My Inspiration Busyness does not equal productivity
By William King | Email: | image courtesy:
set up a system of godly men to help you.”
Most people think David was the only writer of the book of Psalms and are surprised to learn that Moses wrote He had to clear the clutter out and rearrange his life priPsalm 90. Remember that Moses was God’s man to lead orities. God wants to help us do the same. Too often we all the Israelites toward the allow the busyness of life Promised Land, perhaps If you’re going to see your dreams and desires come and all our responsibilities two million people. He was to pass, you can’t just let everything occupy your time to overwhelm and responsible to know how to and get you off course. Busyness does not equal pro- overtake us. I encourage ductivity. You don’t want to wear busyness as an im- you not to be busy, but to get to the right places. portant attribute in your life. be productive. It’s not a surprise then that one part of Moses’ prayer If you’re going to see your was: “Teach us to number our days, that we can gain a dreams and desires come to pass, you can’t just let heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). Moses wanted to see everything occupy your time and get you off course. people’s dreams and desires come to pass. He wanted to Busyness does not equal productivity. You don’t want to move in the right direction. He didn’t want to waste his wear busyness as an important attribute in your life. time doing things that were not important. Perhaps you feel a little bit like Moses. Everybody’s Perhaps you can hear the cry of his heart, “God, teach asking you for things and you need to find answers to me and show me how to order and prioritize my days.” problems, to bring in the finances and care for others. The answer to Moses’ prayer came when his father-in- You need to pray Moses’ prayer: “God, give me a heart law Jethro, observed that Moses was wearing himself of wisdom. Teach me to put priority on the right things.” out, sitting among the people. Jethro said, “You need to TT 151 | May 10th - May 16th| 2022