Health and safety planning essentials

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Health and safety planning

Health and Safety planning Essentials The planning needs for a safety program or SMS The case for a Safety Case. Human errors – To err is human Need for Check Lists. Well planned program examples. Health and safety planning tips. Welcome to your change Staff Welfare facilities, Premises and wellbeing. Opportunities to improve your organisations EHS safety Contributions to support the development of this website About Timothy Bell – CEng, CMIOSH, CHSC Timothy Bell’s Environmental contributions.

An incident is an unplanned event – how can we plan effectively?

Health and Safety planning Essentials

An Incident is a result of a failure to carry out advanced health and safety planning. “A good health and safety performance is no accident“ This website details how Mr Bell was able to Plan, manage, and control hazardous high energy operations without incidents and to pass on his hard earned experiences to help fellow professionals who have a mindset for Continuous improvement and change

Timothy Bell CMIOSH (retired), CEng (Euro), B,Sc. hon Prod Eng, CHSC – CSSE (retired) , NEBOSH – PGCE Teaching Physics Not getting your EH&S planning right from the outset can have tragic consequences. Despite the many high energy hazards and remote location Oil installations have a good safety performance as they are planned well in advance and supported with effective and detailed management controls like PTW and ICPP’s Comprehensive planning should consider;To comply with the Law and the General duty clause . To have a due diligence defence To work more efficiently and cost effectively To achieve a mindset for “Continuous improvement” To achieve effective forward planning To Improve communications To have a good culture and promote well being To ensure staff and contractors are competent Appoint a board member who is an experienced EHS professional Have a Quality Brand To identify IRS health and safety Roles and Responsibilities are understood To be comprehensively Insured for all risks For Peace of mind Meet your moral health and safety responsibilities. Protect your staff and others effected from harm Develop Management controls through policies and safe working procedures Mr Bell was a senior manager for Centrica – Morecambe Bay gas field development. Morecambe Bay Irish Sea – Remote platform – “Stand Alone” – Slant well testing

note – All temporary equipment was designed and built for the filed Operator – Centrica. The most effective way to carry out your health and safety responsibilities is Mgt. commitment to planning and preparedness at all stages of the program. Safety Management systems Plan-Do-Check -Act PDCA cycle where planning is the essential prerequisite and the most essential requirement to achieving “continuous improvement”. We can include into the planning processes promoting your brand, improving quality and efficient logistics with less down time giving H&S planning real value and efficiency savings. 1. Avoid “Too little Too late” – pay attention to detail. 2. As management do not isolate your self from the worksite – be there at the critical stages. 3. Do not turn a blind eye to what is obvious just because everyone else does – Have a voice. 4. Do not be a defeatist when facing your challenges – show professionalism and make a real difference. Be tenacious to achieve the safest plan. 5. Be confident with the management of change, know how to chock-up change through effective communications. 6. Develop good Communications and trust through team work. 7. Detail all health and safety responsibilities on job descriptions 8. Re evaluate everything you do from the ground up and top down frequently 9. Endorse change as necessary to achieve continuous improvement. Typical timeline planning Critical Path Analysis – CPA

Examples will be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of a detailed planning approach where a “Total Safety Case” is considered to identify all consequential hazard scenarios. Mr. Bell – CMIOSH and C.Eng was a senior Manager with Centrica for the development of the Morecambe Bay Gas Field where he coordinated the field Safety Management System – SMS following the Piper Alpha disaster and the introduction of the UK safety case legislation. Worked in the North Sea and worldwide. Previously a Mentor and trainer as an agent for the Workplace Insurance Safety Board (WSIB – WSPS) in Canada and a speaker helping organization’s to achieving target zero through comprehensive planning and good management. produced “For the Betterment of Health and Safety” This is a website to promote Health and Safety planning as an essential skill and is intended for safety planners and Management, your input is invited from your experiences which will go towards developing this website and providing useful diagrams, check lists, safety signs and guides that will be available to download. Refer back to the menu at the top of page for further sections on this website Formation flying illustrates what can be achieved through good planning and preparedness

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Health and safety planning,

Health and safety planning

Health and Safety planning Essentials The planning needs for a safety program or SMS The case for a Safety Case. Human errors – To err is human Need for Check Lists. Well planned program examples. Health and safety planning tips. Welcome to your change Staff Welfare facilities, Premises and wellbeing. Opportunities to improve your organisations EHS safety Contributions to support the development of this website About Timothy Bell – CEng, CMIOSH, CHSC Timothy Bell’s Environmental contributions.

An incident is an unplanned event – how can we plan effectively?

The planning needs for a safety program or SMS

A Safety Management System – SMS or a detailed program is an effective framework for an organisations H&S Planning. Having an SMS is compared to an “engine cylinder block ” that likewise guides all essential moving parts and controls their functions.

