TT 169

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TIMES TODAY TT 169 | September 20th - September 26th | 2022

Hope of Victory and Peace

My Kitchen: Turkish Chicken Kebabs |11

My Entrepreneur: 5 things the best leaders do | 8


My Devotional: Dress well daily | 6

My Sports: Vinicius Jr: La Liga condemns abuse of Real Madrid forward |12

My Inspiration: When the next offense comes | 7

My Health: Why are so many people under 50 getting cancer?| 9-10

My Pulpit message notes: | Hope of Victory and Peace | 3-4

“In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains;”Tepromise is, in the last days in Jerusalem, YAHWEH will reign there. Te soon to be destroyed, disgraced, desolate Jerusalem in the last days it will be an exalted, respected glorifed dwelling place of the LORD.

1. A promise of God

vs 3-4 says in that time, it will be a time of peace and prosperity. And this will not only be for Jerusalem and Israel, it will be for the nations of the world. “ Tey will beat their swords into plowshares…” because they will to need their swords. “and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.” It will be a time of peace and so the LORD will reign in Jerusalem, the nations will tour Jerusa

Have you wondered how the LORD has allowed some things to happen to you? Have you wondered how come you have gotten into a situation that you are in? If you trust in the LORD, the LORD would say to you, ‘Do not fear,’ the LORD is able to save even from the furnace.

A promise of God (Micah 4:1-4)

i. The exiled will return from exile. ii. The Ruler will be born. iii. The remnants will be strengthened and purifed.

TT 169 | September 20th - September 26th | 2022

As we come to Micah 4 and 5, we have seen and heard that Israel has rejected the covenant of God. Tey have rejected the commandment of God and the counsel/advice of God.

Vs 2-4 says many nations will come to Jerusalem. Tere will be pilgrimages to Zion. Sooner as we talk people will be looking at Zion/Jerusalem and maybe they will be taking a detour. Nobody is going to want to be asso ciated with Jerusalem, but in the last days, people are going to take at tour to Jerusalem and when they go there they will be trained in the ways of the LORD. Jerusalem will be the centre of the universal activity and blessing of God.

sb. Te LORD says He will reign in Jerusalem. Has the LORD forgotten that Jerusalem is a bunch of idol worshippers as we talk? Tat they have ig nored His covenant, commandments, counsel? Has He forgotten that they will soon be exiled and taken to captivity and then the city will be destroyed? No. So how is this going to happen.

My Pulpit Message Notes are extracted from the sermon preached at the Nairobi Baptist Church (NBC) Ngong Road on Sunday 18th September 2022. Preacher: Shadrack Kakui (NBC Elder). Scripture: Micah 4:1-5:15. Topic: Hope of Victory and Peace

you can easily ask, is there hope for Israel? Is there a future for these two nations; the north and south?

It is the will of God that we should live in hope and that Scripture provides hope to us. Romans 15:4 says, “4 For everything written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in Scriptures and the encour agement they provide we might have hope.

The return of the exiled. Micah 5:6-7

lem. Tey will be trained in Jerusalem and there will be peace. With the LORD, this is where the Kenyan proverb ‘Vindu vichenjanga’ , ‘things change,’ with the LORD. But when you listen to this promise, you can be a little doubtful and ask, ‘how authentic / legit is this promise?’ First; Isaiah 2:2-4 gives the same exact words, almost word for word. Isaiah 11:6-9 speaks of a time when the earth will be flled with the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. Scripture confrms Scripture. So we know it’s legit.

Is there hope for us today? Is God still at work? When we look around and see all the injustices and brokenness around us, is God still at work?

- Te children of Israel are not going to be lost in exile. He says, “I will gather the lame; I will assemble the exiles and those I have brought to grief. 7 I will make the lame my remnant, those driven away a strong nation. Te Lord will rule over them in Mount Zion from that day and forever.”

We learn from Scripture endurance. We get encouragement from Scrip ture and have hope.

Micah 1,2,3 the LORD has laid bare His judgement to the nation of Israel. Micah 1:6 says, “ Terefore I will make Samaria a heap of rubble, a place for planting vineyards.” Micah 1:9 says, Samaria which is a northern kingdom has a sickness/plague which is incurable and that same plague has spread to Judah, reaching the very gate of the people of God in Judah and so Jerusalem has a plague.Terefore in Micah 3:12 says, “Zion (Jerusalem) will be plowed like a feld,Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble, the temple hill a mound over grown with thickets.”

