2019 Iroquois County Fair Results
Iroquois County Fair Results 2019
August 2019
Photos by Wendy Davis 4-Hers ready their sheep to be sold at the Iroquois County Fair auction July 22.
4-H Auction
Iroquois County Fair has listed its 4-H results. Those earning class awards with blue ribbons are: (name, club, division, class, award) Hope Aaron, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, vegetable gardening, vegetable plate, state fair delegate, champion; Hope Aaron, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, visual arts, chalk/ carbon/pigment division A on canvas, paper or glass, state fair delegate; John Ahlden, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, breeding swine, chester white gilt, reserve champion; Kalyn Alberts, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, clothing and textiles, steam clothing 3-a stitch further sewn clothing, state fair delegate, grand champion, champion; Anna Anderson, Fountain Creek Stitch ‘N Do 4-H Club, visual arts, scrapbooking-advanced, reserve champion, state fair alternate; Dalton Anderson, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, welding, welding, state fair delegate, champion; Dalton Anderson , Donovan Ag 4-H Club, visual arts, clay/clay non-original, superior; Erin Anderson, Fountain Creek Stitch ‘N Do 4-H Club, visual arts, scrapbooking-advanced, state fair delegate, champion; Erin Anderson, Fountain Creek Stitch ‘N Do 4-H Club, clothing and textiles, fashion revue, champion; Lily Anderson, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, market swine, all other breeds barrow, reserve champion; Lily Anderson, Donovan Af 4-H Club, visual arts, clay/ clay non-original, superior; Lily Anderson, Donovan Af 4-H Club, foods and nutrition, 4-H cooking 201/basic nut bread-cooking 201, state fair alternate; Jay Lynn Ash, Crescent City Barnbangers 4-H Club, class breeds, junior buck/Holland Lop, champion, best of breed; Jay Lynn Ash, Crescent City Barnbangers 4-H Club, class breeds, Junior doe/Holland lop, best opposite sex; Rachel Ash, Crescent City Barnbangers 4-H Club, class breeds, intermediate buck/all other commercial, best of breed; Rachel Ash, Crescent City Barnbangers 4-H Club, class breeds, senior doe/all other fancy, best opposite sex; Autumn Behrends, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, breeding swine, Poland China gilt, reserve champion; Autumn Behrends, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, breeding swine, all other breeds gilt, champion; Dallas Behrends, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, market swine, duroc barrow, champion; Dallas Behrends, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, market swine, hampshire barrow, champion; Dallas Behrends, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, tractor, tractor A, state fair delegate, champion; Dallas Behrends, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, breeding swine, landrace gilt, champion; Dallas Behrends, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, swine showmanship, junior showmanship, champion; Danielle Behrends, Milk Grove Challengers 4-H Club, market swine, berkshire barrow, reserve champion; Kandace Behrends, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, market swine, all other breeds barrow, champion; Ellianna Bice, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, weather, weather and climate science 1, state fair delegate, champion; Ellianna Bice, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, floriculture, floriculture B/dried flowers, state fair alternate; Ellianna Bice, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, visual arts, clay/clay original, superior; Lacey Bice, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, intercultural, passport to the world-indiv, reserve champion, state fair alternate; Lacey Bice, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, leadership, leadership 3, reserve champion; Lacey Bice, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, interior design, design decisions-beginning, state fair alternate; Lacey Bice, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, veterinary science, veterinary science, state fair delegate, champion; Lacey Bice, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, photography, photography 3, state fair alternate; Samuel Bice, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, robotics, robotics 2, state fair delegate, champion; Samuel Bice, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, entomology, entomology 3, reserve champion, state fair alternate; Samuel Bice, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, electricity, electricity 2/basic electrical device, champion; Seth Bishop, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, market swine, Poland China barrow, champion; Harmony Boudreau, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, electricity, electricity 3, state fair delegate, champion; Brady Brassard, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, breeding swine,
Poland China gilt, champion; Caiden Brassard, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, visual arts, chalk/carbon/pigment division A on canvas, paper or glass/ a chalk/carbon/pigment original, state fair alternate; Caiden Brassard, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, market swine, hampshire barrow, reserve champion; Caiden Brassard, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, market swine, chester white barrow, champion; Isaac Brown, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, entomology, entomology 3, state fair delegate, champion; Isaac Brown, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, interior design, design decisions-beginning, state fair delegate, reserve champion; Isaac Brown, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, natural resources, outdoor adventures 1-3, state fair alternate; Isaac Brown, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, foods and nutrition, food preservation, state fair alternate; Isaac Brown, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, visual arts, fiber/fiber original, state fair alternate; Kylie Brown, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, visual arts, glass/plastic/glass/plastic original, state fair alternate; Kylie Brown, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, foods and nutrition, food preservation, state fair alternate; Kylie Brown, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, natural resources, sportfishing 1, reserve champion, state fair alternate; Kylie Brown, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, forestry, forests of fun 2, state fair delegate, champion; Kylie Brown, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, vegetable gardening, vegetable plate, state fair delegate; Kylie Brown, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, entomology, entomology 2, state fair delegate; Zoe Butzow, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, communications, creative writing, state fair delegate, champion; Grace Cantway, Chebanse Little Ducks 4-H Club, foods and nutrition, 4-H cooking 101, state fair alternate; Conner Carlson, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, poultry, quail/pair, champion; Conner Carlson, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, visual arts, clay/clay non-original, superior; Drake Carlson, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, visual arts, clay/clay non-original, superior; Addyson Chandler, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H club, woodworking, woodworking 1, state fair alternate; Addyson Chandler, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, market swine, yorkshire barrow, champion; Aubrey Chandler, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, vegetable gardening, vegetable plate, state fair alternate; Samantha Conley, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, photography, photography 2, state fair delegate, champion; Edith Conn, prairie Champions 4-H Club, bicycles, bicycle 1: bicycling for fun, champion; Cyrus Cook, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, market goat, meat-meat goat wether, champion; Cyrus Cook, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, breeding goat, meat-yearling doe (16-20 months), champion; Cyrus Cook, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, breeding goat, dairy-milking doe-3 and 4 years old/all registered and recorded breeds, reserve champion; Lane Cordes, Ashkum Chargers 4-H Club, horse, riding class-barrels-13 years and under, champion; Lane Cordes, Ashkum Chargers 4-H Club, horse, riding classflags-all ages, champion; Caitlin Corzine, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, visual arts, chalk/carbon/pigment division A on canvas, paper or glass; state fair delegate; Emily Crosswell, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, foods and nutrition, 4-H cooking 401, state fair delegate; Celeste Cummings, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, breeding goat, dairy-dry yearling doe/all registered and recorded breeds, champion; Celeste Cummings, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, breeding goat, dairymilking doe-3 and 4 years old/all registered and recorded breeds; Celeste Cummings, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, market goat, dairy-dairy wether/grade, champion; Reagan Davis, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, visual arts, paper/paper original, state fair delegate; Reagan Davis, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, visual arts, fiber/fiber original, state fair delegate; Rachael Dexter, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, visual arts, food decorating-intermediate, champion; Bently Dietrich, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, natural resources, sportsfishing 1, state fair delegate; Kadyn Dietrich, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, natural resources, wildlife 1, state fair alternate; Blake Dixon, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, market swine, duroc barrow, reserve grand champion, champion; Blake Dixon, Watseka Wild clovers 4-H Club, breeding swine,
berkshire gilt, champion; Blake Dixon, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, breeding swine, duroc gilt, reserve grand champion, champion; Blake Dixon, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, breeding swine, crossbred gilt, reserve grand champion, reserve champion; Adaline Eisenmann; Fountain Creek Stitch ‘N Do 4-H Club, beef showmanship, showmanship/junior beef showmanship, champion; Adaline Eisenmann, Fountain Creek Stitch ‘N Do 4-H Club, clothing and textiles, fashion revue, champion; Dayten Eisenmann, Fountain Creek 4-H Producers, beef showmanship, showmanship/senior beef showmanship, champion; Jessalyn Eisenmann, Fountain Creek Stitch ‘N Do 4-H Club, horse showmanship, junior showmanship-13 years and younger, champion; Jessalyn Eisenmann, Fountain Creek Stitch ‘N Do 4-H Club, horse, halter class-trail class-all ages, champion; Jessalyn Eisenmann, Fountain Creek Stitch ‘N Do 4-H Club, horse, riding class-walk trot classall ages, champion; Jessalyn Eisenmann, Fountain Creek Stitch ‘N Do 4-H Club, clothing and textiles, steam clothing 2-simply sewing sewing clothing, state fair alternate; Zane Eldert, Onarga Pride 4-H Club, dogs, showmanship sr., champion; Bailee Fanning, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, swine showmanship, senior showmanship, champion; Evelyn Fatka, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, foods and nutrition, food science 1-4, state fair delegate; Evelyn Fatka, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, computer science, intermediate visual programming, reserve champion, state fair alternate; Aiden Frerichs, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, aerospace, model rocketry, reserve champion, state fair alternate; Alexis Gerdes, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, animal science, animal science, state fair delegate; Alexis Gerdes, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, health, health 2, state fair delegate, champion; Zachary Gerling, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, market sheep, pair of market ewe lambs, reserve champion; Zachary Gerling, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, market sheep, single wether lamb, reserve grand champion; Zachary Gerling, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, sheep showmanship, senior showmanship, champion; Raegan Gooding, Sheldon Square Shooters 4-H Club, market beef, beef premiere, reserve champion; Kamenn Gray, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, natural resources, sportsfishing 2, state fair delegate, champion; Kiley Grice, Loda Helping Hands 4-H Club, 4-class breeds, senior buck/mini rex, best of breed; Maverick Grice, Loda Helping Hands 4-H Club, 6-class breeds, senior doe/ all other commercial, best opposite sex; Audrey Griffin, Gilman Victory 4-H Club, cats, cats, champion; Clayton Gullquist, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, breeding swine, duroc gilt, reserve champion; Clayton Gullquist, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, market swine, crossbred barrow, reserve champion; Katie Hall, Country Kickers 4-H Club, foods and nutrition, 4-H cooking 101, state fair delegate; Adyn Hamrick, Fountain Creek 4-H Producers, weather, weather and climate science 1, reserve champion, state fair alternate; Abbey Hanson, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, independent study, decorative gift wrapping/decorative gift wrap level 2 (ages 10 and older), champion; Kate Hanson, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, floriculture, floriculture D/themed centerpiece, state fair alternate; Nik Hanson, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, electricity, electricity 4, champion; Nik Hanson, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, visual arts, computer-generated art, state fair delegate; Sydney Hanson, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, interior design, design decisions-beginning, state fair alternate; Edward N. Hanson IV, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, breeding sheep, ewe lamb-september 1/commercial, champion; Edward N. Hanson IV Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, market sheep, pair of market ewe lambs, champion; Edward N. Hanson IV, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, market sheep, pair of wether lambs, champion; Edward N. Hanson IV, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, market sheep, single wether lamb, grand champion; Edward N. Hanson IV, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, market sheep, pair of market lambs (1 ewe and 1 wether), grand champion; Sarah Hardison, Claytonville 4-H Club, visual arts, heritage arts,
See 4-H, page 2
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Iroquois County Fair Results 2019
4-H, from page 1 state fair alternate; Sarah Hardison, Claytonville 4-H Club, 4-class breeds, senior doe/mini rex, best opposite sex; Benjamin Harpster, Martinton Dawnbusters 4-H Club, small engines, small engines, state fair delegate, champion; Travis Harpster, Martinton Dawnbusters 4-H Club, aerospace, model rocketry, state fair delegate, champion; Travis Harpster, Martinton Dawnbusters 4-H Club, technologies, UAV display, champion; Eli Hasting, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, tractor, tractor B, state fair delegate, reserve champion; Lydian Heeren, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, visual arts, clay/clay original, superior; Bryce Hensler, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, breeding sheep, ewe lamb-September 1/Oxford, Columbia and AOB, reserve champion; Bryce Hensler, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, market sheep, pair of market lambs (1 ewe and 1 wether), reserve champion; Anna Hickman, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, entomology-beekeeping, beekeeping 2, state fair delegate, champion; Lena Hohulin, Fountain Creek Stitch ‘N Do 4-H Club, communications, creative writing, reserve champion, state fair alternate; Lena Hohulin, Fountain Creek Stitch N’ Do 4-H Club, photography, photography 1, state fair delegate, reserve champion; Lena Hohulin, Fountain Creek Stitch ‘N Do 4-H Club, clothing and textiles, steam clothing 2-simply sewing clothing/constructed garment, state fair alternate; Klaytin Hunsinger, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, Woodworking, woodworking 3, state fair delegate, reserve champion; Klaytin Hunsinger, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, interior design, design decisions-intermediate, state fair alternate; Ashtyn Hurliman, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, breeding swine, hampshire gilt, reserve champion; Ashtyn Hurliman, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, visual arts, food decorating-beginning, state fair delegate; Evan Izquierdo, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, vegetable gardening, vegetable plate, state fair alternate; Tanner Jensen, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, breeding goat, dairy-dry yearling doe/ grade, champion; Taylor Kaeb, Fountain Creek Stitch ‘N Do 4-H Club, clothing and textiles, steam clothing 2-simply sewing sewn clothing/ constructed garment, state fair alternate; Sydney Kestler, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, market swine, spot barrow, champion; Braden Klecan, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, natural resources, sportsfishing 2, state fair delegate; Caleb Klecan, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, natural resources, sportsfishing 3, state fair delegate, champion; Noah Klecan, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, natural resources, sportsfishing 1, state fair delegate, reserve champion; Riley Klump, Crescent City Barnbangers 4-H Club, welding, welding, state fair alternate; Riley Klump, Crescent City Barnbangers 4-H Club, vegetable gardening, vegetable plate, state fair alternate; Riley Klump, Crescent City Barnbangers 4-H Club, robotics, junkdrawer robotics 2, reserve champion; Garrett Koester, Contry Kickers 4-H Club, entomology-beekeeping, beekeeping 1/flowers used to make honey, reserve champion; Gerane Kohl, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, visual arts, clay/clay original, state fair alternate; Kory Kohler, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, breeding swine, berkshire gilt, reserve champion; Elyssa Kollmann, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, visual arts, clay/clay non-original, superior; Klayton Kiolosky, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, crops, corn, state fair delegate, champion; Kasidy Koplinski, Ashkum Chargers 4-H Club, horse, riding class-pole bending-13 years and younger, champion; Abby Kraft, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, dogs, showmanship jr., reserve chammpion; Calli Kraft, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, clothing and textiles, fashion revue, reserve champion; Tara Krumwiede, Claytonville 4-H Club, vegetable gardening, vegetable plate, state fair delegate, reserve champion; Tara Krumwiede, Claytonville 4-H Club, 4-class breeds, senior buck/all other fancy, best of breed; Madisyn Laffoon, Sheldon Square Shooters 4-H Club, foods and nutrition, 4-H cooking 101/ coffeecake-cooking 101, state fair alternate; Paiton Lareau, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, visual arts, clay/clay non-original, superior; Nolan Lee, Fountain Creek 4-H Producers, beef showmanship, showmanship/junior beef showmanship, champion; Waylon Lee, Fountain Creek 4-H Producers, photography, photography 2, state fair delegate; Madelyn Loy, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, visual arts, clay/clay non-original, superior; Hailey Lucht, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, breeding swine, crossbreed gilt, grand champion, champion; Jordin Lucht, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, market swine, yorkshire barrow, reserve champion; Jordin Lucht, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, breeding swine, hampshire gilt, champion; Kirstyn Lucht, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, market swine, crossbred barrow, Grand champion, champion; Haven Maple, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, visual arts, heritage arts, state fair delegate; Haven Maple, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, visual arts, clay/clay non-original, superior; Madysen Marcott, Claytonville 4-H Club, market beef, market heifer-all breeds, reserve grand champion; Taylor Marcum, Cresecent City Barnbangers 4-H Club, market swine, Poland China barrow, reserve champion; Taylor Marcum, Crescent City Barnbangers 4-H Club, visual arts, chalk/carbon/pigment division A on canvas, paper or glass/a chalk/carbon/pigment non-original, superior; Riley Maul, Fountain Creek Stitch ‘N Do 4-H Club, visual arts, chalk/ carbon/pigment division A on canvas, paper or glass/a chalk/carbon/pigment non-original, superior; Jacob McCullough, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, interior design, design decisions-advanced, state fair delegate; Carson McGill, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, aerospace, aerospace display, state fair alternate; Carson McGill, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, computer science, intermediate visual programming, state fair delegate, champion; Carson McGill, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, college and career readiness, build your future, state fair delegate, champion; Olivia McTaggart, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, breeding goat, Pygmymilking doe-3 and 4 years old, champion; Olivia McTaggart, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club,
breeding goat, pygmy-dry yearling doe, champion; Chelsey Medina, Country Kickers 4-H Club, cats, cats, champion; Bailey Meier, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, dogs, dog obedience preferred novice, state fair delegate; Bailey Meier, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, dogs, showmanship sr., reserve champion; Sam Munsterman, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, sheep showmanship, junior showmanship, reserve champion; Sam Munsterman, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, breeding sheep, ewe lamb-September 1/hampshire, reserve grand champion; Sam Munsterman, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, breeding sheep, ram lamb-Jan-
Grove Challengers 4-H Club, 4-class breeds, senior doe/mini lop, best of breed; Reka Ritzma, Gilman Victory 4-H Club poultry, pullet-hatched after January 1 current year/ asiatic breeds, reserve grand champion; Reka Ritzma, Gilman Victory 4-H Club, foods and nutrition, food preservation, state fair delegate; Reka Ritzma, Gilman Victory 4-H Club, breeding goat, pygmy-junior kid-born April 1 or after of current year, reserve champion; Reka Ritzma, Gilman Victory 4-H Club, breeding goat, pygmy-milking doe-2 years old, reserve champion; Ryan Ritzma, Gilman victory 4-H