What is a safety management plan? A safety management System or a detailed program is a document that outlines the specific safety arrangements and requirements for a particular project or activity. It is based on the principles and framework of the SMS, but it is tailored to suit the nature, scope, and duration of the work. A SMS includes the following elements: scope and objectives, roles and responsibilities, hazard identification and risk assessment, risk control measures, emergency response plan, training and induction, consultation and communication, reporting and record keeping, and review and audit. A SMS should be developed in consultation with the relevant stakeholders, such as workers, contractors, clients, and regulators, and should be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect any changes or issues. There is no one SMS that fits all – develop to meet your priorities and challenges For an example Canadian SMS – CSA/CAN Z1000 provides a standard for establishing, implementing, and maintaining an occupational health and safety management system. Such a system encourages a more systematic approach to meeting defined occupational health and safety objectives and increases awareness of health and safety in the workplace and assists organizations seeking certification under federal, provincial, and sector-based certification programs (e.g., Certificates of Recognition). Note – Your SMS standard can be developed internally and does not need to be an external std. therefore developing your internal staff expertise and maintaining confidentiality. Most organizations need to have a safety program or an SMS Standard to demonstrate “Due Diligence and EHS arrangements for thier contractors. Leading Health and safety planning performance Indicators are;Effective planning at all stages of the program Senior Management commitment Effective communications Competency and experience at all levels Employee involvement Detailed Health and Safety Management System – SMS A comprehensive total safety case Drivers – Management of change – Continuous improvement. Attention to detail Keeping up-to date Risk Registers – include contractors. Have a high Confidence in safe working Control Measures being effective. Job descriptions with competencies and responsibilities detailed A clearly numbered and sectioned programs, policies and procedures (ICPP) Develop Permit To Work (PTW) systems Develop “check lists” as live official planning aids Zone work areas into restricted and safe. Monitoring and Auditing regime

Spider Diagram – Blue line where you are now, Red Line where you can be with a Good planning.

Expected improvements in Safety performance with the introduction of an SMS as a planning template – Example of a ship yard includes majority contractors in grey bars!

Be proactive not reactive – plan and foresee problems. Do more not less – aim for the “optimum” solution

Best to Plan your work from a thoroughly planned engineering perspective and then check it meets all regulative requirements and codes. This approach enables innovations, initiatives and the wider safety case perspective. A good example was when the HSE de-regulated the Offshore oil platforms following Piper Alpha and brought in the offshore “safety case regulations” – Operators are now not constrained by prescribed regulations but given the initiative to design “fit for purpose” based on the operators own risk assessments . Mr Bell had the role of leading on “Fire Safety” and the “Field Safety Management System” for submission to the UK HSE Authority for the Morecambe Bay safety case. Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS – WSIB) can provide guidance on what is best for your organization. Start the SMS with an index, use this index as a numbering system for all policies, procedures and records. Mr Bell was a key member on the Centrica safety case team and led on putting together the scope of the SMS to detail the safety policy, responsibilities and systems as shown on the chart below showing the inter relationship between depts. Mr Bell is an advocate for developing your own SMS to keep expertise in house and to coordinate staff on the specific safety requirements of your organization. A SMS to support Management controls of processes

Synchronized flying – If we can fly in formation like this we can work safely together!

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Health and safety planning,

Health and safety planning

Health and Safety planning Essentials The planning needs for a safety program or SMS The case for a Safety Case. Human errors – To err is human Need for Check Lists. Well planned program examples. Health and safety planning tips. Welcome to your change Staff Welfare facilities, Premises and wellbeing. Opportunities to improve your organisations EHS safety Contributions to support the development of this website About Timothy Bell – CEng, CMIOSH, CHSC Timothy Bell’s Environmental contributions.

An incident is an unplanned event – how can we plan effectively?

The case for a Safety Case. An organizations Safety Case demonstrates how a facility is designed to plan and manage any emergency scenario. An SMS is only one essential component of a total safety case. A “safety case” is a proactive process you can take to identify omissions and the safety consequences arising from those omissions A definition of a “Safety Case” is that it is a structured argument, supported by evidence, intended to justify that a system is acceptably safe for a specific application in a specific operating environment. How a safety case is interlocked with your SMS

International Examples Libya Dam collapse – A safety case approach would have identified the effect on communities downstream of a dam failure and rush of water. A warning siren to warn of a flood would have been such a measure had it been maintained and sounded but anticipating the effects of global worming and strengthening the old dams should have been the first priority.

Had the UK offshore safety case regulations been in place prior to the Piper Alpha disaster it would not have been so consequential as a safety case would requires a complete assessment of all likely incident scenarios, emergency responses, hazards assessed and management control measures.

Fukushima Daiichi 2011 nuclear power plant disaster in Japan – where the full effects of a earthquake and Tsunami where not fully incorporated into a safety case .

