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Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t

News You Need To Know Hostages in Ohio freed after ten years An Ohio resident found a lady yelling for help on May 6. The resident rescued Amanda Berry, who had been missing for a decade and her 6-year-old daughter. “It’s an insane story, how can someone for so long be held captive without anyone knowing?”sophomore William Trossen said. Later, police also found long time missing Georgina DeJesus and Michelle Knight. Authorities later arrested 52-year-old Ariel Castro, 54-year-old Pedro Castro, and 50-year-old Onil Castro. Neighbors claimed they had absolutely no clue that Castro was holding these women captive. • Tim Griffin

State’s legalization of gay marriage signals progress

• Glen Stubbe/Minneapolis Star Tribune/MCT innesota Governor Mark Dayton signed the same sex bill on May 14. It followed many states and became the 12th state to legalized gay marriage. With Minnesota becoming the 12th state to legalize same-sex marriage, following the example set by Delaware, New York, Rhode Island, and Washington, it seems that the oft-championed movement is finally meeting success in its pursuit of equal rights. “I’m really happy to have been born in this generation. With three states allowing samesex marriage in such a short time, the trend is one of progress and positive change, and equality is spreading faster and faster. It’s exciting and inspiring, and I can’t wait for Illinois to be a part of that,” junior Russ Bartlett said. Minnesota followed in Delaware’s footsteps last Tuesday. Their own proposition to legalize same-sex marriage has passed the House and the Senate.


•Melanie cohodes

M a y 17, 2 013

Students remember in Sunday events Isabella Murray

did,” junior Morgan Harris said. The run also The second annual 5k helps support run/walk will be held in people battling dehonor of former student pression. “Talk, Gina Giancola by the Gina walk, run, you are Giancola SAFE foundanot alone. Get the tion will be held this Sunstigma out behind day. the word suicide. It Starting at Thomas is a sensitive topic Middle School at 8 a.m., which needs to be the registration for the discussed openly race closes tonight at 11:59 by everyone. There p.m. with a registration fee is always someone of $25. That same Sunday there to help and the second annual flower talk to,” Gierman sale will be held here from said. 1 to 4 p.m. in honor of • Courtesy of gina GIancola The flower former student and Corsale is organized respondent member Shea he annual Gina Giancola SAFE Foundation run will take place by The CorresponAnderluh. on May 19. Students, adults, and the community will come dent, specifically The SAFE Founda- together to shed light on former student Gina Giancola junior Jessica Lynk tion stands for Suicide helping coordinate and obtaining and adviser JaAwareness For Everyone. The purpose of the foundation is to sponsors for the back of the t-shirts net Levin. The proceeds go to the support children, educate people, to help defray the costs of them. I Shea Anderluh convention fund, a help break the stigma around sui- also help coordinating volunteers fund that supports the convention cide and depression and encourage for the day of the race and help get trips taken by journalism students. the word out about the Gina run to “We decided to set up a convention children to seek help. The Giancola family came up not only Hersey, but also the com- fund because that was one of Shea’s fondest memories, and we thought with the name and foundation. The munity,” Gierman said. This race means a lot for many she would like to give people the foundation awards a scholarship in Gina’s memory to deserving ap- of Giancola’s friends and family. “I opportunity to experience it year plicants, supported LOSS (Loving hope this race will convince people to year,” Lynk said. Not only can people buy flowOutreach to Survivors of Suicide) to want to choose life, that suicide in 2012 and this year, in addition, is not the answer. Someone stopped ers to take home, they can donate they will support Erika’s Light- one day to say, ‘Because of what flowers to plant at Hersey “Ms. Levin and I decided to do house, an organization that focuses happened to Gina I recognized my friend was in trouble and I called the sale last year because we wanted on depression awareness. The SAFE foundation is not and got them help,” sister Domeni- to think of a way to raise money for a good friend, Shea, but also better the only contributor to the race. ca Giancola, Class of 2010, said. “I encourage people to run the the community because Shea was The Giancola family, the Gierman family, English teacher Jim Miks, race because it’s a great way to keep not an “all about her” kind of perOfficer Hamrick, St. Viator parent Gina, who was a great friend to ev- son. We figured a plant sale would Tony Petrillo, and families from eryone, in our thoughts. Also, the be a grand idea because we could Stevenson also helped in planning money raised is put toward helping spread the beauty of Shea with the it, as well as juniors Megan Brant other troubled people and can help flowers, better the school, and raise prevent others from experiencing money,” Lynk said. and Lauren Gierman. “My role in the Gina race is the tragedy that our community


Sophomore snags silver at state for writing Brian Loomis to do what he Sophomore Brian Boyle placed second at the state journalism contest at Eastern Illinois University on April 26. Boyle’s success capped off a series of awards and recognition for this year’s Correspondent staff. “I knew I could be a contender, but I still didn’t really expect my name to be called during the awards ceremony,” Boyle said. Boyle had qualified for state following his second place finish at sectionals. “I knew state would be much more difficult to do well in,” Boyle added. As for the source of Boyle’s inspiration to write reviews he credits the professional press, in conjunction with the Correspondent staff, even though he had no intention of being a review writer when he joined the newspaper. “I’ve been reading professional reviews by Roger Ebert, or Richard Roeper, and the Herald’s Dan Gire for as long as I can remember, but it wasn’t until I started writing reviews that I realized this is what I love. They are the people who inspired me,” Boyle said. And although his readers benefit from his reviews, he sees his writing as an outlet and an excuse

loves. “I love movies, and I love talking about movies, and I love reading about movies, and I love writing about movies,” Boyle added. Yet his reviewing abilities have not he Correspondent staff poses with their first place secbeen limited tional plaque. This was the first time the staff has ever at just movies, won sectionals. contests such conference at the College of Duas state may have students reviewing art, music, Page on April 12. The staff also placed third or comedy (this year’s prompt). As overall in the Illinois Journalism for next year’s competition, Boyle Education Association’s Division hopes to further pursue excellence three for best overall newspaper. in his quest to claim the top spot, The Correspondent had three and he is certainly on the right first place finishes in this contest: track. Jack Hargett in information graph“Ranking second only adds to ic, as a staff for the newspaper’s my inner OCD, now that I know where I place, next year I’m going website, and first for multimedia to try to take it to the next step and package. “We work really hard, and it is get that state title,” Boyle said. nice to be recognized for the hours Boyle hasn’t been the only that we put into producing each issuccess on The Correspondent sue,” junior Jessica Lynk said. however, the newspaper won their The Correspondent is looking sectional, and also won received a to further pursue awards this comsilver certificate at the Northern Iling year with the new staff. linois Scholastic Press Association


News Teachers leave behind legacy Students comment on ratings Janu, Davis, Dassonville depart Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t

M a y 17, 2 013

•Continued from Page 1

The ranking can be seen two ways for some. “I think that the school has high standards that some students may not be able to meet. It could make students give up quicker, or lose motivation, but it [the rating] also could go the other way, it could give motivation and look good for colleges,” sophomore Kali Tansor said. On the other hand, many students feel that only benefits can result from these high rankings. “It sets a prestige for the school and its graduates, saying that you go to or graduated from Hersey would leave a better impression on a person’s mind, such as saying that you are a Harvard grad. Colleges would take Hersey’s rank into account,” senior Valmik Patel said. Patel added that many factors do support that this school is one of the elite. “Hersey does an excellent job in preparing students for college, ranging from the ACT to the ideals and policies set out in AP classes. What makes this possible is that the teaching staff is overly qualified, dedicated, and actually passionate about their roles. I haven’t met a teacher yet that teaches only for money or only a stable job,” Patel said.

