2 minute read

No Eggs: Here’s Why

On Jan. 18, the egg case at Trader Joe’s in Santa Cruz was bare, with the reason being a run by worried customers.

The case was full of eggs in the morning, according to store staff, with a new shipment expected.


Reports of bird flu killing a record 57.83 million chickens from Jan. 1, 2022 to Jan. 11, 2023, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, spurred shoppers into action.

Another factor is molting season, eight to 12 weeks when hens lose their old weathers and grow new ones, taking a break from laying eggs. Eggs are back, and the prices are higher, due to higher costs for feed, fuel and labor.

The Glaum Egg Ranch at 3100 Valencia Road, Aptos, has a famous egg vending machine open six days a week and sells certified organic eggs. n

See glaumeggranch.com and Illustrating a Poem (using fabric required).”

Three buildings of quilts, vendors, bargain garden and a chance to win the raffle quilt. Lunch and snacks for purchase. Ample free parking and shuttle.

General admission: $10.

Covid policy of fairgrounds enforced. n

For more information, go to www.pvqa. org and click on the Quilt Show tab.

The Grammys

“Cabrillo Name Change” from page 16

“I’m happy to now be in this ideation phase of the process,” said Adam Spickler, who chairs the Cabrillo College Board of Trustees. “Recognizing that the Board of Trustees has the final authority to select the college’s new name, the role of the Task Force will be to help the Board identify finalists for a name that will inspire a renewed sense of unity and support for our beloved college.”

Names propose via survey will be added to a list of proposed names Cabrillo received in the two-year process leading up to this phase, during which Cabrillo collected more than 300 emails and letters from community members, alumni, students, faculty, and staff.

The November 6-1 vote to rename Cabrillo College set in motion a process to establish a new name for the college by August 2023, and the use of the new name by July 1, 2024.

Cabrillo College donor Richard Crocker, who gave $1 million for the Crocker Theater on campus, shared his views in a letter to the editor: He opposes the name change. n

28. *”Shallow,” 2018 recipient from “A ____ Is Born” movie

30. *Camila Cabello and Ed Sheeran’s nominated song 35. College dwelling 37. Footnote note 39. Shade of violet 40. Huron’s neighbor 41. Head of the abbey 43. Done in a pot 44. City in Bolivia 46. Not manual 47. Mend, healthwise

55. Triple ____ 57. *____.com Arena 60. *”Vegas” and “Woman” nominee (2 words)

64. Unit of electrical energy

65. Hoover’s agency, acr.

67. Discompose

68. Shade of yellow

69. I in T.G.I.F.

70. Small, olive-gray bird

71. “Cheers” regular

72. Inquire

73. Open up DOWN

1. Bath powder

2. Iranian coin

3. ____ Spumante

4. Be needy

5. Gossipy ones

6. Arabian Peninsula country

7. Column’s counterpart

8. Holiday surprise for employee

9. Palo ____, CA

10. Agitate 11. Inwardly

12. *1970 two-time winner “The ____ of Aquarius”

15. Hindu retreat

20. Ancient Rome’s neighbor

22. Nail a criminal 24. Popular newspaper name 25. *”30” performer 26. Pillage

27. Beef ___, dim sum choice

29. *”Don’t Shut Me Down” group 31. Alan Alda’s classic TV show

32. Type of hawk

33. Type of flu

34. Multi-colored dog coat 36. One of three

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