Deep Water Horizon – Would have been avoided with a seperation of drilling and Production inspection expertise – The question asked is why are the Drilling supervisors (Company man) not signed onto the permit to work when they give the instructions to circulate out the heavy mud that keeps well from flowing into the Poor cent job. between the casings ?

Morecambe Bay – On testing the first gas well on an offshore template drilled well in the Irish sea we only expected Methane and Condensate, however as a precautionary measure we made arrangements in case we had any H2S by conducting safety drills and using H2S Drager tube tests. Good job we did as we encountered 1500ppm H2S when we first opened the well due to micros in the Suspension fluid . This is a clear example of anticipating all hazard Scenarios as a total safety case. note;- an Offshore Oil Rig is a safe place to work as the engineering and management is a thoroughly planned in advance down to every single nut and bolt! We should learn from this approach.

Morecambe Bay flaring The Jim Beam Whisky facility which was hit by lightning and 45,000 barrels of whiskey were lost in 2019 is a good example where a safety case would have considered the consequences of a nearby lightning strike!

Ohio rail crash – A community in Ohio was exposed to hazardous chemicals which should have been prevented with better planning. We need to ensure the optimum and not the minimum (as dictated by regulations) for the management of Health and safety. Regulations need upgrading by talking to the experts to ensure that we have any chance of resolving major OHS and environmental issues and to incorporate a safety case approach to understand the consequences of omissions

Regulations need upgrading if we have any chance of resolving major OHS environmental issues like global warming and clean up the oceans presently used as the worlds sewer. A regulated “Safety case” approach would identify the climate change controls needed. See the whole scenario not just surmising the small detail so that you see the total safety case. Take a holistic and detailed planning approach.

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Health and safety planning,

Health and safety planning

Health and Safety planning Essentials The planning needs for a safety program or SMS The case for a Safety Case. Human errors – To err is human Need for Check Lists. Well planned program examples. Health and safety planning tips. Welcome to your change Staff Welfare facilities, Premises and wellbeing. Opportunities to improve your organisations EHS safety Contributions to support the development of this website About Timothy Bell – CEng, CMIOSH, CHSC Timothy Bell’s Environmental contributions.

An incident is an unplanned event – how can we plan effectively?

Human errors – To err is human Human errors do result in errors and omissions that can effect health and safety planning and performance.

Focusing on human error as a cause when carrying out a root cause analysis can be a valuable approach to understanding the underlying factors contributing to incidents. Human error is indeed a significant factor in many incidents across various industries, and addressing it can lead to effective preventive measures. Here are some considerations: Human Error as a Contributing Factor: Human error is often a contributing factor in incidents, whether it’s due to mistakes, lapses in judgment, lack of situational awareness, or other factors. Understanding the specifics of these errors can help identify patterns and trends, which can then inform the development of targeted interventions. Systemic Factors: While human error is often the visible manifestation of a problem, it’s crucial to recognize that there are often systemic factors that contribute to those errors. These factors could include inadequate training, unclear procedures, poor communication, lack of supervision, high workload, fatigue, Stres and so on. Focusing solely on individual blame can overlook these broader issues. Blame-Free Culture: Encouraging a blame-free culture is essential to getting accurate information during a root cause analysis. If individuals fear retribution for admitting their mistakes, they may be less likely to share crucial information about the context and circumstances that led to the incident. By understanding the factors that contributed to the human error, you can implement measures to reduce the likelihood of similar errors in the future. Human Factors Engineering: This field focuses on designing systems, processes, and equipment to take into account human capabilities and limitations. Applying human factors principles can help create environments that reduce the risk of human errors by making tasks more intuitive, reducing cognitive load, and improving overall system performance. Training and Competency: While human error is a factor, investing in comprehensive training and competency development is crucial. Proper training can help individuals understand their roles and responsibilities, familiarize them with procedures, and equip them with the skills needed to perform tasks safely and effectively. Root Cause Analysis: When conducting a root cause analysis, it’s beneficial to adopt a systematic approach that considers multiple factors, including human error, equipment failures, organizational factors, and environmental conditions. By looking at the entire system, you can identify both immediate causes and underlying systemic issues that need addressing. When investigating incidents, it’s crucial to adopt a holistic approach that considers the entire system and the interactions between different elements, including human operators, procedures, equipment, and the environment. This approach is known as a systems thinking approach. I recall an incident on a double block and bleed on a pipeline pig launcher, the procedure said open the vent needle valve but did not emphasize that the vent valve was to stay open, as an operator you usually leave the vent valve in the position you found it i.e in this case closed, as a result condensate gas pressure built up in side the pig launcher only to a few psi but sufficient to blow the 24 inch pig access door open. The check sheet should have clearly stated “leave the vent valve open”, as a result the operator was suspended but reinstated when it was explained that this was a human factor like using a door which is usually closed after going through it and it should have been added to the check sheet.