Others like this preparation but find it to be challenging at times. “The classes really challenge you, and the teachers encourage you to push yourself. In some ways, I like it because it will help us in the future, but I also don’t like it because it takes a lot of effort to keep my GPA where I want it,” junior Kelsey Macke said. “I think it’s good that they try to push us so we can do our best, but sometimes I think the stress i s too much,” freshman Morgan Buckley said. Others do not see this school as so challenging. “I think its pretty easy to succeed at Hersey. The only way to fail a class is to actually try and fail like by not turning in everything and turning in blank tests,” junior Aije Matthew said. Sisson believes that students do not even feel the challenging part of this school. “Some kids love AP classes. To some kids, it is their variety basketball, their water polo. They love it.” The award shows how much students can achieve here. “If students want to be the best they can be, they have that opportunity here,” Sisson said.

Mili Pandya With the end of each school year, the faculty, staff, and students are forced to say goodbye. Goodbye to the hallways for the summer, goodbye to the graduating seniors, and also goodbye to the teachers who will not be returning the following year. The teachers leaving at the end of this year include social science teacher Bruce Janu, who will now be teaching at Elk Grove High School. “I am someone who thrives on change. I love it here at Hersey--love the people here and the students. I’ve been here for 14 years and, as I move into the last third of my teaching career, thought a change would be good for me. I see it as a challenge; going out of my comfort zone,” Janu said. Of the many things he does, Janu is most known around school for the countless forums he facilitates throughout the year. Incorporating his love for movie making, Janu’s forums have kept students entertained and engaged. “I think his forums are great because he makes it interesting and does things you wouldn’t expect; he’s really creative,” sophomore Ashley Johnstone said. “I love the forums and the opportunity that I have had to interact with students all over the building, not just in my classes,” Janu said.

Other teachers leaving include math teacher Terry Davis, who will be retiring after 32 years of teaching here. “This is a profession that is about people, and I will definitely miss the people. I will miss the energy that comes with working with young and optimistic students,” Davis said. “Mrs. Davis helped me understand math a lot better and was overall just a really great teacher,” sophomore Emily McCluskey said. English teacher Dale Dassonville will also be retiring after 11 years of teaching here. Prior to that he taught at Buffalo Grove High School. When walking by his room during passing periods, students may often hear live music streaming out from his guitar. “Whenever he plays his guitar during class, it brightens my day and makes me happy,” sophomore Sean Prior said. “I’ve enjoyed every aspect of the experience, from collaborating with my colleagues to teaching so many wonderful kids,” Dassonville said. “I’ve enjoyed every aspect of the experience, but I will miss most the friendliness and dedication of the administration, staff, and students. I hope you all realize what a rare gem Hersey is,” Dassonville said.


Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t

News You Need To Know Thatcher remembered for strong leadership

Being the leader of one of the world’s most influential nations, Britain, sounds important enough, but add factors like being the first female leader in Britain and leading through the Cold War, and the outcome is Margret Thatcher. Through her accomplishments, Thatcher died April 8 at age 87 from a stroke in a Ritz Hotel, according to the Telegraph. Thatcher led the entire world in the demonstration of female equality and completely transformed Britain’s economy to being the thriving and influential one it is currently. Thatcher governed Britain from 1979 to 1990 and was infamous for her nickname the “Iron Lady” for her opposition to socialism and the Soviet Union. “The Iron Lady will be remembered for her great leadership and incredible political career,” freshman Nina Pascual said. • Isabella murray

Michelle Obama speaks out in Chicago for gun control First Lady Michelle Obama decided to step into the gun control debate on Wednesday by visiting Harper High School, a Chicago school that was struck by gun violence. Obama attended a conference on youth violence alongside Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel and a vocal advocate for stronger gun restrictions to meet with the students of Harper. According to the Daily Herald, authorities say 29 current or former students have been shot in the past year, eight of them dead from their wounds. With this visit, the Senate plans to begin debate regarding gun control proposals in response to the shooting in Newtown, CT in December. The Senate wants to keep pushing the public to remain engaged in the issue of gun violence with constant political appearances. “I think it’s great that Michelle is getting involved. It shows how much she cares about this issue,” senior Natalie Karasinska said. •ERIKA MURILLO


A p r i l 19, 2 013

Go green and save some green Natalie Czarnota

people die of water-related diseases.” To take action on those startling statistics, Vapour donates a portion of their sales every year to help those people. Along with selling water bottles, Green Team also sold backpack badges that they made themselves. These colorful patches display a design with the word “recycle,” so

The money made from selling the water bottles and backpack badges goes to future projThe cafeteria is crowded every ects Green Team is planning for day with students guzzling from the school, including for another plastic water bottles, pulling their tree to be planted on the school lunches from brown paper bags, grounds. and throwing away plastic bags and Another project that Green soda cans, not recycling them. Team took on to promote recycling Despite the recycling bins is the terracycle contest. found around the school, the enA year long project, Green vironmental club, nicknamed the Team urged both students and facGreen Team, is not satisfied by the ulty to not throw away toothefforts being made to make brushes, toothpaste tubes, the school eco-friendly. floss dispensers, and old cellThey took matters into phones. their own hands by creating Instead, they asked eva variety of ideas to convince eryone to collect them and students to be more sustainput these items into the Terable when it came to the enracycle bin by the main ofvironment. This month, the fice, and Green team will month Earth Day falls on, send the items to be recycled Green Team acted out on by the Terracycle company. these ideas. In addition, the school will One of the problems receive money just for being Green Team sought to fix nice to the environment. was the issue with plastic The winners of the conwater bottles that students test, will receive gift card threw out after one use. prizes in addition to the satThis week on Tuesday isfaction of saving the earth through Thursday, they held and getting money for the a water bottle sale to urge school. students to use reusable wa“Terracycle is a great ter bottles, called Vapour way for Hersey students to water bottles According to Vapour. • Natalie Czarnota get involved in being green. We hope to bring everybody us, “tap water costs 240 to reen Team is taking action this month to celin Hersey into this program,” 10,000 times less than botebrate Earth Day, which is on April 22. Some sophomore Luke Maslanka tled water,” and if students are reluctant to use tap wa- of the things they are doing to promote being green said. The contest ends April ter, “24 percent of bottled are selling water bottles and backpack badges, hold22, which is also Earth Day. water is actually just repack- ing a recycling contest, and rewarding those who are ‘green.’ To reward those who aged tap water.” are being eco-friendly, Green “A lot of plastic water bottles are bought and thrown out they decorate backpacks while re- Team will surprise students with to go to a landfill, but it is just as minding everyone at the school to prizes. During lunch, the Happy easy and even cheaper to carry a think before they throw away their Huskie preschoolers will hand out convenient, collapsible, and reus- garbage. Senior Elizabeth Lynch is the Caught You Being Green coupons able water bottle you can fold up, stick in your backpack, and refill,” one who sew the patches, and she for $2 to the Nanook Pantry. was being sustainable by using Students who will receive these senior Rachel Campbell said. If saving money and the envi- scraps of fabric which would have prizes are those who use reusable lunch containers, silverware, cloth ronment isn’t enough to convince been thrown out anyway. “Ever since I have joined napkins, lunch boxes, and reusable students to buy the water bottles, also states that “over 1.2 Green Team last year, I have been water bottles. “We are trying to bring Hersey billion people around the world more conscious about how I reuse don’t have access to clean water,” my leftover fabric from past fash- to the greener way of life,” Maslanka said. and that “every year, over 5 million ion projects,” Lynch said.


