Bike Ride for Health with the Mayor By Yvette Brooks, Mayor, City of Capitola
oin me Saturday, Nov. 6, at 10 am for the Capitola Mayor’s Bike Ride for Health, with Bike Santa Cruz County. Meet at Noble Gulch Park between 9:30 and 9:45. Roll out at 10 am, return by 11:30 am. All are welcomed and encouraged to ride with us on a family-friendly route on mostly neighborhood streets.
12 / November 2021 / Capitola Soquel Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com
Helmets are strongly recommended for adults 18+ and required for youth 17 & under. The event will be cancelled if it rains. Town Hall Speakers Return am pleased to announce the next set of speakers in my Mayor’s Town Hall series. Nov. 9: Santa Cruz County Superintendent of Schools Faris Sabbah, 6-7 pm December: Congressman Jimmy Panetta, date to be announced To stream on Facebook Live, use this link (no Facebook account needed) h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / cityofcapitola To watch via Zoom, use this link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8373683 5797?pwd=V2dmcEZ0OGtsTDlqKzFaN0J FRXV6dz... Or join via Zoom app, meeting ID: 837 3683 5797 For information please visit our website: https://www.cityofcapitola.org/ New Brighton School Traffic uring the morning and afternoon pick-up/drop-off times at New Brighton Middle School, traffic can back up
around the campus, on Monterey Avenue, and into the neighborhoods. The City has had our traffic officers and community service officer observe traffic flow patterns at the school and surrounding area. We have identified the times and durations of the congestion and have developed several ideas to possibly address the intermittent traffic congestion. Our staff plans to meet with school staff next week to explore our ideas and other feasible solutions that would not unreasonably impact the neighborhood and the traffic flow. 41st Avenue Signals ast week the Capitola City Council approved the agreement to install the adaptive signal control system in the Caltrans intersections. Caltrans staff has been working closely with City staff to develop multi-jurisdictional traffic signal coordination along the 41st Avenue corridor in Capitola. Plans are being finalized and we anticipate completion early in 2022. Chief McManus Retirement retirement celebration for Police Chief Terry McManus will be Nov. 10 with an open house noon-3 p.m. at Shadowbrook restaurant and presentations at 1:30 p.m. He’s been the chief since 2016.
“Mayor Brooks” page 14
Mayor Yvette Brooks, appreciating “Outside the Frame,” a temporary art installation in parks across Santa Cruz County.