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Health and safety planning,

Health and safety planning

Health and Safety planning Essentials The planning needs for a safety program or SMS The case for a Safety Case. Human errors – To err is human Need for Check Lists. Well planned program examples. Health and safety planning tips. Welcome to your change Staff Welfare facilities, Premises and wellbeing. Opportunities to improve your organisations EHS safety Contributions to support the development of this website About Timothy Bell – CEng, CMIOSH, CHSC Timothy Bell’s Environmental contributions.

An incident is an unplanned event – how can we plan effectively?

Need for Check Lists. To err and take short cuts is human nature

Our challenge in H&S is how to we get the right information to the supervisors and workers on the job and ensure safe working procedures are being followed? Every day ask yourself why and how we do things, there is always a safer and better way! Well laid out and planned check Lists deliver the necessary H&S information directly to the worksite in a concise, understandable and practical format. Get to grips – use Check Lists

Check Lists summarize essential planning and control measures relevant to a specific tasks Summarize Companies policy and procedure for that activity Risk register will identify Hazards and list relevant safety control measures M/C Operating, isolation and guarding instructions Mandatory PPE to be worn Safety equipment to be on site Additional site-specific notes like what to do in an emergency Reporting Relationships – Supervisor key link Factor in the weather. Advantages of creating check lists for activities and programs of work are ;Aid pre task planning Check to ensure program controls are in place and up to date. Identify equipment list and spares. Reminder of the safety requirements of the task Attache to the PTW Standardise the check list format Use an agenda for toolbox meetings Capture experiences from previous tasks Used by the FSO or supervisor for worksite monitoring of Health and Safety performance Form part of the official admin worksite documents, to be indexed, dated and regularly updated. Check list is a live worksite control document. It is recommended that a std. format und symbols like ISO are used so that staff are familiar with the symbols. Add site inspection requirements and operator manuals Concorde fatal flight – Could have been avoided if runway had been checked for debris!

Unfortunately this is a good example of checking the worksite – in this case the runway ! You could argue that it is difficult to check the runway every time a plane takes off but if Concorde was susceptible to damage by wing fuel tank design then checking the runway is clear of objects needs to be on the take off check sheet and included in the “Safety case”. Example Check List for St Catharines City – Parks dept.

Employee Notes ;1.Health and safety Policy is to protect property and you the worker from harm. Policy and procedures are written to protect you. 2. Communication is central to a good health and safety culture, raise issues for improvement with your colleagues and supervisor. 3. Planning your work for safety is essential, always ensure you have the correct procedures, equipment and tools prepared in advance for the job and factor in environmental considerations like strong winds, ice rain etc. that can impair your safety performance. 4. Remember your safety performance will affect others. Always follow procedures. 5. You have a duty to support your employers business objectives note ;- You are an ambassador for your company, perform and present your self to a high standard – appearances do matter. Webb telescope success due to safety check and preparedness

Avoid a near miss by using check sheets.

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Health and safety planning,

Health and safety planning

Health and Safety planning Essentials The planning needs for a safety program or SMS The case for a Safety Case. Human errors – To err is human Need for Check Lists. Well planned program examples. Health and safety planning tips. Welcome to your change Staff Welfare facilities, Premises and wellbeing. Opportunities to improve your organisations EHS safety Contributions to support the development of this website About Timothy Bell – CEng, CMIOSH, CHSC Timothy Bell’s Environmental contributions.

An incident is an unplanned event – how can we plan effectively?

Well planned program examples.

Offshore remote platform well test program – Irish Sea – Morecambe bay

Planning stages – 80% of my Management time spent in attaining information, communicating and planning prior to the actual Well test offshore. Stage 1 – Preparations onshore You will see from this example that the preparation works are extensive and detailed. – Check Engineering specifications –Inductions for contractors –Emphasize to the contractors and staff the planning efforts made by Management to provide the logistics required. –Review program de briefs from previous jobs –Produce programs and check lists –Write procedures –Detail Equipment lists and check certification –Identify back up equipment to carry like pumps and critical components like valves -Prepare a rigging loft to keep rigging equipment together, maintained and logged. –Equipment assembly trials – pre assemble and test manifolds and gauges –Flush out pressure hoses – treat hoses as certified pressure vessels – Function check well control panel. –Identify available Emergency equipment and manpower –Liaise with the Emergency response coordinator stage 2 – Offshore pre work worksite Survey –Prepare work permits –Review program –Meeting with Engineers go through program –Worksite inspection – line up platform vent valves –Rehearse emergency Procedures

Stage 3 – Carry out offshore Well Test program – 10 days –Reporting relationships –Close supervision –Toolbox meetings –Good communications –Work Permits administered -Use Check Lists to monitor performance -Worksite left clean and safe -Produce a close out report with photos Well test equipment Layout – DP3 Morecambe Bay

Stage 4 – Job de brief – Review logistics –Equipment performance –Review of personal performance and responsibilities –Contractors performance record – copy to contracts dept. Successful job done – victory roll Canadian Snowbirds – job well done

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Health and safety planning,

Health and safety planning

Health and Safety planning Essentials The planning needs for a safety program or SMS The case for a Safety Case. Human errors – To err is human Need for Check Lists. Well planned program examples. Health and safety planning tips. Welcome to your change Staff Welfare facilities, Premises and wellbeing. Opportunities to improve your organisations EHS safety Contributions to support the development of this website About Timothy Bell – CEng, CMIOSH, CHSC Timothy Bell’s Environmental contributions.

