Research for the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors. She came to TAPS as the surviving fiancé of U.S. Air Force Capt. Alex Stanton. Cindy Tatum, of Tennessee, who became a Gold Star Mother on Dec. 24, 2007. Her son, a veteran of Iraq, U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Daniel Lee Tatum, was killed in an automobile/train collision outside of Camp Pendleton.
Friday December 24
5TH ANNUAL REINDEER RUN 5 K 9 a.m., Junction Park, Boulder Creek The 5th Annual Reindeer Run will take place the day before Christmas, Dec. 24, at Junction Park in Boulder Creek at 9 am for runners, 10 am joggers and 11 am for walkers. Price is $20; includes T-shirt. Register: https://bcrpd2.wufoo. com/forms/renegade-reindeer-run-2022-p1ja0mc0177atq9/
Monday January 3 Tuesday January 4
BASKETBALL JONES CAMP 9 a.m.-3 p.m. (8:45 a.m. drop off), Aptos High School, 100 Mariner Way, Aptos, CA 95003 Youths ages 7-14 can attend the Basketball Jones Winter Camps at Aptos High School.
Students attending should dress in (or bring) layers and wear shoes for outdoor and indoor surfaces, bring their own ball, water bottle, hearty lunch and healthy snacks as the camps do not provide either.
Cost for two-day camps is $100; one-day camps, $50. Sibling, multiple camp and team discounts are available. To register see: https://www.basketballjonescamps.com/
Tuesday January 6
PVUSD BUS TOUR Noon-4 p.m., PVUSD District Office, 294 Green Valley Rd., Watsonville See what’s new on a tour of sites that have seen an upgrade, modernization or new construction, including Aptos Junior High (1:20 p.m.), funded by Measure L. A light lunch and beverages will be provided.
To join the tour, you can ride the bus or meet at the site at the noted time. To ride the bus, email Alicia_jimenez@ pvusd.net by Jan. 4 and meet at the district office at noon. For full details about the tour stops, visit https://tinyurl.com/ y33o3wts n