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The Abaconian June 15, 2012

New Defence Force rangers inducted By Rashida Murray The 4th Annual Royal Bahamas Defence Force Rangers Installation Ceremony commenced on June 2, marking the first time installed rangers of Abaco marched on the parade line wearing their regal tailored tunics and barrettes led by Randol North the Platoon Commander (I.C.). He was assisted by Oriscia Clarke and Deion Jones, 3rd I.C. 44 inductees were outfitted in their newly tailored ranger uniforms as they stood before the Hon. Bernard J. Nottage, Minister of National Security for inspection. Also attending the ceremony were State Minister in the Ministry of National Security, Mr. Keith Bell, Commander of the Defence Force Commodore, Roderick Bowe, the Ranger Director, Lieutenant Origin Deleveaux, officers and Marines, government officials and special invited guests within local communities. After inspecting the parade and viewing a drill (of domino effect) displayed by the inaugurated RBDF rangers, Minister Nottage then addressed the parade. The Hon. Minister Nottage in his opening statement informed the anxious inductees that the distinct pleasure was all his to grace the grounds of Abaco to honour them. He commended the inductees for their efforts completing the 9-month training exercises and for making the courageous decision to become a Defence Force Ranger. Minister Nottage made the rangers aware of what was expected of them; they must exemplify good and honourable behaviour that will bring credit to the Rangers organization and to the Royal Bahamas

The Honourable Dr. Bernard Nottage inspects the rangers during the June 2 installation. Forty four new rangers were inducted that day. Photo by Petty Officer Jonathan Rolle. Defence Force, strive to reach for greatness and challenge the status quo while embracing every opportunity to learn and assist your fellowman through community projects and character building exercises and they must never give up on their dreams, for their dreams are within reach if they remain disciplined, dedicated and determined to the task of making a positive difference in your community and country. Minister Nottage emphasized, “As Royal Bahamas Defence Force Rangers, you are the future leaders of this great nation. Never take for granted the exposure and experience you have gained from some of the nation’s best. Inductees, notwithstanding your achievements to date, I wish

to remind you that life’s journey is often interspersed with pitfalls and temptations but with a strong character and moral aptitude you will be able to avoid what are oftentimes disastrous offerings. I beg of you, not to fall prey to traps such illicit drugs, alcohol, truancy and bad company that are there to engulf the unsuspecting and the naïve. By staying focused on your school work and engaged in positive programmes, such as the Rangers, you will develop into young men and women fully prepared to assume leadership roles in your country”. During the installation service, students were recognized with several awards. Based on their Grade Point Aver-

ages, several students received certificates for their outstanding achievements. Receiving the Minister of National Security Award was Ashuntay Reckley, a student at Abaco Central High School. Colby Cross from the Forest Heights Academy was presented with the Commodore’s Award, Darrinique Ford received the Rangers Director Award, and Toni Knowles of the S. C. Bootle High School was recognized for the Academic Improvement Award. Victor Cooper received the Award for Support Staff of the Year (Green Turtle Cay), Shantell Penn Advisor of the Year (ACH). Stafford Symonette of Camp Abaco, Tiffany Williams and Rashida Murray, program advisors of S. C. Bootle High received awards of appreciation. Katharina Cooper was recognized for dedicated service over the 4 years. An award of recognition and special appreciation was given to the RBDF Rangers Program by Abaco’s Parent-In-Action leader Kathleen Knowles, for the faithful service rendered to the youth of the Abaco community. After months of fundraising many thanks is extended to the wider community, including the Parent-In-Action groups, for their invaluable contributions to the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Ranger Program; throughout the entire school year instructors Leading Seaman Edison Rolle, Leading Mechanic Torrey Forbes and Marine Seaman W. Fox worked hand in hand with these groups to successfully prepare for the 4th Annual Royal Bahamas Defense Force Rangers Installation Ceremony.

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The Abaconian June 15, 2012

School & Youth News ECC graduates eleven students during commencement exercise

On June 6 ECC graduated its senior class. Speakers that day included District Superintendent of Education Lenora Black. Above: The graduating class of Every Child Counts.