An incident is an unplanned event – how can we plan effectively?

Health and safety planning tips.

Some thoughts and tips too consider when planning works Essential to plan well ahead ;1. Appointing an experienced project leader 2. Identifying long lead items like the budget and program approval. 3. Using a planning tool to develop a Critical Path (CPA) analysis to identify critical tasks and expected time scales. 4. Consulting with experts to identify all hazards and implement the best control measures. 5. Develop a Total safety case. 6. Have a list of approved contractors that have been audited. 7. Work with the Contracts department to develop contractors tender documents for specialized personnel and equipment. i.e do not just leave it to the Contract dept. 8. Request your contractors Safety policy and records for safety performance 9. Obtain “Risk Registers” for the work all the contractors will be contracted to do, 10. Be involved in new equipment specifications and attend witness factory testing on critical components like Well control panels, wellhead valves and completion sub assemblies 11. Communicate the program with operational departments and stakeholders 12. Be aware of other activities that may conflict with yours 13. Logistics will be a key to success, get them fully on board with the planning 14. Have a spares list 15. Put together a Rigging loft to keep all lifting stored equipment in one place on the worksite and fit for purpose 16. Have a testing equipment locker for test gauges, make up and pressure test manifolds in advance. Flush out all test hoses – hoses classed as pressure Vessels and tagged, take care of them. 17. Factor in the weather – particularly wind speeds 18. Signs provide no protection, put up physical barriers and use permit to work systems 19. Keep PPE separate, clean and accessable. Note – it is important to establish a high confidence in a hazard control measure and to identify what is required to ensure that the management control measure are effective and maintained over time. For ex. if the control measure is “competency” then make sure training is up to date and entered onto the Hazard check list as a reminder. Focus on the worksite to make sure check lists, equipment and supervision is in place. If possible get the site set up a few days in advance, equipment maintained and safety systems in place. Concorde fatal flight – Could have been avoided if runway had been checked for debris!

Unfortunately this is a good example of checking the worksite – in this case the runway ! You could argue that it is difficult to check the runway every time a plane takes off but if Concorde was susceptible to damage by wing fuel tank design then checking the runway is clear of objects needs to be on the take off check sheet and included in the “Safety case”. Remember the 80/20 theory that companies often omit the 20% that makes the real difference – like Deep water Horizon which was a Safety management systems failure. Take into account ‘Human Factors’ An example was when bleeding off the pressure for a pipeline pig trap the procedure mentioned “open the vent valve” but did not emphasize that the vent valve should stay open, hence the operator opened and closed the vent valve as normal practice allowing vapour pressure to build up in the trap. Team members are better motivated if included – Give all worker the big picture, make them all an essential part of the Program you will be surprised how each team member can contribute to the success of the project and be your eyes and ears. Do not be afraid to stop work and have a review and hold a Toolbox meeting” Remember – the General Duty Clause – GDC – Legislation only states the minimum H&S Requirements aim for the Optimum Tip – Have essential safety equipment ready and tested for immediate calloff For example we had 44 wells and we purchased 46 wellhead valve assemblies at the project price, the extra 2 wellheads being kept at the factory, tested and ready for immediate call off at short notice. It makes perfect sense to do this for all critical in-service plant safety valves in my experience so you can be assured they are tested, certified and ready to go for immediate use by a competent wellhead manufacturer like Cameron in Stroud Gloucestershire UK. Show leadership – UK red Arrows

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Health and safety planning,

Health and safety planning

Health and Safety planning Essentials The planning needs for a safety program or SMS The case for a Safety Case. Human errors – To err is human Need for Check Lists. Well planned program examples. Health and safety planning tips. Welcome to your change Staff Welfare facilities, Premises and wellbeing. Opportunities to improve your organisations EHS safety Contributions to support the development of this website About Timothy Bell – CEng, CMIOSH, CHSC Timothy Bell’s Environmental contributions.

An incident is an unplanned event – how can we plan effectively?

Welcome to your change Change is synonymous with continuous improvement – Everything we do can be improved in all aspects of our lives. Change is a perpetual mindset.

The world is by design – Be tenacious to satisfy your high standards? What drives change? Do you posses a positive mindset to continuously and improve review why and how you do things. What impedes change? Being lethargic or a defeatist. For example if you do not get the relevant qualifications it will impede your professional development.

