Atlantic beach golf estate security application

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Safeguarding the perimeter of Atlantic Beach Golf Estate

About the Estate Situated amidst undula ng, fynbos-covered dunes and set against the world-renowned backdrop of Table Mountain, lies Atlan c Beach Estate. As part of its lifestyle offering, homeowners can enjoy the 18-hole links style golf course and the Leisure Centre with fully fi ed gym facili es, tennis courts and space for the kids to play. In addi on to these obvious lifestyle offerings, many believe the estate’s biggest assets are its proximity to the beaches and the fynbos which surrounds it. In order to allow residents the opportunity to enjoy the fynbos and exercise outdoors, paths have been created around the estate for walkers and runners alike. The estate has been designed to preserve the unspoilt natural heritage of the Blaauwberg Conservaon Area which borders it. The vision for the estate is to provide its residents with an exclusive lifestyle supported by a sustainable and secure environment in which to raise families and enjoy re rement years. The Atlan c Beach Home Owners Associa on is focused on promoting the interest of its residents and the estate as a whole. To this end it has appointed a first class management team under the leadership of Harry White, formerly of Steenberg Golf Estate. With direc on and support from the Board, the new management, along with Pam Golding Property Management Services, has applied healthy business principles and a strong emphasis on community culture within the estate. By implemen ng sound financial management prac ces and significant restructuring, Harry White and his team have gone a long way to ensuring the long-term viability of the estate. In the past two years a range of projects and upgrades has been implemented in order to further improve the estate’s security infrastructure and overall appeal.

About the Security Upgrade Peace of mind for your family’s safety is always the priority when choosing a place to live. At Atlan c Beach Estate, you can rest assured that this too is at the forefront of the estate management team’s strategic thinking and to this end the estate has invested in excess of R5million over the past two years on security infrastructure upgrades. The Brief was simple: No person or persons shall be able to access the estate over, under or through the perimeter fence without detec on and response. No person shall enter the estate without the authorisa on of a resident and without details and footage of them entering and exi ng the estate recorded electronically. Monitoring and capturing of incidents or occurrences shall be done 24/7and response to emergencies or alarms shall be immediate and highly professional. Security manpower shall be of the highest standard and offer hospitality, fire figh ng and first aid benefits to residents.

Security is the most important aspect of the estate, but it is also important that residents feel safe without the feeling of incarcera on. This is why user-friendly security op ons, which do not nega vely impact on residents lifestyles, were sought. For many years Thorburn Security Solu ons has been the security provider to the estate. When the estate embarked on this extensive security upgrade they approached Thorburn and their subsidiary Hyman Systems, who specialise in technical security infrastructures and networks. To achieve the estate goals, a Video IQ perimeter camera curtain consis ng of 60 cameras was set up with proac ve early warning analy c so ware which iden fies human acvity in the proximity of the fence and alarms the control room. The most valuable benefit of the Video IQ camera curtain is that, unlike alarms emana ng from electric fences, camera footage can confirm an a empted incursion, as well as the exact posi on and number of people so response can be appropriate and asser ve.

“Security is the most important aspect of the estate, but it is also important that residents feel safe without the feeling of incarceration. This is why user-friendly security options, which do not negatively impact on residents lifestyles, were sought.”

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