Tim Hornung | Portfolio

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Curriculum Vitae



A Journey into the Everyday 04 in three parts

Münster, Germany





Palliative Care Center soft thresholds

NOV 2020 team: 12 APR - JUL 2020 Prof. Kazu Blumfeld Hanada AA. Dipl.

Daniel Blum, Daniel Koo

tutor(s): tutor(s): Marco van Bentum

Münster, Germany

team: APR - JUL 2021 Bremen, Germany

Life is Life envisioning the post-anthropocentric city

01.02 28 44

Ruhr.Exposition theses for the post-industrial landscape


Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Schemel team: tutor(s): Nils Bieker APR - SEP 2022Gelsenkirchen, Germany team: tutor(s):

superflatable light-weight table series

2016 - (ongoing)Münster; Berlin, Germany team: tutor(s): Pascal Feck, Julian Heinen Prof. Kazu Blumfeld Hanada AA. Dipl.

TECE Showroom mobile exhibition

Prof. Kazu Blumfeld Hanada AA. Dipl. 60 68

MAY - JUL 2018 Münster, Germany team: tutor(s): Pascal Feck Prof. Kazu Blumfeld Hanada AA. Dipl.

02.03Porto Academy hôtel labilé

JUL 2018 | 1 weekPorto, Portugal Samuel Galmiche, Yasmine Horman Sam Chermayeff, Johanna Meyer-Grohbrügge team: tutor(s):


03.01 03.02 transcript of records letter of recommendation letter of recommendation03.03


77 78 79

TIM HORNUNG portfolio

Address: E-Mail: Mobile:

Tim Hornung Sertürnerstr. 7 D-48149 Münster

tim.hornung731@gmail.com +49 15774127008

Language:German / English / Japanese native / fluent / learner



2022DAAD Scholarship

2-month stay in Japan

2022 - 2019 MSA | Münster School of Architecture studies of architecture | master

2017 - 2013 MSA | Münster School of Architecture

studies of architecture | bachelor

studies of literature and linguistics 2013 - 2012

Technical University of Dortmund

2010graduated from high school

CFG Gymnasium, Gelsenkirchen


2022 - 2021 6 months of freelance work


DOCOMOMO Online School Tokyo 2021 26.07 - 04.08 10-day hybrid workshop led by Docomomo Japan w/ Tutors:

Weronika Abramczyk, Fernanda Catão, Saeki Iimori, Joseph Kasimbi, Maiko Motono, Yuya Tomisaka, Yu Shi Leong

2021 29.05 - 03.06

Workshop on Fumihiko Maki’s decades-spanning “Daikanyama Hillside Terrace” project and the theory of the “collective form” behind it to decipher its historical and contemporary readings as well as potentials for a futureproof concept in an everychanging urban setting


Titien Brendlé, Arina Karenova, Daria Nikolaeva, Maria Svetovidova

2022 - 2020 3-month internship 2013

Prof. Kazu Blumfeld Hanada AA. Dipl.

2019 3 months of freelance work

2019 - 2018 Sam Chermayeff Office, Berlin 2018 - 2016 2 years of freelance work

2022 Go Hasegawa and Associates, Tokyo 4-week open desk position Scholz Architekten, Senden studio teaching assistant | MSA Andreas Schüring Architekten, Münster 6-month internship Deutscher Architektur Verlag, Münster

2017Sam Chermayeff AA. Dipl. studio teaching assistant | MSA

2016 3-month internship

Deutscher Architektur Verlag, Münster

Carpentry Brauer, Gelsenkirchen

2012 - 2011 voluntary social year

Comenius SE School, Essen

20.06 - 27.06

1-week online workshop at the TU Delft w/ Jury: Winner of the 1st prize in the final 24h competition on the theme of “Datascapes” with our project PermanentRecord, that aims to provide a physical space for data storage and access after death

2018Porto Academy

Prof. Wessel de Jonge, Prof. Noriyuki Tajima, Prof. Kenji Watanabe Samuel Galmiche, Yasmine Horman

Winy Maas, Kay Oosterman, Astrid Piber, Chris van Dujin, Indira van t’ Klooster

June 14 | Sam Chermayeff + Johanna Meyer-Grohbrügge

1-week summer school at the FAUP, Portugal w/ Studio: Starting from smaller pieces of furniture, we were tasked to design a hotel that would negate the common hotel room and redefine the relationships of its guest to each other

