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Community Calendar • Arts & Entertainment – Pages 20
Noon-4 p.m., 13390 West Park Ave., Boulder Creek The $1.14 million remodel of the Boulder Creek Branch Library is almost ready for patrons.
The Santa Cruz Public Libraries, with the Friends of the Santa Cruz Public and the Friends of the Boulder Creek Branch Library, will host the event to showcase the beautifully remodeled library, funded by the voter-approved Measure S in 2016.
Branch manager Phil Boulton gave The Times a sneak preview.
The inside is spacious with wider aisles between bookshelves and new bathrooms for accessibility, a new “laptop bar” and new internet fiber, a new fireplace replacing the wood-burning stove, new carpet, and reading nooks with natural light.
Meeting rooms have glass doors that aim to keep the noise down when multiple activities take place, and teens have a bigger space. The gem may be the “Treehouse,” the children’s area with a photo of redwoods around a window and lime green chairs.
And the parking lot has been resurfaced — no more potholes.
Patrons will still see the masks created by Julie Mackie hanging on the wall in the reading room, as they have since the library opened in 1985. The striking stained glass art by Virginia Fordic remains, as does the portrait of the branch’s first librarian, June Brusa-Brosius.
The design was created by Jayson Architecture of San Francisco, with CRW builders and construction management by Bogard of Santa Cruz.
Completion was projected for January, but supply chain issues delayed windows, doors, carpet, acoustic ceiling and furniture. Also, additional data/IT scope was added by the Library.
Now once everything is in its place, the public is welcome to tour the library, enjoy refreshments and entertainment, and take advantage of services.
Festivities begin with guest speakers Library Director Yolande Wilburn, and Fifth District Supervisor Bruce McPherson.
Local musical favorites Backyard Birds will entertain from 1:30–3:30 p.m. Magician Mike Della Pena will perform in the outdoor amphitheater at 2 p.m., and librarians provide storytimes and crafts at 3 p.m. for children and adults. Refreshments and flowers are being donated by Jenna Sue’s Cafe and the Homeless Garden Project.
“We are delighted to bring library services back to the Boulder Creek community!” says Wilburn.
Voters approved a $67 million bond measure to modernize, upgrade and repair libraries in Santa Cruz, Aptos, Live Oak, Scotts Valley, Boulder Creek, Capitola, Felton and La Selva Beach, replacing failing roofs, outdated bathrooms, electrical systems, supporting growing use by children, seniors and veterans and expanding access to technology.
Library system oversight is in the hands of the joint powers authority board, chaired by Scotts Valley City Manager Mali LaGoe, with Carlos Palacios, county administrative officer, as vice chair, and Capitola City Manager Jamie Goldstein and Santa Cruz City Manager Matt Huffaker as board members.

Saturday May 28
Parade: 10 a.m., Along Highway 9, downtown Felton. Festival: 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Covered Bridge Park, Graham Hill Rd, Felton Are you itching to break out those beach chairs and the BBQs and pay your respects to those who have served? You’re in luck!
The community will gather along Highway 9 in downtown Felton to watch the 32nd annual Felton Remembers Memorial Day parade.
When the parade ends, the festival with live music, art, games, crafters and food begins at Covered Bridge Park.
If you want to be a vendor or as part of the parade, check www.feltonbusinessassociation.org Visit https://www.facebook.com/FeltonParadeAndFestival/ for more info. winners, and there will be entertainment, snacks, treats and an arena full of people who care for Santa Cruz County. Tickets are $25 at https://interland3.donorperfect.net/ weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E162036&id=58
Thursday May 19
7-9:30 p.m., Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz The Top Dog Film Festival is back for the third year at the Rio Theatre.
Meet dogs from all walks of life, from the talented dancing poodles to the award winning New Zealand sheep dogs.
Join the journey to find the perfect guide dog for an outdoorsman in Canada and meet the New York dog walker winning over her pack.
Experience heartfelt stories of overcoming adversity thanks to man’s best friend and look at a program transforming the lives of prison inmates. Tickets are $18; a portion of ticket sales benefits Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter. Visit https://www.riotheatre.com/ events-2/2021/12/5/topdogfilm •••
Makings of a Guide Dog: 30 min. Canada Lawrence Gunther is a conservationist, active outdoors person and professional angler.
Dog’s Got Talent: 25 min. Australia Dancing poodles in Sydney, a sheep dog from New Zealand and trick dog from Canada all have exceptional talents!
Keema and Her Pack: 10 min. USA Abuse, poverty, racism, and homophobia made it difficult for Keema to open her heart—until a chance encounter with a dog she’d feared changed her life.
Patrick and Grace: 5 min. USA Patrick is a young athlete who rescues an abused pit bull named Grace.
Happy Hounds: 10 min. USA Linda Domer facilitates Happy Hounds prison dog program at Roxbury Correctional Institution in Maryland. Ingerlatitseqqiineq / Passing it on: 7 min. Denmark In Sisimiut Greenland, Johanne decides to quit her 9-5 job to spend more time with her sled dogs.
2-4 p.m., Santa Cruz Public Library, 224 Church St., Santa Cruz NextStage Production’s Readers Theater performs six short comedies directed by Sally Bookman of Soquel. In this show, nine actors play 26 parts — without memorizing scripts. Free admission. This is the final of three performances.
6-8 p.m., Holly Cross Church, 210 High St., Santa Cruz Existing facilities for unhoused people do not meet the need. It has been 10 years since the first faith community invited in our unhoused neighbors and the Association of Faith Communities was born. Four years later organizers began SafeSpaces and put the shower trailer on the streets.
The anniversary gala will be at Holy Cross Church. There will be a social hour, dinner, wine, auctions, and testimonials. A single ticket costs $45. To purchase, go to: https://www.afcsantacruz.org/give. html
Thursday May 12
6:30-8 p.m., Online forum WILDR’s forum 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, May 12, in English and Spanish, will focus on encouraging women with diverse perspectives, backgrounds and lived experiences to serve as public leaders.
Topics: What do we mean when we name diversity? Why do we care about diverse representation? What are the benefits? How can we track progress? What challenges do women face in the process of election or appointment? How can we reduce or overcome these challenges? How can communities, groups and individuals supporting diverse women make sure their perspectives are represented? What support can we offer? Register at: https://bit.ly/WILDR51222 WILDR is creating a network to encourage women to run for election, serve on commissions and act in our community to bring diverse voices and perspectives to important decisions. Future forum dates: July 7 and Sept. 8.
Wednesday May 18
3:30-5 p.m., Kaiser Permanente Arena, 140 Front St., Santa The Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County will present its Be the Difference Awards at Kaiser Permanente Arena, recognizing people, groups, and businesses who do the most to transform Santa Cruz County through volunteerism.
It has been 2 1/2 years since this event took place in person and organizers are eager to celebrate. With Covid lingering, the event will be in a larger space. Attendees can socially distance if needed.
With safety the top priority, lunch will not be served. KION will present inspiring videos of the
Friday May 20

9 a.m.-11 a.m., Online Seminar MBEP’s 8th Annual Regional Economic Outlook will feature Christopher Thornberg, Founding Partner of Beacon Economics, LLC.
Widely considered to be one of the nation’s leading economists, Dr. Thornberg is an expert in revenue forecasting, regional economics, economic policy, and labor and real estate markets.
Beacon Economics is a leading independent research and consulting firm dedicated to delivering accurate, insightful, and objectively-based economic analysis to public and private sector clients in California and across the United States. Tickets are $29. Register at https://tinyurl.com/MBEP-REO2022-register n