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My Pulpit Message - notes My Pulpit Message Notes are extracted from the sermon preached at the Nairobi Baptist Church (NBC) Ngong Road on Sunday 13th February 2022. Preacher: Reverend Munengi Mulandi, NBC Senior Pastor. Topic: Grow in Righteousness. Scripture - Matthew 5:17- 48 1.

Confirmation : Matthew 5:17-20


Complication : Matthew 5:21-48



2. Complication : Matthew 5:21-48

Verse 17 - Fulfil

Six references, Jesus says, “It was said before, In the past it was said, but now I say.”

Verse 20 - Surpass Verse 48 - Perfect

They have this mindset of a Messiah who was coming, but Jesus comes and is interacting with the locals and He is so ‘kawaida’ (common), does He have respect for the law? And He confirms that this law shall not be abolished, but he also complicates it by giving these six statements that it was Jesus makes it abunsaid this way in the law, but he dantly clear, confirming the leescalates it even higher. gitimacy, veracity authority of This is the thesis on the Sermon on the Mount; that our righteous- It was said in the past, do ness and those of Pharisees is insufficient, because it is only ex- not murder, but now (verse 21) the law and the prophets. Jesus had no place for ternal action. We must reach the point of surrender, then we will even hatred is an issue. antinomianism. He was not have the One Who has fulfilled the law, has surpassed the righ- It was said, ‘Do not comanti law. He illustrates this by teousness of the Pharisees, the One Who is perfect and will make mit adultery’ (verse 27), but quoting two of the ten com- us that way. now even the lustful look is an mandments in Exodus 20:21, issue. commandment number six It was said, ‘Do not diabout murder, and verse vorce’ (Verse 31) Exodus 20:27 about adultery. Verse 33, it was said, ‘Do He expands their legitimacy, veracity and authority in the following not make this oath.’ ways; He says he is not here to abolish the law and the prophets. Verse 38, it was said, ‘Do not revenge.’ Verse 43, Love for the unloveable.’ Later Luke 24:27 Jesus’ walk - the Road to Emmaus, with the two disciples who were wondering what is happening, the Messiah Verse 21-26 - The law stated that ‘You shall not murder and difficult who will thought will save Israel has been put to death. As Jesus is as that law was, there many in the crowd who looked at themselves walking with them and they do not recognise Him, the Bible tells and justified themselves because they had shed not blood. But not us and He began to explain to them about Himself and what the only does Jesus confirm that law that you shall not murder, He comScripture said about Himself in all the law, beginning with the law plicates it by escalating it to a high level where, not only shall you and the prophets. So Jesus was not against the law and says in verse not murder in the physical shedding of blood, He goes deeper to 17 He is not here to abolish the law. the core, to the spring where murder rises from and He says, ‘If you hate, then you have broken the law. In verse 18 Jesus says, even the smallest detail, ‘the smallest accent/ mark that changes the intonation of a word, even those will not be overlooked.


Confirmation : Matthew 5:17-20

Verser 19 - He gives a warning to those who disregard or ignore the law. Verse 20 - He says, this righteousness that is followed by the Pharisees, we must get to a place where we surpass it.

3 TT 140 | FEB 15th- 21st | 2022

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