Maintaining a healthy oral health is important, but it wasn't until a study came out in the past year that people realized how important oral health was to their overall health. They study discovered that there was a link between oral health and cardiac health. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends people brush, floss and use a mouthwash no fewer than two times a day to maintain dental health. Gingivitis plays a large part in gum recession and if left unchecked it can do even more damage to the gum, teeth and jawbone.
However, even the people who are obsessed with methodically taking care of their dental hygiene can run into some problems. Most people brush one side more than the other side and one quadrant more than another quadrant. This can cause the gum to recede over a specific tooth or area more than another area. Overzealous brushing can cause a person's gums to recede. Depending on the location of the recession in a person's mouth, it is possible for someone not to notice it until they have a heightened sensitivity to hot or cold liquids. A quick fix for overzealous brushers is for them to convert to an electronic toothbrush.
Although it seems like it would hinder, rather than help a fervent brusher to switch to an electronic toothbrush, the opposite is true. A significant number of today's top toothbrushes have timers on them to remind the person when to stop brushing. Additionally, there are some out there that time the brushes per quadrant, so a person can never brush too much before being reminded to move on to the next area. Sometimes a person takes impeccable care of their oral health and still have gum issues. This is because gum recession can be genetic.
If left unchecked, receding gums will require a procedure known as a gum graft. The procedure has made much advancement and in the skilled hands of a specialist, does not cause more than a little bit of discomfort. However, no one elects to undergo the procedure and steps should be made to avoid requiring one. Another way to prevent receding gums is the reason why one needs to brush in the first place. Preventing receding gums is as easy as eating. Fruits and veggies play an important part in staving off gum recession. That is because those very foods contain the all-important vitamin C.
Vitamin C is a powerhouse vitamin and reduces inflammation in the body. Inflammation is one of the most singular factors in gum disease and gingivitis and ensuring that one gets their daily dose of vitamin C is integral in preventing gum recession from taking hold in someone's mouth. Another health tip which reduces and prevents recession is by opting to drink water instead of sugar-filled drinks. Everyone knows how detrimental sugar is to a person's diet and teeth, yet many people still select sugary drinks instead of water. Water prevents sugar from sticking in all the wrong places and it can be used as a safe rinse to dislodge any hidden food particles in a person's mouth. Sometimes an item as small as a popcorn kernel can cause gum recession if left unchecked, thus a simple swish with water after a meal can make all the difference.
One cannot truly be considered healthy if he or she neglects oral health. Brushing, flossing and using a good mouthwash is only the beginning of keeping a healthy oral cavity. Gum recession is a symptom, not a cause and if it is left to recede without intervention, larger, more dangerous problems could occur.
Thank you for reading!