Bombings rock the nation, Boston left in despair Tim Griffin “Somebody said ‘Are they setting off a cannon?’ Then a few seconds later we just knew what was happening,” social science teacher Jodi Blazek said. At approximately 2:50 p.m. E.T. on April 15, two bombs imploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. The bombing killed three people (one was an 8 year old boy) and injured at least 175. The tragic event appeared to be a well-planned attack, but there is no evidential support that any group is to blame. Boston, though 1010 miles away, still has ties to the Huskie family. Blazek was at the marathon supporting her sister, who was running in it. Blazek was there with her mom and two of her friends. When the first bomb exploded, she was meeting her sister in the family meeting area a few blocks down

from the explosion. “Everyone around us, imagine thousands of people, just went silent,” Blazek said. Senior Conner Steines lived in Boston and still has family there that was at the Marathon. His cousin was a few blocks away when the bombs exploded. “It’s very depressing because Boston is such a great city and an attack like this just undermines the precious sense of security for Bostonians and their fellow Americans,” Steines said. This bombing, the horrific Sandy Hook shooting, and the Aurora theater shooting highlight the terrible events that took place in the last few years. This conveys an interesting point: anything can happen anywhere. “These acts are horrific, yet accurate display of what this world has seem to come to in regards to human nature. It honestly just saddens me,” sophomore Grant von der Lippe said.

•Nancy Herald/MCT



arathon runners embrace in a hug after the bombs went off. Marathon runners later ran to Mass General Hospital to donate blood for wounded victims.

A p r i l 19, 2 013


Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t


“An opportunity to help students”

Penio replaces Scotese as dean Isabella Murray

•natalie czarnota


pecial education teacher Justin Penio will replace Tom Scotese as dean next year. tudents are certain that he will be a good fit for his new position.

Threats of being sentenced to the dean’s office make school deans Matt Norris and Tom Scotese two of the most respected and feared figures in school. As Scotese hands his position to special education teacher Justin Penio, the level influence is still large, but just in a new person. Penio applied for the job when Scotese accepted the assistant principal of student services position at Wheeling. Scotese had worked as a social worker and a deaf education teacher at Wheeling for 12 years before he came here. His new position lets him supervise special education, social workers, and deans, really combining all of his prior experience under a single title. When his new position opened, contacts from Wheeling told him about it. “When the door opens like that, going into new challenges is a good thing,” Scotese said. Since Scotese could no longer fill the spot as dean, Penio applied and went through a two round interview for the position. Looking for greater involvement with students, Penio applied because he wanted to interact with half, if not more, of the student body, and not just a few classrooms. “I really like working with stu-

dents and I think that I see things in positive ways, so I thought of this position as an opportunity to help students,” Penio said. Following the news of getting the new jobs, both Penio and Scotese have to adjust to unfamiliar tasks and leave behind habitual ones. One element Scotese is looking foreword to when re-joining Wheeling is speaking Spanish more often, as he is fluent. Ironically, one thing he will miss here will be using sign language, which he is also fluent in. Other elements he will miss are working with the attendance office women and the security staff, but also interacting with students. “I love the staff and students here. The student population is amazing, the Orange Crush, and Heresy traditions; I’ve loved being a part of it all,” Scotese said, “Seeing the growth and maturity of students is really nice.” On the opposite end, Penio will miss the classroom setting, but will also miss coaching. Penio is a basketball and football coach, and even though they’re allowing him to coach one sport, he isn’t coaching at all because he wants to focus on his new position as dean. Penio’s athletes lend support to his position as dean, even if he isn’t coaching. “I think Mr. Penio is pretty

cool, and he’s a great coach, I had him as a coach sophomore year, and he has good skills to fill the position,” junior Dylan Campbell said. “Penio will do the job and get it done right. Since he has been my coach for so long, I’m sure he will still joke around with the players when we see him in the halls,” sophomore Zac Lingen added. Scotese also believes that Penio was the right choice for the position as dean. “I think he’s [Penio] an extremely capable guy and will bring a lot.” Scotese said, “One thing I’ve learned is to be consistent, if you’re consistent with all kids, you will be fair and they’ll know what to expect. Also, build relationships with everyone.” Approaching the start of his new job, Penio is ready begin. “I’m excited, I think it will be a smooth transition, and I think what I do now, coaching and teaching special ed, will help me as dean,” Penio said. Scotese is leaving with good memories and experiences. “I think it’s [Hersey] is a very special place with traditions, there is a feeling of family here, from the CLS to the deaf program. I really appreciate the time I had here,” Scotese said.



Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t

a p r i l 19, 2 013

Teaching style leaves life-long impact

Miks influences students with distinctive techniques Julia Kedzior

“I want students to develop a complex critical approach to books,” Miks said. “I avoid memorization quizzes. I think about what they’re [the students] going to remember in five years.” Instead of questions about who did what or what happened where, Miks’ assessments deal more with relating the material to social, political, and economic topics. Another way that Miks helps his students indulge in deep thinking is by introducing them

to “Justice.” “Justice,” written by Michael Sandel and published in 2007, discusses contemporary life from a variety of perspectives. ACT passages, SparkNotes, and vocab: “The reasoning is complex,” Miks said. “I all of these come to mind when a student says like that it dignifies different points of view. It “English class.” However, English teacher Jim teaches students that they are thinkers.” Miks completely changes popular concepts of The implications of “Justice” can be easteaching and adapts the curriculum to create ily seen in Miks’ classroom. Aiming to create a refreshingly unique style that’s meant to stay thinkers and encourage opinions, it’s only part with students long after they graduate. of the big picture. Aside from exposing students Miks has been teaching for 19 years, and to different opinions, Miks strives to his classes range from Contemporary teach a few important life lessons. American Texts to World Literature to “There’s this expectation that AP Language and Composition. people will be happy, or that happiness “Hersey has a strong curriculum is easy. Books are like musical notes. that situates in rich context, and you Different parts of the book will emerge can do so much,” Miks said. “I wanted depending on the different personalito make sure to synthesize thinking ties in the class. It’s making the book about books, thinking about life, and come alive that matters,” Miks said. thinking about experiences. I think the By doing this, Miks hopes that students like contemplating. If somehis students will realize some things one walks out of a class mad, that’s not about life and use the material to renecessarily a bad thing.” late to topics that aren’t always covered Ask any of Miks’ students and in school. they will say that Miks encourages disAt the end of the day, Miks transcussions, asks controversial questions, forms common teaching techniques and helps students discover how to and gives every student something to think for themselves and discover their think about. own opinions. “When someone’s standing at “Mr. Miks is a one-of-a-kind their tombstone at the end of their life, teacher,” junior Kaitlyn Ries said. “He what do they value?” Miks asks. “It’s doesn’t assign pointless homework or projects. He actually teaches us things • Julia kedzior not the points or grades. It’s intellect and character.” that will apply to us in the outside nglish techer Jim Miks teaches the curriculum, demonstrating his As for his students, they appreciworld and makes us think of the world unique style and distinctive teaching techniques. ate how Miks takes into account and in a different light.” values their thoughts, opinions, and The purpose behind this method education. “I wouldn’t trade the class is more thought out and in-depth than for the world,” Ries said. most students would think.