Madison Price, Martinton Dawnbusters, with fair queen Brianne Miller, gives her dairy basket to Norvin Wagner and Kevin Kleiners, representing the buyers of her champion jersey. uary 1 current year/hampshire, grand champion; Sam Munsterman, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, breeding sheep, par of breeding lambs/ hampshire, champion; Dexter Nordmeyer, Chebanse Little Ducks 4-H Club, breeding swine, chester white gilt, champion; Dexter Nordmeyer, Chebanse Little Ducks 4-H Club, market swine, chester white barrow, reserve champion; Dexter Nordmeyer, Chebanse Little Ducks 4-H Club, swine showmanship, junior showmanship, champion; Cassie Peters, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, leadership, leadership 3, state fair delegate, champion; Cassie Peters, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, clothing and textiles, shoppin in styleadvanced, state fair delegate, champion; Fred Peters, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, visual arts, metal/metal original, state fair alternate; Alivia Porter, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, breeding swine, yorkshire gilt, champion; Alivia Porter, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club breeding sheep, ram lamb-January 1 current year/southdown and cheviot, reserve grand champion; Alivia Porter, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, breeding sheep, pair of breeding lambs/southdown and cheviot, reserve champion; Alivia Porter, Ashkum GoGetters 4-H Club, veterinary science, veterinary science, reserve champion, state fair alternate; Owen Pree, Country Kickers 4-H Club, welding, welding, state fair delegate, reserve champion; Owen Pree, Country Kickers 4-H Club, 6-class breeds, senior buck/californian, best of breed; Owen Pree, Country Kickers 4-H Club, electricity, electricity 1/simple switch, state fair delegate, champion; Owen Pree, Country Kickers 4-H Club, poultry, market chickens-roaster pen (3, same sex), reserve champion; Owen Pree, Country Kickers 4-H Club, poultry, market chickens-broiler fryer pen (3, same sex), reserve champion; Owen Pree, Country Kickers 4-H Club, other rabbits classes, meat pen, champion; Samuel Pree, Country Kickers 4-H Club, other rabbits classes, single fryer, champion; Samuel Pree, Country Kickers 4-H Club, market chickens-roaster pen (3, same sex), champion; Samuel Pree, Country Kickers 4-H Club, poultry, market chickens-broiler fryer pen (3, same sex), champion; Samuel Pree, Country Kickers 4-H Club, poultry, turkey/male, champion; Samuel Pree, Country Kickers 4-H Club, poultry, turkey/female, champion; Samuel Pree, Country Kickers 4-H Club, 6-class breeds, junior doe/californian, best opposite sex; Samuel Pree, Country Kickers 4-H Club, welding, welding, state fair alternate; Macray Price, Martinton Dawnbusters 4-H Club, dairy cattle, fall heifer calf-September 1-November 30 (prior year)/registered holstein, champion; Madison Price, Martinton Dawnbusters 4-H Club, dairy cattle, fall yearling-September 1-November 30 (2 years prior)/jersey, guernsey, ayrshire, milking shorthorn, grand champion, reserve grand champion; Miles Price, Martinton Dawnbusters 4-H Club, dairy cattle, fall yearling-September 1-November 30 (2 years prior)/registered holstein, grand champion; Miles Price, Martinton Dawnbusters 4-H Club, dairy cattle, 3 and 4 year old cow (September 1-August 31)/registered holstein, reserve champion; Bailie Rabideau, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, foods and nutrition, 4-H cooking 301/yeast bread-cooking 301, champion, state fair alternate; Madelyn Reardanz, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, public presentations, illustrated speech, state fair delegate; Elizabeth Reutter, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, clothing and textiles, shopping in styleadvanced, reserve champion, state fair alternate; Alla Richie, Chebanse Little Ducks 4-H Club, visual arts, food decorating-beginning, reserve champion; Anna Ritter, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, visual arts, chalk/carbon/pigment division A on canvas, paper, or glass/a chalk/carbon/ pigment non-original; Jacob Ritter, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, poultry, duck/male, grand champion, champion; Jacob Ritter, Milks Grove Challengers 4-H Club, 4-breeds, senior buck/ mini lop, best opposite sex; Jacob Ritter, Milks
Club, breeding goat, meat-doe kid (6-9 months), reserve champion; Ryan Ritzma, Gilman Victory 4-H Club, poultry, eggs-brown (1 dozen), champion; Ryan Ritzma, Gilman Victory 4-H Club, poultry, eggs-tinted (1 dozen), reserve champion; Ryan Ritzma, Gilman Victory 4-H Club, poultry, duck/male, reserve champion; Cale Rollins, Martinton Dawnbusters 4-H Club, market goat, meat-meat goat wether, reserve champion; Cale Rollins, Martinton Dawnbusters 4-H Club, market goat, meat-market doe, champion; Cale Rollins, Martinton Dawnbusters 4-H Club, market goat, meat-market doe, reserve champion; Kylie Rust, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, floriculture, floriculture A, state fair delegate; Cameron Shell, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, 6-class breeds, senior buck/New Zealand, best opposite sex; Micah Sheridan, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, breeding swine, spot gilt, champion; Payton Sheridan, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, market swine, spot barrow, reserve champion; Lydia Siebert, Milford Sugar Creek 4-H Club, breeding swine, yorkshire gilt, reserve champion; Morgan Sinn, Fountain Creek 4-H Producers, photography, photography 2, state fair alternate; Morgan Sinn, Fountain Creek 4-H Producers, foods and nutrition, 4-H cooking 401/french bread-cooking 401, state fair alternate; Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon Square Shooters 4-H Club, 6-class breeds, intermediate doe/New Zealand, best of breed; Ethan Steiner, Fountain Creek 4-H Producers, woodworking, woodworking 1, state fair alternate; Rae Stucki, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, foods and nutrition, 4-H cooking 301, state fair delegate, grand champion; Ella Suprenant (Rogers), Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, photography, photography 1, state fair delegate; Andrew Talbert, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, breeding beef, early junior yearling heifer/maineanjou, grand champion, champion; Andrew Talbert, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, crops, soybeans, state fair delegate, reserve champion; Taylor Talbert, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, market beef, steer/shorthorn, reserve grand champion, champion; Jordan Tammen, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, visual arts, chalk/carbon/ pigment division A on canvas, paper or glass/a chalk/carbon/pigment original, state fair alternate; Kiernan Tammen, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, horse showmanship, senior showmanship-14 years and older, champion; Abigail Teske, Prairie Champions 4-H Club,
clothing and textiles, steam clothing 3-a stitch further sewn clothing/constructed garment, state fair delegate; Destiny Thomas, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, breeding swine, all other breeds gilt, reserve champion; Destiny Thomas, Danforth Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, interior design, design decisions-advanced, state fair delegate, champion; Dane Thorne, Gilman Victory 4-H Club, visual arts, glass/plastic, state fair delegate; Margaret Thorne, Gilman Victory 4-H Club, horse, riding class-barrels-14 years and older, champion; Margaret Thorne, Gilman Victory 4-H Club, horse, halter class-halter obstacle class, champion; Margaret Thorne, Gilman Victory 4-H Club, horse, riding class-pole bending-14 years and older, champion; Daniel Tordai, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, visual arts, wood, state fair delegate; Daniel Tordai, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, tractor, tractor B, state fair alternate; Tyler Tordai, Donovan Ag 4-H Club, visual arts, clay, state fair delegate; Dylan Trumann, Sheldon Square Shooters 4-H Club, market swine, landrace barrow, reserve champion; Conner Unger, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, exploratory, collectibles, champion; Lilian Unger, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, visual arts, paper/paper original, state fair alternate; Lilian Unger, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, visual arts, nature/nature original, state fair delegate; Lilian Unger, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, exploratory, collectibles, reserve champion;; Lilian Unger, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, floriculture, floriculture C, state fair delegate, reserve champion; Lilian Unger, Ashkum GoGetters 4-H Club, intercultural, passport to the world-indiv, state fair delegate, champion; Grace Vance, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, foods and nutrition, 4-H cooking 201, state fair delegate; Abigail Wagner, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, breeding beef, late junior yearling heifer/shorthorn, reserve grand champion, champion; Abigail Wagner, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, market beef, market heifer-all breedds, grand champion; Aubrey Wagner, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, clothing and textiles, steam clothing 2-simply sewing sewn clothing, state fair delegate, reserve grand champion, champion; Aubrey Wagner, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, photography, photography 1, state fair alternate; Aubrey Wagner, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, market beef, steer/crossbred and all other breeds, grand champion, champion; Chloe Wagner, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, floriculture, floriculture A, state fair delegate, champion; Chloe Wagner, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, clothing and textiles, fashion revue, reserve champion; Clare Wagner, Country Kickers 4-H Club, photography, photography 2, state fair alternate; Clare Wagner, Country Kickers 4-H Club, public presentations, formal speech-original, state fair delegate; Logan Wagner, Country Kickers 4-H Club, electricity, electricity 1/basic circuit, reserve champion; Logan Wagner, Country Kickers 4-H Club, dogs, showmanship jr., champion; Sophia Wagner, Country Kickers 4-H Club, woodworking, woodworking 3, state fair delegate, champion; Sophia Wagner, Country Kickers 4-H Club, breeding beef, cow/calf/simmental, champion; Jacob Weakley, Sheldon Square Shooters 4-H Club, breeding swine, landrace gilt, reserve champion; Jacob Weakley Sheldon Square Shooters 4-H Club, market swine, berkshire barrow, champion; Jacob Weakley, Sheldon Square Shooters 4-H Club, market swine, landrace barrow, champion; Anna Wesslund, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, visual arts, food decoratingintermediate, champion; Catherine Wesslund, Prairie Champions 4-H Club, visual arts, food decorating-intermediate, reserve champion; Caris White, Chebanse Little Ducks 4-H Club, breeding swine, spot gilt, reserve champion; Karlie Wilken, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H club, visual arts, 3-D design/mixed media, state fair delegate; Karlie Wilken, Ashkum Go-Getters 4-H Club, visual arts, metal/metal original, superior; Jayse Williams, Watseka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, natural resources, outdoor adventures 1-3, state fair alternate; Jayse Williams, Wateka Wild Clovers 4-H Club, small pets, small pets, champion; Gretchen Willms, Gilman Victory 4-H Club, breeding beef, early junior yearling heifer/Maine-anjou, reserve champion; Gretchen Willms, Gilman Victory 4-H Club, clothing and textiles, steam clothing 1 fundamentals sewn clothing/other sewn wearable item, champion; Tatum Willms, Gillman Victory 4-H Club, breeding beef, early junior yearling heifer/angus, champion; and Alexys Young, Woodworth Kountry Klovers 4-H Club, visual arts, metal, state fair delegate.
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Iroquois County Fair Results 2019
The results from the junior open class from the Iroquois County Fair are as follows: JUNIOR CLASS CULINARY Culinary Edible Art — Jaina Kolavennu, Downers Grove, first Best Bar Cookie — Faith Heisner, Onarga, Donovan Ag, first; Dalton Anderson, Beaverville, Donovan Ag, second Brownies — Katie Hall, Thawville, first; Baylee Newman, Morris, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, second Chocolate Chip Cookies — Wyatt Philippe, Edwardsville, first; Lydia Herren, Watseka, Watseka Wild Cloves, second Sugar Cookies — Sophie L. Peterson, Manteno, first; Ryan Philppe, Edwardsville, second Any Other Cookie — Jaina Kolavennu, Downers Grove, first; Marin Miller, second Fruit Pie — Spencer Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first Snack Mix — Isabel Heisner, Onarga, first; Alexis Gerdes, Watseka, Ashkum Go-Getters, second Muffins — Ella Corum, Bement, first; Wyatt Philippe, Edwardsville, second Quick Bread — Alana Heisner, Onarga, first; Katie Hall, Thawville, second Microwave Item — Lily Anderson, Beaverville, Donovan Ag, first Decorative Cake — Jeevan Kolavennu, Downers Grove, first; Bryce Hensler, Clifton, Ashkum Go-Getters, second Decorative cupcake — Lydia Heeren, Watseka, Watseka Wild Clovers, first Candy or Fudge — Lily Anderson, Beaverville, Donovan Ag, first Dehydrated Food — Evelyn Brown, Onarga, first Any Canned Item — Maya Anderson, Donovan, first Champion — Lily Anderson, Beaverville, Donovan Ag, first. JUNIOR CLASS FINE ARTS Textile Handmade Clothing — Adaline Eisenmann, Mahomet, Ft. Creek Stitch ’N Do, first; Avery Pufahl, Crescent City, second Handmade Clothing — Kalyn Alberts, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first; Emily Barbieri, Chebanse, second Stitchery Any Needlework Item — Emily Barbieri, Chebanse, first; Riley Barbieri, Chebanse, second Any Quilted Item — Emily Barbieri, Chebanse, first; Isaac Brown, Watseka, second Champion Textile or Stitchery — Kalyn Alberts, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first Crafts Decorative Item using Recyclable — Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, first; Isaac Brown, Watseka, second Decorative Wreath — Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, first Candles — Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, first; Jeevan Kolavennu, Downers Grove, second Greeting Card — Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, first Ceramics-stained — Madelyn Loy, Donovan, Donovan Ag, first; Haven Maple, Watseka, second Ceramics-hand formed — Jeevan Kolavennu, Downers Grove, first; Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, second Wood Craft — Dalton Anderson, Beaverville, Donovan Ag, first; Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, second Wearable Article — Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters; first Decorative Item — Aiden Erickson, Downers Grove, first; Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, second Basketweaving — Sarah Hardison, Cissna Park, Claytonville, first; Haven Maple, Watseka, second Decorative Gift Wrapping — Piper Michl, Martinton, first; Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, second Scale Model — Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, first Jewelry — Riley Barbieri, Chebanse, first; Kylie Brown, Watseka, Watseka Wild Clovers Cloverbud, second Decorated Clay Pot — Faith DeLahr, Watseka, first; Avery Pufahl, Crescent City, second Scrapbook or Album — Jaina Kolavennu, Downers Grove, first; Alexis Gerdes, Watseka,
August 2019
Junior Open Class second Any Collection — Victoria Milk, Crescent City, first; Evelyn Brown, Onarga, second Champion Craft Division — Jaina Kolavennu, Downers Grove, first Sketching or Drawing — Alana Heisner, Onarga, first; Madelynn Demski, Watseka, second Sketching or Drawing — Lilian Eheart, Watseka, first; Kylie Brown, Watseka, Watseka Wild Clovers Cloverbud, second Sketching or Drawing — Anna Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers, first; Caitlin Corzine, Watseka, second Painting — Kylie Brown, Watseka, Watseka Wild Clovers Cloverbud, first; Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, second Painting — Maya Anderson, Donovan, first; Marin Miller, Gilman, second Painting — Caitlin Corzine, Watseka, first; Anna Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers, second Any Other Mixed Media — Jordan Tammen, Gilman, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Emma Byers, Onarga, second Champion Art — Anna Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers; first Photography People — Isabel Heisner, Onarga, first; Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, second People — Isaac Brown, Watseka, first and second Seasonal — Kenzie Keller, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, second Seasonal — Sarah Gigl, Clifton, Gigl Farm 2, first; Aubrey Wagner, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, second Sports — Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, first; Ava Peterson, Manteno, second Sports — Kylie Brown, Watseka, Watseka Wild Clovers Cloverbud, first Animal — Sophia Simpson, Watseka, first; Tyler Runner, Milford, second Animal — Marin Miller, Gilman, first; Alexis Gerdes, Watseka, second Landscape — Lydia Heeren, Watseka, Watseka Wild Clovers, Elijah Heeren, Watseka, Watseka Wild Clovers, second Landscape — Kylie Brown, Watseka, Watseka Wild Clovers Cloverbud, first; Jeevan Kolavennu, Downers Grove, second Holiday-color — Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, first; Avery Pufahl, Crescent City, second All Other Colored — Kenzie Keller, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Ava Peterson, Manteno, second All Other Colored — Lilian Eheart, Watseka, first; Isaac Brown, Watseka, second All Other Black & White — Tyler Runner, Milford, first; Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, second All Other Black & White — Kylie Brown, Watseka, Watseka Wild Clovers Cloverbud, first; Nick Vaughn, Gilman, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second Champion Photography — Kylie Brown, Watseka, Watseka Wild Clovers Cloverbud, first JUNIOR CLASS FLORICULTURE Specimens in Glass Container Zinnias-3 stems — Chloe Wagner, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first; Elizabeth Izquierdo, Gilman, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second Geranium-1 bloom — Kalyn Alberts, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first and second Wildflowers-1 stem — Kalyn Alberts, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first; Katie Hall, Thawville, second Daisy-3 stems — Katie Hall, Thawville, first; Riley Barbieri, Chebanse, second Marigolds-3 blooms — Aubrey Wagner, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first; Katie Hall, Thawville, second Petunia-single type — Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Emily Barbieri, Chebanse, second Snapdragon 1 stem — Kalyn Alberts, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first; Katie Hall, Thawville, second Ornamental Grass — Celeste Cummings, Danforth, first Sunflower-1 bloom — Kalyn Alberts, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first; Victoria Milk, Crescent City, second Any Other Annual Flower — Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Kaia Kim-
Arie Insurance - Watseka Central Insurance Agency - Clifton Danner Insurance Services - Rossville Fiscal Insurance Concepts - Bradley 4 Corners Insurance Agency - Rankin Iroquois Insurance - Watseka and Danville King-Danforth Agency - Cissna Park Loman-Ray Insurance Group - Cissna Park Roger Schuldt Agency - Watseka Taylor Insurance Services - Bradley Terry Schuldt Insurance - Onarga Wehling Insurance Agency - Beecher Williamson Agency - Sheldon
mel, Gilman, second Any other Perennial — Kalyn Alberts, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first; Riley Barbieri, Chebanse, second Champion Class 1 — Kalyn Alberts, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Gettes, first Arrangements & Plants Any Arrangement — Adaline Eisenmann, Mahomet, Ft. Creek Stitch ’N Do, first; Kylie Rust, Buckley, second Cactus & Succulents — Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, first Potted Patio Plants — Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, first House Plants — Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, first Fairy Gardens — Faith DeLahr, Watseka, first; Hannah Snodgrass, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, second Champion Class 2 — Faith DeLahr, Watseka, first JUNIOR CLASS GARDEN Ag Products Single Stalk of Field Corn — Logan Anderson, Donovan, first Soybeans-10 plants tied — Logan Anderson, Donovan, first Cucumbers for slicing — Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first Squash-Zucchini-5 — Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first Potatoes any one variety 5 — Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first Onions any one variety 5 — Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first Snap Beans any one variety 12 — Kade Kimmel, Gilman, first; Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second Cabbage any one variety 1 head — Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first Tomatoes-green-5 — Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Kaia Kimmel, Gilman, second Tomatoes-cherry or grape-12 — Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Kade Kimmel, Gilman, second Green Bell Peppers 5 — Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first Sweet Corn 5 ears with husks — Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first Garden Displays Garden Tray — Coye Wagner, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first; Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second Market Basket — Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Kylie Brown, Watseka, Watseka Wild Clovers Cloverbud, second JUNIOR CLASS RABBITS Californian Owen Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, first — senior buck, intermediate buck, intermediate doe, junior buck, junior doe; second — senior doe Samuel Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, first — senior doe; second — senior buck, intermediate buck, intermediate doe, junior buck, junior doe Mini Lops — All Varieties Senior Buck — Jacob Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers, first; Cameron Shell, Martinton, Donovan Ag, second Senior Doe — Zachary Price, Gilman; first; Jacob Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers, second Junior Buck — Adalina Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers, first; Jacob Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers, second Junior Doe — Jacob Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers, first; Adalina Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers, second Holland Lop Senior Buck — Kaylynn Buente, Chebanse, Chebanse Little Ducks, first; Ellianna Bice, Loda, Prairie Champions, second Senior Doe — Jacob McCullough, Beaverville, Donovan Ag, first Junior Buck — Jay Lynn Ash, Onarga, Crescent City Barnbangers, first and second Junior Doe — Jay Lynn Ash, Onarga, Crescent City Barnbangers, first; Kaylynn Buente, Chebanse, Chebanse Little Ducks, second Mini Rex all colors shown together Senior Buck — Elizabeth Reutter, Buckley, Prairie Champions, first; Daniel Hardison, Cissna Park, Claytonville, second Senior Doe — Sarah Hardison, Cissna Park, Claytonville, first; Daniel Hardison, Cissna Park, Claytonville, second Junior Buck — Daniel Hardison, Cissna Park, Claytonville, first; Lacey Cotter, Dewey, Gilman Victory, second Junior Doe — Lacey Cotter, Dewey, Gilman Victory, first; Daniel Hardison, Cissna Park, Claytonville, second All Other Fancies Senior Buck — Riley Klump, Crescent City, Crescent City Barnbangers, first; Jessica Ingram, Donovan, Donovan Ag, second Senior Doe — Madelyn Loy, Donovan, Donovan Ag, first; Rachel Ash, Onarga, Crescent City Barnbangers, second Junior Buck — Alexys Young, Woodland, Woodworth Kountry Klovers Cloverbud, first and second Junior Doe — Alexys Young, Woodland, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, Cloverbud, first; Elizabeth Reutter, Buckley, Prairie Champions, second Senior Buck — Rachel Ash — Onarga, Crescent City Barnbangers, first; Sarah Hardison, Cissna Park, Claytonville, second Senior Doe — Rachel Ash, Onarga, Crescent City Barnbangers, first and second Intermediate Buck — Rachel Ash, Onarga, Crescent City Barnbangers, first; Lacey Bice, Loda, Prairie Champions, second Intermediate Doe — Rachel Ash, Onarga Crescent City Barnbangers, first; Lacey Bice, Loda, Prairie Champions, second Junior Buck — Rachel Ash, Onarga Crescent City Barnbangers, first Junior Doe — Rachel Ash, Onarga Crescent City Barnbangers, first New Zealand - all colors
