5 minute read
Student Research, By Allison Arteaga Soergel Amah Mutsun Has A New Leader: Hitchcock Aims to Protect Sacred

COMMUNITY NEWS Amah Mutsun Has A New Leader
Hitchcock Aims to Protect Sacred Sites, Mentor Youth
The new executive director of the Amah Mutsun Land Trust is Raymond Hitchcock, who came from Wilton Rancheria, where he was tribal chairman and CEO.
Hitchcock is the first Native in this post, succeeding EkOngKar Singh Khalsa.
“He understands firsthand the challenges Native people face every day,” Valentine Lopez, president and chairman of the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band, said of Hitchcock.
Lopez said Hitchcock led Wilton Rancheria through the federal process to put land into Trust for the Tribe after being landless for almost 60 years, enhanced internal tribal capacity, and led the effort to permit, fund, and start construction of Raymond Hitchcock a $600 million gaming facility in Elk Grove and a staff of 27 to lobbying the State Legwhile successfully running a local coun- islature and Congress to award the Tribe 36 tertop business. acres in 2017, its first property since 1958.
“His strength has been his ability He served on the executive board of the to build and maintain effective relation- California Nations Indian Gaming Assoships within his community, and we ciation, was appointed by Gov. Newsom to know he will do this here, while carrying the Tribal Nations Grant Fund, and served out our many programs and projects,” on the California Department of Social Lopez said. Service’s Tribal Advisory Committee on
Amah Mutsun Land Trust, established Indian child welfare issues. in 2014, holds a 96-acre conservation Groundbreaking on the casino and easement near Año Nuevo State Park, 300+room hotel complex with a ballroom, spa a cultural easement at Mid-Peninsula and meeting facilities, was March 9, with the Regional Open Space District’s Mt. project estimated to create 1,600 jobs during Umunhum and works closely with Califor- construction and 1,750 full-time job when it nia’s Department of opens, according to Parks and Recreation The Land Trust is committed to Casino News Daily. at Quiroste Valley, working with university scholars and Hitchcock, who a designated California State Cultural others to better understand Mutsun history, culture, traditions, and ceremonies that were lost starting began his new job April 19, is passionate Preserve. with the brutal removal from their about improving the
The Amah lands by the Spanish. health and wellbeing Mutsun Land Trust of Indian people and also manages native plant gardens at San believes this can be accomplished through Juan Bautista State Park, Castle Rock State hard work, determination, and persistence. Park, UC Santa Cruz Arboretum, and at Pie He said he is “humbled and honored Ranch on the Santa Cruz coast. to be offered this opportunity” to work for
The Land Trust is committed to Amah Mutsun Land Trust and “to create working with university scholars and opportunities for tribal youth to protect others to better understand Mutsun history, and restore the places most sacred to the culture, traditions, and ceremonies that Mutsun people. I will do everything in my were lost starting with the brutal removal power to ensure that these places are profrom their lands by the Spanish. The goal is tected and accessible to the Mutsun Tribe, to rediscover Mutsun history, culture and and other Tribes, while working hard to identity and to share this information with expand and enhance AMLT’s flagship the Tribe and the general public. program, the Native Stewardship Corps,
In Wilton, Hitchcock was the leader which employs Native youth.” and spokesman for the Tribe and dealt He added, “I am also very excited to with everything from expanding tribal mentor our Native youth so they become the resources and managing nine departments next generation of land trust leaders.” n

Pictures From the Past
When Soquel Was Rural: 100 Years Ago
Photo Essay by Carolyn Swift

A young man with his camera case around his neck relaxes on Parrish hill to admire the beauty of rural Soquel Valley, circa 1915.
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