13 minute read



A County Like Me Community Meetings


The County of Santa Cruz has more than 40 commissions and committees that advise the Board of Supervisors and help set policy in land use, housing, race, gender, public safety, the environment, health care, historic resources and many other issues.

A study shows critical under-representation among South County residents, renters, Hispanic/ Latino residents, those with disabilities and young adults.

With Santa Cruz Community Ventures, the County is looking to address this via “A Santa Cruz County Like Me,” which seeks to make underrepresented communities aware of public service opportunities and help shape the future of Santa Cruz County. As part of this process, the County is hosting a series of public meetings.

Meetings will include Spanish translation, and in-person meetings will include light refreshments and gift cards for participants. Childcare will be available at Watsonville locations.

June 14, 6 p.m. Capitola Branch Library, 2005 Wharf Road, Capitola

June 16, 6 p.m. Watsonville Center for the Arts, 375 Main St., Watsonville

June 21, 6 p.m. Virtual https://tinyurl.com/ASCCLM

June 22, 6 p.m. Sheriff’s Community Service Center, 790 Green Valley Road, Watsonville

Call To Artists

An artist will be selected to create a site-specific public art component for the new Children’s Crisis Stabilization Center in Santa Cruz County.

The budget for the project is $91,000. The deadline to submit a proposal is July 14.

The center will be located at 5300 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz, next to the Sheriff’s Public Safety Center, in an existing 30,220-square-foot commercial building to be redesigned and renovated to create a Children’s Crisis Stabilization Unit and the county’s first short-term residential therapeutic program.

Currently, there are no inpatient programs for youth who live in Santa Cruz County

The facility, when completed, will be operated by the Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency.

Youth experiencing an acute emotional and psychiatric crisis will get help in their own county.

A “Call to Artists” includes detailed information about the RFP process, maps of potential public art locations, and a sample contract are available on the County Parks website: https:// www.scparks.com/Home/AboutUs/WorkWithUs/CalltoArtists. aspx

Leadership Santa Cruz County

Leadership Santa Cruz County is accepting applications for its 2023/2024 program. This will mark the organization’s 37th year with more than 1,600 alumni.

This is a great opportunity to learn about the many facets of our county’s cultures and institutions.

Participants are introduced to an array of community and civic experiences, with topics such as housing, education, criminal justice, healthcare, agriculture, tourism, and the arts.

Class members have the opportunity to meet many decision-makers in business, government, and nonprofits.

The program runs from September 2023 through June 2024 with an orientation in August 2023.

To learn more and apply, see https://www.leadershipsantacruzcounty.org/


The City of Santa Cruz is introducing a new electric shuttle service for summer 2023.

The Santa Cruzer Beach & Downtown Shuttle will operate weekends and holidays between Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day including 4th of July from noon to 8 p.m., taking riders from downtown Santa Cruz to the beach area for $1 per ride.

Free ride coupons are available from sponsors Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and Humble Sea Brewery.

Pickup spots are:

• Del Mar Theatre, 1124 Pacific Ave #4415

• Locust Street Garage, 124 Locust St

The new bus was unveiled May 22 at the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Exploration Center, 35 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz, which is the beach drop-off point.

The shuttle is partly funded by an AB2766 grant to reduce vehicle emissions from the Monterey Bay Air Quality Control District.

La Selva Beach Library Activities

First Friday, 10:30 a.m.–12 p.m.: Movie Discussion Group

Fridays, 2–4 p.m.: Family Crafts — for kids 6-11

Third Fridays, 5-7 p.m.: Movie Night — for ages 17 and up. June 16: “She Said” with Carey Mulligan and Zoe Kazan

First and Third Saturdays, 2-4 p.m.: Family Movies — June 17: “Finding Nemo” Call 831-4277710 for future movie selections.

Thursdays through July 27, 2-4 p.m.: Lego Machines & WeDo Software — Kids 8-18. Drop-in, no advance registration

Saturday July 8, 2-4 p.m.: Origami Extravaganza

Thursday July 20, 1-2 p.m.: Python Ron’s Reptile Kingdom


Closed June 16 for Juneteenth holiday

Tuesdays: Anti-racism Book Circle, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Reading How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi. June 20, 27; July 11 and 18. Register at https:// santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/10808366

Third Sundays, 2 to 4 p.m.: Hugo award winning movies. June 18: Incredible Shrinking Man, 1957.

July 16: Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (Rated PG)

Aug. 20: Princess Bride (Rated PG)

Sept 17: Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse (Rated PG)

Saturday June 17, 1-2 p.m.: Homebuyers Right Sizing or Aging in Place — Advice from a real estate agent and mortgage broker.