2014Timber Prototype

14.07 - 27.07

2-week workshop at the MSA, Germany

Studio: Hans Drexler Dipl. Arch. ETH M Arch

Manufacturing and construction of a student-designed timber prototype housing unit to accomodate international students on site at the campus of the Münster School of Architecture

03 CV

in der französischen Architektu


Zeitschrift Architektur

1 0 8 m0.20.4
01.01.01 01.01.02
0 12345 1 2 3 4
06 01.012 / happy snapsA JOURNEY INTO THE EVERYDAY 01.01.03 200m
07 0 m 30 65 01.012 130 15


01.01.05 01.01.06


08 01.013 / home away from homeA JOURNEY INTO THE EVERYDAY



entrance kitchen office bath bedroom nature condenser city condenser

09 0 m 63 01.013


10 01.013 / home away from homeA JOURNEY INTO THE EVERYDAY 01.01.09



11 0 m 01.01 63 3 / home away from homeA JOURNEY INTO THE EVERYDAY

year: location: module: category: team: tutor(s):


APR - JUL 2020

Münster, Germany

ma.m2.2 | 1st year

academic project

Marco van Bentum

Prof. Kazu Blumfeld Hanada AA. Dipl.

Prof. Dr. Phil. Oliver Bierhoff

Prof. Dr. H.C. Peter Wilson AA. Dipl.

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Martin Korda

ヘルツ・イエズス病院からの依頼により、既存のクリニックビルに緩和ケアセ ンターを増設する。社会が死に直面した人々にどう対応できるかを再考する こと、また緩和ケアセンターというジャンルの新しいタイポロジーを生み出す ことを目的とする。5つの主要な要素;ディストリビューター、患者室、テラス、 瞑想室、中庭は、それぞれ光と視覚的関係、外の世界を感じられること、既存 のインフラとのバランスなどから慎重に配置されている。これらの要素は、す べての患者に平等な空間を、スタッフには快適で効率的な作業環境を提供 する。審査委員会より、優れたデザインとしてHonourable Mentionを受賞。

This proposal for a palliative care center as an addon to an existing clinic building, as requested by the Herz-Jesu-Hospital, aims to take on a novel architectural typology and reposition the way we as a society deal with the those affected by death. Five main elements; the distributor, the patient room, the terrace, the contemplation room and the inner garden are each carefully positioned in relation to light, visual references, surrounding stimuli and the existing infrastructure. They cohere to allow for equal spatial qualities for every patient and a pleasant, yet efficient work environment for the staff. Awarded with an honourable mention for outstanding design by the judges.

01.02.01 01.02.02 01.02.03 01.02.04 01.02.05 01.02.06 01.02.07 01.02.08 01.02.09 01.02.10 01.02.11 01.02.12 01.02.13 01.02.14 01.02.15 01.02.16 01.02.17 01.02.18 01.02.19 01.02.20 01.02.21 01.02.22 01.02.23 01.02.24

exterior perspective towards the north facade axonometric view of the palliatve care center the five main elements as arranged in the building second floor plan first floor plan cross section showing the terrace perspective of the terrace as from the fireplace cross section showing the contemplation room perspective of the contemplation room cross section showing the distributor perspective of the distributor on the first floor cross section showing the inner garden perspective of the inner garden on the first floor north elevation west elevation south elevation

longitudinal section showing the patient rooms perspective of the patient room as from the bed close-up floor plan of a patient room close-up section of patient rooms showing the water basin axonometric view showing the construction detailed elevation of the perforated brick wall detailed section showing the construction 1:50 section models of the main elements

13 01.02soft 01.02.01


As an antipole to the terrace, the inner garden is a place of immersion and reclusivness


Oriented to north, the contemplation room looks right into the tree tops and captures the soft light with its curved form


The center of the building, connecting the two nursing carebasesand illuminated by light coming from the south


The patient rooms are arranged alongside the south facade on both floors and not only offer a view into the trees but also an assigned water basinthatreflectslightintotheroom This communal exterior space is divided into a loggia and a fireplace