By Canishka Alexander Every Child Counts held their 6th Annual Commencement Exercise on June 6 at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church. Eleven graduates made a stately appearance at the entrance of the church building and walked briskly to their seats with roses in hand. Tony Russell gave the salutatorian’s welcome before the ECC choir sang a rendition of “Lean On Me” for the audience. Russell said that their graduation day was a memorable day in that it ended a period of their lives that they would forever cherish, and it was a new beginning in which they were able to move forward in their lives and pursue their dreams. “That is why the theme of this gradu-

ation this year is so appropriate – ‘Never Give Up On Your Dreams’,” he concluded. Deondra Nesbitt introduced Freddie Munnings, manager of Human Resources of Abaco Club at Winding Bay, as the guest speaker. He spoke of his love for ECC over the years, and how impressed he was with the work that the staff is doing with the students. “What they are doing here is truly miraculous; it is everything from what I understand is virtually nothing,” he said. “They are doing the impossible from ground zero.” Taking a phrase from a recent graduation speech given by First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, Munnings

advised the graduates to “invent their future.” “It is a call for you to chart your own course and live life on your own terms. In the end, it’s up to each you to “They are define yourdoing the selves. It’s up impossible to each of us to invent our own from ground future based zero.” on the choices that we make and the actions that we take.” He told graduates that they are living in a time when they must innovate, give back, and be true to themselves. Before ending his speech, his last bit of advice to them was to possess trust, honesty, respect, integrity and commitment because those are the things that businesses are looking for. Other speakers included returning District Superintendent of Education, Dr. Lenora Black, and ECC Principal Evelyn Major. The ECC Choir sang one more selection before awards were distributed along with final gifts and diplomas that were given to the graduates. Toward the conclusion of the program, Devantio McIntosh delivered his valedictorian’s address, and Deangela Murray and Ashwell Murray said the final thank you.

Junior Anchors and K-Kids take part in Spring Splash By Samantha Evans Central Abaco Primary School is the only school in the Bahamas that has a Junior Anchor and K-Kids program that were both started by Neulessa Major. On May 26 they held a Spring Splash at the Anglican Parish Hall at which time these young students along with Anchors from St. Francis showcased their talent by singing, dancing and modeling. This event is a fundraiser to raise money for the advisors to attend a Pilot Club convention in Las Vegas this summer and for them to host the students to a retreat. Those twenty students who participated provided their own clothing, accessories, and shoes. They dressed in attire depicting the career they wish to pursue in the future. Some were doctors, singers, professional athletes and teachers. The advisors helped them learn the modeling steps and practice their talent. The students began practicing early in May and were prepared to present in front of their parents and peers. At the end of the competition, three lower primary and three upper primary winners were crowned. In the lower primary division the winners were: third place Petera Major of St. Francis de Sales, Arrianna Cartwright of Central Abaco Primary and the winner was Serenity Simon also of Central Abaco Primary School. Please see Anchors

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In the upper primary division the winners were: third place Taliya Pinder of Central Abaco Primary School, second runner up was Samantha Knowles of Central Abaco Primary School and the winner was Tania Lowe. The top three participants received a trophy and the overall winner of the competition received a sash and crown. That person was Tania Lowe who is a Grade 5 student at Central Abaco Primary School.

Students rewarded for achievements during awards ceremony By Canishka Alexander St. Francis de Sales Catholic School celebrated the accomplishments of its

twelfth and sixth grade students during the annual Awards Ceremony on June 4. While addressing the students, Principal Josephine Kumar reminded them that they all make up a family at the school, and that they will remain a St. Francis de Sales student no matter where life may take them. St. Francis teacher Arden Granados highlighted the accomplishments of the students throughout the past year. Specials presentations were then made to the students beginning with Prefect Awards, and then moving on to the Most Outstanding and Most Improved awards, Perfect Attendance Award, Merit Certificates, Exceptional Community Service Award, Honour Roll and Lifers Award. The latter refers to students who were awarded for attending St. Francis since pre-school straight up to high school. Kumar was pleased to announce that all sixth grade students had met the require-

On June 4 the twelfth and sixth grade students of St. Francis de Sales Catholic School were honoured for their academic achievements throughout the year. Among the awards given out was the Lifers Award: for students who have attended St. Francis from preschool all through to high school.

ments to be promoted to the seventh grade. For the first time in the school’s history, Kumar acknowledged a student for their outstanding representation of the school. Quitel Charlton was selected for representing St. Francis in numerous competitions namely speech competitions. Charlton was also named head girl, while Javon Hidalgo-Brown was chosen as head boy.

