2 minute read
My inspiration: A turnaround season
from TT 155
A turnaround season
By William King | Email: kingwilliam189@gmail.com | image courtesy: vox.com
We all face situations that look as though they’ll never change. It’s easy to get discouraged and accept it’s never going to work out, but God says,
He’s a turnaround God. He turns Red Seas into dry pathways.
When thoughts tell you, “Your situation is permanent. You’ll never get out of this problem,” get ready. A turnaround is coming. God is about to turn sickness into health, addiction into freedom, lack into abundance, struggle into ease. This is what God said about Zerubabel (Zechariah 4:7).
Mountains represent permanent, immovable obstacles. Depression can be a mountain. Now, this is a new day. God is about to flatten that mountain into a molehill. He’s about to remove some obstacles. What used to hold you back is not going to limit you anymore. People who weren’t for you will suddenly be out of your path.
God turned it around. That mountain of loneliness is about to become a molehill. The right person is going to find you - a divine connection, someone better than you’ve imagined.
You have to receive this by faith. This will not do you any good if you think your situation will never turn around.
You can cancel out what God wants to do by doubt, negative thinking. Why don’t you be a believer and not a doubter? Get in agreement with God and say, “Father, I believe that You promise a turnaround is coming in my health, finances, relationships.” In the Scripture, David went through a lot of unjust opposition.
He could have lived discouraged and bitter, but he said,
“God, You have turned my mourning into dancing. You have turned my sorrow into joy” (Psalm 30:11). He understood
that we serve a turnaround God. We will go through loss, disappointments, but that’s not how your story ends.
God won’t keep you from every mountain, but He promises to turn the sorrow into joy. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. You’re going to see the hand of God do things that are unusual, uncommon, out of the ordinary. You’re coming into a turnaround season.