Tuesday June 20, 3:30-4:30 p.m.: Youth Chess — One-hour session includes 15 minutes of instruction by chess master Dana Mackenzie. For ages 6-18. Beginners should learn how the pieces move before session. Chess tournament scheduled for Saturday, July 1, Noon-5 p.m. Register at https://santacruzpl.libcal. com/event/10768938

Thursday June 22, 2-3 p.m.: Tom Noddy’s Bubble Magic

Saturday June 24, 1-2 p.m.: Help your Kids Buy a Home — Rob McCarty of 101 Loan.

Monday June 26, 2-3 p.m.: Fratello Marionettes — Jack and the Bean Stalk

Sunday July 2, 2-4 p.m.: Advisory Council of Teens (ACT) — SCPL young adult advisory group, For ages 12-18.


The Santa Cruz County Parks Department is working with partners, stakeholders, and community members on a 5-year update to its 10-year strategic plan.

A comprehensive bilingual survey has been drafted to gather feedback, which will help county staff better understand the wants and needs of the Santa Cruz County community and finalize this update to the Parks Strategic Plan.

Those who complete the survey and provide an email address will be eligible for free swim passes to the Simpkins Family Swim Center. The survey is at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DM2DGZC

Red Cross Blood Drives

The American Red Cross asks people to book a time to give blood now to address a recent drop in donation appointments that could lead to fewer transfusions for patients in the weeks ahead. Type O blood donors are especially needed.

Ben Lomond

Friday June 16, 11:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 9545 Love Creek Road


Saturday June 17, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. — Mid-County Senior Center, 829 Bay Ave.

Santa Cruz

Tuesday June 27, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 220 Elk St.

Scotts Valley

Thursday June 29, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. — Vista Del Lago

Mobile Home Park, Club House, 444 Whispering Pines Drive


Tuesday June 20, 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. — Community Health Trust of Pajaro Valley, 85 Nielson St.

Friday June 23, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. — Community Health Trust of Pajaro Valley, 85 Nielson St. How to Donate Blood

To make an appointment, download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit RedCrossBlood. org, or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood.

Senior Center Without Limits

Community Bridges offers virtual yoga, art, music, computer classes, tai chi, support groups and more — and these activities are free.

All you need is internet connection and a computer, phone or tablet.

For help, go to communitybridges.org/SCWOL or call Clara at831-458-3481.

Art At The Beach In Capitola

Enjoy an afternoon in Capitola at the Sunday Art at the Beach event this summer at Esplanade Park overlooking the Monterey Bay. Browse quality artwork including painting, photography, sculpture, jewelry, and mixed media from local artists.

The dates for 2023 are: June 25, July 30 and Aug. 13. This family-friendly event presented by the Capitola https://www.cityofcapitola.org/acc/page/sunday-art-beach-3

Arts & Cultural Commission, is free and open to the public.

Meet Office Of Inspector General

The County of Santa Cruz will host two community meetings to introduce the Office of Inspector General staff to the public and answer questions about the new office, designed to promote the transparency and integrity of Sheriff’s Office operations, and ensure professionalism through objective reviews, independent investigations, and evidence-based policy recommendations.

The Office of the Inspector General was approved by the Board of Supervisors on Oct. 18, 2022.

The County appointed OIR Group, founded by Michael Gennaco, to serve as Office of Inspector General.


Thursday, June 22, at 6 p.m. — Online Only: https:// tinyurl.com/SCCOIG

Friday, June 28, at 10:30 a.m. — In person at Santa Cruz County Offices, 701 Ocean St., 5th floor board chambers, or online at https://tinyurl.com/SCCOIG

Recreational Halibut Season Opens

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has announced the opening of the 2023 recreational Pacific halibut fishery, which will remain open every day until Nov. 15 or until the quota is reached, whichever is earlier.

The 2023 Pacific halibut quota for the California subarea is 39,540 pounds — approximately the same as the 2022 quota.

CDFW’s recommended season dates were informed by a scoping process that included an online angler survey conducted earlier this year.

The open dates are not guaranteed days, and the season could be closed early if it is determined that projected catches will exceed the California quota. Anglers can check for updated information on season dates, bag/possession limits and gear restrictions at https://wildlife.ca.gov/News/recreational-pacific-halibutfishery-set-to-open-may-1#gsc.tab=0

Watsonville 2050

The city of Watsonville is seeking public input to update the General Plan for 2050.

A SurveyMonkey survey at https://www.surveymonkey. com/r/VLR7DJS is part of the City’s efforts to shape the future of Watsonville.

The survey asks opinions about community values, challenges, and visions for the future. All questions are optional and will take about 5 to 10 minutes to complete. The survey is open through June.