Paper receives awards at conference J

unior Jessica Lynk one of many Correspondent members that received awards on April 12.

photography was won by junior Francesca Hernandez, Lynk and sophomore Isabella Murray earned theirs in news writing, and team indepth won by sophomore Jack Hargett, and sen i o r s • Kevin Hyde H y d e , The Correspondent staff Abby Fesl, trekked to the College of Du- Claudia CaPage last Friday and received plan, and Ashley a variety of honors and Hawkins for this year’s awards at NISPA. The awards in-depth topic on books. As a whole the staff were to recognize excellence won a silver certificate for in design, writing, as well as the overall publication. the overall appearance of the “It was a great way to publication. end my high school journalSenior Kevin Hyde won ism career, and I’m satisfied Blue Ribbons in individual with the results,” Hyde said. in-depth for his story on The Correspondent is election night as well as his still awaiting results from a features story on the student variety of other journalism from Egypt. Sophomore Brian Boyle collected his own competitions for this year’s Blue Ribbon in review writ- staff. ing, and junior Jessica Lynk won two Blue Ribbons in ad vertising and graphics. •BRIAN LOOMIS “I feel as if it reflected all the work I out in this year,” Lynk said. The team also received three honorable mentions. The honorable mention in

Senior girls benefit from self defense class Last week, all senior girls participated in a defense class during their gym period. The class taught how to defend against many different types of attacks including punches, knives, and guns. For three days, techniques for defense were demonstrated and then practiced with a partner until the move was completed correctly. All techniques that were taught originated from “The Brave Way” program. This program “teaches principles and techniques that are easy to learn, and they work.” Each day of class had a different theme. The first day was defense against attacks standing up, the second day was defense against knives and beginning defense on the ground, and the third day was defense on the ground and defense against guns. “[The defense classes were really important] because it taught us how to defend against any situations. Now I feel safer,” senior Nicole Swiderski said. •ABBY FESL

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Features ‘Don’t forget your dancing shoes’ a p r i l 19, 2 013

Student council announces Prom theme Matt Stadnicki

With the end of high school fast approaching for juniors and especially seniors, this can be one of the most memorable times for students. Seniors enjoy many end of the year activities like the senior picnic, the awards ceremony, and especially graduation. However, one of the most memorable and biggest events for many high school students is prom. A lot of work goes into planning for prom. Student council, the organization largely responsible for planning prom and post-prom activities, has to organize and fund raise for prom and post-prom to take place. This year, with post prom being on a cruise boat as opposed to Dave and Buster’s as in previous years, the costs of post prom increased. “Post prom this year [will be] way better because of the different atmosphere,” senior Meredith Ward said. “Having it on a boat attracts more attention,” junior Dirk Vandernoot said. As opposed to previous years, where post prom was included in the cost of a prom ticket,

this year students have to pay for prom and post prom separately to offset the increased cost of upgrading to a boat. Organizing prom can take a lot of time and effort on the part of student council. Many of the details, such as decorations and food have to be designed and tested before, and the right balance has to be found. In addition, posters and notices about prom had to be made. “We’ve been getting decorations and making posters in the display cases,” student council member junior Carly Pisano said. “We had to decide on tickets and decide on the food,” student council member junior Mike Fuerst said. Along with the decorations and publicity, student council had to decide on the theme for the big night. This year’s theme is to be called, “When the clock strikes midnight.” “We bounced around ideas, picked three, and

Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t



•Graphic By Miranda Fanella t h e n voted on it,” Fuerst said. Student council was also in charge of fundraising for the event. Money for prom and for post prom came from a variety of sources. “We get money from the school for prom,” Pisano said. Money that isn’t covered by the school for both prom and post prom, however, must be raised by student council. “We raise money throughout the year, but the ticket sales are high,” Fuerst said. The money for post prom mostly comes from the Datamatch fundraiser that student council runs in early April. Students filled out the Datamatch forms in their second hour class in late March and could purchase Datamatch the week of April 8-12. Datamatch showed who the purchaser was most compatible with based on the response. The responses are meant to gauge a student’s personality so they can be matched with someone of a different personality. Although Datamatch might seem serious, the results are meant to be fun and not taken too seriously. Because of the costs of upgrading post prom this year, and because Datamatch is the main fundraiser for post prom, tickets for post prom this year will be sold separately from prom tickets, and they will cost ten dollars. Organizing and fund raising for prom has taken up much of student council’s focus and time. Many of the fundraisers, like concession sales at football games, are all aimed at making prom the best and most memorable experience for all involved. “This entire school year, it [prom] has been in the works,” Fuerst said.

M a r c h 15 , 2 013

Year round focus


Three year athletes devote themselves to athletics Matt Stadnicki

three sport athlete can be rewarding. A short term reward While students head home that all three sport after the final bell rings, athletes athletes receive is a in season spend after school blizzard from Dairy hours preparing for the next Queen at the end of game or meet. the year. When their season ends, However, the many athletes return home at rewards of being an 2:50 every day. However, some athlete for the year athletes’ seasons never end bereach further than cause they participate in fall, just ice cream. Playwinter, and spring sports, some ing on three teams for all four years of high school. allows an athlete to Participating in all three branch out and imathletic seasons can be a chalprove in a variety of lenge, especially when school is sports and stay acmixed in. tive all year. School days ending two “You get to stay hours later than usual, matches active, and there’s and meets every couple weeks, no time to be lazy,” the lack of break, and dealing Buffa said. with usual school problems like Some seniors tests and homework can be tirhave been three ing. “I’ll fall asleep a lot during sport athletes for all school,” junior Mike Buffa said. four years of high “It’s hard to balance time school, and their fiand the sports,” sophomore nal seasons can be Grant von der Lippe said. •DAVID MILLIGAN surreal. Many three sports athletes enior Erica Hill is one of many three “I’ve wanted have little to no break between sport athletes; she participates in volto be a three sport sport seasons. With some sports leyball, basketball, and track. athlete ever since having long post-seasons, esfreshman year, and pecially if that team made state, now I’m on my last breaks are minimal, and sports team. It’s so sad,” senior Erica Hill said. seasons can even overlap. Seniors who have been three sport athletes Jumping from one sport into another can leave an athlete with no break to prepare for also receive special recognition at the spring sports awards ceremony at the end of the year. their next season. While there are many difficulties from be“[The break] is stressful but manageable, but only if you know how to do it,” von der ing a three sport athlete, let alone a three sport athlete for four years, the rewards are lasting. Lippe said. However, the effort required for being a


Baseball set sights on twenty win season Scott Bakal

The baseball team has big shoes to fill after the success the team had last year. They may not have the obvious talent or high expectations that they possessed previously, but they can overcome their inexperience. The team has been lifting since November and coming in at near twilight hours to get their drill work in. “What I like about this team is to this point they have worked very hard, I like their preparation. They have done everything we asked. We hope it translates to a lot of victories this spring,” varsity coach Bob Huber said. This class of seniors will be providing leadership from many people. One leadership roll will be filled by shortstop senior David Milligan. Milligan earned his leadership role by impressing with his hitting and solid play in the field. Milligan was the only junior who saw significant playing time. His leadership is another factor that will be vital to the teams success. “Milligan is a great leader and has good control of the team,” junior Jack Warner said. The team goal every year is to win 20 games. That’s the expectation of Huber, and he has had great success accomplishing that goal in past years. “These guys play on multiple teams. It (lack of experience) may be a factor, but I don’t think its going to be as big a factor as you might think. I think with our preparation, the opportunities they’ve had I’m not too concerned about it,” Huber said. The team is firm with their beliefs that they can accomplish that goal. “We expect to win at least 20 games and compete for the division. We’ve looked good as

a team, determined and eager to play,” junior Andrew Segala said. Many players have other aspirations. “My expectations are to make it to the playoffs. Our off-season has looked good, and I think we can do that,” junior Jack Warner said. Players have been battling for spots in the starting lineup all off-season. Some spots may still be up in the air, however, many players can be counted on to play a lot this year. Three juniors who will be getting a lot of time are Jack Warner, C.J Reichel, and Joe Silva. Even though they are less experienced than some of the seniors, they believe they are ready. Warner, Reichel, and Silva were all brought up from the sophomore team at different times last season. Among them was the conference championship against Fremd which the team proudly won. While the three didn’t get into the game they believe this experience will help them this season. “The end of last season being brought up for a few games. Summer ball has played a key role, with the playing time and exposure to the varsity level, along with the early morning freeplays and getting extra work outside of school,” Junior Joe Silva said. The senior class has some strong players as well. Milligan, Brendan Starr, and Ryan Rodgers are expected to play at a high level this season. Rodgers has demonstrated his power at the plate. Even hitting a home run over the left center field fence during summer ball in 2012. Starr also impressed during summer ball with his defense and ability to hit for average. “A lot of guys are working harder than I have ever seen in the off-season,” senior Austin Greaves said.

Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t


SP R S S R S Jackowski boosts meet score The boys gymnastics team (123.7 points) split with Naperville Central (125.3 points) and Libertyville (111.7 points) last Friday which featured significant help from senior David Jackowski. “We got off to an OK start,” Jackowski said, “but I hope this motivates the team to continue working hard to get better.” Jackowski finished first in the three team field for his floor and vault routines with scores of 9.4 and 9.3, respectively, out of 10. “I performed well,” he added, “but there is always room for improvement. The first of floor was big; it got the team excited for the rest of the meet.” A big reason the gymnasts couldn’t pull out two wins was due to the injuries of seniors Matt Korff and Alex Baratta. “Alex and Matt are big parts of the team,” Jackowski said. “We could have really used them, but they will be back soon.” As of press, the gymnasts competed last night, and also have an invitational at Leyden tonight. •DAVID MILLIGAN

‘Storming the court’ covered by cloud of concern After an upset in sports, there seems to be a generic type of celebration, known as storming the court or field. This celebration is most common in college basketball. Crazed students, ecstatic alumni, and gleeful toddlers rush to the court or field in a mad dash to celebrate with their beloved school and team. “I love watching fans storm the court. It’s by far one of the most exciting things about upsets,” sophomore William Trossen said. Recently, storming the court or field has become somewhat of an issue based off of a few incidents that have occurred in college basketball this season. The Huskies have stormed the court and field twice this year. Once in the Oct. 12 football game against Wheeling, and another in the girl’s volleyball game in the MSL championship against Palatine. “I think its part of the experience. I mean it’s not every day your school upsets a team, so the fans should be able to celebrate,” Trossen said. •TIM GRIFFIN



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M a y 17, 2 013

STUDENTS PSYCHED FOR SUMMER Students ‘check out’ online stores Miranda Fanella chase accessories or apparel unique With summer approaching and the weather changing, summer clothes shopping is on the minds of many students. On the other hand, transportation to Woodfield or other shopping centers can be problematic for students without drivers licences or whose parents aren’t willing to drive them. Students may also feel pressure to purchase an item after traveling out to the store. Fortunately, online stores are just as sustainable, if not more so, and are twice as accessible as stores themselves. As seen in the poll, American Eagle and Urban Outfitters are considered the most popular online stores among students. “Both [American Eagle and Urban Outfitters] have unique styles of clothing, and they always have the latest trends,” sophomore Myca Bautista said. Not only are online stores easily accessible, they also often offer online exclusives and special deals only available online. American Eagle online in particular has a whole section devoted to web exclusives. This allows students to pur-

from that of other students who are shopping in-stores. “It’s easier to find products online because it’s hard to find certain clothing pieces in big stores, but online you can see each individual piece and what it looks like,” freshman Annie McGrath said. American Eagle is a hot outlet currently for students, often making its stores overcrowded. ‍The outfits modeled on often disproportional mannequins can cause misconceptions on how an outfit will fit, creating huge lines in fitting rooms. O‍nline shopping websites allow shoppers to eliminate the overwhelming and rushed feeling of crowds seen in stores. “[Online stores are] better because they’re more organized and you’re less pressured to buy because you’re not with friends,” sophomore Ashley Johnstone said. American Eagle is one of few online stores with others including Urban Outfitters, ModCloth, ASOS, Etsy, Shopbop, and Dimepiece. The American Eagle and Urban Outfitters websites are easy to navigate by students and can cut down on that summer shopping time crunch and pressure.

•Coutesy of Chicago beaches n a recent poll of students, the beach was rated the favorite day trip. Beaches like Ohio street Beach, Wilmette Beach, and Illinois Beach State Park.


Beaches beat out boring daytrips Tim Griffin popular destination. Ohio Street The beach is always a viable selection for a day trip. Refreshing water, scorching sand, and a beautiful sun to bathe in has teenagers scrambling to the nearest beach in the Chicagoland area. Illinois may not be near an ocean, but still has waterfronts just as magnificent as California beaches. Northwest Illinois contains plenty of beaches that are excellent for families and friends. Ohio Street Beach in Chicago is a very

not only gives people the option of laying and catching some sun, but also exploring the stores and shops of Chicago only a few blocks away. Another attractive beach is Illinois Beach State Park. Although its in Zion, the beach creates a relaxing peaceful environment and is also well-known for its beautiful sunset. Wilmette beach is also a popular hot-spot for high school students. Opening May 25, Wilmette is well-managed by officials and always creates a suitable and safe environment for students and families.

The Correspondent took a survey of 200 students asking them their top summer activities, read which topics won. Check on CorrespondentLive to read more about summer activities.

Comedy books provide summer laughs (and other reactions) Isabella Murray

One of the most appealing parts of summer is the break from schoolwork. While the summer reading list is still existent, students sometimes don’t want to read on their own time. Comedy books don’t quite fit under the monotonous category though. “It is one of my favorite genres because no matter how bad your day is, a good laugh will always cheer you up,” sophomore Cait Nagle said. While it’s expected to want a break from anything school related, some genres of books, like comedy, are easy reads for summer. Books like Mindy Kaling’s “Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns),” Kelly Oxford’s “Everything Is Perfect When You’re a Liar,” Tina Fey’s “Bossypants,” and countless other Chelsea Handler novels serve as only a small percentage of the books in t h e comedy genre. In the past month or so, Nagle has read “Bossy pants,” “Drinking and Tweeting,” and “My InapproLife.” “My all time favorite was ‘Bossy Pants.’ I laughed until I was in tears. I recommend it to almost anyone. I could not put it down,” Nagle said. Most of the books are memoir about the comedian’s life, whose views and thoughts are easily comprehendible and amusing to read. “Comedy books are simply funny. So many books are intellectually interesting but emotionally draining. Comedy allows you to just enjoy the story and really make you feel happy and good,” sophomore Ellie Richardson said. Elements of comedy are ap-

•Francessca Hernandez


recent Hersey survey ranked comedy books as the most read summer genre amongst students. pealing to students because the voice of the books are similar to the media versions of comedians’ work. “My favorite aspect of comedy literature is the authors ability to laugh at themselves, life’s to short not to,” Nagle said. Comedy books are easy reads for the summer, when reading is student’s only homework. “Reading in the summer is great. You don’t have to worry about school, you can choose your own schedule, and if you want you can read a whole book in a day. It’s very relaxing and allows you to stimulate your mind even when school is not in session. Plus you can read outside and enjoy the beautiful weather,” Richardson said.


