TT 166

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TIMES TODAY TT 166 | August 30th - September 5th | 2022 Faith overcomesthat

CONTENTS My Pulpit message notes: | Faith that overcomes | 3-4 My Devotional: Are you an aroma of Christ| 6 My Inspiration: If two of you agree | 7 My Entrepreneur: 3 questions to ask about your leadership wake| 8 My Health: Not getting enough sleep makes people less likely to help others, study finds| 9-10 My Kitchen: Pizza Margherita in 4 easy steps |11 My Sports: US Open: Serena Williams party continues after first-round win against Danka Kovinic |12

Pulpit Message Notes

Tose who believe in God have come to the place where they can overcome the world. We cannot overcome the world without believing in Jesus Christ. World here represents the systems that are against God’s pur poses/will/agenda.1John4:5“4

on Sunday 28th August 2022. Preacher:

John takes time to explain to us that faith that overcomes manifests itself in three aspects:

1. Believing in the Son of God. 2. Loving God and His children. 3. Keeping the commands of God. Believing in the Son of God.

John is clear that Je sus was born. He is the Christ. He lived here and He died and rose again from theJohndead. is restating what he said in 1John 1:1-4 “ Tat which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim con cerning the Word of life. 2 Te life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. 3 We proclaim to you what we have seen andInheard,…otherwords,

- People who do not believe in the Scriptures, in the entirety of the Bible, they demonstrate the negation of their belief in the Son of God and they are demonstrating they do not belong to the family of those who belong to God. Listening is not just listening but listening to do what God requires of us.

A. They believe in the incarnation of Christ. 1 John 4:2 “2 Tis is how you can recognise the Spirit of God: Every spirit that ac knowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the fesh is from God.”

Scripture: 1

Topic: Faith

to the Pharisees and Jews who had gath ered around Him, who wanted to stone Him in John 8:47, he said almost the same words, “Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. Te reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”

Jesus was not just a Spirit, but had a body we touched, hailed Him, saw Him, fellowshipped with Him and He is the one we are telling you.

You, dear children, are from God and have over come them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”

“ My Pulpit Message Notes are extracted from

1 John 5:11 “11 And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 Whoever has the Son has life; who ever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” Tis means we are not scared of death, because death can not take this life away. We are not scared of eternal condemnation, because God has delivered from it. We are not scared of anything, because we know God is on our side and we have confdence to face our future that we are not so much aware of how it will be, but one thing we know is that we have life in eternity. John writing in his gospel says, “We have life and have it abundantly.”

Faith That Overcomes“

TT 166 | August 30th - September 5th | 2022

B. Those who believe in God listen to the Word of God, to the truth of the Scripture, to the proclamation of the Biblical teaching and are not rejecting it. Verse six, “6 We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. Tis is how we recognise the Spirit[a] of truth and the spirit of falsehood.”Jesusspeaking

We have been empowered to live in a manner that honours God. And he who has been born from above has the ability to do what God requires of them. We are able to keep His commands because we have been empowered through our new birth. Our new birth gives us the space to overcome not only the new world, but also to keep the commandments of God. the sermon preached at the Nairobi Baptist Church (NBC) Ngong Road Reverend Evans Mutamba, Lead Pastor NBC Kikuyu. John 4&5 that overcomes.

Marks of those that believe in Jesus Christ are:

‘ Tem’ refers to the false teachers, who deny that Je sus Christ has come in the body. Tey are people who do not listen to the teachings of God’s Word. Tey are people who negate the Biblical truth.‘You have overcome them’. Why? Because the one who is in you is greater than the one in the world. So we do not have to live in fear because of the false teachers, or the world systems that opposes our faith and our sub mission to Christ because the One who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world. Our faith in Jesus is the source of victory over the sys tems of this world C. Those who believe in Jesus Christ will receive eternal life.

John writing in the gospel in chapter one, he reminds us that the Word became fesh and He dwelt amongst us and we have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only son who came from the Father full of grace and truth. John 1:14 So the belief that Jesus came in the body is critical. It is a clear demonstration that you believe in the right thing, the sound belief, the sound conviction and the sound faith.