Long Bay School graduates attend baccalaureate service By Samantha Evans Long Bay School students began their graduation activities with a Baccalaureate Service held on June 10 at Marsh Harbour SDA Church. After the welcome and inspirational readings, Dr. Lenora Black, Superintendent of the Abaco District, made brief remarks. Pastor Paul Scavella, President of the South Bahamas Conference of Seventh Day Adventist, gave the keynote address for the service. Musical selections were performed throughout the program by the grade six and twelve classes as well as the teachers of Long Bay High School. Duane Johnson of the grade six graduating class presented Pastor Scavella with an appreciation award.

S.C. Bootle adopts beach in North Abaco By Canishka Alexander Lauralee Davis, geography teacher at S.C. Bootle High School, led students of all grade levels in an exciting project approximately seven years ago to adopt a beach in the North Abaco area. She said the opportunity for schools to assist was extended by the International Coastal Clean-up Campaign via Friends of The Environment, and that it was Enzil Cooper, music teacher, who selected the beach and presented a proposal to Friends of The Environment. Aptly named the North Abaco Beach Sandwatch Project, Davis said that many ecosystems were observed around the beach, so the former science teacher Simone Baptist along with D'shan Maycock, FRIENDS Education Officer, thought that it was the perfect outdoor lab. There is a blue hole, mangroves, a pine forest, a rocky beach and coppice ecosystems present. At that time, Davis said that local government had pushed a road through to the beach and had done some basic work to offer added appeal to the area. However, the initial road was started by Lawrence Laing to obtain sand for the completion of the S.C. Bootle Highway, hence the name of the track road that leads to the beach is Please see


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School & Youth News Beach

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called Lawrence Road. The beach itself is located almost one mile south of Blackwood then takes an eastern turn off the highway and extends almost a mile and a half to the coast. Davis said: “Its value is that it comprises about six ecosystems in one area. There are, of “I am unapolo- course, some – getically a lover invasives scavola, jumof our natural bey and Ausenvironment” tralian pine – but some very valuable native species. The coastline itself is more than a mile long. Since embarking on the project, there has been an increase in community pride among students. Although there was initially a decrease in the amount of trash, over time the level of illegal dumping resumed. “The idea was that if this beach could be made to be more attractive, North Abaconians would assist with the upkeep,” Davis explained. “ The ultimate phases would have included picnic benches and bins.” Besides the students, Principal Huel Moss also became involved and helped maintain the upkeep of the entrance. During the summer, Friends would incorporate cleanups as part of their summer camps. Initially, Friends of The Environment and The Nature Conservancy purchased native plants to assist, and staff and parents of the

school planted them. Additionally, local government and select individuals assisted with the removal of trash. “Being involved with this project has brought more 'groundedness' to my profession as a teacher of Geography. I am unapologetically a lover of our natural environment, not only for the aesthetics, but also for its therapeutic advantages,” Davis remarked. “ In my daily teachings, I am always challenged to prove it. I believe that the people who benefit are the ones who must assist in maintaining [because] this helps to balance the benefits and the responsibility.” The project has led Davis to participate in many other environmental efforts with Friends of the Environment, the Keep Abaco Beautiful campaign, Adopt a Beach (Church), BREEF in San Salvador, Island School in Cape Eleuthera, Bahamas National Trust, Sandwatch Project in Hope Town and Climate Change in France. Davis said these experiences resulted in many other extended and immaterial benefits. In addition, S. C. Bootle was recently listed as an eco-school. “This will allow us to review the uniqueness of our environmental issues and format a program that is S. C. Bootlespecific. The monitoring will be done by BREEF, and there are performance indicators,” she shared. “ I believe that S. C. Bootle High being a feeder school for all of the communities of North Abaco will have to become a microcosm of what we want our communities to look like.” Davis said that other projects include

establishing a committee in the community to ensure and maintain an environmental information bulletin or center, transportation for the collection of aluminum cans and brining more visibility to blue hole and cave locations. The bottom line she said is that “any battle that is to be effectively fought must be done so on many fronts and with all of the stakeholders involved.”

