2 minute read
My inspiration: Waiting for your invitation
from TT 154
By William King | Email: kingwilliam189@gmail.com | image courtesy: istockphoto.com

You may be facing difficulties that look as though they’re never going to change.If you’re only praying, “God get me out,” you’ll be frustrated until it changes. “Ican’t enjoy my life. I’m dealing with this sickness. My finances are down.”
You’re waiting for God to get you out, butcould it be that God is waiting for you? Inthe Scripture, David went through valleysof difficulties and faced giants of obstaclesand adversities, yet he says, “ThoughI walk through the valley of the shadow ofdeath, I will fear no evil because You arewith me” (Psalm 23:4).
The reason that David didn’t live afraid is that he understood the principle ofinviting God into the valley of trouble. When you’ve invited Him into your situation,when you know that He is with you, you’ll have a song of praise and a smilein the middle of the difficulty.
David wasn’t waiting to get out; he knew God was right there with him. God says,“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; through the rivers, theyshall not overwhelm you. When you walk through fire you shall not be burned
He doesn’t say He’ll keep you out of deep or away from fires. He says that although challenges and adversities are going to come, He will be with you in them. Are you trying to get out of waters that God is going to take you through? Are you fighting?Everything will change if you start inviting God in.
He promised He’ll be with you; maybe He’s just waiting for your invitation. Youhave to do as David and have an attitude that says, “Lord, thank You that You’rewith me.” When you invite Him, you’ll feel Him breathing in your direction, enabling,empowering you.