Senior Buck — Alexys Young, Woodland, Woodworth Kountry Klovers Cloverbud, first; Cameron Shell, Martinton, Donovan Ag, second Senior Doe — Cameron Shell, Martinton, Donovan Ag, first, Kaylynn Buente, Chebanse, Chebanse Little Ducks, second Intermediate Doe — Cameron Shell, Martinton, Donovan Ag, first Junior Buck — Cameron Shell, Martinton, Donovan Ag, first Junior Doe — Cameron Shell, Martinton, Donovan Ag, first Meat Pens Meat Pen — Owen Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, first; Samuel Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, second Single Fryer — Samuel Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, first; Owen Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, second Championship Best Class 4 Rabbit — Jacob Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers Best Class 6 Rabbit — Owen Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers New Zealand BOB — Alexys Young, Woodland, Woodworth Kountry Klovers Cloverbud Holland Lop BOB — Jay Lynn Ash, Onarga, Crescent City Barnbangers Californian BOB — Owen Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers Mini Rex BOB — Elizabeth Reutter, Buckley, Prairie Champions All Other Fancy BOB — Madelyn Loy, Donovan, Donovan Ag Mini Lop BOB — Jacob Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers All Other Commercial BOB — Rachel Ash, Onarga, Crescent City Barnbangers JUNIOR CLASS POULTRY Hybrid Meat Type Old Pen — Delilah Carter, Kankakee, first Hen — Reka Ritzma, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first American Breeds Young Pen — Evan Harpster, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first Pullet — Emma Merrill, Crescent City, Country Kickers, first; Gerane Kohl, Crescent City, Prairie Champions, second Cockerel — Evan Harpster, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first Old Pen — Emma Merrill, Crescent City, Country Kickers, first Hen — Kyla McGehee, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Janie McGehee, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second Mediterranean Breeds Pullet — Reka Ritzma, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first; Ryan Ritzma, Gilman, Gilman Victory, second Hen — Delilah Carter, Kankakee, first and second English Breeds Clean Leg Young Pen — Haley Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Challengers, first Pullet — Keka Ritzma, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first; Kindi Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, second Cockerel — Haley Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Challengers, first Old Pen — Daniel Hardison, Cissna Park, Claytonville, first; Gerane Kohl, Crescent City, Prairie Champions, second ßHen — Daniel Hardison, Cissna Park, Claytonville, first and second Asiatic Brees Feather Leg Pullet — Ryan Ritzma, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first; Reka Ritzma, Gilman, Gilman Victory, second Hen — Benjamin Harpster, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first Cock — Spencer Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first All Other Breeds Young Pen — Spencer Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first and second Pullet — Reka Ritzma, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first; Kindi Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, second Cockerel — Kindi Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first; Spencer Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, second Hen — Spencer Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first Broiler Fryer Pen — Owen Preee, Gilman, Country Kickers, first; Samuel Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, second Roaster Pen — Samuel Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, second Division 2 Ducks - Pekins — Ryan Ritzma, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first Ducks - All other breeds — James Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers, first; Adalina Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers, second Bantams 1 pair — Reka Ritzma, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first; Alivia Albrecht, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second Bantams 1 pair — Ashtyn Hurliman, Cissna Park, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first Quail 1 pair — Connor Carlson, Donovan, Donovan Ag, first; Drake Carlson, Donovan, Donovan Ag, second Pheasants 1 pair — Dylan Behrends, Clifton, Ashkum Go-Getters, first Turkeys 1 pair — Samuel Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, first; Owen Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, second Eggs-brown 1 dozen — Sarah Hardison, Cissna Park, Claytonville, first; James Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers, second Eggs-tinted 1 dozen — Daniel Hardison, Cissna Park, Claytonville, first; Anna Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers, second Grand Champion Overall — Spencer Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters Reserve Grand Champion Overall — James Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Challengers JUNIOR CLASS GOATS
See JUNIOR, page 4
Page 4 August 2019
Iroquois County Fair Results 2019
JUNIOR, from page 3 Goats Steiner, Thawville, Jr. Kids-born after April1 — Reka Prairie Champions, Ritzma, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first second; Jack Wessand second lund, Loda, Prairie Sr. Kids-born Jan.1-April1 — Olivia Champions, second; McTaggart, Gilman, Danforth Blue Phylicity Leonard, Ribbon, first and second Danforth, Danforth Dry Yearling Doe — Olivia McTagBlue Ribbon, second gart, Gilman, Danforth Blue Ribbon, Champion Barrow first — Clayton Gullquist, Milking Yearling Doe — Reka Chebanse, Milks Ritzma, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first Grove Challengers Milking Doe 2yearold — Olivia Reserve ChamMcTaggary, Gilman, Danforth Blue pion Barrow — Seth Ribbon, first; Reka Ritzma, Gilman, Bishop, Donovan, Gilman Victory, second Donovan Ag Milking Doe 3-4yearold — Olivia Hampshire McTaggart, Gilman, Danforth Blue Hampshire Gilt — Ribbon, first and second Jordin Lucht, Milford, Herd of 3 Does — Olivia McTaggart, Milford, Sugar Creek, Gilman, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first first; Jordan Tammen, Dam&Daughter — Olivia McTaggart, Gilman, Danforth Gilman, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Blue Ribbon, second Reka Ritzma, Gilman, Gilman Victory, Champion Gilt — second Jordin Lucht, Milford, Grade Dairy Goat Milford, Sugar Creek Jr. Kids-born after April1 — Celeste Reserve Champion Cummings, Danforth, first and second Gilt — Jordan TamMilking Doe 3-4yearold — Celeste men, Gilman, DanCummings, Danforth, first forth Blue Ribbon Herd of 3 Does — Celeste CumHampshire Barrow mings, Danforth, first — Nick Vaughn, GilAll Registered Breeds man, Danforth Blue Jr. Kids-board after April1 — Celeste Ribbon, first; Bailee Cummings, Danforth, first; Calista Fanning, Milford, Mackey, St. Anne, second Milford, Sugar Creek, Sr. Kids-board Jan1-April1 — Cefirst; Caiden Brassard, Blake Dixon, Watseka Wild Clovers, shows his grand champion overall barrow, grand leste Cummings, Danforth, first and Milford, Milford, Sugchampion born and raised barrow and champion doroc, and stands with pork queen second ar Creek, first; Hannah Taylor Marcum, fair queen Brianne Miller, and, representing the buyers of his barrow — Dry Yearling Doe — Celeste CumKollman, Onarga, mings, Danforth, first Woodworth Kountry Ronda Pence, John Hutchenson, Brittany Cluver, and Jordan Schippert. Milking Doe 3-4yearold — Celeste Klovers, second; DalNovak, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, second Champion Crossbred Barrow — Hailey Lucht, Cummings, Danforth, first; Cyrus las Behrends, Clifton, Horse Pleasure — Lane Cordes, Ashkum, AshMilford, Milford, Sugar Creek Cook, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second Milks Grove Challengers, second; Addyson kum Chargers, first; Reece Boudreau, Ashkum, Reserve Champion Crossbred Barrow — DalMilking Doe 5years&older — Celeste CumChandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second second las Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Challengers mings, Danforth, first Champion Barrow — Caiden Brassard, MilHorse Pleasure — Kasey Novak, Ashkum, Berkshire Dam&Daughter — Celeste Cummings, Danford, Milford, Sugar Creek Ashkum Go-Getters, first; Margaret Thorne, Berkshire Gilt — Blake Dixon, Watseka, first; forth, first and second Reserve Champion Barrow — Bailee Fanning, Onarga, Gilman Victory; second Dylan Hylbert, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first; Herd of 3 Does — Celeste Cummings, DanMilford, Milford, Sugar Creek Horsemanship — Kasi Hughes, Clifton; first; Jordin Lucht, Milford, Milford, Sugar Creek, forth, first and second Spots Jessalyn Eisenmann, Cissna Park, Ft. Creek second; Claire Tammen, Danforth, second Meat Goats Spot Gilt — Lily Anderson, Danforth, DanStitch ’N Do, second Champion Gilt — Blake Dixon, Watseka Doe-0-3 — Micaiah Wagner, Onarga, Country forth Blue Ribbon, first; Catherine Wesslund, Horsemanship — Kiernan Tammen, Danforth, Reserve Champion Gilt — Jordin Lucht, MilKickers, first; Gerane Kohl, Crescent City, PraiLoda, Prairie Champions, first; Coris White, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Kasey Novak, Ashford, Milford, Sugar Creek rie Champions, second Bourbonnais, first; Micah Sheridan, Milford, kum, Ashkum Go-Getters, second Berkshire Barrow — Blake Dixon, Watseka, Doe-3-6months — Cyrus Cook, Onarga, DanMilford, Sugar Creek, first; John Ahlden, Pole Bending — Zoey Krueger, Watseka, first; Kandance Behrends, Rossville, Milks forth Blue Ribbon, first; Paiton Lareau, DonoAshkum, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, second; Watseka Wild Clovers Cloverbud, first; KayGrove Challengers, first; Jacob Weakley, Shelvan, Donovan Ag, second Lydia Siebert, Milford, Milford, Sugar Creek, lynn Buente, Chebanse, Chebanse Little Ducks, don, Sheldon Square Shooters, first; Anna WessDoe-6-9months — Ryan Ritzma, Gilman, Gilsecond; Dylan Vance, Onarga, Prairie Champisecond lund, Loda, Prairie Champions, second, Dalton man Victory, first and second ons, second, Claire Tammen, Danforth, second Barrels — Lane Cordes, Ashkum Ashkum Trumann, Milford, Sheldon Square Shooters, Doe-9-12months — Kailey Vaske, Danforth, Champion Gilt — Micah Sheridan, Milford, Chargers, first; Kasi Hughes, Clifton, second second, Claire Tammen, Danforth, second Danforth Blue Ribbon, first Milford, Sugar Creek Barrels — Margaret Thorne, Onarga, Gilman Champion Barrow — Blake Dixon, Watseka Doe-12-16months — Cyrus Cook, Onarga, Reserve Champion Gilt — John Ahlden, AshVictory, first; Zoey Krueger, Watseka, Watseka Reserve Champion Barrow — Jacob Weakley, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Ryan Ritzma, Gilkum, Woodworth Kountry Klovers Wild Clovers Cloverbud, second Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters man, Gilman Victory, second Spot Barrow — Taylor Marcum, Gibson City, Plug Race — Margaret Thorne, Onarga, Chester White Doe-16-20months — Cyrus Cook, Onarga, Crescent City Barnbangers, first; Coris White, Gilman Victory, first; Zoey Krueger, Watseka, Chester White Gilt — Dexter Nordmeyer, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Emma Merrill, Bourbonnais, first; Claire Tammen, Danforth, Watseka Wild Clovers Cloverbud, second Chebanse, Chebanse Little Ducks, first; Caiden Crescent City, Country Kickers, second first; Dylan Hylbert, Gilman, Gilman Victory, Flags — Lane Cordes, Ashkum, Ashkum Char- Brassard, Milford, Milford, Sugar Creek, second Doe-20-24months — Rachel Ash, Onarga, first; Clayton Gullquist, Chebanse, Milks Grove gers, first; Reece Boudreau, Ashkum, second Champion Gilt — Dexter Nordmeyer, CheCrescent City Barnbangers, first; Ryan Ritzma, Challengers, second; Dylan Vance, Onarga, Praibanse, Chebanse Little Ducks Gilman, Gilman Victory, second rie Champions, second; Sydney Kestler, Milford, JUNIOR SWINE Reserve Champion Gilt — Caiden Brassard, Doe24-36months — Cyrus Cook, Onarga, Milford, Sugar Creek, second; Payton Sheridan, Crossbred Milford, Milford, Sugar Creek Danforth Blue Ribbon, first and second Milford, Milford, Sugar Creek, second Crossbred Gilt — Clayton Gullquist, CheChester White Barrow — John Ahlden, AshDoe-over 36months — Cyrus Cook, Onarga, Champion Barrow — Taylor Marcum, Gibson banse, Milks Grove Challengers, first (2); kum Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first; Kaleb Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Ryan Ritzma, GilCity, Crescent City Barnbangers Autumn Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Suchaczewski, Rossville, Milks Grove Chalman, Gilman Victory, second Reserve Champion Barrow — Coris White, lengers, first; Caiden Brassard, Milford, Milford, Pair of Does — Cyrus Cook, Onarga, Danforth Challengers, first; Dalton Trumann, Milford, Bourbonnais Sheldon Square Shooters; first, Jacob Weakley, Sugar Creek, second; Allissa Summers, Milford, Blue Ribbon, first; Ryan Ritzma, Gilman, GilYorkshire Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, first; Blake Watseka Wild Clovers, second man Victory, second Yorkshire Gilt — Olivia Gillins, Hoopeston, Dixon, Watseka, second; Kirstyn Lucht, Milford, Champion Barrow — Kaleb Suchacqewski, All Wethers Ft. Creek Stitch ’N Do, first; Alissa Summers, Milford Sugar Creek, second; Seth Bishop, Rossville, Milks Grove Challengers Wether Class — Cyrus Cook, Onarga, DanMilford, Watseka Wild Clovers, first; Alivia PorDonovan, Donovan Ag, second and third; Reserve Champion Barrow — Caiden Brasforth Blue Ribbon, first; Weston Lareau, Donoter, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, second; Grace Sydney Kestler, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, sard, Milford, Milford, Sugar Creek van, Donovan Ag, first; Cale Rollins, Chebanse, Vance, Onarga, Prairie Champions, second second (2) Duroc Martinton Dawnbusters, second(2) Champion Gilt — Alissa Summers, Milford, Champion Crossbred Gilt — Clayton Gullquist Duroc Gilt — Blake Dixon, Watseka, first; Market Doe Watseka Wild Clovers — Chenbanse, Milks Grove Challengers, first Clayton Gullquist, Chebanse, Milks Grove Market Doe — Cale Rollins, CheReserve Champion Gilt — Olivia Gillins, Reserve Champion Crossbred Gilt — Autumn Challengers, first and second; Seth Bishop, banse, Martinton Dawnbusters, first (2); Weston Hoopeston, Ft. Creek Stitch ’N Do Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Challengers, first Donovan, Donovan Ag, first; Dexter Nordmeyer, Lareau, Donovan, Donovan Ag, second; Paiton Yorkshire Barrow — Jordin Lucht, Milford, Crossbred Barrow — Dallas Behrends, Clifton, Chebanse, Chebanse Little Ducks, second; Grace Milford, Sugar Creek, first; Bailee Fanning, MilLareau, Donovan, Donovan Ag, second Milks Grove Challengers, first; Kirstyn Lucht, Vance, Onarga, Prairie Champions, second ford, Milford, Sugar Creek, first; Grace Vance, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first; Hailey Champion Gilt Duroc — Blake Dixon, WatJUNIOR CLASS PONIES AND HORSES Onarga, Prairie Champions, first; Lucas SumLucht, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first (2); seka Ponies & Horses mers, Milford, Watseka Wild Clovers, first; GarBailee Fanning, Milford, Milford, Sugar Creek, Reserve Champion Gilt — Seth Bishop, Dono- ret Tammen, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, Mini&Pony Halter — KIernan Tammen, Danfirst; Micah Sheridan, Milford, Milford, Sugar van, Donovan Ag forth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Cyrus Cook, first; Dexter Nordmeyer, Chebanse, Chebanse Creek, first; Payton Sheridan, Milford, Milford, Duroc Barrow — Seth Bishop, Donovan, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second Little Ducks, second; Lydia Siebert, Milford, Sugar Creek, first; Jacob Weakly, Sheldon, Donovan Ag, first; Clayton Gullquist, Chebanse, Horse Halter — Lilli Krueger, Watseka, WatMilford, Sugar Creek, second; Cort Leonard, Sheldon Square Shooters, first; Hannah Kollman, Milks Grove Challengers, first; Klaytin Hunsing- Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second, Libby seka Wild Clovers, first, Lane Cordes, Ashkum, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, second; er, Milford, Milford, Sugar Creek, first; Grace Ashkum Chargers, second Hovel, Onarga, Crescent City Barnbangers, secClayton Gullquist, Chebanse, Milks Grove Vance, Onarga, Prairie Champions, first; Payton Horse Halter — Lane Cordes, Ashkum, Ashond; Addyson Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Challengers, second; Haley Behrends, Clifton, Sheridan, Milford, Milford, Sugar Creek, first; kum Chargers, first’ Jessalyn Eisenmann, Cissna Milks Grove Challengers, second; Dalton TruBlake Dixon, Watseka, second; Dallas Behrends, Park, Ft. Creek Stitch ’N Do, second See MORE, page 5 man, Milfod, Sheldon Square Shooters, second; Clifton, Milks Grove Challengers, second; Noah Showmanship by Halter — Jessalyn EisenSydney Kestler, Milford, Milford, Sugar Creek, mann, Cissna Park, Ft. Creek Stitch ’N Do, second and third; Sararh Gigl, Clifton, Gigl Farm first; Lane Cordes, Ashkum, Ashkum Chargers, 2, second; Benjamin Harpster, St. Anne, Marsecond tinton Dawnbusters, second; Destiny Thomas, Showmanship by Halter — Kiernan Tammen, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second; Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Kasey
Iroquois County Fair Results 2019
August 2019
MORE, from page 4 Ribbon, second first. Champion Barrow — Jordin Lucht, Angus Milford, Milford, Sugar Creek Angus steer Reserve Champion Barrow — Bailee Macy Sinn, Cissna Park, Ft. Creek 4-H Fanning, Milford, Milford, Sugar Creek Producers, first; Brayden Walder, Rankin, AOB Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first; Raegan AOB Gilt — Dallas Behrends, ClifGooding, Watseka, Sheldon Square Shootton, Milks Grove Challengers, first; Jaers, first. cob Weakley, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Champion angus steer Shooters, first; Autumn Behrends, Brayden Walder, Rankin, Ft. Creek 4-H Clifton, Milks Grove Challengers, Producers, first. first; Brady Brassard, Milford, Milford, Reserve champion angus steer Sugar Creek, second Raegan Gooding, Watseka, Sheldon Champion Gilt — Jacob Weakley, Square Shooters, first. Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters Beef Steers-Hereford Reserve Champion Gilt — Dallas Hereford steer Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove ChalAlaina Scher, Crescent City, Watseka lengers Wild Clovers, first; Ben Schleef, Onarga, AOB Barrow — Autumn Behrends, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first; Gracie Clifton, Milks Grove Challengers, Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry first; Seth Bishop, Donovan, Donovan Klovers, first; Lauren Janssen, Crescent Ag, first; Micah Sheridan, Milford, City, Watseka Wild Clovers, second. Milford, Sugar Creek, first; Taylor Champion hereford steer Marcum, Gibson City, Crescent City Gracie Schleef, Onaarga, Woodworth Barnbangers, second; Dylan Trumann, Kountry Klovers, first. Milford, Sheldon Square Shooters, secReserve champion hereford steer ond; Jacob Weakley, Sheldon, Sheldon Ben Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Square Shooters, second Klovers, first. Champion Barrow — Autumn Beef Steers-Shorthorn Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove ChalShorthorn steer lengers Taylor Talbert, Onarga, Danforth Blue Reserve Champion Barrow — Seth Ribbon, first; Adaline Eisenmann, MaBishop, Donovan, Donovan Ag homet, Ft. Creek Stitch ‘N Do, first; ZackChampionship Drive ary Zbinden, Crescent City, Loda Helping Grand Champion Crossbred Gilt — Hands, first. Clayton Gullquist, Chebanse, Milks Champion shorthorn steer Grove Challengers Taylor Talbert, Onarga, Danforth Blue Reserve Grand Champion Crossbred Ribbon, first. Gilt — Autumn Behrends, Clifton, Reserve champion shorthorn steer Milks Grove Challengers Adaline Eisenmann, Mahomet, Ft. Creek Grand Champion Purebred Gilt — Stitch ‘N Do, first. Jordin Lucht, Milford, Milford, Sugar Beef Steers-Maine Anjou Creek Maine anjou steer Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Dayten Eisenmann, Mahomet, Ft. Creek Gilt — Blake Dixon, Watseka 4-H Producers, first; Sadie Drayer, Grand Champion Overall Gilt — Rankin, Ft. Creek Stitch ‘N Do, first. Jordin Lucht, Milford, Milford, Sugar Champion anjou steer Creek Dayten Eisenmann, Mahomet, Ft. Creek Reserve Grand Champion Overall 4-H Producers, first. Gilt — Clayton Gullquist, Chebanse, Reserve champion anjou steer Milks Grove Challengers Sadie Drayer, Rankin, Ft. Creek Stitch ‘N Grand Champion Crossbred BarDo, first. row — Hailey Lucht, Milford, Milford, Beef Steers-Crossbred Sugar Creek Crossbred steer Reserve Grand Champion Crossbred Celeste Cummings, Danforth Blue Ribbon, shows her grand champion 4-H Ryan Drayer, Ranking, Ft. Creek 4-H dairy wether with fair queen Brianne Miller and Sandy Wilken, representing Barrow — Dallas Behrends, Clifton, Producers, first; David Zbinden, Crescent Milks Grove Challengers City, Loda Helping Hands, first; Levi the buyers. Grand Champion Purebred Barrow — Zbinden, Crescent City, Loda Helping Jordin Lucht, Milford, Milford, Sugar Hands, first; Aubrey Wagner, Onarga, Summer yearling ‘N Do, first. Creek Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first; Maxwell Abigail Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Cow calf Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Barrow — Gooding, Watseka, Sheldon Square ShootKlovers, first. Gracie Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Caiden Brassard, Milford, Milford, Sugar Creek ers, second; Breyden Sinn, Cissna Park, Fr. Jr. summer yearling Klovers, first. Grand Champion Overall Barrow — Hailey Creek 4-H Producers, second; Logan Walder, Abigail Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Simmental Lucht, Milford, Milford, Sugar Creek Hoopeston, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, second; Klovers, first. Jr. summer yearling Reserve Grand Champion Overall Barrow — Benjamin Jackson, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Champion heifer Sophia Wagner, Onarga, Country Kickers, first. Jordin Lucht, Milford, Milford, Sugar Creek Shooters, second. Abigail Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Jr. summer yearling Champion crossbred steer Klovers, first. Clare Wagner, Onarga, Country Kickers, first. JUNIOR BEEF Aubrey Wagner, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Reserve champion heifer Sr. summer yearling Breed heifers-angus Klovers, first. Abigail Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Madysen Marcott, Cissna Park, Claytonville, Angus summer yearling — Gavin Walder, Reserve champion crossbred steer Klovers, first. first. Hoopeston, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first. Levi Zbinden, Crescent City, Loda Helping Maine Anjou Champion heifer Junior heifer March 1-April 30 — Madysen Hands, first. Summer yearling Sophia Wagner, Onarga, Country Kickers, first. Marcott, Cissna Park, Claytonville, first. Beef Steers-Simmental Gretchen Willms, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first. Reserve champion heifer Angus junior yearling — Tatum Willms, GilSimmental steer Summer yearling heifer Clare Wagner, Onarga, Country Kickers, first. man, Gilman Victory, first. Derek Drayer, Rankin, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, Tatum Willms, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first. Grand champion female over all Angus champion heifer — Gavin Walder, first; Morgan Sinn, Cissna Park, Ft. Creek 4-H Jr. summer yearling Sophia Wagner, Onarga, Country Kickers, first. Hoopeston, Fr. Creek 4-H Producers, first. Producers, first; Chloe Wagner, Onarga, WoodAndrew Talbert, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, Cow calf Angus reserve champion heifer — Tatum worth Kountry Klovers, first. first. Sophia Wagner, Onarga, Country Kickers, first. Willms, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first. Champion simmental steer Jr. summer yearling Market Heifers Breed Heifers-Hereford Chloe Wagner, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Gretchen Willms, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first. Market heifers Heifer calf after Sept. 1 Klovers, first. Champion heifer Madysen Marcott, Cissna Park, Claytonville, Nolan Lee, Wellington, Ft. Creek 4-H ProducReserve champion simmental steer Andrew Talbert, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Abigail Wagner, Milford, Woodworth ers, first; Lauren Janssen, Crescent City, Watseka Morgan Sinn, Cissna Park, Ft. Creek 4-H Profirst. Kountry Klovers, first. Wild Clovers, second. ducers, first. Reserve champion heifer Champion market heifer Summer yearling Grand champion steer Gretchen Willms, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first. Abigail Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Gracie Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Aubrey Wagner, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Cow calf Klovers, first. Klovers, first. Klovers, first. Vivien Griffen, Danforth, Gilman Victory, first. Reserve champin market heifer Junior heifer March 1-April 30 See CLASS, page 6 Crossbred Madysen Marcott, Cissna Park, Claytonville, Nolan Lee, Wellington, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, Summer yearling first. Gracie Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Junior heifer Jan. 1-Feb. 28. Klovers, first; Adaline Eisenmann, Mahomet, Ft. Ben Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Creek Stitch ‘N Do, second. Klovers, first; Alaina Scher, Crescent City, WatJr. summer yearling seka Wild Clovers, second. Alaina Scher, Crescent City, Watseka Wild CloChampion heifer vers, first; Kipten Steiner, Buckley, Woodworth Nolan Lee, Wellington, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, Kountry Klovers, second. first. Champion heifer Reserve champion heifer Gracie Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Nolan Lee, Wellington, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, Klovers, first. first. Reserve champion heifer Shorhorn Adaline Eisenmann, Mahomet, Ft. Creek Stitch
Tri Central Cooperative
Cale Rollins, Martinton Dawnbusters, shows his grand champion market doe, with fair queen Brianne Miller and Brad Howe, representing the buyers.
