3 minute read
My Devotional: The importance of loyalty
from TT 164
Loyalty is the glue that holds teams together when injuries mount and bench players suddenly see more playing time and go through growing pains. On other occasions, frustrations often boil over when losses outnumber wins.
During those times, it’s easy to point fingers and assign blame to someone else. If the team is united, then individuals pull together and support each other, rather than turning their backs on one another when things are not going well.
When Ruth’s husband died in the Bible, she hurt deeply but didn’t only think about herself. She reached out to her mother-in-law, Naomi. Ruth’s dedication extended Naomi’s life. When Naomi tried to release Ruth from her responsibilities, Ruth refused.
Though the apostle Paul was an incredible missionary, he needed reliable helpers. Priscilla and Aquila worked alongside Paul as tentmakers. More importantly, this married couple helped start churches in several places. They opened their home as a meeting place for churches and also assisted financially in keeping churches strong.
Therefore, Paul was grateful to them.
Even though Jesus’ disciples disappointed Him several times, Jesus stood by them until His last breath. When Jesus agonized on the cross, the disciples struggled with doubts and fears, but Jesus remained strong.
Jesus stands by all believers forever. He will always be by our side.