Loving God and His children.

John is saying in 1 John 4:14-21 and verse 2-3, he brings the love of God and love for God’s children in perspective. In 1 John 5:30 he says, “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. 2 Tis is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his Youcommands.”cannotseparate loving God and loving His chil dren. Tey go hand in hand. Keeping the commands of God Jesus summarised all the prophets and the laws, the Torah into two commands. And He said this, “Love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind. Tis is the frst and greatest commandment. And the second is like it, Love your neighbour as you love yourself. All the law and prophets hand on these two commandments.”

- Tis is a demonstration of a faith that overcomes the world.


John 4:7-9 says we are to love each other frst because God is love. “ Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Who ever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 Tis is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. ”

God has demonstrated that we can love and should love one another because He is love and He is in us. God has given us the abil ity to love because He is in us and Him being love, He gives us the ability/grace to be able to love. You may be saying, pastor you are saying this, but you do not know how much I have been hurt by the one that I have loved. Jesus was in the same situation. Te ones He loved and walked with them and fed, are the same guys took Him to the cross and nailed Him there. And on that cross He demonstrated His love by saying, “Tey do not know what they are doing. Father forgive them”.

Tere are people that you love so much, but they have caused pain in your life. Tat doesn’t mean that you stop loving. You pray for God’s mercy and grace that God will help you to love them. Secondly we love because God loved us and He loved us by sending His Son to die for us. Paul says, “While we were still sinners, God sent His son.” What John and Paul are telling us is that we do not love peo ple because they are good. God loved us when we were ‘unloveable’, when we were pathetic, rotting in sin, rebellious in nature, yet He loved us.Tere is a human tendency of saying, let him/her improve, work on themselves, show that they deserve to be loved. Tat is not the love that God is talking about here. Tey’ll persecute you, but love them. Tey have some un der-cuttings against you, but love them. Tey are plotting evil against you, but love them. Tese are not people just out there. Tey are peo ple in the family of God. Tat’s where we struggle most. Tey call on the name of the LORD, but they cause pain in our hearts and we wonder how can we keep up with such people. Because we are the children of God, we love them and ask for God’s grace that will help us to love them. We love one another because it is a demonstration that God is in us and is the One making a diference in our lives. Jesus asked, “If you love only those who love you, what difer ence does it make? Even beggars do so.” If we love those who are good to us, what diference does it make? Because non believers do so. But we are children of the Most High. We have come to the space where God dwells in us. We are living above the earthly standards. We are sons of the Most High and He lives in us, and He is calling on us to show that we belong to Him. Jesus talking to His disciples one time, He said, “And by this they will know that you are my disciples, when you love one another” John 13:35.Friends may I submit to us by saying, It is impossible to say that you love God without loving His children. John is saying that you are a liar because you have never seen God.

John talking on these commandments he says, they are not burdensome in nature. I remember when Jesus was giving that invitation afer His disciples had gone to share the gospel and people had been delivered from demonic oppression, He made this declaration, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will fnd rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Te demands of Christ are not burdensome. Mat thew 11:29-30Wehave been empowered to live in a manner that honours God. And he who has been born from above has the ability to do what God requires of them. We are able to keep His commands be cause we have been empowered through our new birth. Our new birth gives us the space to overcome not only the new world, but also to keep the commandments of God. Tose who love God also keep His commands because they have overcome the world, because they believe in Jesus Christ, God from above.Youmight be in a situation where you are wondering, how can a good God allow me to be in this space, to go through what you are going through? You are struggling to believe in this God. You may be wondering if God still loves you because of where you are. You could be wondering, does God still love me? And is it possible that your are struggling to love your brother / sister because of the pain they have caused you. You wonder how you can love. Tey are born again and when they call on the name of the Lord Jesus you wonder how hypocritical they are.