My Pulpit Message Notes

Secondly and most importantly, this portion of Scripture is signed. Vs 4, the person who is promising this has signed their name there. It says, “for the LORD Almighty has spoken.” Anytime you read the English Bible and LORD is written in capital letters, that represents YAHWEH, the name of the LORD. So this is legit. It will happen because it is the LORD who has spoken. Heaven and earth will pass away, but the word of the LORD will never. His Word is forever settled in heaven and He will fulfl it. If He says dry bones will live, they will live. And if the LORD has spoken to you something, believe it.

Te second portion of Micah 4 and 5 details to us how that is going to happen. Te plan of God from sufering to salvation. It will happen in three ways:

Micah 4 and 5 tells us that amidst all these things there is hope of vic tory and peace because - God. Micah 4 and 5 could easily be broken into two things:

So this point the LORD is say ing the prestigious cities of Samaria and Jerusalem are coming down. Included will be the magnifcent city, temple of the LORD in Jerusalem, will also come down. In addition, the people will be ex iled. I think that is enough doom. Many scholars call that part of the book, the book ofMicahdoom.1,2,3,

Two questions:

A plan of God to fulfl that promise.

Hope of Victory and Peace

2. A plan of God to fulfl that promise.

a. When will what has been de scribed happen? Te text does not tell us, but we know it will happen in the future. You can read general eschatolo gy and specifcally look at the interpre tation of Revelation 20 which talks of the thousands years when Christ will reign. Let us be on the right side of the equation when this happens.

In other words, the people will be returned to the land, but at this point when Micah is speaking the people have not been exiled. Tey are still in the land, so maybe they will be asking, we will be restored from what?

- Micah 5:6 It says the children of Israel will be assured of victory agains their enemies. Micah 5:7-9, they will be assured of strength afer restoration. Vs 10-15 it says that the LORD will get rid of military and false religion in Israel.

Jesus confrms this part of the text in John 10 when He says, “I am the good Shepherd. I go ahead of my fock and through Me, the sheep fnd pasture.”

The Ruler will be born. Micah 5:2-4

Yes, the LORD will reign in Zion and the frst part of that plan is He will bring the people back to the land.

ii. He will be from Bethlehem. Matthew 2 confrms this. Afer the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, the Magi came to Jerusalem and want to know where will he be born. And they came to king Herod who inquires from the chief priest and the teachers of the law where the Messiah would be born, and they quote this text of Micah 5:2

Te second part of the text details the upcoming captivity, but the assur ance of victory. Vs 9-14 vs 10 “for now you must leave the city to camp in the open feld. You will go to Babylon; there you will be rescued. Tere the Lord will redeem you out of the hand of your enemies.” As if to say, you are my children. You are going to go out there, but from there I will redeem you.

witchcraf, idols, sacred stones. He will destroy those ones and then they will trust in the LORD in the last days.

TT 169 | September 20th - September 26th | 2022

Maybe as in individual you have been going through tough times. As Habakkuk 3:17-18 says, maybe your fg tree has not budded, and there is no fruit in the vines, the crops have failed for you and the felds yield no food, will you together with the servant of God Habakkuk exalt the LORD and rejoice in the God of your salvation, because God is at work in our lives/homes/children/ bodies even when we do not see it or feel it, our God, the miracles worker, the promise keeper never stops working. It shall be well. Tere is hope in the victory that is coming.Maythe

God of hope fll you will all joy and peace as you believe in Him, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We just came out of the general election in Kenya and the people have varied opinions of where we are at right now. One group thinks that we are al ready in Canaan and so they are cheerful and singing praises. Another group thinks that we just arrived in Babylon and so they are mourning and in prayer. And there is a third group that thinks that we are about to leave for exile, because we have been in Canaan but the wickedness has abound in this nation. Wher ever you think we are, all is not lost. God is sovereign over this nation. Let us return to the LORD and seek the peace and prosperity of this nation and it shall be well. And when the nation prospers, we will prosper.

i. He will be from the old. Te ancient times. John 1 and Colossians 1, clearly tell us that Jesus was from the beginning even before creation.


