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Wambui's Reflections: The highs and lows of life: David's profil

The highs and lows of life : David’s profile

By Wambui | image courtesy: Istock


1.) David was anointed as King of Israel. 2 Samuel 5:1-5 . 1 Samuel 16. David’s problems started at this time. High/Pinnacle of David’s Life.

2.) David killed Goliath... 1 Samuel 17 - Another high/Pinnacle of David’s Life. The Power of God was with him and David in all his highs had the Power of God.

3.) David had to flee from Saul. Low profile for David .1 Samuel 18:31 - David had married Saul’s Daughter yet the in law relationship was bad. David stayed like a convict / refugee for 13 years being chased running away from Israel to the Philistines.

4.) 1Samuel 30 - The town David had been given by the King of Philistines was called Ziklag. It is there Ziklag had found out that their wives and Children had also been taken captive.

The 600 men were bitter in spirit and had turned against David and wanted to stone him. For the first time David was alone and isolated. Low profile for David. (David retreated to his stronghold) BUT David found strength in the Lord his God.

- In everyone’s life there comes a time when we feel alone. God allows this so that we can draw near to him so that God can direct us.

- When we get into a situation like this we need to go David’s way that is Retreat to your Stronghold, it is a place of consulting God. E.g where you pray that is where you usually go to meet with your God!

5.) 2 Samuel 12 - David was Crowned King of Judah. High pinnacle.

6.) 2 Samuel 7 Chapter 8 - God made a special covenant with David declaring there will be peace in the whole of Israel. This was the Climax of David’s highest pinnacle!

8.) 2 Samuel 11 - David committed the first dreadful sin. He committed Adultery with Bathsheba killed her husband (Murder). Low pinnacle. David was over confident, he felt he could not sin anymore and as such he was taking God for granted.

Warning : Be very very careful when God lifts you up to high levels of anointing. It is when you get to that high level that you become most vulnerable. Unless you ask God to sustain you in this high pinnacle it is very easy to fall. For example,

Moses was told by the Lord to speak to the stone for water to come out, but instead he striked the stone. There and then he lost it. He never saw the Promised land.

As the Lord anoints you, you are to walk in more humility at all times. God is to be exalted at all times. All the glory and honor goes to God and God Alone!

Remember God hates pride with a passion!

9.) 2 Samuel 12 - David was given the Son Solomon from Bethsheba. This was the son who took over from him. A high pinnacle.

10.) 2 Samuel 15 - chapter 18.....Absolom who was a son from another of David’s wives, Rebelled against his own father David. David had 700 wives who trapped him into a snare. There was too much conflict among the children of these women. Most of them ended up killing each other due to strife. The Spirit of Polygamy was so much in play here. A low pinnacle.

- Ask the Lord to free you totally from the spirit of polygamy.

11.) 2 Samuel 19 - David was restored again as King of Judah and Israel. High pinnacle

12.) 2 Samuel 24 - David decided to take the census against the will of God . This caused the death of 70,000 people. A low pinnacle.

13.) 1 Kings 2 - David’s plan for the temple was accepted, but God refused him to build it. Why? His hands were stained with blood. David handed over his reign when he was alive to his son Solomon. *A high* *pinnacle.*


1.) You must start preparing your children to take over from where you will have left. Be open and tell your children what you own and what you do.

2.) We cannot always control our ups and downs, but we can trust God to lead us in His ways day to day.

3.) We can be certain that God will help us through our trials just like He helped David. He will in the end give us victory through our daily trials. We must therefore learn to be consistent in our faith and learn to trust Him in all situations.

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