2 minute read



By Mickey Weston, Chicago White Sox chaplain


“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” — Matthew 5:16

I know I’m getting older because when I go to a restaurant at night and the lights are dim, I need the light of my phone to read the menu. Te light from my phone displaces the darkness and I can see the print.

A light’s brightness is measured in lumens. An iPhone X has approximately 50 lumens at its highest setting. Lights for an outdoor basketball court add up to more than 80,000 lumens. Lights on a football stadium require more than 6 million lumens. The more lumens, the more brightness.

Spiritual lumens that burn brightly are produced by the way we live our lives. “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

We don’t do “good works” to earn God’s favor; we already have His favor when we place our trust in Jesus for salvation. We do good works because we love Him, and want His name to be “glorifed” or lifted up.

We shine brightly when we love and serve others l. The Father is glorified when we bear a brother’s burden, minister to an orphan’s or widow’s need, and give financially to spread the Gospel. We are beacons when we boldly tell others how they can know our gracious Savior, Jesus.

How can you add to the spiritual lumens of your life?

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