Isaiah 9 tried to explain how this is going to ft in the larger plan of God of reigning in Zion. Isaiah 9:2 “ Te people walking in darkness have seen a great light;” Vs 6, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,” vs 7, “He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.”

In other words God is telling guys who are in exile, I know the plans I have for you. I want to prosper you. Why did God add that part of the verse, ‘and not to harm you’? Because sometimes we fnd it hard to trust God. To give ourselves fully in the hands of God, we think, are we secure, are we safe? God says, ‘the plans I have for you are not to harm you, they are for your good.’ God is Sovereign and in charge. Tat does not mean that now we should not pray. Te Biblical teaching of the sovereignty of God, the other part biblical scholars warn people very quickly, yes God is control of everything, but He desires that we come to Him and presents our needs to Him. Secondly He desires that we get out there and preach the good news. He can do it, but He has given us the opportunity.

Te He continues to give details in verse 11, “But now many nations are gathered against you. Tey say, “Let her be defled, let our eyes gloat over Zion!” Micah 5:1 says, “ Tey will strike Israel’s ruler on the cheek with a rod.” Tey will humiliate the leaders of Israel. Te rod is a representation of leadership. Bible scholars think that the king who was humiliated like that is Zedekiah 2 Kings 25.

Psalms 37:37 “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright; For there is a happy end to the man of peace. (ASV). “37 Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. (KJV).

God promises Israel that they will have a ruler, the Messiah and because we have the advantage of the New Testament and historical insight, we know that the ruler has already come. Here He gives three characteristics of the ruler:

One of the overarching themes of the book of Micah is the Sovereignty of God. Te Holmans dictionary of the Bible defnes the Sovereignty of God as the bibli cal teaching that God possesses all power and is the ruler of all things. i.e. God is frmly in charge. Even for events that seem to contradict or oppose His rule, He uses those for His eternal purposes. We have seen this in Micah chapters 1,2,3 and now 4 and 5.

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel,”

When Jeremiah in chapter 29 writes to the exiled, when they have just ar rived in Babylon. He tells them, please settle down, build houses, plant gardens, marry, increase, seek the peace of the city and the prosperity of the city. Pray that God would prosper the city (Babylon) and afer seventy years the LORD will bring you back. Why should you relax even under such tense environments? Vs 11 ‘because I know the plans I have for you’, declares the LORD. ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.’

Have you wondered how the LORD has allowed some things to happen to you? Have you wondered how come you have gotten into a situation that you are in? If you trust in the LORD, the LORD would say to you, ‘Do not fear,’ the LORD is able to save even from the furnace.

My Pulpit Message Notes


Vs 12, Tese nations that are gathered against you, they do not know the thoughts of the LORD. Tey do not understand His plan. Ten He commands that Israel strikes and breaks them into many pieces.

Tere is no story where God is involved, when the end is tragedy or mis ery. It will always end in victory if God is involved. Even if it is death. Te Lord has conquered death. Tere is life afer death.

In the last days, the LORD will purge Israel from anything that they probably saw as their security and purify them from false religion and so he says, he will destroys their houses, chariots, cities and their strongholds, their

The remnants will be strengthened and purifed.

iii. He will be a Shepherd. He will Shepherd His fock in the name of the LORD and thus bring peace to the world. Te last part of chapter 4 says, He will be great to the ends of the earth. And that’s how come we are worshipping Jesus today because His peace, His Words have reached us here even as part of the earth.

Lord God Almighty, thank You for Your love for me. Tank You that You sent Your Son Jesus Christ to die for my sins. Please forgive me for all the sins I have committed against You. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He died on the cross and You raised Him from the dead on the third day. Please write my name in the Lamb’s book of life. Help me to live a life that is holy and pleasing unto You. In Jesus’ Name I pray and believe. Amen

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NASB)

that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in Romanssalvation.10:9-10(NASB)

My response

TT 169 | September 20th - September 26th | 2022

How to get saved and spend eternity with God

My Life

My prayer

His Love

I am talking about the battle of discouragement that was going on in my mind. Many times as Christians we face discouragement as a result of one thing or the other. In my mind I felt that I had done all I could and there was nothing lef for me to do to achieve a certain goal. Tis is when thoughts of discouragement started crippling me. I felt that God was no longer listening to my prayers. I thought he was punishing me for a certain sin. I entertained negative thoughts of Tdespair.oughaborn

Te full gear for spiritual battle is listed in Ephesians 6:14-17, “14 Stand frm therefore, having belted your waist with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having strapped on your feet the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the faming arrows of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

I sat there feeling defeated. I was thoroughly exhausted from the blows and the darts that pierced me on all sides. Te excruciating pain was evident on my face. Just when I was about to throw in the towel, I grabbed one more garment that completely shielded me from the attacks.

