My Inspiration When you pass the test
By William King | Email: | image courtesy:
We all face situations where things are not going our way, someone’s not treating us right. It is easy to get upset, live The purpose of the trial is to test your character and show frustrated, wondering why it is not changing. you what’s in you. Every time someone cuts you off in traffic, gets on your nerves, you are tempted to be jealous, critical, Much of what we face in life is a test. You do not really know or pay someone back is not a random challenge. That is God what is in you testing your until you are put quality. That under pressure. is an opporIt is easy to have tunity to a good attitude grow. The when people are problem being good to with failyou. ing the test is that you How about when are going to it is just the ophave to keep posite? On the retaking the night before Jetest until you sus was arrested, pass. tried and crucified, Peter told Start passing Jesus, “I will lay down my life for you.” His heart was right the test. The next time someone is rude, or leaves you out, and that statement was easy to make in the atmosphere of just smile and stay in peace. When someone tries to make faith with other disciples at the Passover meal. When he was you feel small, ignore it and move on. You are not who they put under pressure, he denied he knew Jesus three times. say you are; you are who God says you are - His masterpiece, crowned with favour. Be happy despite what they are doing. The pressure brings to light weaknesses in our character, areas we need to deal with if we are willing to change, make Jesus says, “No person can take your joy from you” (John adjustments, start passing those tests. God will trust us with 16:22). Make up your mind that you are not going to give it more of His favour as He did Peter. God does not give up away. It is a test. Do not keep responding the same old way. on us when we fail. It is significant that Peter wrote: “Don’t If you are going to reach your destiny, you have to prove to be surprised at the fiery trial that is taking place to test you” God that you will stay on the high road. Do the right thing (1Peter 4:12). when it is hard.
TT 157 | June 21st - June 28th| 2022