Pulpit Message Leaders who Mediate
My Pulpit Message Notes are extracted from the sermon preached at the Nairobi Baptist Church (NBC) Ngong Road on Sunday 3rd July 2022. Preacher: Pastor Sammy Mangeli. Scripture: Acts 15:36-41. Topic: Leaders who mediate Are we leaders who mediate?
up for Saul and by the very words of Acts 9:27 Barnabas mediates on behalf of Saul that he may find acceptance with the apostles.
Mediation is a structured interactive process where an impartial third party assists disputing parties to resolve conflict. - At times it is difficult to change your reputation even as you make this conversion from being a non-believer to a believer. It is difficult to make new friends even as you become a Christian and especially as an adult. Three instances where Barnabas was that mediator: But two things stand out for Barnabas here; not only did he mediate on behalf of Saul, but he portrayed leadership courage that is so desired in 1. Barnabas mediation for Saul (Acts 9:2-5, 27) our different communities today. 2. 3.
Barnabas mediation for John Mark (Acts 13:13, Acts 15:36-38) Barnabas mediation for the church community (Acts 4:36)
- Simon Seneka said, “The courage of leadership is giving others the chance to succeed even though you bear the responsibility of getting things done.”
Recently in the Oscar awards that were held this year, Chris Rock made an inappropriate remark about Will Smith and talked about his wife, Jada Who am I giving a chance to grow, even if I take the flak for the mistakes Pinkett Smith in a manner that did not please him. Will was so furi- they are making? ous that he got up and walked on stage and smacked Christ across his face. This had never happened in the Barnabas became the Oscars and people thought this was a bridge between Saul and the aposnew script, but it wasn’t. tles. Am I a bridge to a new ChrisWhat we didn’t see in that whole The courage of leadership is giving others the chance saga was the role that one other actor to succeed even though you and I will share the Denzel Washington played. During responsibility of getting things done. the break, he got these two guys and stepped in and mediated. He told Will, “On your greatest moment, be careful because that is when the devil comes for you. Have you ever had a Denzel moment? Are you a leader who mediates?
tian, or to a person in need?
New Christians need bridges. They need us to mediate for them. They need us to encourage them and come along side them and encourage them even as they get involved in this new world of Christianity.
Be a Barnabas even in the upcoming elections, because I dare say, there will be many brothers and sisters in conflict with themselves and with others who are significant in their lives. Why? There are many people who stepped out early this year to get a very elusive certificate known as nomination certificate and many have spent huge sums of money, but they never got that certificate. That certificate this year has become more elusive than the US dollar. Are you a leader who will mediIn Acts 9:2-5 Saul had gone to the high priest and was asking for letters ate for that brother, or sister? to take to the synagogues in Damascus so that if he found those that were called people of the Way, people who believed in Christ, he would take Barnabas was a mediator that Saul needed to be a confident them as prisoners in Jerusalem. follower of Christ. Are you a mediator?
Barnabas mediation for Saul (Acts 9:2-5, 27)
- Verse three and following, Saul has an encounter with God and beBarnabas mediates for Saul, Barnabas mediates for John comes a follower of this same Christ. In Acts 9:26 he goes to Jerusalem Mark and Barnabas mediates for the church community. and the disciples totally refuse to engage with him. I can only imagine what has been going through their minds, this is the same guy who has been tormenting us, raising havoc amidst us. - But in Acts 9:27 says, “But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus.” - We see that Barnabas, sensing the rejection of Saul by Christians, stands
TT 159 | July 5th - July 11th| 2022