So what does that mean? It means the war we fght as Christians is at another higher level and therefore we should not look at things on surface level. So Paul says in verse 13 to be fully dressed for the battles that we wage daily. “13 Tere fore, take up the full armour of God, so that you will be able to resist on the evil day, and having done everything, to stand frm.”

TT 169 | September 20th - September 26th | 2022

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My Devotional

Dress Well Daily

“in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the faming arrows of the evil one.” Ephesians 6:16

Te apostle Paul in the book of Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that “our struggle is not against fesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

Do you dress well daily for battle? With the unpredictable weather we have these days, don’t imagine that because the sun is out in the morning, you can leave behind the sweater and dress like one going to the beach. By mid morning the weather could turn out gloomy so carry all the gear with you. Google weather in unreliable. You never know what time the weather will change, because it does and the enemy looks for such moments to spoil your day.

By Liz Omondi

again Christian, knowing the truth of God’s Word, surrendered to His will, and ready to serve always Him, I was swimming through a mud-pool of discouragement and struggling to get out of it. I felt forgotten by God. Why?

Verse by verse, dose by dose, I gained strength and was able to extinguish all the faming arrows of the evil one. By believing in these Words of truth, I had faith that God is faithful to accomplish the purposes He has for me in Christ Jesus and was able to ward of all the faming arrows of the evil one. In addition, I was able to use the sword of the Spirit to pierce the enemy who was already defeated at the Cross and was now acting like a toothless dog to scare me.

As a matter of fact 1 Peter 5:8-9 from the Message paraphrase says, “Keep a cool head. Stay alert. Te Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up. You’re not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It’s the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a frm grip on the faith. Te sufering won’t last forever.”

As I was trying to get out of the mud bath of discouragement, like popcorn, memory verses started popping in my mind. I found myself quoting Scripture verses like, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13, “I am more than a conquerer in Christ Jesus” Romans 8:37, “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

Te long drawn battle had been ferce, yet without realising it, though dressed for the fght, I needed this extra garment to be fully dressed. And as long as I was not using this extra garment the enemy took advantage for as long as he could wage the war.

My Inspiration

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When the next offense comes

By William King

space in our hearts, because God wants to work and do good things in our hearts. Jesua says, “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good” (Luke 6:45). Ofenses take the space of the good things God wants to do in our hearts.

Tese ofenses try to take up residence in our hearts and if they do, they pro duce resentment. People who have gone through a loss in their career have been hurt deeply, but if they hold on to that hurt, the bitterness and poison become part of who they are and they just never move on from that festering pain.

When you do that you’re saying, “Ofense, come on in. Be a part of who I am. Go deep inside.” No, don’t do that. Te writer of Proverbs saya that we have to guard our hearts against ofenses. Unfair things happen and people let us down and say things that hurt our feelings.

TT 169 | September 20th - September 26th | 2022

It’s interesting that Jesus says that as long as we live, “Ofenses will surely come” (Luke 17;1) and we know from our daily experiences just how true that is. So when the next ofense comes to you, what are you going to do with it? Are you going to draw it in or are you going to think over again what the person said?

We cannot allow resentment, bitterness and unforgiveness to take up valuable

You have to cover that ofense, forgive. It doesn’t belong to you. It didn’t origi nate from you. Tat ofense came from that situation. It belongs to that person. It’s not yours unless you take it in. It is only yours to forgive and to cover. Te Scripture doesn’t say that ofenses won’t come, but it tells us how to deal with an ofense.

When we store up the good things and keep the barrier between us and those harmful things, we’re going to produce good things in our lives. Tat’s why God is saying today, “Let it go. Start fresh. Make room for the good things I want to put in your heart.” Proverbs 17:9 says, “He who covers and forgives an ofense seeks love.”

Te best leaders are working in an industry and role they enjoy and fnd mean ing in. Tey have the wisdom to know when a job isn’t right for them and they waste no time moving on. Tere’s something to be said about job ft. We are more engaged and able to focus on driving important things forward when we like what we are doing and fnd purpose in the work.