What can I do to identify opportunities for change? Every day is a refreshing new day. A blank sheet of paper. Look at your previous “do” lists as it is surprising how they read differently the next day. Research latest developments and keep up to date.

What are your needs? Motivation – do not just sit in the bath tub. Focus – do not be distracted into other time consuming and activities that take up valuable time and resources – Think of “you” so you can be in a better position to help “others” and make life “simpler.”

Plan ahead to make change accessable, for example researching personal computers so that you can make the right choice at the right time to improve your IT and communication skills. Don’t be in a bubble at work, set an example and communicate clearly the improvements in health and safety in your sphere of influences. For example if you feel the lighting is not adequate suggest a lighting survey or even download the app “Light meter” and put the results on a plan and submit to management. Modern LED lights are safer, energy savers and a lot more efficient so you will score points with Management for your suggestion. Examples – If pressure testing components suggest a purpose built test bay with assembled test gauges and manifold, this will make the testing safer, more efficient and will impress the clients. Look at your welfare facilities and provision of PPE. Is it to a hygienic standard that satisfies you and suggest what more could be done like providing personal lockers, providing hand barrier cream and a cleaning roster for your work area. In other words identify improvements and get the suggestion moving forward with management by supporting with information, photos and testimonials. Always best if a manager is seen to be an advocate for the idea – you might not get all the glory but you will have the benefits of the improvement to your workplace. Don’t be afraid of change because it has always been done this way

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Health and safety planning,

Health and safety planning

Health and Safety planning Essentials The planning needs for a safety program or SMS The case for a Safety Case. Human errors – To err is human Need for Check Lists. Well planned program examples. Health and safety planning tips. Welcome to your change Staff Welfare facilities, Premises and wellbeing. Opportunities to improve your organisations EHS safety Contributions to support the development of this website About Timothy Bell – CEng, CMIOSH, CHSC Timothy Bell’s Environmental contributions.

An incident is an unplanned event – how can we plan effectively?

Staff Welfare facilities, Premises and wellbeing. Look after your staff and patrons and they will respect your business Welfare in this context is meeting the comfort and safety needs of your staff and customers includes hours of work, rest periods, travel distances, Premises, facilities and equipment in local and remote locations. An ideal companies welfare approach would be that employees physical and mental needs are fully considered. Consider the best protection

In canada we have to work in extreme colds in the winter and the hot humid summers. Yet many locations are not provided with a sun shelter, heated or cooled rest area, showers or decent toilet facilities. When I asked what do remote workers on the electrical grid do for habitats I was told they would sit in their trucks! There is a need for proper restrooms and 1st aid to a high standard in remote locations to show we care about our workers. Quick erect Shelter for workers for sun shade or weather protection

Give me a break! provide safe rest areas.

I am suggesting we rotate job roles to keep staff actively engaged and more informed on the organizations challenges Stress is a difficult hazard to measure, Indicators like time off work and boredom. A noisy and poor lighting environment can cause tiredness and eye strain. I remember a situation where the parking enforcement dept manager was showing signs of stress. My conversation revealed that the Manager had sat in the same office for over 15years. I rotated her into the Health and safety department for 6 months, at the end of the rotation the manager was grateful for the opportunity and the experience enabled her to increase her portfolio, develop her career and apply for other positions. To flip the coin – to coin a phrase, when the UK had a shortage of workers due to the Bubonic Plague employers had to make extra efforts to attract them and provide housing. I have often heard workers saying “I like working here they look after you and these are first class premises”. We expect workers to respect the workplace employers should therefore show a similar respect to workers welfare and facilities and general well-being. Tune into your staffs needs – ask your self would doing that job be stressful for me?

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Health and safety planning,

Health and safety planning

Health and Safety planning Essentials The planning needs for a safety program or SMS The case for a Safety Case. Human errors – To err is human Need for Check Lists. Well planned program examples. Health and safety planning tips. Welcome to your change Staff Welfare facilities, Premises and wellbeing. Opportunities to improve your organisations EHS safety Contributions to support the development of this website About Timothy Bell – CEng, CMIOSH, CHSC Timothy Bell’s Environmental contributions.

An incident is an unplanned event – how can we plan effectively?

Opportunities to improve your organisations EHS safety There are always opportunities to improve your organizations Health and Safety if you take a Holistic approach of your organisations activities. Opportunities for improvement can include;-

1.Signage and notices to remind staff and contractors that EHS is a priority. 2. Product design and information 3. Audits and EHS performance monitoring. 4. Incident and near miss reports 5. Updating procedures and check sheets – not left on the shelve. 6. Staff training and importantly feedback 7. Supervisor Refresher sessions – understand challenges. 8. Premises upgrades like lighting and welfare facilities 9. Upgrade equipment. 10 Upgrade IT and adapt to using AI 11. Review job descriptions and competencies. Bringing in an experienced and respected EHS professional like a CRSPCSSE to overview and identify opportunities for improving EHS has the advantages of ;1. Brings experience from other organisations and contacts 2. An independent approach – not subject to association. 3. A good communicator. 4. Review the IRS in an organization – who does what. 5. Make recommendations at leadership and board level for a Health and safety qualified Director and Board members

