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2 tips to help others network By Ben Stapley |www.biblicalleadership.com | image credit: istock
I gave you nine tips on how to help yourself network. Now let me give you two tips on how to help others network.
1. Pay it forward.
a2. Enhance someone else’s networking skills.
Author of Hero Maker, Warren Bird, once explained that he never goes anywhere alone. Whenever he speaks at conferences or consults If you’ve asked to learn from others then you need to do the same for with organizations he always invites someone to join him. others. You might not be at the point in your career where others are approaching you. Don’t let this stop you. He brings someone along to learn from the experience, connect with others and enhance their networking skills. Warren is my hero. He Reach out and give back. One way is to identify someone outside doesn’t just worry about advancing himself, he actively looks to adof your organization and pour into them. It might come off a little vance others by living out the title of his book. insulting and prideful to approach someone with “I think you need help, and I think I’m the person best equipped to give it.” There will always be someone less experienced than you. Figure out who that is and how to help them along. Another way to give back is to join a professional group on Facebook and LinkedIn and then start dispensing wisdom like your Pez ma- Networking is a valuable tool for continual professional developchine. ment. When done poorly, it comes off as self-centered. When done well, it adds value to yourself and the person you are networking with.
TT 160 | July 12th - July 18th| 2022