14 01.02soft thresholdsPALLIATIVE CARE CENTER
01.02.02 01.02.03 GSEducationalVersion



contemplation room storage distributor



inner garden patient room

fireplace loggia dining area staff/relatives team

contemplation room storage distributor inner garden

office office threshold


patient room

fireplace dining area staff/relatives

15 40 8m 01.02 soft thresholdsPALLIATIVE CARE CENTER

01.02.07 01.02.09 GSEducationalVersion GSEducationalVersion

01.02.06 01.02.08 soft thresholdsPALLIATIVE GSEducationalVersion

01.02.11 01.02.13

17 40 8m
01.02.10 01.02.12 soft thresholdsPALLIATIVE CARE CENTER01.02 GSEducationalVersion
soft thresholdsPALLIATIVE GSEducationalVersion
01.02.14 01.02.15
19 40 8m
soft thresholdsPALLIATIVE CARE CENTER01.02 GSEducationalVersion
01.02.16 01.02.1701.02.18
20 soft thresholdsPALLIATIVE CARE CENTER
151,501,50751551,2556015 503,50501,501540 503,75751,00 6,00
21 0 15075cm soft thresholdsPALLIATIVE CARE CENTER
50751,9550751,955020 502,70502,705020 501,00753,75 6,00


Lintels, stairs and all curved building components are delivered as pre-cast concrete elements and installed dry and precisely fitting

22 soft thresholdsPALLIATIVE CARE CENTER 01.02.21 01.02 GSEducationalVersion

Walls are built out of 2DF faced brickwork and 3DF sand-lime brick. In the overhang area, load-bearing walls are made of pre-cast contrete elements to withstand tensile load


Slabs are pre-cast and delivered unitized to the construction site to be lifted by a crane for installation


A subconstruction made from reinforced concrete beams supports the filigree wideslabs, which are used as a stay-in-place formwork for the poured cast-in-place concrete. In combination with the walls, an unsupported overhang can be constructed

23 soft thresholdsPALLIATIVE CARE CENTER01.02
24 soft thresholdsPALLIATIVE CARE CENTER 01.02.22 01.02


pre-cast concrete lintel

facade: perforated brick wall 2DF, 240/115/113mm

3 floor construction of the inner garden:

2 clinker brick, 2DF, 240/115/65mm unbound jointing drainable beddin mortar 35mm loose gravel filter fleece 20mm draught role glued 2mm slope insulation 25-65mm thermal insulation EPS 180mm vapor barrier, bituminous precast concrete slab 240mm

pre-cast concrete lintel 5


4 insulation glazing in aluminium frame oak window reveal

wall structure: 6

facing wythe clinker brick: 2DF, 240/115/113mm, white laid as stretchers back ventilation 45mm mineral rock wool insulation 150mm sand-limebrick,3DF,240/175/113mm lime plaster 15mm

floor construction: 7 oak wooden planks, 30mm heated screed seperation layer insulation XPS 180mm moulded filigree slab 240mm pre-cast reinforced concrete beam, 200/550mm


25 0 cm 100 50
5 6 7
1 2 3 4
soft thresholdsPALLIATIVE CARE CENTER 01.02.23 01.02
26 soft thresholdsPALLIATIVE CARE CENTER
27 soft thresholdsPALLIATIVE CARE CENTER01.02

envisioning the post-anthropocentric city

year: location: module: category: team: tutor(s):


APR - JUL 2021

Bremen, Germany

ma.m2.3 | 2nd year

academic project

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Schemel Nils Bieker

Targeting a part of a social housing neighbourhood from the 1960s consisting of three residential blocks, a supermarket in need of refurbishment and run-down kebab shop in the Gartenstadt Süd in Bremen, this proposal strengthens the existing qualities through functional and spatial interventions, thus enhancing the social fabric and turning the quarter into a co-habitational ecosystem that desists from the human-centric design of previous decades and makes space for animals and plants alike while also retaining urban characteristics. The transformation of the north façade allows for improved handicap accessibility and versatile segmentation of the apartments to accommodate more contemporary family structures while the newly added façade on the south side of the two smaller housing units provides shade and plant tubs. Awarded with an honourable mention for outstanding design by the judges.