Page 6 August 2019
Iroquois County Fair Results 2019
CLASS, from page 5 Reserve grand champion steer Levi Zbinden, Crescent City, Loda Helping Hands, first.
Dorsets Ram lamb — Taylor Dietz, Seymour, first; Fred Peters, Ashkum, Danforth Blue Ribbon, JUNIOR CLASS DAIRY second. Jersey, Guern, Ayrsh, Milk Show Yearling ewe — Taylor Dietz, Cow, 2 year old Seymour, first; Fred Peters, Madison Price, Chebanse, MarAshkum Danforth Blue Ribbon, tinton Dawnbusters, first. second. Registered Holstein Ewe lamb — Fred Peters, Summer yearling Ashkum, Danforth Blue Ribbon, Collin McGehee, Danforth, Danfirst and second. forth Blue Ribbon, first. Pair of breeding lambs — Fred Spring yearling Peters, Ashkum, Danforth Blue Macray Price, Chebanse, MarRibbon, first and second. tinton Dawnbusters, first; Collin Suffolk&Shropshires McGehee, Danforth, Danforth Ram Lamb — Kylie Adams, Blue Ribbon, second. Hersher, first and second Winter yearling Yearling Ewe — Beau Howe, Collin McGehee, Danforth, Danforth, Milks Grove ChallengDanforth Blue Ribbon, first; ers, first; Joseph Bernard, AshMiles Price, Chebanse, Martinton kum, Ashkum Chargers, second Dawnbusters, second. Ewe Lamb — Kylie Adams, Cow, 3 or 4 year old Herscher, first and second Miles Price, Chebanse, MartinYearling Ewe&Ewe Lamb — ton Dawnbusters, first. Kylie Adams, Herscher, first; Brown Swiss, Grade Dairy, AOB Beau Howe, Danforth, Milks Spring heifer calf Grive Challengers, second Gracie Schleef, Onarga, WoodPair of Breeding Lambs — worth Kountry Klovers, first. Kylie Adams, Herscher, first and Fall heifer calf second Gracie Schleef, Onarga, WoodCommercial worth Kountry Klovers, first. Yearling Ewe — Joshua Dairy Steer and Market Steer Bernard, Ashkum, Ashkum GoDairy feeder steer Getters, first and second Cyrus Cook, Onarga, Danforth Ewe Lamb — Edward N Blue Ribbon, first; Macray Price, Hanson IV, Clifton, Milks Grove Chebanse, Martinton DawnSam Pree, Country Kickers, shows his champion roaster pen, with fair queen Brianne Challengers, first; Zoe Ault, busters, first; Gracie Schleef, Herscher, second Miller and, representing the buyers, Glenn Mogged and Alex Knapp. Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Yearling Ewe&Ewe Lamb — Klovers, first; Macray Price, Zoe Ault, Herscher, first; Joshua Chebanse, Martinton DawnBernard, Ashkum, Ashkum Pair of wether lambs — Edward N. Hanson Hampshire busters, second; Ben Schleef, Onarga, WoodChargers, second IV, Clifton, Milks Grove Challengers, first (2); Ram lamb — Sam Munsterman, Watseka, first; worth Kountry Klovers, second. Pair of Breeding Ewes — Edward N Hanson, Kylie Adams, Herscher, first; Elizabeth Kleinert, Rhianna Cyr, Chebanse, Chebanse Little Ducks, Grand champion dairy feeder IV, Clifton, Milks Grove Challengers, first; Ashkum, Milks Grove Challengers, second; second. Cyrus Cook, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, Joshua Bernard, Ashkum, Ashkum Chargers, Zach Gerling, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, Yearling ewe — Rhianna Cyr, Chebanse, first. second second; Macray Price, Chebanse, Martinton Chebanse Little Ducks, first; Conner Unger, Reserve champion dairy feeder Cheviot&Southdown Dawnbusters, second. Chebanse, Ashkum Go-Getters, second. Macray Price, Chebanse, Martinton DawnRam Lamb — Alivia Porter, Ashkum Go-GetMarket Ewe lamb Ewe lamb — Sam Munsterman, Watseka, first busters, first. ters, first; Peyton Howe, Danforth Milks Grove market ewe lamb — Bryce Hensler, Clifton, and second. Challengers, second Ashkum Go-Getters, first; Joseph Bernard, AshYearling ewe and ewe lamb — Rhianna Cyr, JUNIOR CLASS SHEEP Yearling Ewe over1&under2 — Alivia Porter, kum, Ashkum Chargers, first; Edward N. Hanson Chebanse, Chebanse Little Ducks, first; Sam Wether Lambs Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first and second IV, Clifton, Milks Grove Challengers first (2); Munsterman, Watseka, second. Single wether lamb — Sam Munsterman, Ewe Lamb — Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Zach Gerling, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, Pair of breeding lambs — Sam Munsterman, Watseka, first; Bryce Hensler, Clifton, Ashkum second (2); Hunter Hull, Danforth, Danforth Watseka, first; Rhianna Cyr, Chebanse, Chebanse Go-Getters, first and second Go-Getters, first (2); Zach Gerlling, Onarga, Yearling Ewe&Ewe Lamb — Alivia Porter, Blue Ribbon, second; Madison Price, Chebanse, Little Ducks, second. Danforth Blue Ribbon, first and second; Edward Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first and second Martinton Dawnbusters, second. Columbia Oxford, AOB N. Hanson IV, Clifton, Milks Grove Challengers, Pair of Market Lambs Pair of Breeding Lambs — Alivia Porter, AshYearling ewe — Alivia Porter, Ashkum, first (2) and second (2); Macray Price, Chebanse, kum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first and second Pair of market lambs — Bryce Hensler, Ashkum Go-Getters, first; MacKenzie Adams, Martinton Dawnbusters, first; Elizabeth Kleinert, Clifton, Ashkum Go-Getters, first; Zach Gerling, Showmanship Herscher, second. Ashkum, Ashkum Chargers, second; Madison Junior Showmanship — Sam Munsterman, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Edward Ewe lamb — Bryce Hensler, Clifton, Ashkum Price, Chebanse, Martinton Dawnbusters, secWatseka, first; Lilian Unger, Chebanse, Ashkum N. Hanson IV, Clifton, Milks Grove ChallengGo-Getters, first; MacKenzie Adams, Herscher, ond; Alivia Porter, Ashkum Ashkum Go-Getters, Go-Getters, second ers, first and second; Macray Price, Chebansse, second. second; Elizabeth Poskin, Ashkum, Milks Grove Senior Showmanship — Zach Gerling, Onarga, Martinton Dawnbusters, second; Madison Price, Yearling ewe and ewe lamb — MacKenzie Challengers, second. Danforth Blue Ribbon, first; Rhianna Cyr, CheChebanse, Martinton Dawnbusters, second. Adams, Herscher, first. Pair of Wether Lambs banse, Chebanse Little Ducks, second
Iroquois County Fair Queen Brianne Miller welcomes buyers and parents to this year’s Iroquois County Fair livestock auction, July 22.
Iroquois County Fair Results 2019
Open Class
August 2019
Iroquois County Fair has listed its open class results. BEEF Angus Gavin Walder, Hoopeston, Ft. Creed 4-H Producers, first-angus summer yearling; Madysen Marcott, Cissna Park, Claytonville, first-angus junior yearling; Tatum Willms, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first-angus junior yearling; Gavin Walder, Hoopeston, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first-champion heifer; and Tatum Willms, Gilman, Gilman Victory, first-angus reserve champion heifer. Hereford Nolan Lee, Wellington, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first-hereford heifer calf; Lauren Janssen, Crescent City, Watseka Wild Clovers, secondhereford heifer calf; Gracie Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-hereford summer yearling heifer; Nolan Lee, Wellington, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first-hereford champion heifer; Ben Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-hereford jr., summer yearling; Alaina Scher, Crescent City, Watseka Wild Clovers, second-hereford jr., summer yearling; Nolan Lee, Wellington, 4-H Producers, first hereford champion heifer; Nolan Lee, Wellington, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first-hereford reserve champion heifer; Nolan Lee, Wellington, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first-hereford two females; and Ben Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth Country Klovers, second-hereford two females. Shorthorn Abigail Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-shorthorn summer yearling heifer; Abigail Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-shorthorn jr., summer yearling; Abigail Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-shorthorn champion heifer; Abigail Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-shorthorn reserve champion heifer; Abigail Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-shorthorn two females; and Abigail Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, firstshorthorn pair of yearlings. Maine Anjou Gretchen Willms, Gilman, Gilman Victorry, firstMaine anjou summer yearling; Tatum Willms, Gilman, Gilman Victorry, first-Maine anjou summer yearling; Andrew Talbert, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-Maine anjou jr., summer yearling; Gretchen Willms, Gilman, Gilman Victorry, first-Maine anjou jr., summer yearling; Vivien Griffen, Danforth, Gilman, Gilman Victorry, fistMaine anjou cow calf; Gretchen Willms, Gilman, Gilman Victorry, first-Maine anjou two females; and Gretchen Willms, Gilman, Gilman Victorry, first-Maine anjou pair of yearlings. Crossbred Gracie Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-crossbred summer yearling; Adaline Eisenmann, Mahomet, Ft. Creek Stitch ‘N Do, second-crossbred summer yearling; Kamryn Ann Johnson, Cissna Park, Claytonville, thirdcrossbred summer yearling; Alaina Scher, Crescent City, Watseka Wild Clovers, first-crossbred jr., summer yearling; Kipten Steiner, Buckley, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, second-crossbred jr., summer yearling; Lincoln Steiner, Buckley, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-crossbred jr., summer yearling; Gracie Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-crossbred cow calf; Gracie Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-crossbred two females; and Gracie Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-crossbred best three head. Simmental Sophia Wagner, Onarga, Country Kickers, firstJr., summer yearling; Clare Wagner, Onarga, Country Kickers, first-Jr., summer yearling; Madysen Marcott, Cissna Park, Claytonville, first-Sr., summer yearling; and Sophia Wagner, Onarga, Country Kickers, first-cow calf. Market Heifer Madysen Marcott, Cissna Park, Claytonville, first-market heifer; Abigail Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-market heifer; Abigail Wagner, Milford, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-champion; and Madysen Marcott, Cissna Park, Claytonville, first-reserve champion. Angus Steers Macy Sinn, Cissna Park, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first-angus steer; Brayden Walder, Rankin, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first-angus steer; Raegen Gooding, Watseka, Sheldon Square Shooters, first-angus steer; Brayden Walder, Rankin, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first-champion; and Raegan Gooding, Watseka, Sheldon Square Shooters, first-reserve champion. Hereford Steers Alaina Scher, Crescent City, Watseka Wild Clovers, first-lightweight steer; Ben Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, firstlightweight steer; Gracie Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-lightweight steer; Lauren Janssen, Crescent City, Watseka Wild Clovers, second-lightweight steer; Gracie Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-champion; and Ben Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-reserve champion. Shorthorn Steer Taylor Talbert, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-lightweight steer, Adaline Eisenmann, Mahomet, Ft. Creek Stitch ‘N Do, first-lightweight steer; Zachary Zbinden, Crescent City, Loda Helping Hands, first-lightweight steer; Taylor Talbert, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, firstchampion; and Adaline Eisenmann, Mahomet, Ft, Crrek Stitch ‘N Do, first-reserve champion. Maine Anjou Steer Dayten Eisenmann, Mahomet, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first-lightweight steer; Sadie Drayer, Rankin, Ft. Creek Stitch ‘N Do, first-lightweight steer; Dayten Eisenmann, Mahomet, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first-champion; and Sadie Drayer, Rankin, Ft. Creek Stitch ‘N Do, firstreserve champion. Crossbred Steer Ryan Drayer, Ranking, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first-lightweight steer; David Zbinden, Crescent City, Loda Helping Hands, first-lightweight steer; Levi Zbinden, Crescent City, Loda Helping
Zachary Gerling, Iroquois West FFY, shows his grand champion FFA wether lamb with fair queen Brieanne Miller, and, representing the buyers, Tasha Hanson, Edward Hanson, and Brittany Cluver. Hands, first-lightweight steer; Aubrey Wagner, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, firstlightweight steer; Maxwell Gooding, Watseka, Sheldon Square Shooters, second-lightweight steer; Breyden Sinn, Cissna Park, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, second-lightweight steer; Logan Walder, Hoopeston, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, second-lightweight steer; Benjamin Jackson, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, second-lightweight steer; Kamryn Ann Johnson, Cissna Park, Claytonville, third-lightweight steer; Aubrey Wagner, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-champion; and Levi Zbinden, Crescent City, Loda Helping Hands, first-reserve champion. Simmental Steer Derek Drayer, Rankin, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first-lightweight steer; Morgan Sinn, Cissna Park, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first-lightweight steer; Chloe Wagner, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-heavy weight steer; Chloe Wagner, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-champion; Morgan Sinn, Cissna Park, Ft. Creek 4-H Producers, first-reserve champion; Aubrey Wagner, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-grand champion; and Levi Zbinden, Crescent City, Loda Helping Hands, first-reserve grand champion. DAIRY Jersey, Guernsey, Ayrshire Maddie Beyer, Columbus, Indiana, first-spring heifer calf; High Knoll Farm, Paris, secondspring heifer calf; High Knoll Farm, Paris, first-winter heifer calf; High Knoll Farm, Paris, second-winter heifer calf; High Knoll Farm, Paris, first-fall heifer calf; High Knoll Farm, Paris, second-fall heifer calf; High Knoll Farm, Paris, first-spring yearling; Maddie Beyer, Columbus, Indiana, first-Jr. champion female; Madison Price, Chabanse, first-cow, 2 Yr. old; High Knoll Farm, Paris, first-aged cow, 5 Yr. old and older; High Knoll Farm, Paris, first-dam and daughter; High Knoll Farm, Paris, first-pair of females any age; and High Knoll Farm, Paris, second-pair of females any age. Registered Holstein Maddie Beyer, Columbus, Indiana, first-winter heifer calf; Maddie Beyer, Columbus, Indiana, first-fall heifer calf; Collin McGehee, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-summer yearling; Macray Price, Chebanse, Martinton Dawnbusters, first-holstein spring yearling; Collin McGehee, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-holstein spring yearling; Collin McGehee, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-winter yearling; Miles Price, Chebanse, Martinton Dawnbusters, second-winter yearling; Miles Price, Chebanse, Martinton Dawnbusters, firstcow, 3 or 4 Yr. old; and Maddie Beyer, Columbus, Indiana, first-pair of females any age. Brown Swiss, Grade Dairy, AOB Gracie Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth, Kountry Klovers, first-spring heifer calf; Maddie Beyer, Columbus, Indiana, first-fall heifer calf; Gracie Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, second-fall heifer calf; and Gracie Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-cow, 3 and 4 Yr. old. Dairy Feeder Steer Cyrus Cook, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-dairy feeder steer; Macray Price, Chebanse, Martinton Dawnbusters, first-dairy feeder steer; Gracie Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry
Klovers, first-dairy feeder steer; Macray Price, Chebanse, Martinton Dawnbusters, second-dairy feeder steer; Ben Schleef, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, second-dairy feeder steer; Cyrus Cook, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-grand champion; and Macray Price, Chebanse, Martinton Dawnbusters, first-reserve grand champion. DRAFT HORSE Morning Show Amanda Sanders, Gardner, first-stallions; Susan Crocker, Grant Park, first-mares 4 years and older, any breed; Susan Crocker, Grant Park, second-mares 4 years and older, any breed; Amanda Sanders, Gardner, third-mares 4 years and older, any breed; Berry’s Belgians, Villa Grove, first-gelding-all ages; David Taft, Springfield, second-gelding-all ages; and Bayles Belgians & Minatures, Gibson City, first-draft horse under saddle. Afternoon Show Micklatcher Heritage Hill, Faralbion, Michigan, first-ladies cart class, draft; Susan Crocker, Grant Park, second-ladies cart class, draft; Bayles Belfians & Minatures, Gibson City, first-female miniature horse; Nafaigen Miniatures, Gibson City, second-female miniature horse; Amanda Sanders, Gardner, third-female miniature horse; Amanda Sanders, Gardner, first-male miniature horse; Erica Anderson, Milford, second-male miniature horse; Mike Hillier, Waterman, thirdmale miniature horse; Micklatcher Heritage Hill, Faralbion, Michigan, first-men’s cart class; Berry’s Belgians, Villa Grove, second-men’s cart class; Susan Crocker, Grant Park, thirdmen’s cart class; Amanda Sanders, Gardner, first-jumping class, miniature; Michael Miller, Buckley, second-jumping class, miniature; Bayles Belgians & Minatures, Gibson City, third-jumping class, miniature; Bayles Belgians & Minatures, Gibson City, first-youth cart; Susan Crocker, Grant Park, second-youth cart; Susan Crocker, Grant Park, third-youth cart; Susan Crocker, Grant Park, first-draft team/show wagon; Kole Stadt, Grant Park, first-driving class-ponies and miniatures; Amanda Sanders, Gardner, second-driving class-ponies and miniatures; Bayles Belgians & Minatures, Gibson City, third-driving class-ponies and miniatures; Berry’s Belgians, Villa Grove, first-draft team/ show wagon; Micklatcher Heritage Hill, Faralbion, Michigan, second-draft team/show wagon; Susan Crocker, Grant Park, first-youth driver under 18; Micklatcher Heritage Hill, Faralbion, Michigan, first-draft unicorn hitch; Berry’s Belgians, Villa Grove, second-draft unicorn hitch; Susan Crocker, Grant Park, third-draft unicorn hitch; Bayles Belgians & Minatures, Gibson City, first-draft pony team/show wagon; Mike Hillier, Waterman, second-draft pony team/show wagon; Bayles Belgians & Minatures, Gibson City, first-draft pony and miniature unicorn; Micklatcher Heritage Hill, Faralbion, Michigan, first-four horse hitch; Berry’s Belgians, Villa Grove, second-four horse hitch; Jessalyn Eisenmann, Cissna Park, Ft. Creek Stitch ‘N Do, first-costume class; Perzee/Schumacher Farms, Gilman, second-costume class; Bayles Belgians & Minatures, Gibson City, third-costume class; Bayles Belgians & Minatures, Gibson City, first-draft four pony hitch; Bayles Belgians & Minatures, Gibson City, first-six miniature horse
