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King's Inspiration: Don't miss out on the joy

Dont miss out on the joy

By William King | Email: kingwilliam189@gmail.com | image courtesy: iStock


Too often we say we’re going to enjoy life when we accomplish a goal, the children are raised, get the promotion. Our joy is always in the future when we cross another finish line. The problem is, there’s always some reason we can’t be happy, something that upsets us.

The key is to find joy in the journey. You’re not there yet, still waiting for things to improve, believing for that promise, but in the meantime you’re enjoying where you are while you’re on the way to where you’re going. If you’re so focused on the finish line, what’s not working out, you’ll miss the beauty of this day.

You’ll be too busy to play, be unhappy with other people’s flaws, hate putting up with a cranky coworker, miss much of your life rushing to the next thing. The enemy would love to deceive us into enduring life but not enjoying life. Having a house, job, but always having some reason we’re not happy.

Try a different approach. If you have the right perspective, you’ll find joy in the journey. Look at all the good things in your life

right now. Don’t take for granted the people God has given you to love. They may not be perfect but neither are you. Some people would love to have a workplace.

What we often see as common is really uncommon. What we think is ordinary is really extraordinary. The apostle Paul says, “Whatever things are wholesome, pure, of good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think continually on these things” (Philippians 4:8).

It’s significant he used the word “if ”. “If there be any virtue.” He was saying you have to look for the good in your friends, workplace, home, in that difficulty. How many times on your journey are we not recognizing what God is doing and what He has given to us.

We’re so caught up in the stress of the day that we don’t see how God is sustaining us. You have to look past all the wrongs and see all the rights. My prayer is, “God, open our eyes to see the uncommon in today’s journey. Help us to appreciate the people You’ve given to us.”

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