1 minute read
APRICOT BARLEYWINE All Grain Boil Time: 90 min Fermentor volume: 6 gallons 8 gallons in kettle Efficiency: 75% GRAIN BUILD 18 lb Pale 2-Row 5 lb Munich 1 lb Honey Malt 0.50 lb Caramel / Crystal 120L 0.50 lb Caramel / Crystal 60L 0.50 lb Carapils (Dextrine Malt) 1 lb Rice Hulls MASH Mash temperature between 152° F -154° F for 75 minutes (test conversion with iodine) Sparge temperature 170° ABV: 10.5


IBU: 83.53
HOPS 0.5 oz 2.5 oz 3 oz Calypso Calypso Azacca Leaf/Whole Leaf/Whole Leaf/Whole 60 min 30 min 10 min
ORGANIC DRIED APRICOTS 1.5 lb chopped & simmer in water to soften (optional) after softening puree apricots Add to boil last 20 minutes of boil YEAST Wyeast 1272 American Ale II Yeast Optimum temperature: 64-72°F FERMENTATION SCHEDULE: 1–2 week primary; 1-2 weeks secondary 2 weeks bottle conditioning Cheers