hitch; Micklatcher Heritage Hill, Faralbion, Michigan, first-six horse hitch; Berry’s Belgians, Villa Grove, second-six horse hitch; Micklatcher Heritage Hill, Faralbion, Michigan, first-oldest exhibitor; Gannon M. Hixson, Ashkum, firstyoungest exhibitor; and Bayles Belgians & Minatures, Gibson City, first-most entries. HORSE AND PONY Saturday Classes Margaret Thorne, Onarga, Gilman Victorry, first-junior pole bending; Ellie Paul, Paxton, Loda Helping Hands, second, junior pole bending; Bruce Correll, Denver, Indiana, first-open pole bending, Bruce Correll, Denver, Indiana, second-open pole bending; Jamie Reed, Sidney, third-open pole bending; Bruce Correll, Denver, Indiana, first-barrels; Bruce Correll, Denver, Indiana, second-barrels; Jamie Reed, Sidney, thirdbarrels; Jessica Reed, Sidney, first-ladies barrels; Marti Maul-Bauer, Cissna Park, second-ladies barrels; Jamie Reed, Sidney, third-ladies barrels; Abby Hamilton, Chestnut, first-junior barrels 18 years and under; Madelyn Bauer, Cissna Park, second-junior barrels 18 years and under; Bruce Correll, Denver, Indiana, first-first division barrels; Jessica Reed, Sidney, second-first division barrels; Bruce Correll, Denver, Indiana, thirdfirst division barrels; Ellie Paul, Paxton, Loda Helping Hands; first-second division barrels; Dave Reed, Newman, second-second division barrels; Bridget Rinehart, Watseka, first-third division barrels; Courtney Normile, Paxton, second-third division barrels; Christie Edwards, Watseka, third-third division barrels; Bruce Correll, Denver, Indiana, first-men’s barrels; Dave Reed, Newman, second-men’s barrels; Sunday Classes Jim Koch, Crescent City, first-open haltermares; Stacy Patterson, Coal City, second-open halter-mares; Briana Bachman, Loda, Loda Helping Hands, third-open halter-mares; Bobbi Kelley, Manteno, first-open halter-geldings; Brittany Ryan, Coal City, second-open haltergeldings; Maria Lemenager, Loda, Loda Helping Hands, first-junior english pleasure; Jessalyn Eisenmann, Cissna Park, Ft. Creek Stitch ‘N Do, second-junior english pleasure; Katie Jones, Beecher, third-junior english pleasure; Maria Lemenager, Loda, Loda Helping Hands, first-english pleasure; Kate Heisner, Beecher, second-english pleasure; KKT Performance Horses, Peotone, first-senior horse western pleasure; Tony Zell, Chebanse, second-senior horse western pleasure; KKT Performance Horses, Peotone, first-Jack Benny-Phyllis Diller; Gerald Hendricks, Crescent City, second-Jack Benny-Phyllis Diller; Debbie Prather, Urbana, third-Jack Benny-Phyllis Diller; Brittany Ryan, Coal City, first-junior horse open pleasure; Stacy Patterson, Coal City, second-junior horse open pleasure; Maria Lemenager, Loda, Loda Helping Hands, first-junior western pleasure; Colin Tobias, Farmer City, first-junior western pleasure; Jessalyn Eisenmann, Cissna Park, Ft. Creek Stitch ‘N Do, second-juniior western pleasure; Katie Jones, Beecher, first-walk trot; Maria Lemenager, Loda, Loda Helping Hands, second-walk trot; Briana Bachman, Loda, Loda Helping Hands, third-walk trot; Tony Zell, Chebanse, first-adult walk trot; Tony Zell, Chebanse,
See HORSE, page 8
Page 8 August 2019
Iroquois County Fair Results 2019
HORSE, from page 7 second-adult walk trot; KKT Performance Horses, Peotone, third-adult walk trot; Tony Zell, Chebanse, first-open pleasure; KKT Performance Horses, Peotone, second-open pleasure; Tony Zell, Chebanse, first-ladies western pleasure; KKT Performance Horses, Peotone, second-ladies western pleasure;
Clare Peters, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-ram lamb; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-yearling ewe; MacKenzie Adams, Herscher, second-yearling ewe; MacKenzie Adams, Herscher, second-junior ewe lamb; Clare Peters, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-ram lamb and ewe lamb; and MacKenzie Adams, Herscher, first-yearling OPEN WESTERN PONY ewe and ewe lamb. Saturday Classes Dorsets Margaret Thorne, Onarga, Gilman Victorry, Taylor Dietz, Seymour, first-ram lamb; first-junior pole bending; Ellie Paul Paxton, Fred Peters, Ashkum, Danforth Blue RibLoda Helping Hands, second-junior pole bon, second-ram lamb; Fred Peters, Ashbending; Bruce Correll, Denver, Indiana, kum, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-pair first-open pole bending; Bruce Correll, of ram lambs; Taylor Dietz, Seymour, Denver, Indiana, second-open pole bending; first-yearling ewe; Fred Peters, Ashkum, Bruce Correll, Denver, Indiana, firstDanforth Blue Ribbon, second-yearling barrels; Bruce Correll, Denver, Indiana, ewe; Taylor Dietz, Seymour, first-pair second-barrels; Jamie Reed, Sidney, thirdof yearling ewes; Fred Peters, Ashkum, barrels; Jessica Reed, Sidney, first-ladies Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-pair of barrels; Marti Maul-Bauer, Cissna Park, yearling ewes; Taylor Dietz, Seymour, second-ladies barrels; Abby Hamilton, first-intermediate ewe lamb; Taylor Chestnut, first-junior barrels 18 years Dietz, Seymour, second-intermediate and under; Madelyn Bauer, Cissna Park, ewe lamb; Taylor Dietz, Seymour, firstsecond-junior barrels 18 years and under; junior ewe lamb; Fred Peters, Ashkum, Bruce Correll, Denver, Indiana, first-first Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-junior division barrels; Jessica Reed, Sidney, ewe lamb; Taylor Dietz, Seymour, firstsecond-first division barrels; Bruce Correll, pair of ewe lambs; Fred Peters, Ashkum, Denver, Indiana, third-first division barrels; Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-pair Ellie Paul, Paxton, Loda Helping Hands, of ewe lambs; Taylor Dietz, Seymour, first-second division barrels; Dave Reed, first-pen of breeding lambs; Fred Peters, Newman, second-second division barrels; Ashkum, Danforth Blue Ribbon, secondBridget Rinehart, Watseka, first-third divipen of breeding lambs; Taylor Dietz, sion barrels; Courtney Normile, Paxton, Seymour, first-ram lamb and ewe lambs; second-third division barrels; Christie EdFred Peters, Ashkum, Danforth Blue wards, Watseka, third-third division barrels; Ribbon, second-ram lamb and ewe lamb; Bruce Correll, Denver, Indiana, first-men’s Taylor Dietz, Seymour, first-best 4 head; barrels; Dave Reed, Newman, secondFred Peters, Ashkum, Danforth Blue Ribmen’s barrels; Bruce Correll, Denver, Indibon, second-best 4 head; Taylor Dietz, ana, first-open flags; Jamie Reed, Sidney, Seymour, first-young flock; Fred Peters, second-open flags; Jim Koch, Crescent Ashkum, Danforth Blue Ribbon, secondCity, first-open halter-mares; Stacy Patteryoung flock; Taylor Dietz, Seymour, son, Coal City, second-open halter-mares; first-yearling ewe and ewe lamb; and Bobbi Kelley, Manteno, first-open halterTaylor Dietz, Seymour, second-yearling geldings; Brittany Ryan, Coal City, secondewe and ewe lamb. open halter-geldings; Maria Lemenager, Suffolk and Shropshire Loda, Loda Helping Hands, first-junior engBeau Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove lish pleasure; Jessalyn Eisenmann, Cissna Chanllengers, first-ram lamb; Kylie AdPark, Ft. Creek Stitch ‘N Do, second-junior ams, Herscher, second-ram lamb; Kylie english pleasure; Maria Lemenager, Loda, Adams, Herscher, first-pair of ram lambs; Loda Helping Hands, first-english pleasure; Emigrant Springs Suffolks, Marseilles, Kate Heisner, Beecher, second-english pleasecond-pair of ram lambs; Kylie Adams, sure; KKT Performance Horses, Peotone, Herscher, first-yearling ewe; Beau Howe, first-senior horse western pleasure; Tony Danforth, Milks Grove Chanllengers, Zell, Chebanse, second-senior horse west- Jacob Ritter, Milks Grove Challengers, shows his grand champion pen of second-yearling ewe; Joseph Bernard, ern pleasure; KKT Performance Horses, Ashkum, Ashkum Chargers, fist-pair Peotone, first-Jack Benny-Phyllis Diller; poultry with Iroquois County Fair Queen Brianne Miller and Dean Shaffer, of yearling ewes; Emigrant Springs Gerald Hendricks, Crescent City, second- representing the buyers. Suffolks, Marseilles, second-pair of Jack Benny-Maira Lemenager, Loda, yearling ewes; ; Beau Howe, Danforth, Loda Helping Hands, first-junior western Milks Grove Chanllengers, firstChanllengers, first-grand champion round; MacMilks Grove Chanllengers, first-royal round; pleasure; Colin Tobias, Farmer City, first-junior intermediate ewe lamb; Kylie Adams, Herscher, ray Price, Chebanse, Martinton Dawnbusters, Lilian Unger, Chebanse, Ashkum Go-Getters, western pleasure; Jessalyn Eisenmann, Cissna second-intermediate ewe lamb; Kylie Adams, second-grand champion round second-royal round Park, Ft. Creek Stitch ‘N Do, second-junior herscher, first-junior ewe lamb; Joseph Bernard, Pair of Wether Lambs Hampshire western pleasure; Katie Jones, Beecher, firstAshkum, Ashkum Chargers, second-junior ewe Lilian Unger, Chebanse, Ashkum Go-Getters, Sam Munsteman, Watseka, first-ram lamb; walk trot; Maria Lemenager, Loda, Loda Helplamb; Kylie Adams, Herscher, first-pair of ewe first-pair; Kylie Adams, Herscher, fist-pair; EdRhianna Cyr, Chebanse, Chebanse Little Ducks, ing Hands, second-walk trot; Briana Bachman, lambs; Beau Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove ward N. Hanson IV, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanl- second-ram lamb; Chapin Hamps, Coal City, Loda, Loda Helping Hands, third-walk trot; Tony lengers, first-pair; Elizabeth Kleinert, Ashkum, Chanllengers, second-pair of ewe lambs; Kylie third-ram lamb; Chapin Hamps, Coal City, Zell, Chabanse, first-adult walk trot; Tony Zell, Adams, Herscher, first-pen of breeding lambs; Ashkum Chargers, second-pair; Conner Unger, first-pair of ram lambs; Miles Price, Chebanse, Chebanse, second-adult walk trot; Tony Zell, Beau Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove ChanllengChebanse, Ashkum Go-Getters, second-pair; Martinton Dawnbusters, first-yearling ewe; Chebanse, first-open pleasure; KKT Performance Edward N. Hanson IV, Clifton, Milks Grove ers, second-pen of breeding lambs; Beau Howe, Miles Price, Chebanse, Martinton Dawnbusters, Horses, Peotone, second-open pleasure; Tony Danforth, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-ram Chanllengers, first-champion pair of lambs. second-yearling ewe; Lilian Unger, Chebanse, Zell, Chebanse, first-ladies western pleasure; lambs and ewe lambs; Kylie Adams, Herscher, Market Ewe Lambs Ashkum Go-Getters, third-yearling ewe; Miles KKT Performance Horses, Peotone, secondsecond-ram lamb and ewe lambs; Kylie Adams, Edward N. Hanson IV, Clifton, Milks Grove Price, Chebanse, Martinton Dawnbusters, ladies western pleasure; Herscher, third-ram lamb and ewe lambs; Kylie Chanllengers, first-market ewe lambs; Madifirst-pair of yearling ewes; Champin Hamps, Adams, Herscher, first-best 4 head; Beau Howe, son Price, Chebanse, Martinton Dawnbusters, Coal City, second-pair of yearling ewes; Chapin SHEEP Danforth, Milks Grove Chanllengers, secondfirst-market ewe lambs; Lilian Unger, CheHamps, Coal City, first-intermediate ewe lamb; Wether Lambs best 4 head; Beau Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove banse, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-market ewe Chapin Hamps, Coal City, second-intermediate Sam Munsterman, Watseka, first-single Chanllengers, first-young flock; Kylie Adams, lambs; Elizabeth Kleinert, Ashkum, Ashkum ewe lamb; Joshua Bernard, Ashkum, Ashkum wether lamb; Lilian Unger, Chebanse, Ashkum Herscher, second-young flock; Kylie Adams, Go-Getters, second-market ewe lambs; Bryce Chargers, third-intermediate ewe lamb; Sam Go-Getters, first-single wether lamb; Bryce Herscher, first-yearling ewe and ewe lamb; Hensler, Clifton, Ashkum Go-Getters, secondMunsterman, Watseka, first-junior ewe lamb; Hensler, Clifton, Ashkum Go-Getters, first Joseph Bernard, Ashkum, Ashkum Chargers, market ewe lambs; Macray Price, Chebanse, Sam Munsterman, Watseka, second-junior ewe (2)-single wether lamb; Edward N. Hanson IV, second-yearling ewe and ewe lamb Martinton Dawnbusters, second-market ewe lamb; Sam Munsterman, Watseka, first-pair of Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-single Commercial lambs;Elizabeth Poskin, Ashkum, Hunter Hull, ewe lambs; Chapin Hamps, Coal City, secondwether lamb; Miles Price, Chebanse, Martinton Joshua Bernard, Ashkum, Ashkum Chargers, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, third-market pair of ewe lambs; Sam Munsterman, Watseka, Dawnbusters, first-single wether lamb; Macray first-yearling ewe; Zoe Ault, Herscher, secondewe lambs; Lilian Unger, Chebanse, Ashkum first-pen of breeding lambs; Chapin Hamps, Price, Chebanse, Martinton Dawnbusters, fistyearling ewe; Joshua Bernard, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-market ewe lambs; Edward N. Coal City, second-pen of breeding lambs; Joshua single wether lamb; Lilian Unger, Chebanse, Chargers, first-pair of yearling ewes; Edward N. Hanson IV, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, Bernard, Ashkum, third-pen of breeding lambs; Ashkum Go-Getters, second-single wether lamb; Hanson IV, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-market ewe lambs Sam Munsterman, Watseka, first-ram lamb and Elizabeth Kleinert, Ashkum, Ashkum Chargers, first-intermediate ewe lamb; Joshua Bernard, Pair of Market Lambs ewe lambs; Rhianna Cyr, Chebanse, second-ram second-single wether lamb; Conner Unger, Ashkum, Ashkum Chargers, second-intermediate Edward N. Hanson IV, Clifton, Milks Grove lamb and ewe lambs; Chapin Hamps, Coal City, Chebanse, Ashkum Go-Getters, second-single ewe lamb; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Chanllengers, first-pair of market lambs; Lilian third-ram lamb and ewe lambs; Sam Munsterwether lamb; Lacey Cotter, Dewey, Gilman VicGo-Getters, first-junior ewe lamb; Edward N. Unger, Chebanse, Ashkum Go-Getters, firstman, Watseka, first-best 4 head; Chapin Hamps, torry, second-single wether lamb; Macray Price, Hanson IV, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengpair of market lambs; Macray Price, Chebanse, Coal City, second-best 4 head; Rhianna Cyr, Chebanse, Martinton Dawnbusters, second-siners, first-pair of ewe lambs; Joshua Bernard, Martinton Dawnbusters, first-pair of market Chebanse, Chebanse Little Ducks, first-young gle wether lamb; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum lambs; Hunter Hull, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ashkum, Ashkum Chargers, second-pair of ewe flock; Sam Munsterman, Watseka, second-young Go-Getters, second-single wether lamb; Lilian lambs; Joshua Bernard, Ashkum, Ashkum CharRibbon, second-pair of market lambs; Bryce flock; Chapin Hamps, Coal City, first-yearling Unger, Chebanse, Ashkum Go-Getters, secondgers, first-best 4 head; Zoe Ault, Herscher, firstHensler, Clifton, Ashkum Go-Getters, secondewe and ewe lamb; Rhianna Cyr, Chebanse, single wether lamb; Conner Unger, Chebanse, yearling ewe and ewe lamb; Joshua Bernard, pair of market lambs; Edward N. Hanson IV, Chebanse Little Ducks, second-yearling ewe and Ashkum Go-Getters, third-single wether lamb; Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-pair ewe lamb Edward N. Hanson IV, Clifton, Milks Grove of market lambs; Edward N. Hanson IV, Clifton, Columbia, Oxford and AOB See SHEEP, page 9
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August 2019
Iroquois County Fair Results 2019
SHEEP, from page 8 Ashkum, Ashkum Chargers, second-yearling ewe and ewe lamb Cheviot and Southdown Peyton Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-ram lamb; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, second-ram lamb; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-pair of ram lambs; Peyton Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-pair of ram lambs; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-yearling ewe; Peyton Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-yearling ewe; Peyton Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-pair of yearling ewes; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, second-pair of yearling ewes; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-intermediate ewe lamb; Peyton Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-intermediate ewe lamb; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-junior ewe lamb; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, second-junior ewe lamb; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-pair of ewe lambs; Peyton Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-pair of ewe lambs; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-pen of breeding lambs; Peyton Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-pen of breeding lambs; Peyton Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove Chanllengers, third-pen of breeding lambs; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-ram lamb and ewe lambs; Peyton Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-ram lamb and ewe lambs; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-best 4 head; Peyton Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-best 4 head; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-young flock; Peyton Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-young flock; Alivia Porter, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-yearling ewe and ewe lamb; Peyton Howe, Danforth, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-yearling ewe and ewe lamb Carcass Joseph Bernard, Ashkum, Ashkum Chargers, first-live; Richard Adams, Bonfield, second-live; Joseph Bernard, Ashkum, Ashkum Chargers, first-carcass; Caleb Behrends, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-carcass Costume Lead Avery Adams, Herscher, first-costume lead class; Clare Peters, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-costume lead class SWINE Crossbred Blake A. Dixon, Watseka, first-gilt; Kirstyn C. Lucht, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-gilt; Seth Bishop, Donovan, Donovan Ag, first (2)gilt; Sydney Kestler, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-gilt; Avery Schroeder, Wellington, second-gilt; Clayton Gullquist, Chebanse, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-gilt; Autumn Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-gilt; Dylan Trumann, Milford, Sheldon Square Shooters, second-gilt; Jacob Weakley, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, second-gilt; Kirstyn C. Lucht, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-champion gilt; Blake A. Dixon, Watseka, first-reserve champion gilt; Kirstyn C. Lucht, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-barrow; Hailey L. Lucht, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first (2)-barrow; Bailee Fanning, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-barrow; Sydney Kestler, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-barrow; Payton Sheridan, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-barrow; Jacob Weakley, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, first-barrow; Dallas Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, secondbarrow; Spencer Chandler, Loda, second-barrow; Christa Hickman, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, second-barrow; Dexter Nordmeyer, Chebanse, Chebanse Little Ducks, second-barrow; Sydney Kestler, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, secondbarrow; Lucas Summers, Milford, Watseka Wild Clovers, second-barrow; Destiny Thomas, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, secondbarrow; Alissa Summers, Milford, Watseka Wild Clovers, third-barrow; Travis Harpster, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, third-barrow; Sydney Kestler, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-champion barrow; and Dallas Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-reserve champion barrow. Berkshire Blake A. Dixon, Watseka, first-gilt; Claire Tammen, Danforth, first-gilt; Kirstyn C. Lucht, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, second-gilt; Kory Kohler, Chebanse, Martinton Dawnbusters, second-gilt;Blake A. Dixon, Watseka, first-champion gilt; Kirstyn C. Lucht, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-reserve champion gilt; Olivia
