Pulpit Message Give in Obedience
This week’s Pulpit Message is transcribed from the sermon preached at the Nairobi Baptist Church (NBC) Ngong Road on Sunday 26th June 2022. Preacher: Reverend Munengi Mulandi, Senior Pastor NBC. Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:1-15 . Topic: Give in Obedience The economics of God can be traced way back to His own generosity, but perhaps in our practice in the time of the Jews as they were in the desert, they had been rescued from slavery and they are going into the promised land and they run out of food. And the LORD begins to rain food on them, manna. And manna would come in such a way that on the sixth day, it would come double. So you would be able to collect double manna that would last into the seventh day, the Sabbath day.
In no order of priority Paul encourages them that they will beneficiaries of their own generosity. Then he encourages them that their rich generosity is going to cascade into life and wellbeing for others, but ultimately these gifts that they give will bring many all their gathering and giving thanks/ gratitude to our God.
These gifts will be a blessing to you: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11
But they were also told on the other days to be able to collect enough for what you need and if they kept it overnight it would begin to rot. They were told keep it for this day and use it. And then there was a statement that is made there that, He has told them all about the Macedonians, about the accountability of their ‘he who gathered much did not gather too much and he who gathered little did gifts when they are given, the gift is not going to be given to one person and not gather too little’ and so God’s people were provided for.’ then take it to those in need, no. “I am sending Titus and the brothers to prepare you, but also so that we do not carry these gifts ourselves. That is the same verse that we see carried into 2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9, that, ‘he who gathered much did not gather too much and he who gath- So in verse six he tells them “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also ered little did not gather too little.’ Deuteronomy 15, says that ‘there will be no reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” And he poor among you’ and you wonder what? But between chapters 1 and 15 the encourages them to be generous. LORD gives the formula that will make sure that there are no poor among God’s Using this agricultural metaphor, that Brothers and sisters in the LORD, I am inviting us to a season of people. He says that He Himself will prowhen you plant a single seed of maize vide abundantly. He will supply way be- generosity that we are going to conclude on July 31st. I want us to come our one plant, but several cobs yond what they need. But secondly He give willingly, according to our ability and beyond sacrificially. I with multiple of seeds. And Paul tells institutes a way that believers will be able want us to give in a way that God is going to bless us with His bless- them, because of your giving, your to take care of each other, that there will ings by His grace. He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, service of generosity, then God will rebe no poor among us, because He warns member you and proportionately bless but I want us to sow generously that we may reap generously. against being tight fisted,- encouraging you. “He who sows generously will We want to give that will cascade to many people who are going generosity. reap generously”. through difficult times that this church wants to walk with them. Today we look at three points where Paul seems to be answering the question, where do your gifts go? ….
That’s a rather difficult passage of Scripture to preach in a church like this because we have been in our social media and other areas by those who preach what is called, ‘the prosperity gospel.’ You see, what is wrong with the prosperity gospel is its incompleteness and its overemphasis. However, for us to ignore these verses that encourage us to The people in Corinth had given and had pledged to give, but they had not give because God promises to bless, then we will be throwing the baby with the fulfilled their commitment and so as Paul is encouraging willing giving, giving birth water. according to your ability and beyond - sacrificially, he also takes to encourage them by helping them know where their gifts are going. The Bible is not encouraging giving in a casino gambling style. Far be it from us! But the LORD is saying that He is faithful to reward proportionately acIn fact, he is so committed to this that he tells them, you need to prepare, and cording to our giving and so as we give where do our gifts go? Some of these that is why we are sending Titus and others to help your prepare along this gifts come back to us in material, spiritual, emotional and all kinds of blessings letter that is also giving you warning, you don’t just want a gift that is abrupt, from our God. So he encourages the Corinthians, give generously and you will therefore it will be lacking in willingness and ability and the sacrificial nature reap generously. of this gift will be compromised. Ecclesiastes 11:1 “Cast your bread unto the waters for after many days it will But also Paul is sends this encouragement in this letter how they may be able to come back to you.” But many who preach that gospel I was talking about, ‘prosgive. So where do these gifts go? 2 Corinthians 9:1-15 perity gospel’, let’s just call it prosperity because it cannot be gospel because of it’s incompleteness. Many of them have a gambling thing where you give and 1: These gifts will be a blessing to you: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 you stand there waiting. this is not a transaction you and God are having. This is the gracious 2. These gifts will meet the needs of God’s people: 2 Corinthians Remember God who is saying, because you are generous, not because you are arm-twist9:12 ing Me. No. Because you have been generous I have chosen to bless you, because that is the only environment where you can cast bread upon waters and 3. These needs will result in thanksgiving to God: 2 Corinthians it comes back to you after many days.
TT 158 | June 28th - July 4th| 2022