M a y 17, 2 013

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Lots at Lolla Students attend popular concert Jessica Lynk 160,000 people will gather in Grant Park this summer for the musical festival, Lollapalooza. Sophomores Jamie Chamerlain and Kayla Knauss will be some among the crowd. “Their line up has a lot of good bands, and it’s nice to hear a couple songs from a ton of groups than a ton of songs from a couple of groups,” Knauss said. Many students take summer as an opportunity to go to enjoy concerts, but Lollapalooza seems to stand out among the rest. “Lolla is better than other music festivals because it really appeals to not only my musical taste, but to a wide variety of musical genres, plus it is one of the biggest in the area,” Chamberlain said. T h e festival includes multiple genres like c o u nt r y, alternative r o c k , and punk rock.

The line-up for this year includes Lana Del Ray, The Lumineers, Matt and Kim, Ellie Goulding, Eric Church, The Killers, and Mumford & Sons. “I’m excited to see Mumford and Sons, but I’m really excited to see The Lumineers and Lana Del Rey, I’ve wanted to see both of them in concert for the longest time, along with Azealia Banks who is a guilty pleasure of mine,” Chamberlain said. Lollapalooza gives students an opportunity to enjoy music with friends and strangers. “I’m excited about seeing all these performers and also the atmosphere at Lolla will be like a giant party, so it should be fun,” Knauss said.


‘Froyo’ offers a sweet treat Caitlin Strozewski

Over the summer, students enjoy going to a variety of places with their friends. Of all the summer attractions, getting food is one of the most popular. A recent survey ranked frozen yogurt or ‘froyo’ shops as the number one food places for high school students during the summer. Froyo allows students to have the ability to mix and match a variety of frozen yogurts, toppings, and sauces. This can be refreshing for those who are bored with the limited options of traditional ice cream places. The variety of toppings can satisfy everyone--from chocolate lovers to fruit fanatics. “I love the variety of toppings. There’s something for everyone,” sophomore Shannon Cunnigham said. Froyo offers students a way to cool off and escape from the summer heat. Many froyo shops are in the area. At Randhurst, students can stop by

Menchies after a busy day of shopping or a movie. It offers both indoor and outdoor seating, and is in a convenient location for those who live in or near Mount Prospect. “I like Menchies better than Yogurtland because it is closer to my house, but I think Menchies is more expensive,” sophomore Cassie Zouras said. Another location is Yogurtland in Arlington Heights. Like Menchies, Yogurtland is conveniently located near other stores in downtown Arlington Heights. “Yogurtland is delicious. It’s my favorite, and it is located right in downtown Arlington,” Cunningham said. No matter where students go to get their froyo, most end up satisfied. With the freedom of controlling every aspect of their yogurt and the excitement of trying daring flavor combinations, this trend has become the go-to place for those students with a sweet tooth.


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Boyle-ing it D O W with N BRian Boyle

‘Iron Man 3’ brings action to the big-screen

He may not be a god like Thor, he doesn’t have cool retractable claws like Wolverine, and he isn’t as youthful as Spider-man, but the one thing that sets Iron Man apart is that inside the suit, Tony Stark is the coolest alter-ego of any on-screen superhero. “Iron Man 3” marks Marvel’s first movie since the incrediblysuccessful and über-entertaining team-up flick, “The Avengers,” and conquers the tricky task of fitting into the larger Marvel continuity, while also offering a satisfying stand-alone story. This time around, Stark is threatened by a mysterious and menacing bin Laden-esque terrorist called the Mandarin, personified by a chilling Ben Kingsley, and a business rival Aldrich Killian (played by a suave Guy Pearce). Gwyneth Paltrow returns, giving a fun performance as Stark’s long-suffering girlfriend Pepper Potts. Don Cheadle also reprises his role as best friend colonel James Rhodes, this time sporting a star-spangled Iron Man suit, re-branded from War Machine to Iron Patriot. The supporting cast is strong, but nobody matches up with Robert Downey Jr.. After the events of “The Avengers,” the self-proclaimed “genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist” begins to experience crippling anxiety attacks. Downey’s still at the top of his game with one-line zingers and sarcastic quips, but he now adds some much appreciated vulnerability to the already spectacularly human Stark. “Iron Man 3” is written and directed by action-comedy king Shane Black, of “Lethal Weapon” and “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” fame, whose script is full of quirky selfaware jokes and effective physical humor. Black’s buddy-cop credentials also bleed into the writing, with witty banter between Stark and Rhodes, and with a surprisingly tolerable small town kid befriended by Iron Man. The action scenes are dazzling and memorable, with Black adding flashy direction reminiscent of pulp action films of the 80’s and 90’s. Particularly awesome was the Mandarin’s destructive assault on Stark’s cliffside Malibu mansion, with excellent special effects ripping apart the familiar setting. Minor issues aside, “Iron Man 3” provides a fresh, funny, and bold take on the now familiar comic book sub-genre.


m a y 17, 2 013

Take it

School tweets take over Twitter

With a large portion of students signed up for a twitter account, many follow twitter accounts related to this school. These accounts include sport update accounts for the school, an account tweeting odd conversations heard in this building’s halls, and Orange Crush accounts rallying up fans for the student sections. No matter what account a student follows, a

common similarity is that these accounts promote school spirit and school love. If students do obtain a twitter account, they should consider following accounts such as @HerseyHuskies for official school updates, @HerseyHallways for hilarious, overheard conversations, and accounts such as @HerseyFamily to promote school love. • colette tangney


Facebook drops in popularity At age 12, Facebook was a marvelous configuration. A website that enables any individual to stalk some random person’s pictures? How thrilling is that! However, by now Facebook has hit rock bottom. The only time I find myself looking at Facebook is to get rid of the obnoxious little red number above the Facebook app. I hate that thing. Facebook has gone from re-connecting with lost friends to pictures of LeBron regarding his slowly receding hairline. Other Facebook posts consist of “each

like on this picture donates a dollar to Africa.” Now a social network has made all of its users into philanthropists. How spectacular. I’m leaving it on Facebook. Figure it out, Zuckerberg. • tim griffin

Leave it

Student eats up new series ‘Hannibal’ Dino Ljubijankic

any case. Ever. Minor characters include all the killers that Graham and Crawford run into, the daughter of a killer who makes a secret agreement with Hannibal, and the most irritating of the bunch: a tabloid blogger who seems to always enter the story at the worst possible moments. She’s infuriating to the point where the viewer isn’t even wondering who’s going to mess up what’s going on between all the