01.03.01 01.03.02 01.03.03 01.03.04 01.03.05 01.03.06 01.03.07 01.03.08 01.03.09 01.03.10 01.03.11 01.03.12 01.03.13 01.03.14 01.03.15 01.03.16 01.03.17 01.03.18 01.03.19 01.03.20 01.03.21 01.03.22 01.03.23 01.03.24

exterior perspective towards the added south faÇade site plan detailing the garden and urban areas floor plan - 5th level elevation showing the urban area floor plan - 2nd level section showing the urban area floor plan - 1st level section through the local supply center and health clinic axonometric view of the added north faÇade axonometric view of the added south faÇade section through the added north faÇade elevation of the added north faÇade section through the added south faÇade elevation of the added south faÇade floor plan - seperate apartments floor plan - co-working shared apartment floor plan - multigenerational aparments floor plan - conventional shared apartment floor plan - seperate apartments floor plan - conventional shared apartment axonometric view of the initial site | scaleless axonometric view of the proposed design | scaleless site plan zoom-in of the garden area exterior perspective showing the meeting zone

29 01.03envisioning 01.03.01
30 01.03envisioning the post-anthropocentric cityLIFE IS LIFE 01.03.02 GSEducationalVersion 2 1 9 1 10 11 12 8 2 3 Resident Parking Marketplace Promenade 4 5 6 Playground Mobility Hub Car Sharing 7 8 9 Neighborhood Local Supplies Meeting Zone
31 0 m 01.03envisioning 157.5 3 4 5 6 13 9 14 15 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 Neighborhood Meetup Supplies Zone Picnic Island Wild Meadow Lawn Field Hedges Urban Gardening Perennial Bed
32 envisioning the post-anthropocentric cityLIFE IS LIFE
01.03 Frischemarkt Süd
01.03.03 01.03.04

co-working roo f terrace

33 0 m 10 5 envisioning the post-anthropocentric cityLIFE IS LIFE 01.03 Quartierstre ff Gartenstadt

health clinic

34 envisioning the post-anthropocentric cityLIFE IS LIFE
01.03.05 01.03.06
35 0 m envisioning the post-anthropocentric cityLIFE IS LIFE 01.03 10 5

local supply center

36 LIFE IS LIFEenvisioning the post-anthropocentric city
01.03.07 01.03.08
37 0 m LIFE IS LIFEenvisioning 01.03 10 5
repair café public bookshelf multifunction room
38 envisioning the post-anthropocentric cityLIFE IS LIFE 01.03.0901.03.10 01.03 GSEducationalVersion GSEducationalVersion GSEducationalVersion



39 0 m 84 envisioning the post-anthropocentric cityLIFE IS LIFE 2.5 1.25
01.03 GSEducationalVersion
40 envisioning the post-anthropocentric cityLIFE IS LIFE
01.03 G
0501001 50 GSEducationalVersion GSEducationalVersion GSEducationalVersion G
GSEducationalVersion GSEducationalVersion GSEducationalVersion rsio 50 00 50 Ko nt e xt Schwa pla n 050
150 Ko
xt Schwa pla n
rsio lV rsio
Ko nt e xt Schwa z pla n + rsio
z pla n + rsio + rsio +
01.03.1501.03.16 01.03.1701.03.18
SEd u io lV e io
SEd t io n a lV s io
1 00
nt e
50 1 00 50 Ko nt e xt Schwa pla n
0 501 001 50
nt e xt Schwa pla
50 00 1 50
50 00 1 50
nt e xt Schwa
41 0 m envisioning the post-anthropocentric cityLIFE IS LIFE
01.03 GS E duc at
ers ion 050 GSEducationalVersion GSEducationalVersion GS ducationalV ersion 050 100 150 K o nte x t Sc h wa r zp la n GS ducationalV ersion 0501 00 50 Ko nte x t Sc h wa zp la n rsio 0 501 001 50 Ko nt e xt Schwa pla rsio 50 00 1 50 Ko nt e xt Schwa z pla n +
01.03.12 01.03.1901.03.20 01.03.21
42 envisioning the post-anthropocentric cityLIFE IS LIFE 01.03.23 01.03
43 0 m envisioning the post-anthropocentric cityLIFE IS LIFE 01.03.24 01.03 2.5 1.25


theses for the post-industrial landscape


APR - SEP 2022

Gelsenkirchen, Germany

ma.th.4 | 3rd year

academic project | thesis

year: location: module: category: team: tutor(s): Prof. Kazu Blumfeld Hanada AA. Dipl.

Prof. Jan Kampshoff M.A. (Arch.)

