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Garden Leaders from 11 States Visit PVUSD


Garden Leaders from 11 States Visit PVUSD


When 44 school garden leaders visited Pajaro Valley Unified schools, they learned from the students.

A 3rd grader at Amesti Elementary told of participating in Engineering in the Garden: “We built a prototype for our trellis, we thought it would be strong, but when we tried it in the big garden, the rain knocked it down. Then, we had to use teamwork to change our design to make it stronger.”

A 2nd grader at Starlight Elementary said: “I love nature. And nature loves me!”

On Dec. 6, Starlight Elementary, home to the new Emeril’s Culinary Garden and Teaching Kitchen, founded by PVUSD, foundations, agencies, businesses and donors across the community, hosted lunch for teams from 22 organizations and agencies from 11 states attending Life Lab’s School Garden Support Organization Leadership Institute.

Visitors also saw garden classrooms at MacQuiddy Elementary.

The day culminated with a panel discussion that included PVUSD Superintendent of Schools Dr. Michelle Rodriguez, Starlight Principal Jaclynne Medina, District Impact and Resource Development Officer Andrea Carlos Willy, PVUSD Afterschool Program and Food Services Liaison Patrick Littleton, and Life Lab Partner Schools Program Leader Aisling Mitchell.

The 4.5-day institute is designed to share best practices at school garden programs to support learning.

Teamwork and the love for the environment are key lessons.

“Our partnership with LifeLab allows us to offer garden-classrooms as a meaningful and exciting way for students to engage in their education,” Rodriguez said. “We at PVUSD know that students deserve the best learning spaces where they can uncover their passions, interests and talents.”

Garden classrooms align with the school district’s commitment to the Whole Child, Whole Family, Whole Community.

Life Lab Co-Executive Directors Don Burgett and Judit Camacho and Life Lab’s Board President Katy Stonebloom agree, “Together we are proving the potential of garden classrooms as core school assets and growing … programs that nurture empowered young learners and scientists.”

Mitchell added, “Our goal is for every child in PVUSD to have the self-empowerment to exclaim, ‘I am a scientist!’ and ‘I am a chef!’ and that each of these students have the self-confidence to know they, themselves, can use these skills to positively impact our community.” n

Garden leaders enjoy PVUSD school gardens • Photos Provided By Aisling Mitchell

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