Tis is what Paul says, Romans 8:35-39 “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Message Notes TT 166 | August 30th - September 5th | 2022

My prayer Lord God Almighty, thank You for Your love for me. Tank You that You sent Your Son Jesus Christ to die for my sins. Please forgive me for all the sins I have committed against You. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He died on the cross and You raised Him from the dead on the third day. Please write my name in the Lamb’s book of life. Help me to live a life that is holy and pleasing unto You. In Jesus’ Name I pray and believe.

My Life

How to get saved and spend eternity with God His Love

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.

John 3:16 (NASB)

My response that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in Romanssalvation.10:9-10(NASB)

Amen TT 166 | August 30th - September 5th | 2022

Te huge mall was quiet with many shops including a supermarket that seemed busy with shoppers and long queues for those at the tills ready to leave. Looking at the mall map and identifying the foor with the mall’s food court, we quickly turned towards the stairs to go to the frst foor. But it was empty with one restaurant and a waiter eager to serve us by displaying the menu while pointing towards a table for us to sit. But something was amiss. We were the only ones there and there was no aroma of food. We wondered how long it would take to prepare the food. Perhaps they would be starting from scratch and take longer than we desired. What we really needed was some good fast food.

B Liz Omondi

2 Corinthians 2:14-16 We had travelled hundreds of kilometres by road and now needed to stop and take a few minutes break and perhaps even have lunch.

All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconcil ing the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.”

try of preaching the gospel he is to God the aroma of Christ among those being saved and those who are perishing. He says that to one he is the smell of death and to the other, a fragrance of life.

Te journey ahead was still long, and we were not sure there would be food ready for us at our fnal destination. We therefore stopped by a roadside mall and entered searching for an eatery so that we could somehow appease the noisemakers in our stomachs.

As a disciple of Jesus Christ, God has called each of us to ministry. He commissioned us in Matthew 28:18-20 saying, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Terefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey every thing I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To one we are the smell of death and to the other the fragrance of life.And who is equal to such a task?

Having been reconciled to God the Father through Jesus Christ, we believers have been called to the ministry of reconciliation. Te apos tle Paul explains this in 2 Corinthians 5:17-20, “ Terefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation; Te old has gone, the new has come!

In his second letter to the Corinthians Paul says that in his minis

Are you a believer in Jesus Christ? If so, then God had committed you to the ministry of reconciliation. You are the aroma of Christ and therefore should be spreading the fragrance of the knowledge of Him wherever you go, in your family, neighbourhood, marketplace and even on social media.

To those who are being saved, the Scripture tells us that you emit the fragrance of life, while to those who are perishing you will be a smell of death. Either way, like that aroma that whetted my appetite and led me to the eatery where I could satisfy my hunger, may you as an ambassador of Christ be that fragrance that leads others to Him, satisfying the hunger of those who want to have eternal life in Christ Jesus. an aroma of Christ?

Looking at the menu, we scrutinised the prices and made a choice to compare with any other eateries in the mall. So we politely excused ourselves and took another route looking for an eatery. A few metres ahead, we were met by the aroma of real food. Just the kind of aro ma that increased the noise of the grumblers in our stomachs. We humbly followed the sweet fragrance that led us to a restaurant with a wide choice of foods that whetted our appetites. And there we were able to make a good choice of what could satisfy our stomachs.

Are you

| Email: | image courtesy: My Devotional TT 166 | August 30th - September 5th | 2022


If two of you agree TT 166 | August 30th - September 5th | 2022

By William King Email: courtesy:

If you get rid of the “oh no” people, God will send you “amen” people who say, “You believe the addiction can’t control you. You have the yes and I have the amen.”

Doubters are a dime a dozen. You need people who say, “If you’re bold enough to believe it, I’m bold enough to agree with you.” You need a faith patner, someone who will take limits of God with you, who will believe for what looks impossible. When you come into agreement, it releases favour in a new way. Te Scripture says, “All of God’s promises have their yes in Christ. Tat’s why we say Amen through Him to the glory of God” (2Cor inthians 1:20). When God puts a promise in your heart and you be lieve it, you have the yes, and you know it’s going to happen, but you need to fnd the amen.

We are all believing for a dream to come to pass or praying for a sit uation to turn around, trusting. Something more powerful happens when you have someone agree with you for what you’re believing for.