Gillins, Hoopeston, Ft. Creek Stitch ‘N Do, firstbarrow; Danielle Behrends, Rossville, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-barrow; Jacob Weakley, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, first-barrow; Blake A. Dixon, Watseka, second-barrow; Kandace Behrends, Rossville, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-barrow; Ashtyn Hurliman, Cissna Park, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, second-barrow; Olivia Gillins, Hoopeston, Ft. Creek Stitch ‘N Do, first-champion barrow; and Ashtyn Hurliman, Cissna Park, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-reserve champion barrow. Chester White Dexter Nordmeyer, Chebanse, Chebanse Llittle Ducks, first-gilt; Caiden Brassard, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, second-gilt; Dexter Mordmeyer, Chebanse, Chebanse Little Ducks, first-champion gilt; Daiden Brassard, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-reserve champion gilt; John Ahlden, Ashkum, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-barrow; Caiden Brassard, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first- barrow; Dexter Nordmeyer, Chebanse, Chebanse Little Ducks, secondbarrow; Alissa Summers, Milford, Watseka Wild Clovers, second-barrow; Caiden Brassard, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-champin barrow; and Dexter Nordmeyer, Chebanse, Chebanse Little Ducks, first-reserve champion barrow. Duroc Blake A. Dixon, Watseka, first-gilt; Clayton Gullquist, Chebanse, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-gilt; Seth Bishop, Donovan, Donovan Ag, first-gilt; Dexter Nordmeyer, Chebanse Llittle Ducks, second (2)-gilt; Blake A. Dixon, Watseka, first-champion gilt; Seth Bishop, Donovan, Donovan Ag, first-reserve champion gilt; Blake A. Dixon, Watseka, first-barrow; Clayton Gullquist, Chebanse, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-barrow; Dallas Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-barrow; Seth Bishop, Donovan, Donovan Ag, first-barrow; Grace Vance, Onarga, Prairie Champions, first-barrow; Dylan Vance, Onarga, Prairie Champions, firstbarrow; Riley Behrends, Clifton, Ashkum GoGetters, second-barrow; Traxton Roberts, Gifford, Prairie Champions, second-barrow; Klaytin Hunsinger, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, second-barrow; Kaleb Suchaczewski, Rossville, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-barrow; Jack Wesslund, Loda, Prairie Champions, secondbarrow; Payton Sheridan, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, second-barrow; Dallas Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-champion barrow; and Seth Bishop, Donovan, Donovan Ag, first-reserve champion barrow. Hampshire Jordin C. Lucht, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-gilt; Ashtyn Hurliman, Cissna Park, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, second-gilt; John Ahlden, Ashkum, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, third-gilt; Jordin C. Lucht, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-champion gilt; Ashtyn Hurliman, Cissna Park, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-reserve champion gilt; Dallas Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-barrow; Bailee Fanning, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-barrow; Caiden Brassard, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-barrow; Hannah Kollmann, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, secondbarrow; Lily Anderson, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-barrow; Addyson Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-barrow; Caiden Brassard, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-champion barrow; and Dallas Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove chanllengers, first-reserve champion barrow. Spots Catherine Wesslund, Loda, Prairie Champions, first-gilt; Coris White, Bourbonnais, first-gilt; Micah Sheridan, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-gilt; Claire Tammen,, Danforth, first-gilt; Clayton Gullquist, Chebanse, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-gilt; Dylan Vance, Onarga, Prairie Champions, second-gilt; Addyson Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, secondgilt; Garrett Tammen, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-gilt; Coris White, Bourbonnais, first-champion gilt; Micah Sheridan, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-reserve champion gilt; Clayton Gullquist, Chebanse, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-barrow; Traxton Roberts, Gifford, Prairie Champions, first-barrow; Coris White, Bourbonnais, first-barrow; Destiny Thomas, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, firstbarrow; Taylor Marcum, Gibson City, Crescent City Barnbangers, second-barrow; Jack Wesslund, Loda, Prairie Champions, second-barrow; Sydney Kestler, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, second-barrow; Garret Tammen, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-barrow; Coris White, Bourbonnais, first-champion barrow; and Traxton Roberts, Gifford, Prairie Champions
first-reserve champion barrow. Yorkshire Lydia Siebert, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-gilt; Grace Vance, Onarga, Prairie Champions, first-gilt; Olivia Gillins, Hoopeston, Ft. Creek Stitch ‘N Do, second-gilt; Alissa Summers, Milford, Watseka Wild Clovers, second-gilt; Lydia Siebert, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-champion gilt; Alissa Summers, Milford, Watseka Wild Clovers, first-reserve champion gilt; Jordin C. Lucht, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-barrow; Lydia Siebert, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-barrow; Bailee Fanning, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-barrow; Grace Vance, Onarga, Prairie Champions, first-barrow; Ryan Strebeck, Onarga, Crescent City Barnbangers, first-barrow; Hannah Kollmann, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, second-barrow; Dexter Nordmeyer, Chebanse, Chebanse Little Ducks, second-barrow; Danielle Behrends, Rossville, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-barrow; Cort Leonard, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-barrow; Addyson Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-barrow; Bailee Fanning, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-champion barrow; and Jordin C. Lucht, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-reserve champion barrow. AOB Dallas Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-AOB; Brady Brassard, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-gilt; Autumn Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second (2)-gilt; Dallas Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-champion gilt; Brady Brassard, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-reserve champion gilt; Autumn Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-barrow; Jacob Weakley, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, first-barrow; Destiny Thomas, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-barrow; Dylan Behrends, Clifton, Ashkum Go-Getters, secondbarrow; Seth Bishop, Donovan, Donovan Ag, second-barrow; Taylor Marcum, Gibson City, Crescent City Barnbangers, second-barrow; Autumn Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-champion barrow; and Jacob Weakley, Sheldon, Sheldon Square Shooters, first-reserve champion barrow. Championship Kirstyn C. Lucht, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-grand champion cross gilt; Blake A. Dixon, Watseka, first-reserve grand champion cross gilt; Blake A. Dixon, Watseka, first-grand champion purebred gilt; Jordin C. Lucht, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-reserve grand champion purebred gilt; Kirstyn C. Lucht, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-grand champion overall gilt; Blake A. Dixon, Watseka, first-reserve grand champion overall gilt; Sydney Kestler, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-grand champion crossbred barrow; Dallas Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-reserve grand champion crossbred barrow; Dallas Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-grand champion purebred barrow; Sydney Kestler, Milford, Milford Sugar Creek, first-grand champion overall barrow; and Dallas Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-reserve grand champion overall barrow. Premierre Alissa Summers, Milford, Watseka Wild Clovers, first-live; John Ahlden, Ashkum, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, second-live; Noah Steiner, Thawville, Prairie Champions, first-carcass; and Grace Vance, Onarga, Prairie Champions, second-carcass. POULTRY Hybrids-Egg Type Delilah Carter, Kankakee, first-old pen. American Breeds Evan Harpster, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first-young pen; Johnathon Kohl, Crescent City, second-young pen; Evan Harpster, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first-pullet, Johnathon Kohl, Crescent City, secondpullet; Evan Harpster, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first-cockerel; and Lily Schurr, Chebanse, first-hen; Lily Schurr, Chebanse, second-hen. Mediterranean Breeds Delilah Carter, Kankakee, first-pullet; Delilah Carter, Kankakee, second-pullet; and Delilah Carter, Kankakee, first-hen; Delilah Carter, Kankakee, second-hen. English Breeds Clean Legged Haley Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-young pen; Kindi Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first-pullet; Haley Behrends, Clifton, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-pullet; Haley Behrends, Clifton, Milks
Grove Chanllengers, first-cockerel; Hunter M. Brookwalter, Ashkum, first-old pen; Daniel Hardison, Cissna Park, Claytonville, second-old pen; Hunter M. Brookwalter, Ashkum, first-hen; and Daniel Hardison, Cissna Park, Claytonville, second-hen. Asiatic Breeds Feathered Leg Gannon M. Hixson, Ashkum, first-young pen; Gannon M. Hixson, Ashkum, first-pullet; Gannon M. Hixson, Ashkum, second-pullet; Gannon M. Hixson, Ashkum, first-cockerel; Benjamin Harpster, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, firsthen; and Spencer Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first-cock. All Other Breeds Spencer Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first-young pen; Spencer Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, second-young pen; Kindi Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first-pullet; Spencer Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, second-pullet; Kindi Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, firstcockerel; Spencer Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, second-cockerel; Chloe Brookwalter, Ashkum, first-old pen; Spencer Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first-hen; Chloe Brookwalter, Ashkum, second-hen; Chloe Brookwalter, Ashkum, first-cock; Owen Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, first-broiler fryer pen; Samuel Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, secondbroiler fryer pen; Owen Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, first-roaster pen; and Samuel Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, second-roaster pen. Division 2 Sarah Hardison, Cissna Park, Claytonville, firstbrown eggs; James A. Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-brown eggs; Daniel Hardison, Cissna Park, Claytonville, first-tinted eggs; Jack Reynolds, Onarga, second-tinted eggs; Jaxton Vaughn, Bradley, first-duckspekins; Chloe Brookwalter, Ashkum, secondducks-pekins; James A. Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-all other breeds; Adalina R. Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Chanllengers, second-all other breeds; Peyton Hurliman, Cissna Park, first-bantams-clean legged; Ashtyn Hurliman, Cissna Park, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, second-bantams-clean legged; Connor Carlson, Donovan, Donovan Ag, first-quailone pair both sexes; Drake Carlson, Donovan, Donovan Ag, second-quail-one pair both sexes; Dylan Behrends, Clifton, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-pheasants-one pair both sexes; Samuel Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, first-turkeys-one pair both sexes; Owen Pree, Gilman, Country Kickers, second-turkeys-one pair both sexes; Hunter M. Brookwalter, Ashkum, first-guineas-one pair both sexes; Spencer Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first-grand champion over all; and James A. Ritter, Chebanse, Milks Grove Chanllengers, first-reserve grand champion over all. RABBITS Californian Sam Pree, first-Sr. buck; Sam Pree, first-Sr. doe; Sam Pree, first-intermediate buck; Sam Pree, first-intermediate doe; Sam Pree, first-Jr. buck; and Sam Pree, first-Jr. doe. Champagne D’Argent Katja Walls, first and second-Sr. buck; Katja Walls, first-Sr. doe; Kloey Lewis, second-Sr. doe; Katja Walls, first and second-intermediate buck; Kloey Lewis, first-intermediate doe; Katja Walls, second-intermediate doe; Katja Walls, first and second-Jr. buck; Katja Walls, first-Jr. doe; and Kloey Lewis, second-Jr. doe. Checkered Giant Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, firstintermediate buck; Dallas, Jane, Eric, and Angie Meyer, first and second-intermediate doe; Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, first-Sr. doe; Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, first-intermediate buck; and Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, first and second-intermediate doe, blue. English Spot Mary Henry, first and second-Sr. buck; Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, first-Sr. doe; Mary Henry, first-Sr. buck, blue; Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, second-Sr. buck, blue; Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, first and second-Sr. doe, blue; Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, first and second-Jr. doe, blue; Mary Henry, first-Sr. buck, chocolate; Mary Henry, first-Sr. doe, chocolate; Corey Henry, first-Sr. buck, gold; Mary Henry, first-Sr. doe, gold; Mary Henry, first-Jr. doe, gold; John Henry, first-Sr. buck, gray; Mary Henry, first-Sr. buck, lilac; Mary Henry, first-Sr. doe, lilac; and Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, first-Jr. doe, lilac. Florida White
See RABBITS, page 10
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815-432-2900 office
Page 10 August 2019
Iroquois County Fair Results 2019
RABBITS, from page 9 Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, first-Sr. buck; Arnold and Robert Meyer, second-Sr. buck; Arnold and Robert Meyer, first-Sr. doe; Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, second-Sr. doe; Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, first-Jr. buck; Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, first and second-Jr. doe; Havana Darrel Clatterbuck, first-Sr. buck; Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, second-Sr. buck; Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, first-Sr. doe; Darrel Clatterbuck, second-Sr. doe; Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, first-Jr. buck; Darrel Clatterbuck, first-Sr. buck, broken; Darrel Clatterbuck, first-Sr. doe, broken; Greg Wauthier, first-Jr. doe, broken; Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, first-Jr. buck, chocolate; and Dallas, Jane, Eric and Angie Meyer, first-Jr. doe, chocolate. Himalayan Mary Henry, first-Sr. buck; Corey Henry, firstsecond-Sr. buck; Mary Henry, first and secondSr. doe; Mary Henry, first-Sr. buck, blue; Corey Henry, second-Sr. buck, blue; Mary Henry, first and second-Sr. doe, blue; Mary Henry, first-Sr. buck, lilac; and Mary Henry, first-Sr. doe, lilac. Holland Lop Darin Handrich, first and second-Sr. buck; Darin Handrich, first-Sr. doe; Darin Handrich, first-Jr. buck; Martha Hills, first-pre buck; and Greg Wauthier, second-pre buck. Mini Lop Larry Wauthier, first-Sr. buck, solid pattern; Larry Wauthier, first-Sr. doe-solid pattern; Larry Wauthier, first and second-Jr. buck, solid pattern; Larry Wauthier, first and second-Jr. doe, solid pattern; Larry Wauthier, first-Sr. buck, broken pattern; larry Wauthier, first and second-Sr. doe, broken pattern; and Larry Wauthier, first and second-Jr. doe, broken pattern. Mini Rex Darrel Clatterbuck, first-Sr. buck, black; Darrel Clatterbuck, first-Sr. buck, broken; Darrel Clatterbuck, first-Sr. doe, broken; Darrel Clatterbuck, first-Sr. buck, tortoise; Bob Ludwig, first-Sr. buck, black; Bob Ludwig, first-Sr. doe, black; Bob Ludwig, first-Jr. buck, otter; and Bob Ludwig, first-Jr. doe, otter. New Zealand Greg Wauthier, first and second-intermediate buck; Greg Wauthier, first-intermediate doe; Mikhail Smith, second-intermediate doe; Mikhail Smith, first-Jr. buck; Greg Wauthier, second-Jr. buck; Greg Wauthier, first-Jr. doe; Greg Wauthier, first-Jr. buck, blue; Larry Wauthier, second-Jr. buck, blue; Greg Wauthier, firstJr. doe, blue; Martha hills, first and second-Sr. buck, broken; Martha Hills, first-Sr. doe, broken; Martha Hills, first and second-intermediate buck, broken; Martha Hills, first-intermediate doe, broken; Mikhail Smith, second-intermediate doe, broken; Martha Hills, first-Jr. buck, broken; Greg Wauthier, second-Jr. buck, broken; Martha Hills, first-Jr. doe, broken; Greg Wauthier, second-Jr. doe, broken; Larry Wauthier, first-intermediate buck, red; Greg Wauthier, second-intermediate buck, red; Greg Wauthier, first-intermediate doe, red; Mikhail Smith, second-intermdiate doe, red; Wendy Bolen, first-Jr. buck, red; Greg Wauthier, Jr. buck, red; Greg Wauthier, first and secondJr. doe, red; Martha Hills, first and second- Sr. buck, white; Martha Hills, first and second-Sr. doe, white; Martha Hills, first-intermediate buck, white; Greg Wauthier, first-intermediate doe, white; Martha Hills, second-intermediate doe, white; Martha Hills, first-Jr. buck, white; Greg Wauthier, second-Jr. buck, white; Martha Hills, first-Jr. doe, white; and Greg Wauthier, secondJr. doe, white. Single Fryer Martha Hills, first and second-pre buck. Standard Chinchilla Darrel Clatterbuck, first-Sr. doe. Tan Mary Henry, first-Sr. buck, lilac; John Henry, first and second-Sr. buck, chocolate; Mary Henry, first and second-Sr. doe, chocolate; Mary Henry, first and second-Sr. buck, black; and Mary Henry, first-Sr. doe, black. Californian Owen Pree, first-Sr. buck; Owen Pree, first and second-Sr. doe; Owen Pree, first and secondintermediate buck; Owen Pree, first-intermediate doe; Owen Pree, first-Jr. buck; Zachary Price, second-Jr. buck; and Owen Pree, first and second-Jr. doe. Holland Lop Kaylynn Buente, first-Sr. buck, solid pattern; Ellianna Bice, second-Sr. buck, solid pattern; Rose Yarneau, first-Sr. doe, solid pattern; Kaylynn Buente, first-Jr. buck, solid pattern; Kaylynn Buente, first and second-Jr. doe, solid pattern;