is like seasoning meat: too little and the impact can’t be tasted, too much and the entire dish is thrown Normally, I off. “Hannibal” uses the character don’t approve of of Lecter in the perfect amount. people whose diet Another play on Lecter that of choice includes makes the show great are those other people. uneasy instances when someone Cannibals also eats meat that Lecter has prepared, don’t make words like ‘interestmaking the viewer question everying’, ‘crafty’, or ‘entertaining’ come thing. Where did he get the recipe? to mind. But the new NBC series Who made those recipes he got? Is “Hannibal” manages to spice up there a cannibalism fan club that the typical world of psychos. the characters aren’t Tell me that aware of? Hannibal Lecter is The writers clevsomehow involved, erly play off the existand I’ll pick up the ing knowledge of Lectremote. Tell me Mads er to tease the viewers Mikkelsen plays Lectwith what-ifs and er, and I’ll find NBC might-bes. I love being on my guide. ‍Tell challenged by Lecter’s me that Lecter/Mads ‍dark‍ ways. twists and turns the Also, I enjoy the FBI (and basically evlittle non-Hannibal eryone he meets) into side plots that come his game of death, and into play, a sentence I’ll hit the button to I never uttered when change the channel.‍ watching “Silence of Besides the great• Courtesy Of NBC the Lambs.” Can Jack ness that is Mads MikCrawford get his life kelsen, the show can BC’s Hannibal series captures students with its dark, susat home together? Can stand for itself. The penseful plot and graphic use of cannibalism. the doctors Graham show is about a ‍man‍ works with be any named Will Graham more useless? Can Lecter teach (played by Hugh Dancy). Graham characters. The perfect part? The show Graham how to make his famous is able to empathize with people; get inside their heads in a “Crimi- doesn’t revolve around Lecter. All human-based dishes? This show isn’t for the easilynal Minds”-esque fashion. The the side characters are involved. In “Silence of the Lambs,” sickened, but for people who enjoy FBI uses this ‘gift’ to its advantage, having Graham track down killers AKA the best thing that involves a show about the mysteries and Hannibal Lecter, he’s not even the deceptions one man can create. with specific patterns. Along with Will and Hanni- main character: Jodie Foster and “Hannibal” is the show that they bal, there is a little bunch of other Buffalo Bill are the main charac- need to watch. I can’t wait to see characters. Jack Crawford (played ters. Lecter is just the psychopath what turn this series is going to by Laurence Fishburne) is de- in the back, watching and wait- take. Unless it turns into one of manding of Will to resolve all the ing for the perfect time to put his cases, as well as being a victim to stamp on the adventure. He was on those killer-of-the-week shows. some of Hannibal’s cruelest tricks. the screen for less then 20 minutes Then I will feel betrayed by Mads. Also involved: a “crime lab” group in the movie, but it feels like he was Now that I think of it, maybe this show could’ve been better if it was of medical experts who seem like on it for 40. Using Lecter as a character on HBO instead of NBC. they don’t contribute anything. To



m a y 17, 2 013

Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t


Percussionists rock the stage

Night of Percussion offers comedy and beats Melanie Cohodes Night of Percussion is an annual, studentrun exhibition of the musical and comedic skills of the band’s percussion section. It’s a chance to let the students who usually stand in the back of the band to come to the front of the stage for a night. “What I like about this performance is being able to entertain people while doing something that I’m passionate about,” sophomore Carly Benson said. Instead of relying on adult direction, the players get most of the work done themselves, starting from the base of the show. “We started by making a facebook page to shout out some ideas,” junior Rino Nozawa said. “We throw around ideas together and get the okay from Mr. C (Casagrande, band director).” The show alternates between performances -either solos done by seniors or group performances- and comedic skits that fall in line with the theme of the show. The solos can include anything from impressive snare solos to marimba pieces performed with two mallets in each hand, and allow percussionists to show off their various talents. “I’m most looking forward to playing in general, but also the comedy side of it. The skits in between musical performances are hilarious,” Benson said. Previous themes have included a ‘bro competition’ between the multiple sets of brothers in band, and some memorable skits have been a

t h g i N Of n io s s u Perc

May 24

performance by ‘Taylor Swift’ and a rendition of “Call Me Maybe.” While it is strictly percussionist-performed, sometimes students from other musical groups come to help, like the show choir duo who previously emceed in matching colored suits. Regardless of the theme, Night of Percussion has been a student-run, student-performed act for as long as any percussionist can recall. “Night of Percussion has been going on for a really long time,” junior Liam Burke said. “I

don’t even know when it began.” No matter how old it is, Night of Percussion is a fresh show every year, and remains one of the most popular student-run events. “Mr. C will supervise,” Nozawa said, “but the scripts, costumes, all that is done by students.” The graduating percussionists run the show, so to speak, choosing skits and deciding on the theme. The underclassmen have some input, but the entire event is orchestrated by the seniors. “As a freshman it’s really hard to submit a skit because people aren’t willing to let freshmen do a lot of stuff,” freshman Andrea Kim said, “but I actually submitted a skit and the seniors are considering it which is a huge honor.” The schedule usually runs with a skit between every two or three performances, which makes for a good distribution of musical and comedic prowess. Night of Percussion is so popular that occasionally percussionists who have already graduated will return to emcee, which is what will happen this year. “Ty (Ty Nocita, class of 2012) is coming back to help,” Nozawa said. Tickets can be purchased from any percussionist for $5.


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Boyle-ing it D O W with N BRian Boyle

Predictions locked in place Every year, the movie awards season comes to a head in February, when the Academy Awards announce their coveted picks for the best of the best in the filmmaking industry. For movie-lovers, the Oscar’s, which airs on February 24, presents one of the most entertaining times of the year, if not only for the sparking of debate and conversation. Though there were a few snubs in this category, (Ben Affleck!) incredibly deserving Steven Spielberg will win the Best Director award for his work in Oscar favorite, “Lincoln.” “Lincoln” should also win for Tony Kushner’s brilliant script in the Best Adapted Screenplay category. Kushner expertly makes dialogue feel authentic yet comprehensive for this mid-seventeenth century period piece. Best Original Screenplay is a toss-up between Tarantino’s snappy, witty, and brutal script for “Django Unchained,” and Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola’s whimsical and quirky script for “Moonrise Kingdom.” While Anne Hathaway is a lock for best supporting actress for her performance in the musical, “Les Miserables,” the best supporting actor category is a battle, with each of the five nominees being previous Oscar winners. Hopefully, the Academy recognizes either Tommy Lee Jones from “Lincoln,” or Christoph Waltz from “Django Unchained.” Jessica Chastain gave one of the best performances of the year as the confident and calculated CIA agent in “Zero Dark Thirty,” though “Silver Linings Playbook” star Jennifer Lawrence will most likely snag the win for best actress in a leading role The best actor in a leading role category, does, however, have a clear-cut winner. Daniel Day-Lewis, as the sixteenth president in “Lincoln,” gives one of the most engaging, intriguing, and downright entertaining performances I have ever seen. While there may be nine total nominees for best picture, only two films have any real chance of winning. “Argo,” has been an awards season favorite, winning big at the Golden Globes, BAFTA’s, SAG’s, and pretty much every other awards show, though the lack of recognition for director Ben Affleck hinders its chances for the gold. The other frontrunner, “Lincoln,” secured twelve nominations, the most this year. The all-star cast, as well as the classic Spielberg feel of wonder and awe, make “Lincoln” my choice to win best picture.


F e b r u a r y 15 , 2 013

Take it

You tube sensation motivates viewers

“We need a pep-talk.” Kid President, a new YouTube sensation, takes American’s hearts by surprise as he innocently motivates people to never give up. Our biggest heroes have recovered from difficulties. Take a look at Bill Gates. Gates had a mild case of Asperger’s Syndrome as a child and yet was able to become the richest man in America. Michael Jordan didn’t make the basketball team in

high school which drove him even more. He became one of the most well-known players in NBA history. In fact, his posters still hang in Mr. Pihl’s classroom. When stuck in a hard place, like an astronomical amount of homework or just one too many bad grades, remember the most successful people have also failed many times, but continue to get up and fight. Watch what Kid President said, “Don’t be boring. Boring is easy.” • ABBY FESL

The other day I wore a green and red Power Balance bracelet, when one of my fellow peers said to me in an obnoxious, hateful tone, “Why would you ever buy that? What a waste of money.” Well, excuse me. Some may be unfamiliar with what a Power Balance is. Basically, it can either be a bracelet or necklace that claims to infuse the body with strength and balance. At the time of my purchase, man, did I think it was cool. “Finally, I’ll have washboard abs and I’ll be able to do the crane kick just like Daniel-san in Karate Kid!” Wow, was I wrong, it’s really just a pretty neat looking bracelet with two pointless mag-

nets on the outside of it. Not only is the bracelet useless, but at common stores where it is available, such as Dick’s Sporting Goods, it can be as much as $30. Ya, I’m leaving it on the Power Balance bracelets. An 8-pack has yet to appear.


