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Scotts Valley Multicultural Fair: May 6
The Scotts Valley Multicultural Fair is a free community celebration aimed at broadening our understanding and appreciation for multiculturalism and diversity. Through various activities and experiences, the goal is to build community connection with the unique cultures and traditions present in Scotts Valley and the surrounding areas.
The Second Annual Multicultural Fair will be Saturday, May 6, from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm at Skypark, 361 Kings Village Road. Expect to find food, music, art and dance — such as Ibou Ngom teaching African drumming, Watsonvile taiko, dancers from Senderos.
There will be booths where people can showcase their culture, local vendors with foods from different cultures and a fashion show to showcase outfits from various cultural traditions.
Christine McQueen will be the lead organizer this year.
Student and adult volunteers made this event a success last year, so organizers decided to make it a tradition.
Sponsors of the inaugural event were: Karl and Lindsey Rice, Mari Rossi, Neil and Amee Sawhney, Derek and Tricia Timm, Carlos and Jane Arcangeli, Caitlin Santero, Nilesh Vora, Glenn and Uyen Wong, Marlene Bennett and the Berndt family. n
For info, see https://www.scottsvalleymcf. com/