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SV Candidate Update, By Jondi Gumz
SV Candidate Update
By Jondi Gumz
With eight days to go before the candidate filing deadline for the November election and terms up for three incumbents on the City Council, only Jack Dilles has pulled nominating papers.
Incumbents Randy Johnson, currently serving as mayor, and Donna Lind, who has served as mayor, have not taken out papers yet.
DeAndre James, who lives in SkyPark, pulled papers but has decided not to run, according to Scotts Valley City Clerk Tracy Ferrara.
Scotts Valley does not have term limits for city council members.
In the Scotts Valley school district, terms are up for three incumbents. Two of them, Sue Rains and Michael Shulman, have filed papers to run again; incumbent Kim Schultz has not.
In the Scotts Valley fire district, terms are up for three incumbents. One of them, Russ Patterson, has filed papers to run again; incumbents Joseph Parker and Daron Pisciotta have not.
In the Scotts Valley water district, terms are up for two incumbents. One of them, Chris Perri, has filed to run again; the other, Danny Reber, has not. n •••
The deadline to file to run for office is Aug. 7.
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“Angel” from page 18
Only if you die or if you got a federal or state job, would your name would dropped from the ballot, according to Pellerin.
Pellerin said she asked Angel if she got the most votes, would she accept the judgeship and Angel’s answer was “Absolutely.”
Requirements for six-foot social distancing to slow the spread of the contagious coronavirus COVID-19 are likely to affect other campaigns this year.
Health officials advise against food buffets and selfserve beverages, staples of campaign rallies, because those activities are believed to spread COVID-19.
The Santa Cruz County Democratic Central Committee plans to use the online platform Zoom for its endorsements this election cycle to avoid gathering, another way COVID-19 can spread via respiratory spittle that comes out when people are in extended conversations with one another. n
Dr. Seuss
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