Jesus says, “If two of you agree on earth concerning anything that you ask, it will be done by My Father in heaven” (Matthew 18:19). He does not say, “Just believe for yourself and it will happen.” He says, “Find someone who will come in agreement with you.” He was showing us the power of agreement. When you’re believing for something you need people with bold faith, not people who say, “I don’t see how that can happen. You really think you can get well?”

Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. When you have a faith patner, someone who will add the amen, it doesn’t just encourage you, but it causes angels to go to work, miracles are set in motion, favour is re leased. Come into agreement with someone who ignites your faith, who inspires you to keep believing.

You have to come out of “oh no” agreements with negative people who doubt, water down your faith and cause you to get discouraged.

My Inspiration

“I have the amen. I agree with you that healing is coming.” Or maybe you believe that you’ll break an addiction. You have the yes and be lieve that no weapon formed against you will prosper. Now fnd the amen, not an “Oh no. You really think so?” God’s promises are not “yes and oh no” they are “yes and amen.”

| image

We become like those we follow. What kind of leaders are you fol lowing and listening to? Tese become key infuences in your lead ership development and will impact you more deeply than you will notice at frst. Over time, you’ll become like the leaders you respect and follow. Who are you bringing along on the journey with you?

Is your desired legacy in line with the current trajectory of your lead ership wake? If not, what changes can you make today to change your trajectory? If so, how can you continue moving forward and growing as a leader?

Tese personal examples were infuential, certainly, but so, too, is the content you consumed on your leadership journey. You read books, took classes, and learned lessons on the job of what leadership is, how to lead well, the power of good leaders, and the negative power of bad leaders.

As you refect back, what are some of the early lessons you remember from your leadership journey? Who is one leader that sticks out as an example of the kind of leader you one day hoped to become? Side note: if they are still living, consider sending them a letter or an email or give them a phone call to thank them and tell them they are one of your leadership infuences! On the other end of the spectrum, who is one leader that sticks out as an example of the exact kind of leader you one day never hope to become? Now, take a moment and think of the present and the future. You are leaving a leadership legacy. One day someone will look back at your leadership infuence and make a determination: they want to become like you as a leader, or they want to become the opposite of who you are as a leader. Tat’s sort of an intimidating realization. But it’s the reality of being a lead Oneer.

As you grew up, your parents (or lack of) shaped your understanding of motherhood and fatherhood. Your teachers and mentors shaped your understanding of education. Your coaches shaped your under standing of athletics and competition.

Similarly, the leaders in your world shaped your understanding of leadership. Tis could have been local leaders from your church, school, employer, or even your mayor. Tis could have been larger leadership roles like those in more national politics or the leader of our country. Whatever time and era you grew up in shaped your un derstanding of leadership.

term I want to defne before we get into these three items is the term “leadership wake.” Te word “wake” refers to the “v-shaped wave created by the displacement of the boat as it passes through the water.” Tere is no wake, no displacement of water, if the boat is still.

Whose leadership wake are you following, and where is it taking you?

By Ben Marshall — Pastor of Student Ministries , Pathway Church image credit: istock

Entrepreneur Every Good Gift Sells

Write out your desired legacy as a leader, then take some time to refect on it. |

Similarly with leadership, there is no leadership wake if you are not headed anywhere. A leadership wake refers to the impact of those around you as your leadership moves forward. What kind of leadership wake are you leaving? Here are three items to consider:

3 questions to ask about your leadership wake

TT 166 | August 30th - September 5th | 2022

We make leadership investments as we share our leadership jour ney with others and mentor them along the way. We share part of our leadership heart as we invite others into what we are doing and where we are going. Who are the ones you’re building into, those next-generation leaders you’re bringing along with you who will fol low in your leadership wake?

Te fndings underscore the importance of sleep hygiene in the mainte nance of helping or prosocial behaviors in addition to physical and mental Morehealth.than 1 in 3 individuals in the United States report less than the min imum recommended sleep duration of 7 hours of sleep per night.