Shaped by the monofunctional use of the past, the (post-)industrial landscape of the Ruhr Region eludes the classical division into city and countryside, is never quite one nor the other, but exists in a constant state of inherent tension and dissolution. With its diffuse borders and contradictory claim to existence between imagined European metropolitan region and lived regional rivalry, the agglomeration Ruhrgebiet served as an exemplary ‘laboratory’ to examine the neglected spaces left by a bygone industry. Detached from the nostalgic gaze and enduring against the backdrop of an ever-growing scarcity, sustainable interventions and transformation strategies were developed and applied to beforehand recorded landscape and building typologies, such as the ‘ruin’ or the ‘halde’, to form a route in the sense of an ‘exposition’.

01.01.01 01.01.02 01.01.03 01.01.04 01.01.05 01.01.06 01.01.07 01.01.08 01.01.09 01.01.10 01.04.11 01.04.12 01.04.13 01.04.14 01.04.15 01.04.16 01.04.17 01.04.18 01.04.19 01.04.20 01.04.21

axonometric view of selected ‘suprastructures’ site plan detailing the route axonometric of the Erzbahnbrücke west elevation of the Erzbahnbrücke perspective from the Erzbahnbrücke towards the Halde axonometric view of the Motodrom north elevation of the Motodrom perspective from the elevated slope towards the race track axonometric view of the Kokerei Alma cross section detailling the added ‘suprastructures’ perspective showing the sealed off area

Kokerei Alma fourth floor plan

Kokerei Alma third floor plan

Kokerei Alma second floor plan

Kokerei Alma first floor plan section towards the newly added kitchen section showing the entrance area section through the interior courtyard and kitchen elevation of the west faÇade photography showing the east faÇade of the Kokerei Alma photography showing the collapsed roof in the sealed off area

4501.04theses 01.04.01

Schalker Verein

Köln-Minden-Bahn Motodrom


Alma Kokerei

Logistikzentrum Europastraße Almastraße

46 01.04RUHR. EXPOSITIONtheses for the post-industrial landscape 01.04.02 GSEducationalVersion

Naturschutzgebiet / Almagelände



O s pt r eußens t r a ß e

Erzbahnbrück e N r 9 (Pfeilerbahn )

sseTra Deponie "Thyssen" Deponie Holgers Erzbahnbude



Halde Röhlinghausen

47 0 m 12060 RUHR. EXPOSITIONtheseslandscape01.04
48 RUHR. EXPOSITIONtheses for the post-industrial landscape
01.04 GSEducationalVersion GSEducationalVersio
01.04.03 01.04.04
49 0 m 126 RUHR. EXPOSITIONtheses 01.04.05 01.04 1224 GSEducationalVersion


50theses for the post-industrial landscapeRUHR. EXPOSITION
01.04.07 01.04
51 0 m 84 theses for the post-industrial landscapeRUHR. EXPOSITION 01.04.08 01.04 168 GSEducationalVersion


52theses for the post-industrial landscapeRUHR. EXPOSITION
01.04.10 01.04 GSEducationalVersion
53 0 m 63 theses for the post-industrial landscapeRUHR. EXPOSITION 01.04.11 01.04 1224
54theses for the post-industrial landscapeRUHR. EXPOSITION
01.04.12 01.04.13 01.04 GSEducationalVersio +3,57 +0,69 -0,13 +6,51 +3,25 +0,00 GSEducationalVersion +0,69 -0,13 +9,77 +0,00
55 0 m 126 theses for the post-industrial landscapeRUHR. EXPOSITION
01.04.15 01.04.14
GSEducationalVersio +0,43+0,69 -0,13 +1,17 -0,75 +0,69 +0,00 GSEducationalVersion +3,57 +0,69 -0,13 +3,25 +0,00
56RUHR. EXPOSITIONtheses for the post-industrial landscape
01.04 GSEducationalVersion GSEducationalVersio
01.04.16 01.04.17

01.04.18 GSEducationalVersion

57 0 m 2.41.2 RUHR. EXPOSITIONtheses
01.04.19 01.04 GSEducationalVersio


58theses for the post-industrial landscapeRUHR. EXPOSITION
59theses 01.04.21 01.04


light-weight table series

Münster; Berlin, Germany 2016 - (ongoing)

extracurricular -

Pascal Feck, Julian Heinen

year: location: module: category: team: tutor(s): Prof. Kazu Blumfeld Hanada AA. Dipl.