Balance bracelet busts expectations


Leave it

Grammy performances awe audiences Natalie Czarnota

The performance of this song made me feel as though it was from the previous century- and not in Continuing the tradition of 55 a bad way. Best Rock Performance went to “Lonely Boys” years, music fans gathered in front of their televisions to watch the Gram- by the Black Keys. The collaboration of Maroon 5 and my Awards, which took place on Alicia Keys was surprisingly satisfying, and the unlikeSunday Feb. 10 at the Staples Center ly medley of “Daylight” and “Girl on Fire” was pleasant to the ears. in Los Angeles, California. After a flustered Kelley Clarkson accepted the The first performance was from Taylor Swift, who sang “We Are Never Ever Getting Best Pop Vocal Album award, Rihanna sang “Stay,” Back Together” while wearing a white ringmaster suit looking sophisticated in her plain, long black dress. The stripped back song revealed what was probably and surrounded by dancing circus people. The performance was strange, and not in that one of the best vocals of the night. The Black Keys perst range-but-or ig ina l formed “Lonely Boy” kind of performances and Kelly Clarkson that are associated by sang songs by Patti Page Lady Gaga. and Carole King, both It seemed over the of whom were hontop for Swift. ored with the Lifetime This isn’t the only Achievement Award. factor that appeared as The Best Country though she was trying Album award went to to attract attention. “Uncaged” by the Zac Throughout the enBrown Band, and then tire show, Swift seemed a Bob Marley Tribute inclined to sing along was performed by Bruto every other song perno Mars and Sting, later formed, probably for joined by Rihanna, Zigmore camera time. gy, and Damien Marley. Following Swift The Lumineers’ was Ed Sheeran, who performance was plain performed his song “A compared to the other Team” on the guitar •NC WEB LN ORANGE COUNTY OUT NO performers, but that is with Elton John on the MAGAZINE SALES what made them stand piano. The arrangement out and put a focus on amplified the beautiful arrie Underwood sang her hit single “Blown Away” at the their music. song. 2013 Grammys last weekend. The lights on stage danced Carrie Underwood Then came the first around projecting monarch butterflies onto her dress. Underperformed in one of the award of the night. Fun. made a splash while wood won the Grammy for Best Country Solo Performance for best visual performances of the night. Her ball performing “Carry On.” “Blown Away” earlier in the night. gown-like dress put Towards the end of the amazing and distinct vocal display of lead singer Katniss’ “fire” dress to shame, displaying mesmerizing images projected onto it. Nate Ruess, water poured down on the band. The other extraordinary visual performance came Best Song of the Year was “We are Young” by Fun. after the award for the Best Record of the Year, which This was one of the six nominations the band had. Although they clearly began to receive a lot of at- was won by Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used to Know.” tention lately, the band has been thriving under the LL Cool J, Tom Morello, Travis Barker, Chuck D, and mainstream radar for 12 years, so the success they Z-Trip closed the show with a performance following the award for Album of the Year going to Mumford have received is quite incredible. Mumford and Sons performed “I Will Wait” after and Sons’ “Babel.” those awards, and then Justin Timberlake performed his come back song, “Suit and Tie.”



F e b r u a r y 15 , 2 013

Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t

Fashion icons send symbolic message Miranda Fanella

The persona and reputable characteristics of fashion icons have significantly changed over the past 60 years. In the 1960s, Audrey Hepburn set new fashion standards in her filming of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, bringing a new level of class to her style and women everywhere. During the 1950s and early 60s, actor, model, and singer Marilyn Monroe embraced her curvy body and became a known sex symbol. Preaching self-acceptance and beauty, Monroe taught girls that size zero pants don’t have to be ideal and that a size four is not deemed fat. The most current upcoming fashion icons are a few of the slimmest and fittest women of the public eye, much different than some from the mid-1900s, who had tiny waists and curvy hips. “I think that people should use fashion as a tool to make them feel better about themselves, not worse just because they aren’t a size two,” senior Bianca Burns said. Current icons influence fashion among students much differently than in the past due to the fact that past fashion icons were more renowned by all of society than those of today are. “Katy Perry influences me the most, but I don’t think her style will be remembered 50 years from now,” sophomore Jenelle Rosario said. On the contrary, figures like Monroe, Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Jacqueline Kennedy, Coco Chanel, Kim Novak and Princess Diana have remained prominent in the fashion world since their breakthroughs in the mid-1900s. Currently, these dominant fashion influences have continued their legacy with many styles being dubbed “very Audrey,” and books being written praising their style. A helpful factor in recognizing each of these admired women’s distinguished styles is through their display of it in their films, photo



ichelle Obama at the 2012 Democratic National Convention at the Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina.


ate Middleton on April 29, 2011 at Westmister Abbey in the City of Westmisshoots, and any other form of memorable publicity. Monroe’s style of sexy and curvy was shown •NC WEB LN NO in most of her films and MAGAZINE SALES photo shoots, primarily in the “Seven Year Itch” and the famous photo of her dress blowing upwards from a street vent. Princess Diana’s iconic mini black dress that hugged her figure became well-known due to the press posting a photo of it everywhere in 1994. “Today, women like Michelle Obama and Kate Middleton are the new icons,” Burns said. Obama is known today in average women’s fashion for sporting arm-baring dresses and high-end designer clothing as well as


causing clothing from affordable companies that she wore to be sold out within days. Being the First Lady, Obama is known across all of America, but her sense of style might not be as recognizable as Coco Chanel’s or Grace Kelly’s, causing the degree of fashion influence between the two eras to differ greatly. “Fashion has changed so much, but it’s just like history. It continually repeats itself and there are so many pieces that never go out of style. Women of the past, like Hepburn, Monroe, Princess Diana, and Jackie O-their styles are timeless because they created the style standards for their time period,” Burns said. Students in the 50s and 60s were more likely to wear similar styles than teens of today due to a difference in how distinguishable icons were then and now. In current fashion, icons are typically celebrities that became known for their notable style or who develop such an image. Kate Middleton is an example. Her modest look, adorned in a pastel palette, is simple yet elegant, making her an easy influence for students to follow, but it might not match what students are looking for. That’s where creativity comes in. When Monroe wore her famous white dress from “The Seven-Year Itch,” or when Hepburn wore her iconic black, classy “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” gown, students didn’t rush to buy out every long, black gown or flowing white dress. Instead, fashion took a revolutionary step towards the specific trends and styles known to that era and that have also influenced some of today’s styles. “The styles back then were very daring with bright colors and big jewelry. You can still see some of that today,” Rosario said. The little black dress, for one, was not eminent until the 1920s when Coco Chanel’s design was published in American Vogue, proving her influence on fashion. Taylor, Kennedy, and Queen Elizabeth II were a few who popularized pearls in the 1960s and made them fashionable still today. The pencil skirt became a ground-breaking look in the 40s after being introduced by Christian Dior. “I think these fashion staples are still popular because the people who created them are still influential today,” sophomore Megan Grawe said. All these trends have continued from their time of development and have remained strong because their creators and promoters, iconic figures in the fashion world, have continued to be influential since then. Students can develop their own style by taking what influences them and refining it to their own liking. Styles take off and trends sink in by students reliving the iconic aspects of certain fashion influences and continuing the strongest fashions.

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