“It is time as a society to abandon the idea that sleep is unnecessary or a waste of time and, without feeling embarrassed, start getting the sleep that we need” Dr. Eti Ben Simon, a sleep researcher at the University of California, Berkeley and co-author of the new study, told Medical News Today. “It is the best form of kindness we can ofer ourselves, as well as the people around us.” |

Te study also indicates that the potential loss of 1 hour of sleep due to daylight savings time is associated with a reduction in the amount of mon ey donated to a national charity.

Study participants showed a decline in the desire to help others afer being sleep deprived than afer being rested.

My Health

Whether sleep quantity or quality can infuence prosocial behaviors, which are behaviors that beneft others, has not yet been fully established.

In the present study, the researchers conducted three diferent experi ments to examine the efects of sleep on prosocial behavior at the indi vidual, group, and societal levels. In the frst experiment, the researchers examined the impact of sleep deprivation on helping behavior within the same individual.

Written by Deep Shukla on August 23, 2022 — Fact checked by Maria Giford

New research published in the journal PLOS Biology reveals that lacking quality sleep may reduce the willingness of individuals to help others.

To evaluate changes in helping behavior, the researchers used a question naire assessing the willingness of the participants to help others in ev eryday situations, such as helping a stranger with directions or carrying Tgroceries.eresearchers assessed the helping behavior of the same participants on 2 separate days. On one of the days, the participants were administered the questionnaire afer being awake for 24 hours. In the other instance, the participants had a night’s sleep before responding to the questionnaire.

Not getting enough sleep makes people less likely to help others, study fnds

Tis decline in the willingness to help others persisted afer controlling for non-social factors impacted by sleep deprivation, including attention, motivation to engage in efortful behavior, and mood.

How poor sleep impacts helping behaviors

Inadequate sleep is a common problem and is linked to an increased risk of physical and mental health problems.

A new study shows that sleep deprivation and poor sleep quality are asso ciated with a decreased desire to help others.

Prior research has linked poor sleep to defcits in emotional processing, which could potentially reduce prosocial behaviors.

TT 166 | August 30th - September 5th | 2022

Other studies have shown that inadequate sleep results in decreased ac tivity in brain regions involved in empathy and prosocial behaviors like voting. Tis includes brain regions involved in social cognition, which is the ability to process social information and respond appropriately to so cial situations.

Insufcient sleep is a pervasive problem associated with a number of neg ative health outcomes. Studies have found that insufcient sleep is associ ated with an increased risk of: obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, motor vehicle accidents. Moreover, inadequate or poor sleep can also adversely impact mental health, including an increase in symptoms of depression, anxiety, and ir ritability, and a reduced ability to regulate emotions.

Te third experiment examined the real-world impact of the loss of sleep on helping behavior at the national level.

Brain scans show reduced social cognition with sleep loss

Further research is still needed

Moreover, a decrease in donation amounts during the transition to day light savings time was absent in states that do not observe daylight savings time, like Arizona and Hawaii.

My Health

builds on other recent research to suggest that the societal costs of poor sleep hygiene are greater than previously thought,” Dr. David Dickinson, PhD, a sleep researcher and professor of economics at Appalachian State University, not involved in the study, told MNT.

Te researchers note that this is the frst study to establish a link between sleep and helping behaviors. Future studies will need to further clarify the role of sleep in prosocial behaviors.

Sleep deprivation makes people less likely to donate to charitable organizations

“ Te authors suggest that the impact of insufcient sleep on helping was likely not related to the changes in mood or empathy or desire to act.”

“While [the study authors] performed notable tests to exclude other fac tors and establish a direct impact of sleep deprivation on a decreased de sire to help, the limitations of methodology prevent a complete exclusion of these variables as confounders. Nonetheless, the study provides further evidence regarding the negative impacts of sleep deprivation and the need to get adequate sleep.”