Spelling Bee tests first graders By Samantha Evans Eighteen grade one students took part in the Spelling Bee on June 9 held at St. Andrew’s Methodist Church Hall. The students represented nine schools including Agape Christian School, Amy Roberts, St. Francis de Sales, Angels Academy, Central Abaco Primary, Cooper’s Town Primary, Crossing Rocks, Hope Town Primary and Man-O-War School. The competition was close with ten rounds being spent on the seen-list words and seven rounds on the unseen-list words. As the unseen-list began, nine students remained. In third place was Luke Prosa of Hope Town School, in second place was Destiny Curry of Agape Christian School and the winner was Olivia John of Angels Academy. Superintendent Dr. Lenora Black was present and brought brief remarks. She commended these grade one students for doing an excellent job on those spelling words and utilizing those skills that make students good spellers. She then assisted with the distribution of certificates and trophies to students.

Congratulations to all graduates!

Teacher Appreciation observed at Abaco Central By Samantha Evans Abaco Central High School students held parties for their teachers during Teacher Appreciation in May at different times during the day while other students gave gifts to their favorite teachers. At Central Abaco Primary School, the administrators took the lead and held a few special events for the teachers. This was done May 29-31. When the teachers arrived to school after a long holiday weekend, they were met with breakfast each day, spearheaded by Leroy Thompson. On May 31, a luncheon was held at the Anglican Parish Hall in Marsh Harbour. School was dismissed at 12 noon and events were held afterwards. The afternoon offered games and activities led by school Guidance Officer Samantha Evans, including flying kites, blowing bubbles and running.

Abaco Central High School boasts art and craft pieces By Samantha Evans Twenty-six students took part in the Art BGCSE and BJC Arts and Crafts exam at Abaco Central High School this year. According to Art Teacher Stacia Pitt, five students took the craft exam in both BJC and BGCSE exams and thirteen took the drawing and painting exam for the same. She noted that these students excelled this year with the uniqueness of styles they displayed. Pitt said she is extremely pleased with the outcome and looks forward to the great level of work put into the pieces.

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The Abaconian June 15, 2012

School & Youth News Centre

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“We would eventually like to see little community centres like this spring up throughout the settlements and then throughout the islands so that people of the different settlements and islands can interact more,” stated Garnell. She and her friends have been able to procure a couple of grants to start the program but they are in great need of more funding. They presently have five members of staff who are funded by the government apprenticeship scheme but government funding for this scheme will soon be coming to an end. As part of its community involvement, the Island Waves Centre held a cleanup of the SC Bootle Highway on June 9. This was the first of a series of cleanups in many different areas. It is also planning a two-week summer camp which will feature educational and fun activities and a series of educational field trips. Persons wishing to find out more about joining in the activities of the Centre or for information on how to assist with funding or to register for the summer school, may stop by Island Waves any day or evening. The Centre is located on Queen Elizabeth Drive just east of Memorial Plaza.

US Embassy pays ECC visit

By Timothy Roberts Making up for a previously missed engagement, John Dinkleman – Charge d’Affaires at the US Embassy – returned to Abaco to visit Every Child Counts (ECC) on June 7 speaking with them and assessing their needs. Mr. Dinkleman explained that due to an excessively late flight he missed a prior engagement with ECC earlier this year and said this is his apology tour to “beg their forgiveness for missing the previously scheduled meeting.” He said he made it a priority to return to ECC because organizations assisting those with special needs are “close to my heart.” He said he wanted to visit the school to see where they are and what their needs are and to be able to assist in any way they can. He complimented the school saying that the needs of Abaco appear to be “well taken care of.” He congratulated Lyn Major or the work they are doing at the school. Pictured below: Every Child Counts students along with Principal Lyn Major, Senior Island Administrator Cephas Cooper and Charge d’Affaires of the US Embassy John Dinkleman.