Ellianna Bice, first-Sr. buck, broken pattern; Ellianna Bice, first-Sr. doe, broken pattern; and Jacob McCullough, second-Sr. doe, broken pattern. Lionhead Gerane Kohl, first-Sr. doe, chocolate. Meat Pen Owen Pree, first-pre buck; and Kaylynn Buente, second-pre buck. Mini Lop Jacob Ritter, first-Sr. buck, solid pattern; Zachary Price, first-Sr. doe, solid pattern; Connor Price, second-Sr. doe, solid pattern; Jacob Ritter, first and second-Jr. buck, solid pattern; Katja Walls, first-Jr. doe, solid pattern; Jacob Ritter, secondJr. doe, solid pattern; Zachary Price, first-Sr. buck, broken pattern; Lydia Puetz, second-Sr. buck, broken pattern; Jacob Ritter, first-Sr. doe, broken pattern; and Katja Walls, second-Sr. doe, broken pattern. Mini Rex Addison Eggenberger, first-Sr. buck; Katja Walls, first-Sr. doe; Elizabeth Reutter, second-Sr. doe; Emma Eggenberger, first-Jr. buck; Katja Walls, first-Jr. doe; Kloey Lewis, second-Jr. doe; Katja Walls, first-Sr. doe, blue; Katja Walls, first-Sr. buck, blue; Elizabeth Reutter, first-Sr. buck, broken; Sarah Hardison, second-Sr. buck, broken; Katja Walls, first-Jr. buck, broken; Kaylynn Buente, second-Jr. doe, broken; Daniel Hardison, first-Sr. buck, castor; Sarah Hardison, first-Sr. doe, castor; Molly Hadi, second-Sr. doe, castor; Emma Eggenberger, first-Jr. doe, castor; Addison Eggenberger, first-Jr. doe, chinchilla; Emma Eggenberger, first-Sr. doe, lilac; Katja Walls, first-Sr. doe, otter; Katja Walls, first-Sr. doe, sable; Katja Walls, first-Sr. buck, seal; Addison Eggenberger, first-Sr. doe, seal; Emma Eggenberger, first-Sr. buck, tortoise; Daniel Hardison, second-Sr. buck, tortoise; Molly Hadi, first-Sr. doe, tortoise; Sarah Hardison, secondSr. doe, tortoise; Daniel Hardison, first-Jr. buck, tortoise; Daniel Hardison, first-Jr. doe, tortoise; Katja Walls, first-Sr. buck, white; Kloey Lewis, second-Sr. buck, white; Katja Walls, first-Sr. doe, white; and Kloey Lewis, second-Sr. doe, white. Mini Satin Daniel Hardison, first-Sr. buck, chinchilla; Molly Hadi, second-Sr. buck, chinchilla; Kaylynn Buente, first-Sr. doe, chinchilla; and Sarah Hardison, second-Sr. doe, chinchilla. New Zealand Cameron Shell, first-Sr. buck, black; Kaylynn Buente, first-Sr. doe, black; Cameron Shell, second-Sr. doe, black; Cameron Shell, first-Jr. buck, black; Hannah Snodgrass, first-Sr. buck, blue; Hannah Snodgrass, first-intermediate doe, blue; Hannah Snodgrass, first-Jr. buck, blue; Hannah Snodgrass, first-Jr. doe, blue; Hannah Snodgrass, first-Sr. doe, broken; Cameron Shell, first-intermediate doe, broken; and Alexys Young, first-Sr. buck, white. Polish Samuel Bice, first-Sr. buck, black; Rae Stucki, second-Sr. buck, black; Samuel Bice, first-Sr. doe, black; Rae Stucki, first-Sr. doe, blue; Alexys Young, first-Jr. buck, blue; Cassie Peters, first-Sr. buck, broken; Gerane Kohl, second-Sr. buck, broken; Rae Stucki, first-Sr. doe, broken; Loy Madelyn, second-Sr. doe, broken; Alexys Young, first-Jr. buck, broken; Alexys Young, first and second-Jr. doe, broken; Loy Madelyn, first-Sr. doe, chocolate; and Rae Stucki, second-Sr. doe, chocolate. Single Fryer Owen Pree, first-pre buck; and Cassie Peters, second-pre buck. AG PRODUCTS Division 1 KJ Siebring, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-single stalk of field corn; Eugene Miller, Onarga, second-single stalk of field corn; James Anderson, Donovan, first-best three stalks of field corn; Logan Anderson, Donovan, secondbest three stalks of field corn; James Anderson, Donovan, first-single ear corn from last year; Craig Anderson, Donovan, second-single ear corn from last year; Craig Anderson, Donovan, first-longest ear of corn; Logan Anderson, Donovan, second-longest ear of corn; Skyler Brazel, Watseka, first-sweet corn; Martin Wessels, Watseka, first-yellow field corn; Craig Anderson, Donovan, second-yellow field corn; KJ Siebring, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-tallest single stalk of corn; Craig Anderson, Donovan, second-tallest single stalk of corn; James Anderson, Donovan, first-yellow field Corn; Pam Anderson, Donovan, second-yellow field corn; Logan Anderson, Donovan, first-soybeans; Martin Wessels, Watseka, second-soybeans;
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Lynne Brown, Danforth, first-wheat-one gallon; Harold Wilken, Danforth, second-wheat-one gallon; Craig Anderson, Donovan, first-soybeans-10 plants tied; Lynne Brown, Danforth, first-wheat 3” bundle; Madonna Brown, Danforth, secondwheat 3” bundle; Patrick McCullough, Watseka, first-oats; Patrick McCullough, Watseka, second-oats; Joe Ash, Onarga, first-alfalfa; Eric A. Ritter, Chebanse, second-alfalfa; Madonna Brown, Danforth, first-broomgrass; Patrick McCullough, Watseka, second-broomgrass; Joe Ash, Onarga, first-hay mixed; Joe Ash, Onarga, second-hay mixed; and Lynne Brown, Danforth, first-champion. Garden Products Bill Bretzman, first-tray of potatoes-kennebec; Connie Bretzman, second, tray of potatoeskennebec; Drew Wright, first-tray of potatoespontiac; Connie Bretzman, second-tray of potatoes-pontiac; Bill Bretzman, first-tray of potatoes-any variety; Connie Bretzman, secondtray of potatoes-any variety; Lloyd Vaughn, Piper City, first-largest potato by weight; Bill Bretzman, second-largest potato by weight; Bill Bretzman, first-tray of onions-white; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-tray of onions-white; Wayne Janssen, Watseka, first-tray of onions -yellow; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, secondtray of onions-yellow; Bill Bretzman, first-tray of onions-red; Connie Bretzman, second-tray of onions-red; Bill Bretzman, first-display tray of onions; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, seconddisplay tray of onions; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, first-cucumbers for slicing; Bill Bretzman, second-cucumbers for slicing; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-cucumbers for sweet pickles; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, second-cucumbers for sweet pickles; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, firstlargest cucumber by weight; Sheila Schmidt, Milford, second-largest cucumber by weight; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, first-snap beans green; Skyler Brazel, Watseka, second-snap beans green; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, first-snap beans yellow; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, secondsnap beans yellow; Brian Neukomm, Cissna Park, first-garlic; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-garlic; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, first-cabbage-white round; Oliver Moore, Cissna Park, second-cabbage-white round; Bill Bretzman, first-cabbage white flat; Lloyd Vaughn, Piper City, second-cabbage-white flat; Bill Bretzman, first-cabbage-red; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-cabbage-red; Bill Bretzman, first-tray of kohlrabi; Sheila Schmidt, Milford, second-tray of kohlrabi; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, firstradishes; Kevin Huizenga, Watseka, secondradishes; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, first-squashyellow summer; Oliver Moore, Cissna Park, second-squash-yellow summer; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, first-squash-zucchi yellow summer; Oliver Moore, Cissna Park, second-squashzucchi yellow summer; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, first-largest zucchini by weight; Duane Marburger, Danforth, second-largest zucchini by weight; Connie Bretzman, first-tray of tomatoes-green; Kris Kimmel, Gilman, second-tray of tomatoesgreen; Drew Wright, Ashkum, tray of cherry or grape tomatoes; Tamie Miller, Gilman, secondtray of cherry or grape tomatoes; Lloyd Vaughn, Piper City, first-largest tomato by weight; Sheila Schmidt, Milford, second-largest tomato by weight; Skyler Brazel, Watseka, first-tray of green bell peppers; Bill Bretzman, second-tray of green bell peppers; Connie Bretzman, first-tray of sweet banana peppers; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-tray of sweet banana peppers; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, first-jalapeno peppers; Kenzie Kimmel, Gilman, second-jalapeno peppers; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, first-pepper tray; Bill Bretzman, second-pepper tray; Bill Bretzman, first-carrots; Connie Bretzman, second-carrots; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-tray of beets; Bill Bretzman, second-tray of beets; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, first-tray of vegetables; Connie Bretzman, second-tray of vegetables; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, first-broccoli; Mary Ellen Wilken, Onarga, first-dill; Bill Bretzman, second-dill; Jill Cummings, Danforth, first-tray of apples; Kim Nakaerts, Clifton, second-tray of apples; Jill Cummings, Danforth, first-tray of pears; Logan Anderson, Donovan, second-tray of pears; Brian Neukomm, Cissna Park, first-tray of rhubarb; Kenneth Huizenga, Crescent City, second-tray of rhubarb; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, first-freak vegetable; Oliver Moore, Cissna Park, second-freak vegetable; and Bill Bretzman, firstchampion classes. Garden Displays Bill Bretzman, first-salad group; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, second-salad group; Bill Bretzman, first-New England boil group; Marilyn Vaughn,
Piper City, second-New England boil group; Connie Bretzman, first-salsa/sauce group; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-salsa/sauce group; Connie Bretzman, first-herb bundle; Mary Ellen Wilken, Onarga, second-herb bundle; Mary Ellen Wilken, Onarga, first-vegetable centrepiece arrangement; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, secondvegetable centerpiece arrangement; Mary Ellen Wilken, Onarga, first-champion classes; Kathie Arseneau, Martinton, first-scarecrow; and Sheila Schmidt, Milford, second-scarecrow. Children Kenzie Kimmel, Gilman, first-any three kinds of vegetables; and Rebecca Moore, Cissna Park, second-any three kinds of vegetables. FLORICULTURE Class 1 Horticulture Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-tuberous begonia; Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-day lily; Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-day lily; Gloria Huizenga, Crescent City, first-lily; Bill Pufahl, Crescent City, second-lily; Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-oriental lily; Kandi DeLahr, Watseka, first-daisy; Kathy Post, Crescent City, first-geranium, red; Krystal Alberts, Ashkum, second-geranium, red; Kathy Post, Crescent City, first-geranium, any other; Kara Izquierdo, Gilman, second-geranium, any other; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-gladiolus; Eileen Wagner, Onarga, first-gladiolus-medium; Krystal Alberts, Ashkum, first-cone flower; Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-cone flower; Grace Clifton, Milford, first-marigold-large; Benjamin Clifton, Milford, second-marigold-large; Benjamin Clifton, Milford, first-marigold small; Kara Izquierdo, Gilman, second-marigold small; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-marigold small bicolored; Benjamin Clifton, Milford, first-best display of marigolds; Grace Clifton, Milford, second-best display of marigolds; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-best display of marigolds; Grace Clifton, Milford, second-best display of marigolds; Janice Trumble, Crescent City, first-petunia single; Krystal Albers, Ashkum, second-petunia single; David Trumble, Crescent City, firstpetunia fringed/bicolor; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-petunia fringed/bicolor; Janice Trumble, Crescent City, first-petunia double; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-petunia double; Kymber Wright, Ashkum, first-wildflower; Sally Mabbitt, Watseka, second-wildflower; Kathy Post, Crescent City, first-salvia; Krystal Albers, Ashkum, first-snapdragon, Tricia Jabaay, Piper City, second-snapdragon; Kymber Wright, Ashkum, first-sunflower; Kymber Wright, Ashkkum, second-sunflower; Eileen Wagner, Onarga, first-zinnia; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-zinnia; Janell Miller, Onarga, first-sprays or flowering vine; Eileen Wagner, Onarga, firstbachelor buttons; Kristen, Kimmel, Gilman, first-any other annual; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, second-any other annual; Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-any other perennial; Krystal Alberts, Ashkum, second-any other perennial; and Aubrey Chandler, Onarga, first-best specimen entry. Plants Carol Cyrier, Crescent City, first-potted plant; Carol Cyrier, Crescent City, first-potted plant and succulents; Carol Cyrier, Crescent City, secondpotted plant and succulents; Janell Miller, Onarga, first-potted blooming variety; Carol Cyrier, Crescent City, second-potted blooming variety; Phil DeLahr, Watseka, first-potted patio pant; Bonnie Marburger, Danforth, secondpotted patio pant; Paulette Edwards, Woodland, first-fairy garden; and Carol Cyrier, Crescent City, first-best plant entry. Class 3-Floral Arrangements Donna Schuler, Gilman, first-bees, butterflies and blooms; Mary Davis, Martinton, first-how green is my valley; Donna Schuler, Gilman, first-birds n blooms; Mary Davis, Martinton, second-birds n blooms; Janice Trumble, Crescent City, first-the recipe box; Mary Davis, Martinton, first-sunflowers in boots; Kylie Rust, Buckley, second-sunflowers in boots; Mary Davis, Martinton, first-let it snow; Kathie Arseneau, Martinton, first-mason jars and starts; Rhonda Pence, Watseka, second-mason jars and stars; Kathie Arseneau, Martinton, first-kitchen aprons and wooden spoons; Nicole Trumble, Crescent City, second-kitchen aprons and wooden spoons; Kathie Arseneau, Martinton, first-champion; and Kathie Arseneau, Martinton, first-creativity award. Class 4 Table Settings
See FAIR, page 11
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August 2019
Iroquois County Fair Results 2019
FAIR, from page 10 Sharol Bolton, Atlanta, first-coffee time; Jen Kraft, Danforth, second-coffee time; Cindy Pufahl, Crescent City, first-music in the garden; Janice Trumble, Crescent City, second-music in the garden; Kristie Rettke, Kankakee, first-take me out to the ballgame; Tina Gooding, Watseka, second-take me out to the ballgame; Donna Schuler, Gilman, first-travel memories; Kristie Rettke, Kankakee, second-travel memories; Kimberly Hall, Danforth, first-let’s go camping; Nicole Trumble, Crescent City, secondlet’s go camping; Rose Mary Alberts, Clifton, first-cowboy rodeo; Janice Trumble, Crescent City, second-cowboy rodeo; Ryan Tiarks, Savoy, first-ladies luncheon; Janice Trumble, Crescent City, second-ladies luncheon; Sharol Bolton, Atlanta, first-church bells are ringing; Mary Davis, Martinton, second-church bells are ringing; Ryan Tiarks, Savoy, first-mistletoe and holly; Mary Davis, Martinton, second-mistletoe and holly; Kimberly Hall, Danforth, first-spooky; Nicole Trumble, Crescent City, second-spooky; Rose Mary Alberts, Clifton, first-champion class IV; and Kimberly Hall, Danforth, first-creativity award. Class 6 Children Benjamin Clifton, Milford, first-geranium; Grace Clifton, Milford, second-geranium; Grace Clifton, Milford, first-marigold; Benjamin Clifton, Milford, second-marigold; Kendylyn Siebring, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon Cloverbud, first-petunia; Kendylyn Siebring, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-zinnia; Chloe Brookwalter, Ashkum, second-zinnia; Bria Grohler, Loda, first-wildflower; Audree Newman, Morris, second-wildflower; and Kendylyn Siebring, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-champion. FINE ARTS Quilts Peg Burgett, Milford, first-quilt, hand embroidered; Peg Burgett, Milford, first-champion hanquilted item; Karen Schippert, Cissna Park, first-quilt machine embroidered; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-quilt machine embroidered; Cinthia Kuipers, Danforth, first-quilt machine quilted; Cinthia Kuipers, Danforth, second-quilt machine quilted; Paulette Edwards, Woodland, first-quilt, child size, machine; Bonnie Marburger, Danforth, first-quilt, child size, machine; Cinthia Kuipers, Danforth, firstchampion machine quilt; Paulette, Edwards, Woodland, first-tied/knotted comforter; Sally Mabbitt, Watseka, first-quilted item; Paulette Edwards, Woodland, second-quilted item; Karen Schippert, Cissna Park, first-cheater quilt using preprinted; Karen Schippert, Cissna Park, firstminiature quilt; Kathy A. Hardison, Cissna Park, first-friendship quilt; Susan Janssen, Watseka, first-quilt top pieced by owner; Sharon Brower, Martinton, second-quilt top pieced by owner; Jenny Marburger, Malvern, Iowa, first-heirloom quilt; Gary Boehrnsen, Martinton, second-heirloom quilt; Cinthia Kuipers, Danforth, first-quilt block (“12x12”); Cinthia Kuipers, Danforth, second-quilt block (“12x12”); Cinthia Kuipers, Danforth, first-quilt block (“6x6”); and Cinthia Kuipers, Danforth, second-quilt block (“6x6”). Afghans Carol Munson, Donovan, first-knitted afghan; Kathy A. Hardison, Cissna Park, first-crocheted afghan, one solid color; Cinthia Kuipers, Danforth, first-crocheted afghan, multicolor; Paulette Edwards, Woodland, second-crocheted afghan, multicolor; Kathy A. Hardison, Cissna Park, first-crocheted afghan, shades of one; Kathy A. Hardison, Cissna Park, first-crocheted afghan, granny square; and Carol Munson, Donovan, first-champion afghan. House Linens and Kitchen Kathy A. Hardison, Cissna Park, first-pillowcases; Janet Mcvey, Donovan, second-pillowcases; Kathy A. Hardison, Cissna Park, first-tea towels; Kathy A. Hardison, Cissna Park, first-pot holders knitted or crocheted; Janet Mcvey, Donovan, first-pot holders and other kind; Karen Schippert, Cissna Park, second-pot holders any other kind; LouWonna Snodgrass, Donovan, first-kitchen accessory; LouWonna Snodgrass, Donovan, second-kitchen accessory; Paulette Edwards, Woodland, first-pillow-pieced; Paulette Edwards, Woodland, second-pillow-pieced; Kathy A. Hardison, Cissna Park, first-pillow-knitted or crocheted; Janet Mcvey, Donovan, first-pillowcrewel/embroidered; CarolCyrier, Crescent City, first-pillow-counted cross stitch; Karen Schippert, Cissna Park, first-pillow-quilted; Karen Schippert, Cissna Park, first-table runner or table topper; and Susan Janssen, Watseka, secondtable runner or table topper. Crocheting and Knitting