2. They give leadership away

TT 169 | September 20th - September 26th | 2022

Tat’s right, the best leaders don’t pretend to care. Tey actually do care. I’m listing this frst because it is perhaps the most important. People can pick up on fabricated emotions—they really can tell when you don’t care. People say you can’t force a person to care, but I believe we all have the capacity to care. If you are feeling apathetic, here are a few things you can do to tap into that capacity


3. Their door isn’t always open


While my favorite thing about 1-on-1 leadership coaching is the individualized nature of it, it’s also fascinating to pick up on trends that ring true across the board. I’ve noticed the most efective leaders ofen do a few key things really well. While this is not an exhaustive list, here are a few leadership behaviors for you to noodle on today.

1.They don’t pretend to care


E G G S |



Ask more questions. It’s possible you simply don’t know enough to care. Get to know your people better. Learn what makes them tick and what their concerns are. Spend time learning about the day-to-day work they are doing. Te more you know, the more you’ll care.


Yep. Te best leaders are comfortable enough to intentionally give leadership

To “nurture” is to care for and encourage the development of someone or some thing. Te best leaders are nurturers at their core. Tey see the potential in a new idea and rally the team to make it happen. Tey see the potential in their team members and take the time to grow others. By Miranda Carls | image credit: istock

Perhaps we’ve taken the “open door policy” a bit too far. Te best leaders are, yes, accessible and approachable. Tey also ruthlessly protect time for independent refection, strategy, and execution of high-priority initiatives. Tey don’t just en courage their team to set healthy boundaries—they model it too.

4. They quit the wrong jobs

Take care of yourself. Sometimes it’s as simple as that. If you are depleted, you won’t have the capacity or energy to care for your team. Identify what you need (a jog, a nap, etc.) and claim it so you can get back out there and serve your people from a place of being whole and healthy. Spend more time with people who care. Like many things, it’s contagious! Spend more time with your peer leader who shows care and concern for his/her team. Engage in projects where the team is authentically excited about the work. Tat energy will rub of on you!

away to others. Tey leave their ego at the door and fnd smart opportunities to let a member of their team take of and run with an initiative. Tis fosters trust, encourages resourcefulness, and provides an efective sandbox for future leaders to build the necessary muscles they’ll need to step in to new positions.

5 things the best leaders do

5. They adopt a nurturing mindset

Why are so many people under 50 getting cancer?

Tey concluded that longitudinal studies are needed to confrm their results. Cancer occurs when genetic mutations cause cells grow uncontrollably and can occur in any organ or tissue of the body. According to the World Health Or ganization, the condition is the secondTrusted Source leading cause of death

examined studies investigating possible risk factors for cancers, alongside literature describing the clinical and biological tumor charac teristics of early and later-onset cancers.

Tey found that lifestyle factors starting in early life and young adulthood likely infuence early-onset cancer risk.

For the review, the researchers frst analyzed global data from the years 2000 to 2012 on the incidence of 14 cancer types that have increased in incidence among adults under age 50. Tese included:

Tey noted that lifestyle factors early in life such as diet, obesity, and environ mental exposure may contribute to early onset cancer risk.

which may have the potential to provide long-term health benefts to those af fected communities.”

Te study was published in Clinical Oncology. The cancer types studied

Researchers investigated the risk factors behind increasing cases of early-onset cancer, which are cancers that occur before the age of 50.

Understanding risk factors for early-onset cancers could aid their prevention, early detection, and treatment.


Early-onset cancers pose a higher risk of long-term health problems, including infertility, cardiovascular conditions, and secondary cancersTrusted Source as well as side-efects from cancer treatment.

Recently, researchers conducted a review of various studies to determine possi ble risk factors for early-onset cancer.

Te study provides [a substantial] view of the impact that diet, exercise, and environment might play in the development of early-onset cancers.”


typically afects people ages 50 years and older, studies indicate that, since the 1990s, the incidence of certain cancers has been rising among those under 50 years old in many parts of the world.