Tus, while the initial two experiments showed a decline in the willing ness to help others, the analysis of data on monetary donations demon strates the real-world impact of the loss of even a single hour of sleep on prosocial Highlightingbehaviors.thethorough experimental design used by the study’s au thors, Dr. Dickinson said: “By bringing multiple approaches to bear on the question and showing that using diferent samples and data sources all point to a common core fnding (or highlighting the neural mechanism at work in the key behav ioral fnding), it should give the reader more confdence that this result is not an artifact of a single study, data source, or methodology.”

In addition, cultural factors and personality traits may also infuence a person’s propensity toward helping behaviors, but the impact of these fac tors can be hard to qualify.

TT 166 | August 30th - September 5th | 2022

Using data on monetary donations made to an online national charity be tween 2001 and 2016, the researchers examined whether the potential loss of an hour of sleep during daylight savings time infuenced the donation Inamount.comparison to the weeks before and afer daylight savings time, there was a reduction in the donation amounts during the week of the transition to daylight savings time.

Te results from the frst experiment showed that at least some sleep is necessary for maintaining helpful behavior. Furthermore, the second ex periment shows that afer receiving a certain minimum amount of sleep, sleep quality may have a larger impact on helping behavior than sleep du ration.

Te researchers found that sleep deprivation was associated with reduced activity in brain regions involved in social cognition while performing a social task.

Signifcantly, the decline in helping behavior due to sleep loss was posi tively correlated with the magnitude of the decline in activity in the brain regions involved in social cognition. Te results suggest that the efects of sleep deprivation on prosocial behavior were mediated by these brain “regions.Tisstudy

Of course, regardless of any underlying factors, sleep quantity and quality can be improved by practicing good sleep hygiene and getting sufcient rest at night.

Following the questionnaire portion of the study, the researchers used functional MRI (fMRI)imaging to examine the impact of sleep loss on brain regions involved in prosocial behaviors.

“[It] is especially important to show the negative impacts of insufcient sleep on giving behaviors because such behaviors contribute to the ‘social capital’ of society, and this social capital can have multiplier efects in an –economy.”Dr.David Dickinson, PhD, sleep researcher and economics professor

found that a decline in sleep quality, measured as the frac tion of time spent sleeping out of the total time spent in bed, was associat ed with a lower desire to help others. Interestingly, the willingness to help others was not associated with the total time spent sleeping.

Other studies have also shown an association between sleep and social capital, a measure of social cohesiveness. Tis highlights the importance of social policies and education that promote sleep hygiene.

Dr. Rohit Budhiraja, director of the Sleep and Circadian Disorders Clinic at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, not involved in the study, told MNT:

Variations in sleep quality are a contributing factor

– Dr. Rohit Hudhiraja, director of the Sleep and Circadian Disorders Clin ic at Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Although the initial experiment demonstrated that a lack of sleep could reduce helping behavior, sleep deprivation is not a regular occurrence. Hence, in the subsequent experiment, the researchers recruited a group of 171 participants online to examine whether the natural variation in nightto-night sleep had an impact on the desire to help others on the following Tday.e participants maintained sleep diaries for 4 nights and were asked to respond to an online questionnaire afer each night to evaluate helping Tbehavior.eresearchers

STEP 2 Make the sauce: Mix the passata, basil and crushed garlic together, then sea son to taste. Leave to stand at room temperature while you get on with shaping the base.

STEP 3 Roll out the dough: if you’ve let the dough rise, give it a quick knead, then split into two balls. On a foured surface, roll out the dough into large rounds, about 25cm across, using a rolling pin. Te dough needs to be very thin as it will rise in the oven. Lif the rounds onto two foured baking sheets.

bread four 1 tsp instant yeast (from a sachet or a 1tub)tsp salt 1 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for drizzling

For the tomato sauce

For the topping 125g ball mozzarella, sliced handful grated or shaved parmesan (or vegetarian alternative) handful of cherry tomatoes, halved

To handfulfnishof basil leaves (optional)

Make the base: Put the four into a large bowl, then stir in the yeast and salt. Make a well, pour in 200ml warm water and the olive oil and bring to gether with a wooden spoon until you have a sof, fairly wet dough. Turn onto a lightly foured surface and knead for 5 mins until smooth. Cover with a tea towel and set aside. You can leave the dough to rise if you like, but it’s not es sential for a thin crust.