Superflatableシリーズは、Kazu Blumfeld Hanada教授と僕たち研究 室の助手が、協力して始めた進行中のプロジェクトです。今日までに、 コンピュータデスク、集会所、食事や料理の場、プランテーション・ベー ス、展示スペースなど、さまざまな用途のテーブルが実現している。そ れは、日常生活の中で突然訪れた特異な瞬間のようにも見える。6mm 厚のアルミ波板が4本の柱の上に浮かんでいるように見える、建築の 原型に近いモデル。固さよりも軽さ、薄さの紙のような儚さ、不安定 さを感じさせ、普通のテーブルのタイポロジーに疑問を投げかける。

The Superflatable series is an ongoing project initiated by Prof. Kazu Blumfeld Hanada in cooperation with his teaching assistants. As of today, several tables - ranging in use as a computer desk, a gathering point, a dining and cooking area, a base for plantation and an exhibition space, have been realised. It appears like a singular moment that has come across suddenly in everyday life. A model that is closer to the archetype of architecture, with its 6mm thick corrugated aluminium plate appearing as if floating on four columns. A sense of lightness and paper-like fragility of thinness and instability rather than solidity, raising questions about the typology of the ordinary table.

02.01.01 02.01.02 02.01.03 02.01.04 02.01.05 02.01.06 02.01.07 02.01.08 02.01.09 02.01.10

photography top view elevation axonometry photography axonometry top view elevation axonometry photography

table #2 table #2 table #2 table #2 detail detail table #3 table #3 table #3 table #3

61 02.01light-weight 02.01.01


62 02.01SUPERFLATABLElight-weight table series
63 0 02.01 4221 cm light-weight table seriesSUPERFLATABLE 02.01.04
64 SUPERFLATABLElight-weight table series 02.01.05 02.01
65 0 147 cm light-weight table seriesSUPERFLATABLE 02.01.06 02.01


66 SUPERFLATABLElight-weight table series
02.01.08 02.01


67 0 4221 cm light-weight table seriesSUPERFLATABLE 02.01.09

extracurricularmobile exhibition TECE

year: location: module: category: team: tutor(s):


MAY - JUL 2018

Münster, Germany Pascal Feck Prof. Kazu Blumfeld Hanada AA. Dipl.

client: TECE GmbH

The client of this project, a local plumbing manufacturer, requested a mobile way to exhibit its products during several events in Europe throughout the year. Given to us in its original state, a standard swap body container was transformed into an mobile exhibition space without losing its original function. Faced with a limited budget,wedecidedtouseoneofthemanufacturer’sown products - a steel profile originally used for plumbing framework and alienated by a white powder-coatingas a frame for a shelving system. A blur is generated by layered acrylic glass used as shelves. 1mm stainless steel panels glued to the ceiling and floor further emphasize the precise and minimal intention of every detail.

02.02.01 02.02.02 02.02.03 02.02.04

axonometric view shelving system as seen through the facade close-up view of the shelf and acrylic glass interior view towards the movable partitioning
このプロジェクトのクライアントである地元の配管メーカーは、年間を 通してヨーロッパで開催されるいくつかのイベントで製品を展示する ための移動手段を求めていた。依頼を受けた標準的なスワップボディ のコンテナは、本来の機能を損なうことなく、移動可能な展示スペース に生まれ変わった。限られた予算内で、メーカーの自社製品である、も ともと配管の骨組みに使われていたスチール製のプロファイルに白い パウダーコーティングを施したものを、シェルフシステムのフレームとし て使用することにした。棚板にはアクリルガラスを重ねて使用し、ぼか しを入れている。また、1mm厚のステンレスパネルを天井や床に貼り 付けることで、細部に至るまで緻密でミニマルな意図を強調している。




made from powdercoated TECEprofil


provides additional water and electricy connections


seperates the exhibitionareafrom the storage area invites the clientele tostepinandhavea look at the exhibtion

TENSION BELT GUIDING RAIL allows for safe securing of load for transportation


to be loaded onto a truck by a hydraulic press

69 02.02mobile 02.02.01 0 cm250125
70 02.02mobile exhibitionTECE SHOWROOM 02.02.0202.02.03
71 02.02mobile 02.02.04

extracurricularhôtel labilé PORTO ACADEMY

year: location: module: category: team: tutor(s):