Carol Munson, Donovan, first-infant’s set sweater and cap; Kathy A. Hardison, Cissna Park, first-baby’s coverlet; Mary Jane Lafond, Watseka, second-baby’s coverlet; Stephanie Bowers, Milford, first-baby’s booties; Gloria Huizenga, Crescent City, second-baby’s booties; Mary Jane Lafond, Watseka, first-dolly; Mary Jane Lafond, Watseka, second-dolly; Mary Jane Lafond, Watseka, first-sweater or vest; Carol Munson, Donovan, second-sweater or vest; Carol Munson, Donovan, first-bedroom slippers; Gloria Huizenga, Crescent City, second-bedroom slippers; Kathy A. Hardison, Cissna Park, first-any crocheted or knitted item; and Carol Munson, Donovan, second-any crocheted or knitted item. Antique Items Janet Mcvey, Donovan, first-old prized handmade article; Judy Henrichs, Cissna park, second-old prized handmade article; and Gretchen Brown, Watseka, first-old prized handmade article. Art Work Anna Brown, Rankin, first-sketching/drawingportrait; Anna Brown, Rankin, second-sketching/ drawing-portrait; Anna Brown, Rankin, firstsketching/drawing-still life; Katie Kleinert, Ashkum, Ashkum Chargers, second-sketching/ drawing-still life; Anna Brown, Rankin, firstsketching/drawing-any subject; Anna Brown, Ranking, second-sketching/drawing-any subject; Anna Brown, Rankin, sketching/drawing-black and white; Anna Brown, Rankin, second-sketching/drawing-black and white; Pam Anderson, Donovan, first-painting acrylic, landscape; Anna Brown, Rankin, second-painting acrylic, landscape; Stephanie Bowers, Milford, first-painting acrylic, still life; Anna Brown, Rankin, firstpainting acrylic, portrait; Anna Brown, Rankin, second-painting acrylic, portrait; Anna Brown, Rankin, first-painting acrylic, any other; Anna Brown, Rankin, second-painting acrylic, any other; Stephanie Bowers, Milford, first-painting watercolor-landscape; Anna Brown, Rankin, first-painting watercolor-portrait; Stephanie Bowers, Milford, first-painting watercolor-any other; Sophie Egizi, Danforth, second-painting watercolor-any other; Anna Brown, Rankin, first-copy art; Anna Brown, Rankin, second-copy art; Dylan Behrends, Clifton, first-computer generated art; and Anna Brown, Rankin, firstchampion non professional art. Photography Pamela Wilken, Ashkum, first-floral-single flower; Karie Gerdes, Watseka, second-floral-single flower; Dennis Vance, Buckley, first-floral-scene; Skyler Brazel, Watseka, second-floral-scene; Pamela Wilken, Ashkum, first-historical-USA; Tyler Runner, Milford, second-historical-USA; Pamela Wilken, Ashkum, first-historical-Illinois; Fred Butt, Crescent City, second-historicalIllinois; Renee Gerling, Onarga, first-Iroquois County Fair; Brenda Dirks, Milford, second-Iroquois County Fair; Kathy Grohler, Beaverville, first-pattern and texture; Stacie Piatt Vaughn, Gilman, second-pattern and texture; Ryan Tiarks, Savoy, first-holiday; Brenda Dirks, Milford, second-holiday; Barb McLaughlin, Clifton, firstfarm scene; Fred Butt, Crescent City, secondfarm scene; Jessica Runner, Milford, first-sports; Renee Gerling, Onarga, second-sports; Skyler Brazel, Watseka, first-seasonal; Cindy Pufahl, Crescent City, second-seasonal; Jessica Runner, Milford, first-portrait color; Pamela Wilken, Ashkum, second-portrait color; Hannah Henrichs, Onarga, first-baby; Pamela Wilken, Ashkum, second-baby; Barb McLaughlin, Clifton, first-architecture-United States; Leslii Wagner, Onarga, second-architecture-United States; Crystal Runyon, Piper City, first-architectureoutside U.S.; Dennis Vance, Buckley, secondarchitecture-outside U.S.; Jayse Williams, Watseka, Watseka Wild Clovers, first-farm animals; Alana Heisner, Onarga, second-farm animals; Eric Johnson, Bourbonnais, first-bridges; Cindy Pufahl, Crescent City, second-bridges; Eric Johnson, Bourbonnais, first-patriotic; Ashley Moore, Cissna Park, second-patriotic; Michael Henrichs, Onarga, first-pets; Mary Jo Regnier, Beaverville, second-pets; Charlene Keukomm, Cissna Park, first-sunrise-sunsets; Cierra Grohler, Loda, second-sunrise-sunsets; Stacie Piatt Vaughn, Gilman, first-all other; Troy Simpson, Watseka, second-all other; Brenda Dirks, Milford, firstblack and white; Crystal Runyon, Piper City, second-black and white; and Dennis Vance, Buckley, first-champion section 7. Computer Photography Krista Pufahl, Crescent City, first and seconddigital camera photo. Wall Hangings
Family owned & operated since 1967 1043 S. Crescent St., Gilman, IL 60938
Homemade Pies, Bread and Cookies
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Jacob Weakley, Sheldon Square Shooters, who had the champion berkshire barrow and champion landrace barrow, stands with pork queen Taylor Marcum, fair queen Brianne Miller, and Nick Gooding, representing the buyers. Paulette Edwards, Woodland, first-using fabrics; Susan Janssen, Watseka, second-using fabrics; Carol Cyrier, Crescent City, first and secondcounted cross; Carol Cyrier, Crescent City, first-counted cross; Sally Mabbitt, Watseka, first-quilted; and Judy Henrichs, Cissna Park, second-quilted. Miscellaneous Stephanie Bowers, Milford, first-tole and decorative painting; Evelyn Brown, Onarga, first-ceramics glazes; Sharon Taylor, Iroquois, first-ceramics stains; Ed Nieman, Buckley, first-sculpture; Anna Brown, Rankin, secondsculpture; Cinthiaa Kuipers, Danforth, firsthandmade purses, book bags; Karen Schippert, Cissna Park, second-handmade purses, book bags; Janet Mcvey, Donovan, first-fancy baby bib; Judy Henrichs, Cissna Park, first-gourd painting; Teresa Girot, Bourbonnais, first-stained glass; Jenny Marburger, Malvern, second-stained glass; Sharon Taylor, Iroquois, first-basketweaving basket; Teresa Girot, Bourbonnais, secondbasketweaving basket; Gloria Haste, Donovan, first-basketweaving basket; Crystal Runyon, Piper City, second-basketweaving basket; Julie J. Massey, Watseka, first-decorated old window frame; Angie A. Corum, Bement, second-decorated old window frame; Teresa Girot, Bourbonnais, first-yard and garden art; Levi Kuipers, Charleston, second-yard and garden art; Stepanie Bowers, Milford, first-creative gift wrapping; Sharol Bolton, Atlanta, first-pot pourri; Janell Miller, Onarga, first-decorative item using recyclables; Paul Bowers, Milford, second-decorative item using recyclables; Faith DeLahr, Watseka, first-decorative birdhouse; Kathy A. Hardison, Cissna Park, second-decorative birdhouse; Stephanie Bowers, Milford, first-recycled denim; Judy Henrichs, Cissna Park, second-recycled denim; Tricia Jabaay, Piper City, first-handmade greeting card; Tina Gooding, Watseka, secondhandmade greeting card; Tina Gooding, Watseka, first-wreath not Christmas; Angie A. Corum, Bement, second-wreath not Christmas; Janice Garrelts, Crescent City, first-computer made greeting card; Cindy Pufahl, Crescent City, firstscrapbooking-vacation; and Jacalyn Wingerter, Clifton, first-scrapbooking-family. Christmas Decorations Becky Stam, Chebanse, first and second-wreath; Gloria Haste, Donovan, first-tree skirt; Sandy Wilken, Danforth, second-tree skirt; Sharon Taylor, Iroquois, first-Christmas ceramic; Gloria Haste, Donovan, first-Christmas tree decoration; Gretchen Brown, Watseka, second-Christmas tree decoration; and Sharon Taylor, Iroquois,
first-handmade angel. Clothing Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first and secondmen’s or boy’s shirt; Kathie Arseneau, Martinton, first-coat, snow suit; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-coat, snow suit; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-girl’s clothing, child’s size; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-girl’s clothing, child’s size; Karen Schippert, Cissna Park, first-lady’s sports clothes; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-lady’s sports clothes; Karen Schippert, Cissna Park, first-lady’s or girl’s blouse; Sandy Wilken, Danforth, first-handmade costume; Aubrey Wagner, Onarga, first-child’s outfit, pre-teen; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-child’s outfit, pre-teen; Betty Reetz, Cissna Park, first-doll clothes; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-doll clothes; Judy Henrichs, Cissna Park, first-vest; and LouWonna Snodgrass, Donovan, first-garment. Oldest Treasures Judy Miller, Onarga, first-announcement; Sarah Kingdon, Watseka, second-announcement; Kim Gray, Gilman, first-book; Paul Bowers, Milford, second-book; Kim Gray, Gilman, Bible or religious book; Yvonne Doggett, Crescent City, second-Bible or religious book; Duane Marburger, Danforth, first-cookbook; Bobbi Jo Brookwalter, Ashkum, second-cookbook; Paul Bowers, Milford, first-fair ribbon; John Wilken, Onarga, second-fair ribbon; Jim Lafond, Watseka, firstadvertisement; Bobbi Jo Brookwalter, Ashkum, second-advertisement; Ron Thompsen, Donovan, first-birth certificate; Sarah Kingdon, Watseka, second-birth certificate; Sarah Kingdon, Watseka, first and second-diploma; John Wilken, Onarga, first-magazine; Rhonda Pence, Watseka, second-magazine; Rose Mary Alberts, Clifton, first-newspaper; Bobbi Jo Brookwalter, Ashkum, second-newspaper; Stacie Piatt Vaughn, Gilman, first-postcard; Judy Whipple, Watseka, secondpostcard; Paul Bowers, Milford, first-license plate; Pat Ward, Ashkum, second-license plate; Cindy Pufahl, Crescent City, first-valentine; Betty Thompsen, Donovan, second-valentine; John Wilken, Onarga, first-trophy; Charlene Schleef, Crescent City, first-marriage license; Bobbi Jo Brookwalter, Ashkum, first-toy; and Stephanie Bowers, Milford, first-school class ring. Woodworking Skyler Brazel, Watseka, first-all other wooden items. Miscellaneous Collections Krystal Albers, Ashkum, first- under 25 years
See FINE, page 12
Page 12 August 2019
Iroquois County Fair Results 2019
FINE, from page 11 old; Evan Harpster, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, second-under 25 years old; Janet Mcvey, Donovan, first-china or pottery, John Doggett, Crescent City, second-china or pottery; Les Garrelts, Crescent City, first-household; Judy Henrichs, Cissna Park, second-household; Duane Marburger, Danforth, first-any other; Bobbi Jo Brookwalter, Ashkum, second-any other; Tom Busick, Sheldon, first-farm; Mary Ellen Wilken, Onarga, first-china or pottery; Paul Bowers, Milford, first-any other; and John Wilken, Onarga, second-any other. Children Quinn Butzow, Onarga, first-photographyanimal; Oliver Moore, Cissna Park, second-photography-animal; Avery Schroeder, Wellington, first-photography-any other; Addison Watters, Heath, second-photography-any other; Addison Watters, Heath, first-pencil free hand; Audree Newman, Morris, second-pencil free hand; Elliott Finegan, Ashkum, first-crayon free hand; Leah A. Wauthier, Clifton, second-crayon free hand; Layla Holmes, Darien, first-ages 1-3 free hand; Nicole Anderson, Champaign, second-1-3 free hand; Oliver Moore, Cissna Park, first-ages 4-5 pencil; Bria Grohler, Loda, second-ages 4-5 pencil; Anderson Finegan, Ashkum, first-crayon free hand; Colt Lemenager, Loda, second-crayon free hand; Colt Lemenager, Loda, first-ages 4-5 paints; Tate Henneike, Martinton, second-ages 4-5 paints; Aley Vaske, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-ages 6-7 pencil; Jovie Siergiej, Chicago, second-ages 6-7 pencil; Jovie Siergiej, Chicago, first-paints ages 6-7; Jahnavi Kolavennu, Downers Grove, second- paints ages 6-7; Aley Vaske, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, first-sculpture; Ashley Erickson, Downers Grove, second-sculpture; Colbi M. Maple, Watseka, first-ceramics; Alan Loy, Donovan, Donovan Ag Cloverbud, second-ceramics; William Albers, Waterloo, first-6 items; Kendylyn Siebring, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-6 items; and Hunter M. Brookwalter, Ashkum, first-handmade greeting card. Shoebox Float Contest Ashley Erickson, Downers Grove, first-shoebox float; Quinn Butzow, Onarga, second-shoebox float; Aiden Erickson, Downers Grove, firstshoebox float; and Colbi M. Maple, Watseka, second-shoebox float. Lego Competition Quinn Butzow, Onarga, first-grade 1-2; Blake Albrecht, Danforth, second-grade 1-2; Ryan Philippe, Edwardsville, first-grade 3-4; Elijah Heeren, Watseka, second-grade 3-4; Chloe Wagner, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-grade 5-6; and Wyatt Philippe, Edwardsville, second-grade 5-6. Fashion Show Janell Miller, Onarga, first-family outfit; Kathie Arseneau, Martinton, second-family outfit; Chloe Wagner, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-dresses; Abby Kraft, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-dresses; Aubrey Wagner, Onarga, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-town
and country; Calli Kraft, Danforth, Danforth Blue Ribbon, second-town and country; LouWonna Snodgrass, Donovan, first-evening wear; Isaac Brown, Watseka, first-casual wear; Chloe Wagner, Onarga, second-casual wear; Aldene Anderson, Donovan, first-clothing potpourri; Janell Miller, Onarga, second-clothing potpourri; Kalyn Alberts, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-clothing potpourri; Kalyn Alberts, Ashkum, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-coat, suit, cape; and LouWonna Snodgrass, Donovan, first-adults sewing for adults. CULINARY Preserving and Canning Alicia Wagner, Onarga, first-peaches; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-peaches; Cheryl Street, Martinton, first-black cherries; Kathy Post, Crescent City, second-black cherries; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-pears; Brian Neukomm, Cissna Park, first-applesauce; Brian Neukomm, Cissna Park, first-apple juice; Alicia Wagner, Onarga, first-champion fruit; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-grape jelly; Alicia Gigl, Clifton, Gigl Farm 2, second-grape jelly; Marilyn Vaughn Piper City, first-any other jelly; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-champion jelly; Connie Bretzman, first-strawberry preserves; Gretchen Brown, Watseka, second-strawberry preserves; Katherine L. Wauthier, Clifton, Wauthier Farms, first-peach preserves; Alicia Gigl, Clifton, Gigl Farm 2, first-red raspberry preserves; Wendy Bolen, Martinton, first-any other preserves; Gretchen Brown, Watseka, second-any other preserves; Connie Bretzman, first-champion preserves; Christie Ritter, Chebanse, first-dehydrated fruit or vegetable; Megan Wilken-Reynolds, Chebanse, seconddehydrated fruit or vegetable; Megan WilkenReynolds, Onarga, first-dried herbs; Lorene Brown, Onarga, second-dried herbs; Krystal Alberts, Ashkum, first-whole tomatoes; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-whole tomatoes; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, first-tomato juice; Megan Wilken-Reynolds, Onarga, second-tomato juice; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-carrots; Connie Bretzman, second-carrots; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-green or yellow beans; Judy Whipple, Watseka, second-green or yellow beans; Cheryl Street, Martinton, first-corn; Brian Neukomm, Cissna Park, second-corn; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-any other vegetable; Connie Bretzman, second-any other vegetable; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-mixed vegetable; Krystal Albers, Ashkum, first-champion vegetable; Megan Wilken-Reynolds, Onarga, first-sweet pickles; Brian Neukomm, Cissna Park, first-dill pickles; Connie Bretzman, second-dill pickles; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-bread and butter pickles; Katherine L. Wauthier, Clifton, second-bread and butter pickles; Christie Ritter, Chebanse, first-pickles beets; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, first-relish; Connie Bretzman, second-relish; Ashley Moore, Cissna Park, first-salsa; Linda Wyss, Chebanse, second-
salsa; Ashley Moore, Cissna Park, first-champion pickles; Cheryl Street, Martinton, first-any item with meat; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, secondany item with meat; Cheryl Street, Martinton, first-canned red meat; Katherine L. Wauthier, Clifton, second-canned red meat; Connie Bretzman, first-canned poultry; Cheryl Street, Martinton, second-canned poultry; Katherine L. Wauthier, Clifton, Wauthier Farms, firstany other canned meat; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-any other canned meat; Cheryl Street, Martinton, first-champion meat; Connie Bretzman, first-canned meal; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-canned meal; and Ashley Moore, Cissna Park, first-grand champion preserves and canned. Baking Alison Setty, Donovan, first-white cake; Kathy Aders, Loda, second-white cake; Ashley Moore, Cissna Park, first-chocolate cake; Ashley Moore, Cissna Park, first-angel food cake; Dollie M. Kroll, Milford, second-angel food cake; Alison Setty, Donovan, first-any other cake; Ashley Moore, Cissna Park, second-any other cake; Alison Setty, Donovan, first-champion undecorated cake; Alicia Gigl, Clifton, Gigl Farm 2, first-child’s birthday cake; Alicia Gigl, Clifton, Gigl Farm 2, first-champion decorated cake; Kendra Gray, Gilman, first-apple pie; Kathy Aders, Loda, second-apple pie; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-berry pie; Jacalyn Wingerter, Clifton, second-berry pie; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-favorite pie; Karie Gerdes, Watseka, second-favorite pie; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-any other pie; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-any one crust pie; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-champion pie; Ashley Moore, Cissna Park, first-chocolate chip cookies; Elroy Pfingsten, Watseka, second-chocolate chip cookies; Katie Kleinert, Ashkum, Ashkum Chargers, firstoatmeal cookies; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-oatmeal cookies; Kathy Aders, Loda, first-peanut butter cookies; Jennifer Philippe, Edwardsville, second-peanut butter cookies; Sara Albers, Waterloo, first-sugar cookies; John Doggett, Crescent City, second-sugar cookies; Rhonda Pence, Watseka, first-favorite family cookie; Tamie Miller, Gilman, second-favorite family cookie; Kathy Aders, Loda, first-holiday cookie/bar; Delores Pfingsten, Watseka, secondholiday cookie/bar; Baylee Newman, Morris, Woodworth Kountry Klovers, first-brownie; Hannah Eheart, Watseka, second-brownie; Harold Loy, Beaverville, first-bar cookie; Meagan, Ceci, Crescent City, second-bar cookie; Karie Gerdes, Watseka, first-no bake cookie; Delores Pfingsten, Watseka, second-no bake cookie; Sara Albers, Waterloo, first-decorated cookie; Angie Erickson, Downers Grove, second-decorated cookie; Eileen Wagner, Onarga, first-refrigerated cookie; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-refrigerated cookie; Kathy Aders, Loda, first-champion cookie; Lesley Vaske, Danforth, first, decorated cupcakes; Brittany A. Cluver, Watseka, second-decorated cupcakes; Marilyn
Vaughn, Piper City, first-white bread; Bonnie Marburger, Danforth, second-white bread; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-whole wheat bread; Ashley Moore, Cissna Park, second-whole wheat bread; Ashley Moore, Cissna Park, firstany other yeast item; Eileen Wagner, Onarga, first-coffee cake; Betty Reetz, Cissna Park, second-coffee cake; Eileen Wagner, Onarga, first-swedish tea ring; Eileen Wagner, Onarga, first-dinner rolls; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, second-dinner rolls; Mary Jo Regnier, Beaverville, first-sweet rolls; Kathy Grohler, Beaverville, second-sweet rolls; Marilyn Vaughn, Piper City, first-doughnuts; Mary Jo Regnier, Beaverville, first-champion yeast product; Wendy Bolen, Martinton, first-muffins; Jennifer Eheart, Watseka, second-muffins; Jennifer Philippe, Edwardsville, first-banana loaf; John Doggett, Crescent City, second-banana loaf; Sandra F. Rabe, Edwardsville, first-pumpkin loaf; Ashley Moore, Cissna Park, second-pumpkin loaf; Mary Jo Regnier, Beaverville, first-coffee cake; Ashley Moore, Cissna Park, second-coffee cake; Sandy Wilken, Danforth, first-any other loaf; Ruth Newman, Cissna Park, second-any other loaf; Kathy Grohler, Beaverville, first-baking powder biscuit; Mary Jo Regnier, Beaverville, secondbaking powder biscuit; Sally Mabbitt, Watseka, first-favorite quick bread; Sandy Wilken, Danforth, second-favorite quick bread; Wendy Bolen, Martinton, first-champion quick bread; Erin Heeren, Watseka, first-snack mix; Jacalyn Wingerter, Clifton, second-snack mix; Brittany A. Cluver, Watseka, first-chocolate fudge; Jennifer Eheart, Watseka, second-chocolate fudge; Mary Jo Regnier, Beaverville, first-molded candy tray; Nancy Loy, Beaverville, first-any other candy; Tina Gooding, Watseka, second-any other candy; Erin Heeren, Watseka, first-champion candy; Elroy Pfingsten, Watseka, first-any loaf of bread; Brian Neukomm, Cissna Park, secondany loaf of bread; Brian Neukomm, Cissna Park, first-any cake; Elroy Pfingsten, Watseka, secondany cake; Spencer Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first-any pie; Elroy Pfingsten, Watseka, first-any quick bread; Eric Johnson, Bourbonnais, second-any quick bread; Elroy Pfingsten, Watseka, first-any cookie; Howard Loy, Beaverville, second-any cookie; Spencer Smith, St. Anne, Martinton Dawnbusters, first-champion men’s division; Colt Lemenager, Loda, firstchocolate chip cookie; Catey Virgin, Virginia, second-chocolate chip cookie; Parker Brown, Danforth, first-rice krispie bars; Addison Watters, Heath, second-rice krispie bars; Ashley Erickson, Downers Grove, first-snack mix; Oliver Moore, Cissna Park, second-snack mix; Kale Gerdes, Watseka, Ashkum Go-Getters, first-any other cookie; Audrey Neukomm, Cissna Park, secondany other cookie; Anderson Finegan, Ashkum, first-decorated cookie; Elliott Finegan, Ashkum, second-decorated cookie; and Alison Setty, Donovan, first-grand champion baking division.