2 minute read
from TT 188
By william King | Email: kingwilliam189@gmail.com | image courtesy : Gloryyah

Too many people make decisions based on what other people think about them. They run everything through a filter. “How is this going to make me look? Will my friends and coworkers be impressed and applaud, or will they look down on me?” Instead of being confident in who God made them to be, they let the opinions of others determine what they do.
They do not realize they are addicted to approval. They have to keep pleasing others. Psychologists call it FOPO - The Fear of Other People’s Opinions. We all want to be liked. There will be seasons where people are for you, then a time when they are not
Your destiny is not predicated on other people’s approval of you. When God laid out your plan, He did not call twenty of your friends to help decide who you were going to be. No. He called, equipped and favoured you. When you are secure in who God made you to be, then you know you are valuable, talented, attractive and a masterpiece. You do not have to have anyone else’s validation. People had all kinds of opinions about the apostle Paul
Some loved him, others hated him and attacked him and some put him down. But despite all this opposition, he wrote almost half the books of the New Testament and impacted the world in amazing ways. He gives us a secret of how he handled the pressure of people’s approval. He says, “It matters very little what you think of me” (1Corinthians 4:3).
Paul was not trying to please anyone. He was living to please an audience of one. Are you sacrificing who you are because you are addicted to others’ approval? Do not miss your greatness because you are dependent on people approving you. Do not let the opinions of others hold you back. You can not follow what God put in your heart if you are always trying to play up to whatever other people think.