Porto, Portugal JUL 2018 | 1 week

Sam Chermayeff

ポルトのFAUPキャンパスの隣には、1974年にJ.G.バラードによって書か れた「コンクリートの島」を彷彿とさせる、交差する道路の間の荒涼とし た土地がある。この場所にホテルを設計するという課題を与えられた僕 たちは、まず、トイレ、シャワー、ベッドといった最も基本的な必需品を、一 般的なホテルの部屋の概念を否定する独立したオブジェクトとして考え ることから始めた。シェルターとしての屋根、プライバシーを守るための 壁、座るための場所、飲むためのバーなどの役割を同時に果たす包括的 な構造体が、すべてを結びつける。僕たちの「hôtel labilé(不安定という 意味)」では、ゲストと従業員の役割は流動的で、壊れやすい関係性であ る。しかし関係が壊れても、別の時に、別のベッドで復活するだけである。

LocatednexttotheFAUPCampusinPortoliesadesolated patch of land between the intersecting streets, reminiscent of the concrete island as described in the samenamed book by J.G. Ballard from 1974. Given the task to design a hotel on this site, we started out by conceiving the most basic necessities - a toilet, a shower, a bed - as detached objects that negate the common conception of a hotel room. An overarching structure, simultaneously performing as a roof for shelter, a wall for privacy, a place to sit or a bar to drink at, ties it all together. In the hôtellabilé, the roles of guests and employees are fluid and relations fragile. They can collapse at any moment, only to be revived in a different bed at another time.

02.03.01 02.03.02 02.03.03 02.03.04

axonometric view of the toilet axonometric view of the shower axonometric view of the bed axonometric view of the hotel

Samuel Galmiche, Yasmine Horman




73 02.03hôtel cm 100 50 0
74 02.03hôtel labiléPORTO ACADEMY 02.03.04
75 0 m 02.03 10 5 hôtel labiléPORTO ACADEMY


Japanese translations by Yukako Tamura

All content by the author unless stated otherwise DEC 2022

04.01 04.02 04.03

transcript of records letter of recommendation letter of recommendation supplementary material
Fonts: Roboto Slab, Roboto Condensed, Noto Sans


Mr Tim Hornung


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wasmatriculatedfrom14Aug.2019until28Feb.2023atFHMünsterUniversityofAppliedSciences Todate,thefollowingperformancerecordsintheprogramofstudy Master (University of Applied Sciences) Architecture (120 Credits) wereachieved:

Module Local Grade CP

90.417.2018.GK OverallAverageandTotalCreditsofallModules verygood (1.2)120

MSA.2.0110.0.M ThesisseminarM.A.ArchitekturPO2018 passed 2 MSA.2.0110.0.S BewertungdesThesisseminars passed 2 MSA.2.0109.0.M ThesisM.A.ArchitekturPO2018 verygood (1.0) 28 MSA.2.0042.0.M* ma.m2.1Stegreifentwürfe verygood (1.3) 18 MSA.2.0046.0.M* ma.m2.1.Städtebau passed 4 MSA.2.0046.0.S ma.m2.1.StädtebauStudiennachweis passed MSA.2.0052.0.M* ma.m2.2.DraftingI verygood (1.0) 12 MSA.2.0055.0.M* ma.m2.3.DraftingII verygood (1.3) 12 MSA.2.0059.0.M* ma.m3.2.StructuralDesign verygood (1.3) 7 MSA.2.0062.0.M* ma.m4.1/ma.m4.2AllgemeinewissenschaftlicheGrundlagen passed 4 MSA.2.0062.S.27 AntikeBibliothekeninihremurbanenKontext passed 2 MSA.2.0061.0.S.03 DieArchitekturderGesellschaft passed 2 MSA.2.0073.0.M* ma.m5.2./ma.m5.3GeschichteundTheorie verygood (1.0) 10 MSA.2.0079.0.M* ma.m6.3.Projectmanagement good(2.3) 7 MSA.2.0082.0.M* ma.m7.2./ma.m7.3Ergänzungsseminar passed 4 MSA.2.0082.0.S.21 Palliativ-Phase0 passed 2 MSA.2.0082.0.S.32 ArchitecturalSimtainment passed 2 MSA.2.0116.0.M* m2StadtinBewegung.WorkshopzurTransformationeines StraßenraumsinMünster verygood (1.0) 4 MSA.2.0117.0.M* m2mi(e)s.hypo.thesis_3.0 verygood (1.3) 4 MSA.2.0124.0.M m4DieArchitekturpalliativerRäume:soziologischeImpulse verygood (1.3) 4 additional modules MSA.2.0154.0.P ma.m2.1.StegreifDanielKoo-DanielKooArchitects|London good(2.0) 6 CP: Credit Points on the basis of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Grading System: 1,0 to 1,5 = very good; 1,6 to 2,5 = good, 2,6 to 3,5 = satisfactory; 3.6 to 4,0 = sufficient; > 4,0 = failed

instruction on right to appeal: Any objection concerning the evaluation of examinations has to be announced at the examination board of Münster University of Applied Sciences within one month from the date of announcement. Missed deadlines due to the fault of authorized representatives will be attributed to the claimant.