Santa Cruz County Parks presents free familyfriendly movie nights under the stars this summer and fall.

Art In The Garden

Ongoing through Oct. 31

11 a.m.-5 p.m., Sierra Azul Nursery & Garden, 2660 E. Lake Ave, Watsonville

17th Annual Sculpture

IS Show at Sierra Azul Nursery & Garden Free admission


Family Movie Nights is a series of free outdoor movie events. Movies begin at dusk. Low back chairs, blankets and jackets recommended. No alcohol, please. Come early and bring a picnic to enjoy! The dates:

June 23: Encanto @ Mesa Village Park, 790 Green Valley Rd., Watsonville

July 14: Jurassic Park @ Highlands Park, 8500 Highway 9, Ben Lomond

Aug. 11: Lego Batman Movie @ Anna Jean Cummings Park, 461 Old San Jose Rd., Soquel


1:30 p.m., Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, 2601 E. Lake Ave., Watsonville

Here are the remaining County Fair Board meeting dates in 2023. Each meeting takes place on a Tuesday: June 27, July 25, Aug. 22, Oct. 24, and Dec. 5, all at the fairgrounds.

Meetings also take place on Zoom. For agendas, see santacruzcountyfair.com.

Ongoing Events


10 a.m.-Noon, Capitola Branch Library, 2005 Wharf Road

The Capitola Branch Library will host Bridge Club sessions on Mondays (except holidays).

Everyone is welcomed from beginners to social players. Make new friends and sharpen your mind. Bridge Club is a partnership between Santa Cruz County Parks and Santa Cruz Public Libraries. Register at scparks.com or in-person the day of the event.

Tuesdays through Aug. 29


9:15-10:15 a.m., Anna Jean Cummings Park, 461 Soquel San Jose Rd, Soquel

Santa Cruz County Parks offers a new fitness class for active adults, low-intensity anaerobic conditioning & stretching Tuesdays at Anna Jean Cummings Park. Walk-ins are welcome. Register at scparks.com. Information: 454-7941.

Wednesdays thru Aug. 30


6 p.m., Esplanade Bandstand, Capitola Village

The Capitola Twiight Concerts are hosted on Wednesday evenings during the summer months.

All concerts take place at the Esplanade bandstand. These free events are made possible by sponsors.

June 14 – Jive Machine • June 21 – Dirty Cello •

June 28 – Tsunami • July 5 – The Alex Lucero Band •

July 12 – Ribsy’s Nickels • July 19 – The Joint Chiefs

• July 26 – Pacific Roots • August 2 – Delta Wires •

August 9 – Extra Large • August 16 – Billy Martini Show

• August 23 – Everyday People • August 30 – Digbeats

Learn more about the bands at: www.jivemachine.com • www.dirtycello.com • www.tsunami-rocks.com • www. alexluceroband.com • www.reverbnation.com/ribsysnickel

• www.thejointchiefsband.com • www.pacificrootsmusic. com • www.deltawires.com • www.extra-large.net • www. billymartini70s.com • www.everydaypeopletheband.com

Fridays thru Sept. 29


5 to 8:30ish p.m., 1111 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz

Celebrate the vibrancy of Midtown at the Summer Block Party, happening every Friday! Food – Artists –Live Music – Vendors

The free events will feature the talents of 30+ local bands, local eats, local artists and vendors. Midtown

Santa Cruz Mountains Challenge

Saturday July 29

This year the Santa Cruz County Cycling Club brings a new focus to our Mountain Challenge — combining love of local cycling with the challenge of tackling climate change by donating a portion of the ride’s proceeds to Ecology Action and the Resilient Central Coast campaign.

Registration for routes that range from 36 to 125 miles is $65-90. Registration is free for 24-mile morning or afternoon family low-stress ride.

See https://www.bikereg.com/santa-cruz-mountains-challenge-2023

Fridays starts June 2 and runs through to Sept. 29. Live music brought to you by Off The Lip Radio Show. Bands:

June 16: James Durbin & The Lost Boys w/opener

Coffee Zombie Collective

June 23: Ribsy’s Nickel w/opener Joshua Cremer

June 30: Afrobeats Nite Santa Cruz w/opener Carolyn

Sills Duo

July 7: Ancestree w/opener Hijinx

July 14: The Rayburn Brothers

July 21: Dirty Cello

July 28: Alex Lucero Band w/opener Asher Stern

Aug. 4: The Dylan Rose Band w/opener Maddie & Jackie

Aug. 11: Santa Cruda w/opener Yaya’s Kitchen

Aug. 18: Mak Nova

Aug. 25: Cowboy’s After Dark w/opener Corrina & Rick

Sept. 1: The Joint Chiefs

Sept. 8: Locomotive Breath

Sept. 15: Funkranomicon

Sept. 22: AC Myles

Sept. 29: The Expendables

Details: https://www.eventsantacruz.com/event/midtownfridays-summer-block-party-2023/

Dated Events

Friday June 16


6 – 9 p.m., Bargetto Winery,3535 N. Main St., Soquel

The Capitola Art & Wine Kickoff Party & Auction is a fundraiser in support of the 40th annual Capitola Art & Wine Festival, to be held Sept. 9 & 10 in Capitola Village.