Here are some reasons why having an EHS professional on the board can be valuable: Innovation and Efficiency: EHS professionals can identify opportunities for operational improvements that lead to resource efficiency and cost savings. 1. Comprehensive Risk Management: EHS professionals possess a deep understanding of potential environmental and health risks associated with the organization’s operations. Their presence on the board can ensure that these risks are adequately identified, assessed, and mitigated. 2. Compliance and Regulation: EHS professionals are well-versed in the relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards pertaining to environmental and health matters. Their insights can help the organization stay in compliance with applicable requirements, reducing the risk of legal issues. 3. Sustainability and Reputation: Demonstrating a commitment to environmental and health issues can enhance the organization’s reputation, both among consumers and investors. An EHS professional can guide the board in adopting sustainable practices and responsible corporate citizenship. 4. Long-term Vision: EHS professionals are often focused on the longterm implications of decisions and actions. Their perspective can align the organization’s strategy with sustainable and responsible growth. 5. Stakeholder Trust: Companies that prioritize EHS concerns are likely to earn the trust and loyalty of customers, employees, and communities. A board member with EHS expertise can contribute to building and maintaining these essential relationships. Plain Sailing, have the wind in your sails.

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Health and safety planning,

Health and safety planning

Health and Safety planning Essentials The planning needs for a safety program or SMS The case for a Safety Case. Human errors – To err is human Need for Check Lists. Well planned program examples. Health and safety planning tips. Welcome to your change Staff Welfare facilities, Premises and wellbeing. Opportunities to improve your organisations EHS safety Contributions to support the development of this website About Timothy Bell – CEng, CMIOSH, CHSC Timothy Bell’s Environmental contributions.

An incident is an unplanned event – how can we plan effectively?

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“For the Betterment of Health and Safety” Please help contribute with your Health and Safety Planning Tips and check lists

Primary domain is This website will save lives and help organizations to be more effective at planning their Health and safety needs. Help for others to paddle their Kayak forward

Gas / condensate DP 4 well safely completed for the Morecambe Bay Gas Field

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Let,s embrace new technology like the Toronto to Niagara Hovercraft link.


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Health and safety planning,

Health and Safety planning Essentials The planning needs for a safety program or SMS The case for a Safety Case. Human errors – To err is human Need for Check Lists. Well planned program examples. Health and safety planning tips. Welcome to your change Staff Welfare facilities, Premises and wellbeing. Opportunities to improve your organisations EHS safety Contributions to support the development of this website About Timothy Bell – CEng, CMIOSH, CHSC Timothy Bell’s Environmental contributions.

Health and safety planning

An incident is an unplanned event – how can we plan effectively?

About Timothy Bell – CEng, and retired CMIOSH and CHSC

Mr Bell is Keen to share his experience with planning remote and Hazardous operations with fellow professionals so that you can also plan and manage hazardous operations.

Thistle Alpha – North Sea Mr Bell’s Career started in the oil business with The British National Oil Company (BNOC) Aberdeen as a Production Graduate. Seconded to Well completions in 1972 Commissioning and offshore installation of BNOC Beatrice-A Moray Firth submersible pump completions Followed by working with OTIS on Well testing in Abu Dhabi. Brae Alpha 1983 start up with Expro Beatrice Alpha – Moray Firth

Worked with Oceaneering in Ivory coast, Norway, Tunisia – ROV and sub sea wellheads.

Joined British Gas for the development of the Morecambe Bay Gas Field as Offshore Well Services Manager. Completed and tested 44 wells on 3 remote platforms. No incidents on my shift – Target Zero accident rate with thorough planning and effective management controls. Seconded to the Safety Case team following Piper Alpha disaster. Responsible for coordinating the Safety Management system SMS for Centrica Irish Sea and reviewing the firewater systems. Seconded a as field Safety Manager to Karachakanak near Orenburg – Russia A high H2S gas and condensate field. Key member of a development survey team with AGIP of Italy. Well test – Dual booms – Gas and Condensate – Morecambe bay

Jack up – Bay Driller completing a slant well – Drilling Rig skidded onto remote platforms.

Bay driller High pressure well testing – Signing on work permits and check Lists

Wireline Gantry for Well entry – Mr Bell achieved his Chartered Mechanical Engineer Status for his contributions to the complex design on the wireline Gantry for well logging.