77 03.01transcript 04.01

FH MÜNSTER University of Applied Sciences

msa l muenster school of architecture Leonardo-Campus 5 D-48149 Münster fon +49 251 83-65001 fax +49 251 83-65002 wehrum@fh-muenster.de www.fh-muenster.de Berlin, 14.12.2022

To whom it may concern;

this is a letter to recommend Tim Hornung.

From 2020 to 2022, Tim Hornung has had an assistant position as a tutor in my studio at the MSA | münster school of architecture in Münster, Germany where I currently hold a professorship. Furthermore, he has successfully completed his Bachelor and Master Thesis with the highest grade possible alongside the consultation of myself. I have observed the development process of Tim for a long period of time; both as a student as well as an assistant at the MSA.

Tim is a very ambitious, extraordinary talented person with high curiosity. His remarkable ability of perception allows him to develop and progress at a significantly deeper level of architectural understanding over compact periods of time while referencing theoretical articles or appropriate historical and contemporary references as well as their analysis.

In addition to his curiosity and knowledge in the fields of architecture, art and culture, his potential talent leads him to meaningful solutions at precise manners against any given architectural theme, while considering a possible variation of ideas. Therefore, he became a stimulating existence among students at the MSA.

In addition to his achievements at the school itself, it is important to mention that he continued to extend his activities outside of the campus, carrying over his knowledge to connect with society itself in the form of public exhibitions, industry-academia driven collaborations like the TECE Showroom or innovative material and product research as displayed in the superflatable series. In this context, I also must attribute Tim particularly organizational and cost management abilities as well. His sincere, trustful personality as well as his ability to consequently manage any task presented to him are the background of my honest recommendation.

If there are any questions, I would be happy to respond at any time.

Sincerely yours,


prof. kazu blumfeld hanada werkstatt blumfeld I bau I kunst perleberger str. 29, 10559 berlin t: +49-30-887-12191 m: +49-176-24436841 k.blumfeld@bigfoot.com

78 letter of recommendation03.02APPENDIX 04.02
FH Münster Postfach 12 34 56 D-48149 Münster
MSA FB Architektur Münster School of Architecture

June-14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff  www.june-14.com

Brunnenstrasse 9, 10019  Berlin, Germany

April, 2020

To Whom it May Concern,

I am very pleased to write a letter of recommendation for Mr. Tim Hornung.

IhaveknownTimforseveralpleasurableyears.Duringthelastyearhehasworked                withusinourofficeonseveralprojectsatarangeofscales.Hebeganhereatour                   BerlinofficeinOctober2018andhasconcludedhistimehereduringmid2019.Prior                tothatTimwasmyfantasticteachingassistantatMSA,MuensterformyMasterclass               despite he himself being an undergraduate at the time.

ItisimmediatelyapparentthatTimisambitiousandcurious.Inthiswayhehasbeen                 bothabletounderstandourexistingaimsaswellastakeourprojectsandstudiesin                 unforeseendirections.Hisoptionsandthoughtsweremuchappreciatedandhis            contributions were wonderful for all concerned.

Timwillperformwellwhenfacedwithanyarchitecturalchallengewhilebringing             creativitytoanysituation.Heisalsosimplyaverygoodpresence.Here hetookcare ofseveraldifferenttasksthatincludeddesign,conceptualmodelsanddrafting.            Throughouttheprocesshetookgreatjoyintrying tofindtheappropriatesolutions               through exploration, which relates to his desire for travel.

Withthisletteritismysincerehopethathereceiveanypossiblesupportforhisfuture.                  Don’t hesitate to contact the office should you wish to speak further.


Sam Chermayeff,

Partner, June-14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff

79 03.03APPENDIXletter 04.03
INFO tim.hornung731@gmail.com +4915774127008

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