Hosted by the Capitola-Soquel Chamber of Commerce, the kickoff party takes place in the beautiful creekside courtyard at Bargetto Winery.

Dress in festive florals and enjoy authentic and hearty Mexican cuisine while sipping local wines from Festival wineries.

Bid on silent auction items featuring art pieces donated by Festival artists, and gift baskets from local businesses.

All attendees must be 21+ and will receive the official 2023 Capitola Art & Wine Festival glass for wine tasting.

Admission: $50 in advance and $60 at the door (if available — event sold out last year)

Advance registration at https://master. capitolachamber.com/events/details/capitola-art-winekickoff-party-2836

Admission includes: 2023 Capitola Art & Wine Festival Glass; wine tasting from Festival wineries; taco bar catered by Taquizas Gabriel; macarons from Sugar Bakery; music by Ryan Price; silent auction with donations from Festival artists, wineries, and local businesses; unveiling of 2023 Festival poster by artists Nicole Fischer and Amadeo Bachar

Saturday June 17


11 am-1 pm, Franich Park, Menasco Dr, Watsonville County Park Friends are thrilled to add Central California Health Alliance and Salud Para La Gente as sponsors for Wheelin Bball. Thank you for sponsoring this amazing program.

Come join us for some basketball fun! Families and friends are welcome. Registration at https:// www.countyparkfriends.org/equity-programs-parkrxcalendar.html is appreciated, but not required--FREE lunch will be provided at the end. Be sure to come back for our summer wheelchair basketball camp sessions! All wheelchair users are invited to participate (manual chairs are recommended). Beginners encouraged!

Camp Begins June 24 and runs thru July.


10 a.m.–2 p.m., 301 Golf Club Drive, Santa Cruz Common Roots Farm will host the Able Arts Community Market.

There will be art, crafts, farm-to-bottle gifts, created by people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Artists Ken Muramoto and Shane Tarkington will attend. Parking is on the premises.

Information: commonrootsfarm.com


Noon-5 p.m., Laurel Park (behind the London Nelson Center), 301 Center St., Santa Cruz

On June 19th, 1865, Union soldiers led by Major General Gordon Granger landed in Galveston, Texas with the news that the Civil War had ended and Blacks were now free.

Now, 155 years later, people celebrate this remarkable event at Juneteenth celebrations across the country. A long-held tradition among African-Americans, Juneteenth celebrates culture and is a special day for anyone who believes in freedom and equality for all people.

Come June 17 to Laurel Park behind the London Nelson Center, 301 Center St., Santa Cruz for music, poetry, dance, delicious soul food, arts & crafts, basketball skills contest, and the annual sack race! Celebrating 30 years!

This year’s theme is art. There will be an open mic, art gallery and silent auction.

Information: https://www.santacruzjuneteenth.com

Sunday June 18


Begins at Noon

Take part in a community clean-up at Seacliff State Beach. Join fellow nature enthusiasts and Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks and make a positive impact to our environment.

No registration required.

Wednesday June 21


7 to 8 p.m., Online Meeting

Are you a parent of an infant or toddler with delays or disabilities?

Meet other families who are going through a similar experience. Often new parents feel overwhelmed, and we hope this group, which meets via Zoom, can help you build a community of support.

Share what is going through your mind and learn about resources and special needs related topics. For Zoom meeting info or questions contact Crystalrose Cirujano by email at special.connections. sc@gmail.com or by phone at (408) 442-4139

Zoom ID: 88994852857

Passcode: 864130

Saturday June 24

Book Sale For Aptos Library

10 a.m.-3 p.m., Aptos Grange, 2555 Mar Vista Dr. Friends of the Aptos Library will host a book sale at the Aptos Grange.

Have books to donate? Email friendsoftheaptoslibrary@fscpl.org and they will arrange to meet you and get your book donations.

Also, you can bring book donations to the Grange Friday, June 23, the day before the sale, from 1:30-4 p.m.

All books will be $1 to $2.

All funds help support a variety of programs and projects of the Aptos Public Library.

Hosted by the Friends of the Aptos Library; co-sponsored by the Aptos Grange

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