Slant Wireline

Mr Bell voluntary role was as an elected Health and Safety Cllr. for Barrow Borough Council with a portfolio for community Health and safety. Vice President for the Lancashire and Cumbria Federation of small businesses – an active advocate for the local economy and Chair of the Boosting Furness group identifying and promoting opportunities for the Furness area. Moved to Canada in 2017 and a mentor with WSIB-WSPS Mississauga and Hamilton branch of CSSE- Canadian Health and safety Consultant – CHSC supporting Ontario businesses with their Health and safety planning. Was a Director with the Canadian Henley Rowing Corporation (2019 – 2022) in the Port Dalhousie – Niagara upgrading the Grandstand facilities for the 2022 Canada games and 2024 World championships. Mr Bells father developed the coloured smoke trails for the English Electric lightning Firebird 56 Squadron.


Health and safety planning,

Health and safety planning

Health and Safety planning Essentials The planning needs for a safety program or SMS The case for a Safety Case. Human errors – To err is human Need for Check Lists. Well planned program examples. Health and safety planning tips. Welcome to your change Staff Welfare facilities, Premises and wellbeing. Opportunities to improve your organisations EHS safety Contributions to support the development of this website About Timothy Bell – CEng, CMIOSH, CHSC Timothy Bell’s Environmental contributions.

An incident is an unplanned event – how can we plan effectively?

Timothy Bell’s Environmental contributions. A passion for the Environment – Mr Bell’s first Electric powered Launch on lake Windermere – UK in 1988 – Old England 1 – Sailing off into the sunset along with passengers Auntie Grace and friends Jennifer and Pat.

Old England 1 was built on the Norfolk Broads and powered by an Electric motor. The joys of sailing silently around the islands on lake windermere Englands largest lake are indeed memorable. The Old England 1 was moored at the renowned 5 star “Old England Hotel” in Bowness on Windermere.

Rudder and propellor – Saved by Mr Bell from the “Swift” Lake Steamer and made into a Garden feature at Quarry Rigg Bowness In memory of Brother Chris Bell who wrote the IMCA Marine offshore contractors standards. Chris’s epitaph;“Cris – May you swim with the Dolphins, fly with the Eagles and run with the Deer in our hearts Chris you will always be near.” – like a drop of precious oil on the surface of the sea you where a fanfare of colour for us all to see.

Awarded Cumbria in Bloom shield for best commercial hanging Baskets – Crown Court House business centre – Dalton in Furness Mr Bell was a director of the Canadian Henley Rowing Corporation (CHRC) (2019-2022) responsible for coordinating safe works on the main grandstand, Health and safety improvements and the gardens at Port Dalhousie south Ontario. Keen to promote clean water by supporting the need for the Provincial “Recreational water quality standard” on Martindale pond and 12 mile creek.

New $5million rowing Training centre built on Henley island for the World rowing championships in 2024 – would make an ideal water coach and water safety centre!

As a UK Councillor Mr Bell was engaged with campaigning for the European clean bathing water Directive for Lake Windermere – the first UK fresh water to achieve this status and force the water companies to clean up the sewage overflows. The bathing water directive was necessary as the Algae in the lake from field run offs and storm sewage was killing the fish food chain and making the water susceptible to Algae bloom. Mr Bell has fond memories of the public swimming pool at Millerground and the summers spent there. A canoe Instructor and a water safety adviser.

Mr Bell stood for UK parliament on the single issue of a Barrage and tidal energy scheme for Morecambe Bay. This is still being actively considered for the environmental advantages it will bring as a transport link and tidal energy scheme.

A hovercraft is being considered as a link between Blackpool to Barrow as proposed by the Boosting Furness Group- BFG formed and chaired by Mr Bell. BFG also looked at the supply chain for local hospitals to buy more local products by registering for ISO 9001 and the development and production of low energy LED lighting with A hovercraft has similarly been proposed to link Toronto, Hamilton, Port Dalhousie and Niagara on the Lake as a safe, all weather, all year round mode of transport.

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Oilfield operations developed to be more environmentally friendly by using water based hydraulic fluids and by not releasing raw Methane (a Greenhouse Gas) to the atmosphere by burning off the Methane during open well testing. The oil field technology is increasingly more sustainable and the requirement to have a safety case has made the UK Oil Industry a much safer place to work Mr Bell is Keen to preserve Deciduous Woodland environments. Guilty of chopping off vines at the base that are choking the trees and suffocating the forest canopy. The improvement to the woodlands with vines removed is incredible with more light through the canopy and trees have the freedom to grow unrestricted. Mr Bell is a wildlife photographer to promote the diversity, vulnerability and beauty of wildlife and the natural environment with pictures – few samples shown here. Pair of Loonie’s – Wawa Lake

Niagara River – Fort Erie

Rennie Park – Port Dalhousie

Wawa – Central Ontario

Port Weller – Albino Squirrel

Red Fox – Martindale

Black crowned night Heron – Port Dalhousie

Flaps down for landing – Martindale Island

Coyote – Lighthouse road – Port Dalhousie

Roses grow well in Niagara

Timothy Bell – MIOSH, C Eng, CHSC – CSSE, NEBOSH

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