Different Varieties of Lobsters
Although lobsters are deemed as a scrumptious delicacy that a lot of people are relishing in, about half of them know terribly little about this spiny hard-shelled sea crustacean. The only thing that most people know is to order lobsters in a restaurant or simply pick one at a seafood store or local market, ever hoping that they acquire a good one packed with lots of that tender, white, sweet meat. Sometimes they are lucky, but most of the time, they are not. A little know-how regarding these lovely creatures can give you that edge when you order lobsters - may it be in a restaurant, in a store or through the Internet.
2 Types of Lobster Spiny Lobsters - This type of lobster is usually found on warm waters. Often referred to as "Rock Lobsters", these types are caught mostly on the waters of Florida and sometimes near California and the balmy Caribbean waters; they are actually the largest food trade of the Bahamas. Aside from the places mentioned, you can also catch these spiny creatures near Australia, the Mediterranean Sea, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, other Pacific Islands and even in South African coasts.
Physically, these variants look a lot different from the clawed one. They have a very long antennae, which they use to detect movements and it is literally covered with spines that help protect them from certain predators. Although they do not have large claws, this type packs more meat on their tails.
Clawed Lobsters - This type is divided into 2 kinds: European Lobsters and American Lobsters. The North American lobster fanatics are definitely familiar with American Lobsters. European lobsters, on the other hand, are found in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, ranging from Norway up to Azores and Morocco. They are also caught in the west Crete, Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea. This type is generally known to have more white meat and large claws. Their tails do not have that much meat as compared to the spiny ones, but a lot of people find Maine lobsters the sweetest and the juiciest of them all.
Canada lobster: https://www.atlanticseafood.ca/