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Little Darlings organizes annual fair

By Canishka Alexander On May 26, staff, students and parents of Little Darlings Academy joined hands to organize the school’s 3rd Annual Fair, which was held at the BAIC Farmer’s Market and Craft Center. Principal Christine Bostwick was appreciative to all who showed support to them namely Benjamin Rahming for the use of the BAIC grounds, and Desmond and Audra Bootle for designing the shirts for the event. The school fair featured various games like hoopla, pick and win, and a payless table where people could purchase items at discounted prices. Of course, the bouncing castle was there and was a popular spot for the children in attendance. Tickets were available for purchase leading up to the event, and the community enjoyed grilled pork chops, chicken and ribs with a choice of baked macaroni, salad, corn or potato made specially by Vangie Stuart and Barry Bostwick. Pastries were also sold. Although the event was a success, Bostwick said that the ticket sales and donations did not go as well as expected. She also apologized to the public for the long wait on their food, and passed out complimentary sodas while persons were delayed on the line. Going forward, she said they know that better preparation will help them to

avoid such conflicts the next time around. Nevertheless, the funds raised will go toward the construction of a school building for Little Darlings Academy because they’ve outgrown the space where they are now situated. Little Darlings is located next to the NIB Building in Dundas Town. Christine Bostwick can be contacted at 367-1317.

Abaco student receives full scholarship to Howard University By: Brieonna Russell Tristen Walkes, a senior at Forest Heights Academy, was presented a full scholarship to Howard University, located in Washington, D.C. at the 2012 College Explosion held May 26 at Change Ministries Church. “Shocked” was the one word Tristen used to describe his feeling when his name was called to go and accept his scholarship from the Howard representative. Forest Heights Academy Principal James Richard did not tell Tristen why he had to go to the College Explosion because he simply wanted it to be a surprise, and a surprise it was. Tristen said he was very indecisive about attending Howard University because he had gone months without any response from them after he applied there last year in 2011. Page 20 Please see Tristen

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Once he was presented the scholarship which includes books, housing, and tuition paid in full for his 4 years of attendance, Tristen said he was no longer indecisive about attending this school, but stood firm on his decision to start there August of this year. Along with his envelope of paperwork they gave Tristen a brand new backpack, which was one the prizes they gave out during the question and answer segment. With his new backpack, Tristen arrived home ready to spill the news to his mother Shemell Weech; however, he did not just simply tell her. Tristen said that he “put the envelope, which held the pa-

per work for my scholarship, inside of the backpack they gave me, came inside and told my mother that I did not get the scholarship.” He handed the backpack to his mother; she opened the backpack seeing that there was an envelope in there with Howard University on it realizing that this was the scholarship, and was overwhelmed with emotion. Tristen’s mother screamed in excitement and tightly hugged her son. Scheduling to attend his first class at Howard University on August 11, Tristen is looking forward to majoring in engineering and having a minor in culinary. Although he claims that he is not nervous now, he says that once he is on the plane heading to Washington, D.C. he is sure that the nerves will then hit him.

Church News First Assembly of God Praise Dancers win talent competition at Business Expo 2012 By Samantha Evans Infinity No Limit Outlet held its Talent Showcase and Modeling Gone Wild event at their new community center in Marsh Harbour on Saturday, May 26. The event is a fundraiser for the mentoring program that Bekera Taylor founded and organizes.