My Health

“One beneft from this type of analysis is that it provides an opportunity to en gage in more directed discussions aimed at confronting these health disparities,


www. | By Annie Lennon on September 13, 2022 — Fact checked by Hannah Flynn

TT 169 | September 20th - September 26th | 2022

Tey acknowledged that the increased incidence of early-onset cancer might be partially linked to increased screening uptake. Tey also wrote, however, that other factors are likely responsible too.

— Dr. Andrew K. Dingwall

Dr. Andrew K. Dingwall, professor of cancer biology and pathology and labo ratory Medicine at Loyola University, who was not involved in the study, said:

TT 169 | September 20th - September 26th | 2022

nutritious foods and drinks

In particular, they highlighted nutrition, lifestyle factors, and higherTrusted Source antibiotic use as factors afecting the microbiome and increasing cancer risk.

- Increased rates of Type 2 diabetes

Te researchers concluded that the early-onset cancer risk factors are likely linked to environmental exposures in early life and young adulthood from the mid-20th century onwards.

Trying to get good sleep with a regular schedule and avoiding bright light at Decreasingnight

“ Tis review pulls together a large range of research on multiple risk factors and multiple cancers to give a big picture of these trends. Tis type of big-picture ecologic look does not prove that these risk factors are causing the increase in cancer. Instead, it suggests an association that mechanistic studies need to ex —plore.”Dr. Gypsyamber D’Souza

Te role of the environment

night shif jobs as much as possible

Te researchers further wrote that eight of the 14 cancers studied relate to the digestive system, indicating the importance of the oral and intestinal microbi ome in cancer risk.

limitation is the paucity of longitudinal cohort studies with data on early-life exposures and biospecimen. We need long-term investments and commitments to such cohort studies,” he noted.



- Reproductive changes, including reduced age of menarche, reduced number of births, increased age at frst and last birth, and increased oral contraceptive use

Geting vaccinated against cancer-causing microorganisms such as HPV and HBV

Tey noted that such changes, which started in the mid-20th century, might have afected the incidence of early-onset cancer from the 1990s as their efects would have taken time to accumulate.

- Westernized diet, which is defned as high in saturated fats, red meat, pro cessed meat, sugar, and ultra-processed foods yet low in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fber

How does lifestyle increase cancer risk?

Dr. Jeanine Genkinger, associate professor of epidemiology at Columbia Uni versity, who was not involved in the study, told MNT that many of the lifestyle factors linked to early onset cancer risk can also afect cancer risk later in life.

When asked how lifestyle factors might increase early-onset cancer risk, Dr. Gypsyamber D’Souza, professor in cancer epidemiology at Johns Hopkins Uni versity, who not involved in the study, told Medical News Today:

Avoiding western-style diets rich in highly processed foods, animal fat, desserts, and excessive red meat


- Physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle

“One limitation of this study is that we did not have adequate data from lowand middle-income countries to identify trends in cancer incidence over the decades. We hope to continue this research by collecting more data and collab orating with international research institutes to better monitor global trends,” he

Lifestyle factors that may increase cancer risk include:

- Lower breastfeeding rates and increased formula milk consumption - Increased alcohol consumption

Lifestyle factors and cancer risk

“A number of the lifestyle factors the authors highlight are factors that also im pact later onset cancers—it is just the timeframe within the life-course that may be diferent to cause early onset cancers. Factors such as obesity may impact through insulin resistance, and infammation to cause cancer risk.”

“Lifestyle factors such as obesity, physical inactivity, and poor diet are associated with increased risk of multiple cancers. Likely these factors increase cancer risk both directly and indirectly. For example, they can cause increased infamma tion and infuence or disrupt cellular regulatory processes thus directly increas ing risk, and they can cause other chronic diseases which then, in turn, increase cancer risk.”

How to reduce your cancer risk

Afer analyzing the literature, they noted that increasing evidence suggestsTrust ed Source that there may be intervals of several decadesTrusted Source between initial cellular damage and clinical cancer detection.

“So we believe that this shif in the timing of these risk factors within the lifecourse could be driving some of the increase in early onset cancers,” she noted.

My Health

Tey further noted that increases in early-onset cancer correlate with rising life style trends, including more westernized diets, lifestyles, and environments.

— Dr. Jeanine Genkinger

When asked how people reduce their cancer risk in light of these fndings, Dr. Ugai recommended the following lifestyle changes:

Tere have been many individual well-designed longitudinal studies that have provided causal evidence for many of these risk factors on many of these can cers, so there is evidence to support the summarized issues in this review,” Dr. D’Souza noted.