My Kitchen

Pizza Margherita in 4 easy steps

STEP 4 Top and bake: heat the oven to 240C/220C fan/gas 8. Put another bak ing sheet or an upturned baking tray in the oven on the top shelf. Smooth sauce over bases with the back of a spoon. Scatter with cheese and tomatoes, driz zle with olive oil and season. Put one pizza, still on its baking sheet, on top of the preheated sheet or tray. Bake for 8-10 mins until crisp. Serve with a little more olive oil, and basil leaves if using. Repeat step for remaining pizza.|August 30th - September 5th | 2022


100ml handfulpassatafreshbasil or 1 tsp dried 1 garlic clove, crushed

Serena Williams overcame Danka Kovinic in a straight-sets victory to continue on in the US Open; the 40-year-old American has remained vague about when she will ofcially retire from a 27-year career in tennis; “I’m still here for the time being, just enjoying it” Williams announced earlier this month that the US Open would very likely be her last tournament, bringing an end to a 27-year career that has seen her tran scend tennis. TT 166 | August 30th - September 5th | 2022

But the 40-year-old is frst and foremost a tremendous competitor and she en sured at least one more night under the lights with a 6-3 6-3 triumph, with Es tonian second seed Anett Kontaveit now waiting in the wings afer she breezed past Jaqueline Cristian 6-3 6-0.

A record crowd had come to honour Williams and the noise grew louder and louder as a montage voiced by Queen Latifah played of Williams’ six singles titles at Flushing Meadows.


“I feel grateful that I can have that impact. I never thought I would have that im pact, ever. I was just a girl trying to play tennis in a time where I could develop this impact and be a voice.”

“I’ll have plenty of time soon to do all that,” she added. “I just am so grateful that they see that. I can see it, too, but I don’t overthink about it. I’m still here for the time being, just enjoying it.

Williams will also play doubles with sister Venus and, an enigma to the end, refused to completely shut the door on further appearances.

“I do feel diferent,” she said.

“I’ve been pretty vague about it, right,” she said. “I’m going to stay vague because you never know.”

US Open: Serena Williams party continues after frst-round win against Danka Kovinic

Te 40-year-old has kept a low profle since announcing her decision in an essay in Vogue earlier this month while Williams’ fellow players, particularly those she directly inspired to follow in her footsteps, have been queuing up to venerate her legacy.

Ten out came the woman herself, dressed, as only she could be, in a self-de signed gown and shoes featuring diamonds, crystals and gold.


Williams had won just one singles match since the French Open last spring, but Kovinic has not been in good form either, losing her previous fve matches.

Te second set, while not vintage Williams, was an indication that this valedic tory lap may yet have some way to go as she set up a clash with Kontaveit on InWednesday.Cincinnati, Williams had walked straight of court, eschewing the celebration planned for her, but here she was able to embrace the moment as a post-match ceremony saw her venerated by Billie Jean King and Oprah Winfrey.

My Sports The Times Today is a publication of Elizabeth Omondi Consultancy. P.O. Box 833-00100 GPO Nairobi. Tel: 0722 927792.

She was certainly moving better than she had in defeat by Emma Raducanu in Cincinnati earlier this month, and her serve and groundstrokes increased in penetration as the match wore on.

“I think when I walked out, the reception was really overwhelming,” she said “Itlater.was loud and I could feel it in my chest. It was a really good feeling. It’s a feel ing I’ll never forget. Tat meant a lot to me.”

“I think I was really emotional in Toronto and Cincinnati. It was very difcult. I’m not saying it’s not difcult now. It’s extremely difcult still because I abso lutely love being out there.

“ Te more tournaments I play, I feel like the more I can belong out there. Tat’s a tough feeling to have, and to leave knowing, the more you do it, the more you can “’stime for me to evolve to the next thing. I think it’s important because there’s so many other things that I want to do.”

Nerves were very evident from both, particularly in the form of early double faults, but, with a wall of noise greeting every Williams winner, she began to give the crowd what they wanted.

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