Student and adult performers got a chance to showcase their talent for the $1000 prize and an opportunity to attend the Creative Arts Summit in Bradenton, Florida this summer. Eight acts performed that evening including the newly formed Island Waves Band, Abaco Supreme Drill Team, First Assembly Praise Dancers (called The Move of God), and several duets and solo acts. The male group from Agape Christian School also made their debut performance. The group receiving a 93% out of a possible score of 100% was The Move of God Praise Dancers from First Assembly of God Marsh Harbour. Placing second was the Abaco Supreme Drill team who performed their flash mob act. Third place went to Ikara and Candice Scott who sang and rapped. The top three performers will receive trophies at the party planned for the Labour Day weekend. Ms. Taylor stated that she is so excited that she now has a permanent place for students to come and showcase their talent. She told parents that beginning July great things will begin to happen at the center including the opening of their Hospitality and Technical Training School. Also performing for entertainment purposes on the program were Akeem Adderley, eight-year-old Lalik Watson, and Patrick Esperance and his sister Joanna. Akeem and the models paid tribute to the late Whitney Houston in song and by modeling to one of her greatest hits. Approximately 16 models took part in the Models Gone Wild segment that showcased cool summer wear.

Bishop Clayton McIntosh now Senior Pastor of Marsh Harbour Church of God By Samantha Evans The Marsh Harbour Church of God held an installation service for their new pastor, Rev. Clayton McIntosh, on May 27, 2012. Rev. McIntosh is a very accomplished man in church ministry as Bishop Archeleus Cooper, Senior Pastor of Faith Walk Church of God in Cooper’s Town, mentored him. He started working in ministry in the 1970s and Bishop Cooper stated how he placed young Clayton to work alongside seasoned men in ministry and he excelled. Rev. McIntosh was received by church members, family, and friends who came out in large numbers to witness the occasion. Guests, family and friends came from all across the Bahamas and Miami, Florida. The installation service followed at which time Bishop McIntosh took his oath of office, was prayed for and anointed with the holy oil.

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Church News Bishop

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Rev. Clayton McIntosh was declared the Senior Pastor of Marsh Harbour Church of God and presented to the church. They applauded and congratulated him. Rev. McIntosh was presented with his Bible followed by remarks and wellwishes from those pastors and reverends who helped to groom him.

Worshippers attend 62nd Church of God District Convention By Canishka Alexander Church of God members celebrated their 62nd Annual District Convention on June 6-10 at the Dundas Town Church of God. Services were offered nightly, and

Bishop Anthony Campbell, district overseer, was the first speaker to address the convention theme. Taken from Ezekiel 33:1-7, he embarked upon a sermon that targeted the theme: “The Voice of the Church in a Dying Community.” In his remarks, Bishop Campbell admonished the church to have a voice instead of making an echo, and to be a place where righteousness and holiness are preached and practiced. His main point was that the church must be a watchman that will warn people about their lifestyles, so they do not die in their sins. It would be unfortunate for the watchman to have the people’s blood upon him because then he would be held accountable. With that said, he pleaded with church members to amend their ways. As he neared the end of his sermon, Bishop Campbell said there are thousands of church members yet no moral or spiritu-

The Abaconian

al impact is being made in the community. Going back to the recent elections, he said that many had a voice for their political party, but no voice for God.

Auskell now equipped with spinal decompression machine By Canishka Alexander Auskell Medical Centre announced the arrival of its decompression machine just after the Labour Day holiday. The equipment will be used in nonsurgical spinal decompression treatment of patients with herniated discs, disc protrusions, disc bulges or disc degenerations. Dr. Keith Lewis, a chiropractic physician at Auskell Medical Centre, explained that spinal decompression incorporates a laser assisted or laser-enhanced approach to speed healing and reduce pain more quickly. He and Dr. Matt Orem will offer the decompression program, which will run the course of 18 to 24 visits.

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After spinal decompression treatments are completed, the patient then goes through 30 to 90 days of spinal rehabilitation that will take place at the Abaco Auskell Fitness Centre, which is located near the Auskell Surgical Centre. Benefits enjoyed by patients after spinal rehabilitation include improved flexibility, strength and muscle balance. Dr. Lewis said that the success rate for patients opting for decompression is near 90 percent, whereas back surgery is only half or less than that amount. Seminars will be offered to demonstrate how spinal decompression works.

Above: The decompression table at Auskell Medical Centre.

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