- Smoking habits, including personal habits and second-hand smoke or in-utero -exposureReduced sleep among children due to bright lights during the night - Night shif work, as this increases the incidence of cancer risk factors such as obesity and diabetes

Dr. Tomotaka Ugai, research fellow in pathology at Brigham and Women’s Hos pital, Harvard Medical School, one of the study’s authors, told MNT that study has some limitations.

“We know that these lifestyle factors have changed over the last few decades to more unhealthy characteristics at earlier time-points in the life-course. For example, we see higher rates of overweight and obesity in children today com pared to 30 years ago, and we also know that children consume higher amounts of sugar-sweetened beverages today than they did 30-40 years ago,” she said.

2 tablespoons ketchup


on the preheated grill. Do not try to turn them until they begin to unstick from the grill, 3 or 4 minutes. Turn kebabs and grill the other side for 3 to 4 minutes. Continue cooking and turning until chicken is no longer pink in the center, about 6 minutes more. An instant-read thermometer inserted into the center should read at least 165 degrees F (74 degrees C).

JohnTT 169 | September 20th - September 26th | 2022

1 teaspoon paprika

Step Preheat3 an outdoor grill for medium-high heat and lightly oil the grate.

6 cloves garlic, minced Recipe by Chef

Step Place5kebabs

garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, ketchup, red pepper fakes, salt, cumin, black pepper, paprika, and cinnamon together in a large bowl.

1 ½ teaspoons ground cumin

My Kitchen

1 tablespoon Aleppo red pepper fakes

Turkish Chicken Kebabs


Greek yogurt

2 ½ pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs, halved 4 long metal skewers

2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice, or more to taste

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1 tablespoon kosher salt

⅛ teaspoon ground cinnamon

Step Place2chicken thigh halves into the yogurt marinade and coat them thoroughly on all sides. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate, 2 to 8 hours.

Step Using4 2 skewers for each kebab, thread half of the chicken thighs onto each pair of skewers making a fairly thick “log” shape.

“ Tey belong to Ronaldinho, Neymar, [Lucas] Paqueta, [Antoine] Griezmann, Joao Felix, Matheus Cunha... Brazilian funk singers and samba dancers, Latin reggaeton singers, Black Americans. Tey are dances to celebrate the cultural diversity of the world.

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celebration afer scoring, in which he dances, have drawn comments from pundits in Spain recently.

“We denounce all incidents inside and outside stadiums,” said a La Liga spokes “ with clubs to keep our football friendly and enjoyable.”

Brazil international Vinicius, who has scored fve goals in eight games for the European champions so far this season, listed other stars who danced in their celebrations in a statement on Friday.

My Sports The Times Today is a publication of Elizabeth Omondi Consultancy. P.O. Box 833-00100 GPO Nairobi. Tel: 0722 927792.

“Weeks ago, some people started to criticise my dancing. But the dancing is not mine alone,” he said.

La Liga has condemned “hate speech” and says it will work with authorities afer reports of racist chanting towards Real Madrid’s Vinicius Junior.

Vinicius Jr: La Liga condemns abuse of Real Madrid forward

Real won at Atletico Madrid on Sunday and some opposing fans allegedly sang racist songs when entering the ground.

Agent Pedro Bravo said during a Spanish television discussion on Vinicius that “in Spain, you have to respect rivals and stop playing the monkey”, leading to accusations of racism. He has since apologised.

“ Tey say that happiness bothers. Te happiness of a Black Brazilian being suc cessful in Europe bothers much more. But my will to win, my smile and the sparkle in my eyes are much bigger than that.”

Te criticism and racism did not stop Vinicius and his Brazilian team-mate Ro drygo dancing afer the latter scored the opening goal at Wanda Metropolitano as Real Madrid won 2-1.

It comes afer Vinicius, 22, said “the happiness of a black Brazilian in Europe” was behind recent criticism. TT 169 | September 20th - September 26th | 2022

Te spokesperson added: “Hate speech has no place in La Liga and we always work with the clubs and the authorities to identify and bring to justice any such Vinicius’case.”

Vinicius was supported by several Brazilian football stars on social media, in cluding Pele and Neymar, while Real Madrid also released a statement con demning the pundit’s comments on Friday.

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