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Farewell 2022! Welcome New Mayor & Rec Chief: New Interest in Town

Times Publishing Group, Inc.

January 2023 • Vol 26 No. 1


Farewell 2022! Welcome New Mayor & Rec Chief

New Interest in Town Center, Santa Cruz May Sell its Portion

By Donna Lind

As 2022 concludes, I want to express my appreciation for the great work of City Manager Mali LaGoe and Scotts Valley’s exceptional staff.

As mayor this past year, I also want to share my appreciation to the community, which has been very supportive. Wishing you all a healthy New Year!

It was wonderful to begin the holiday season with the Community Tree Lighting Festival, “Light up the Night” at the Scotts Valley Community Center.

Much appreciation to the Exchange Club of Scotts Valley for taking the lead to bring back this wonderful family event. ... continues on page 4





Bee Fruitful Farm Welcomes Brook Knoll Students

In November, the air was electric with enthusiasm and gratitude when the pandemic eased and the Draper family hosted 250+ students from Brook Knoll Elementary ...

Full Story page 8


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Judge Paul Marigonda (1960-2022)

A memorial service to celebrate the life of Paul Mario Marigonda will take place at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 7, at Holy Cross Church in Santa Cruz.

Full Story page 9

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Table of Contents

Cover Farewell 2022! Welcome New Mayor & Rec Chief: New Interest in

Town Center, Santa Cruz May Sell its Portion, By Donna Lind

Community News

5 Our Community Reads: Mary Coin: Concert, Films, Photography, Art

Series Starts Jan. 26 6 Fire Hazard Comment Deadline 8 Bee Fruitful Farm Welcomes Brook Knoll Students 10 Vaccine Boosts Pfizer Revenue, By Jondi Gumz 16 $103 Million for Bike & Walk Trail 17 State Offers Money to Repair Old Fair Barns, By Jondi Gumz 19 New Cabrillo Stage Artistic Director 23 Decarbonizing Requires All-Electric Homes

In Memoriam

9 Judge Paul Marigonda: (1960~2022)

Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce Newsletter • Pages 11-14 11 Now Accepting Nominations for the 2022 Scotts Valley Community

Awards 12 Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce 2023 Executive Board Members 14 Fallen Officer Foundation Ball: February 25 • Cocoanut Grove • 5:30 – 11 p.m.

Business Profile

15 Interior Vision Flooring Design: ‘Think Green’, By Edita McQuary

Monthly Horoscope • Page 18 – The Bird Chirps the Future, By Risa D’Angeles Community Calendar • Arts & Entertainment – Pages 20, 21

Featured Columnists

1 Farewell 2022! Welcome New Mayor & Rec Chief: New Interest in Town

Center, Santa Cruz May Sell its Portion, By Donna Lind 22 A Year in Review: Hwy 9, Tiny Homes on Wheels & Energy, By Bruce

McPherson, Supervisor, Fifth District

SCCAS Featured Pet • Page 23 – Krissi the Kitten!




contributing writers

Donna Lind, Jondi Gumz, Edita McQuary, Risa D’Angeles, Bruce McPherson


Michael Oppenheimer, Ward J. Austin

graphic artists

Michael Oppenheimer, Ward J. Austin


Michael Oppenheimer, Ward J. Austin, Brad King


Michael Oppenheimer, Camisa Composti

production coordinator

Camisa Composti

media consultants

Teri Huckobey, Brooke Valentine

office coordinator


Bill Pooley, Taylor Brougham

Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-monthly publication, the Capitola Soquel Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Summer Festivals Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2023. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551

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“New Year” from page 1

In the past this event had been presented by the Scotts Valley Park Advocates. Even with heavy rains this year, the Community Center was packed with families anxious to see Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive in a Scotts Valley fire engine and take photos.

Scotts Valley police officers were on hand accepting unwrapped toy donations for Valley Churches United. The Kiwanis Club of Scotts Valley, Rotary Club of Scotts Valley and Moose Lodge served hot cider, hot chocolate, coffee, and cookies. Scout Troop 614 volunteered and sold Christmas wreaths. We all enjoyed the local talent of all ages entertaining guests. This special holiday event was made possible by the generosity of several sponsors, supporters, and volunteers!

The Scotts Valley Theater/Performing Arts Center hosted their first ballet for the holidays with the Tiny Dancer Ballet School. These darling little dancers performed the traditional Christmas ballet, The Nutcracker! The Theater also hosted a winter concert for Kirby School including performances by String Methods, Jazz Band, Orchestra, Chamber Choir, Jazz Choir and Chorus.

It’s heartwarming to be able to see the young dancers and musicians be able to perform on stage at the beautiful, professional new Scotts Valley Performing Arts Center!

As we move into 2023, there is much to look forward to, including new interest in the Town Center project. The Town Center committee has been working on an updated appraisal for the portion of the property owned by the City of Santa Cruz, which recently expressed interest in selling.

City staff has been working with Santa Cruz staff on additional drilling and testing of the soil to determine where soil needs to be removed due to contamination that occurred decades ago. As this work is completed, the Town Center committee is considering the need to update the Town Center Specific Plan, originally adopted in 2008.

Photo Credit: Donna Lind

Police officers collect toys for Valley Churches United.

The City of Scotts Valley was blessed to have Ali Robinson step into the position of Scotts Valley Recreation Division Manager. Ali came to us from the City of Santa Cruz, where she worked for Parks and Rec, Water, and Eco-

Ali Robinson nomic Development departments. She grew up in Scotts Valley and knows our city well. She brings great energy and experience and is currently working on rebuilding recreation programs. Ali recently conducted online and interactive surveys to hear community priorities.

Ali has been working with the Parks & Recreation Commission to kick off the Parks Master Plan & Recreation Strategic Plan, which will be developed in 2023. She is working to bring back several popular programs, including the swim program.

The swimming pool maintenance has been completed and pool refilled to be ready for swim activities this summer. City staff is also working on replacing the young children’s play structure at Skypark next year, funded by a Prop. 68 grant.

You may have seen surveyors and other professionals at the Granite Creek overpass. They are working on a large project to improve the Granite Creek overpass, including improving bike and pedestrian lanes. This is very heavily traveled, used by adults and students going to three schools in the area. This project has grant funding through the Regional Transportation Commission.

It’s been great to see community members at City Council meetings in person. The City completed a much-needed major technology upgrade, funded by the 2021 Rescue Act, for Council chambers that allows us to hold hybrid meetings. Community members now have a choice of attending meetings in person or participating online. Live-stream and recordings of meetings are available on the City of Scotts Valley YouTube channel.

When you read this column, newly elected City Council members Derek Timm and Allan Timms will have been sworn in and a new mayor and vice mayor chosen by the council.

It has been an honor to serve as your Mayor for 2022 and I look forward to the great work that will be done in 2023. Wishing you all the best in the New Year! n •••

Contact Donna Lind at dlind@scottsvalley.gov

Cover Photo: The Tiny Dancer Ballet School presents the Nutcracker at the new Scotts Valley Performing Arts Center. • Credit: Donna Lind


Editor’s note: The new mayor is Jack Dilles, who will be writing this column in 2023.

Watch www. scottsvalley.gov for dates of a study session of the City Council to talk about goals for 2023. Jack Dilles

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