Yunshan: Village of Stone

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云山屯 Yuns han

Vi l l ageofSt one

( t op)Adecr epi thous eont heout s ki r t sofYuns hani sov er t ak enbyt hej ungl e. Manyhomeshav ehi s t or i est hans pancent ur i es , T r adi t i onalt unpu bui l di ngshav es t oneex t er i or sandwoodeni nt er i or s , wi t ht hes l at er oof shav i ngt obecons t ant l yr epl acedt oav oi dc av ei ns . ( bot t om)Moder ns t r uct ur esi nanear byt ownbui l tonol ds t onef oundat i onsr eec tt hehi ghr at eofdev el opmentcaus edbymi gr at i onbyy oungpeopl e awayf r om t unpuv i l l agest omor eur bancommuni t i es , manyi ns ear chofempl oy mentands oci ali nt er act i on.

( abov e)Abannerpoi nt st hewayf or war donapat hl eadi ngupt owar dsYuns han' s' Eagl eT empl e'( cov erphot o) . Eagl eT empl ei st hehi ghes tpoi ntofYuns hanv i l l ageandi tpr ov i desabi r d’ sey ev i ewoft hes ur r oundi ngcount r y s i de.

( t op)Av i ewt owar dsYuns han’ sr earwal l . Dur i ngt heMi ngDy nas t y , Yuns hanwasaflour i s hi ngt r adi nghubandar i pet ar getf orbandi t r y . Howev er , accor di ngt ol ocal s , bandi t scoul dn’ tov er comeYuns han’ ss t r at egi cpos i t i oni ngbet weent womount ai ns . ( bot t om)Acont empor ar yCCTVcamer aher al dsYuns han’ sar r i v ali nt ot hemoder nage. Al ocalt our i s m companyhass ei z edonYuns han’ st unpuhi s t or i cal s i gni ficanceandout fit t edbot hYuns hanandt henear byt unpuv i l l ageofBenz haiwi t hmoder nameni t i esgear edt owar dsChi nes eandf or ei gnt our i s t s . Afiv es t ar hot eli sal s obei ngbui l tneart hecent eroft hev i l l age.

( t op)Far mi ngi ss t i l lar el ev ants our ceofi ncomeands us t enancef ort hev i l l ager sofYuns han, Howev er , i thasbecomei ncr eas i ngl ydi f ďŹ cul tt or emai n empl oy edduet ot hel ocalt our i s tcompanypur chas i ngl ocall and. ( bot t om)Hor s esar es t i l lf av or edbyl ocal sandev ent het our i s tcompanyt ocar r yl oadsofr ocksandequi pmentbecaus eoft henar r ow, wi ndi ngpat hswi t hi n Yuns han. Behi nd, t henear byf or es tov er t ak esal ar ges t onehous e. Manybui l di ngsont heout s ki r t ss uf f ers i mi l arf at es .

( t op)Res i dent sofAns hunPr ef ect ur emak eapi l gr i maget ot het opoft heEagl eT empl edur i ngt heannualGuany i nf es t i v al . Thecel ebr at i ons br i ngt hous andsofpeopl e, humongousf ort heus ual l yt r anqui lv i l l age. ( bot t om)T echnol ogyi nYuns hanands ur r oundi ngr ur alt unpuv i l l agesi sl i mi t edt oneces s i t i es . Whi l et el ev i s i onandr adi oar epr es ent , ot hermoder nconv eni ences l i k ewas hi ngmachi nesandi nt er netar er es t r i ct edt oci t yl i f e.

( t op)Acons t r uct i onwor k err es t or esoneofYuns han’ sol des tbui l di ngs , amanorf or mer l yownedbyweal t hyl andowner s . TheChi nes echar act err eads ” s k y ” . ( bot t om)Anabandoneds ect i onoft hev i l l age. Notal l Yuns han’ shous esr ec i ev easmuchat t ent i on, par t i cul ar l yonest hatar eof ft hemai nt our i s tt hor oughf ar e.

( abov e)Amoder ns ecur i t ycamer aandl ant er nov er l ooki ngt hemai nr oadar ebol t edt oanagi ngt r adi t i onal T unpuhome. I ndi cat i v eofChi na’ sappr oacht opr es er v at i oni nt heGui z houpr ov i nce, t henat i onalgov er nmentencour agesl ocalof ďŹ ci al st o appealt omai nl andChi nes eandf or ei gnt our i s t s . Thi sr es ul t si ni ncr eas edi ncomeoppor t uni t i esf ort hel ocal si nex changef ort hedai l y pr es enceoft hel ocalt our i s tcompanyandot heragenci es , whohav eef f ect i v el ymadet hev i l l agei nt oal i v i nghi s t or i cals i t e. Opi ni ons ar edi v i ded, andt her ehav ebeenaccus at i onsofl ocall eader smi s appr opr i at i ngf undsandt aki ngadv ant ageoft hev i l l age. Howev er , t hev i l l ages eesf armor eact i v i t yt hani twoul dot her wi s e, andt henat i onals pot l i ghthasl eadt ot eamsoff or ei gnar chi t ect sl i k et he Fr enchREMPARTembar ki ngonar duousar chi t ect ur alr es t or at i onpr oj ect s( t opofPage6)ai medt owar dsr es t or i ngcer t ai nbui l di ngs t ot hei rf or merMi ngdy nas t ygl or y( t hev i l l agewasf oundedi nappr ox i mat el yt he15t hcent ur y ) .

( t op)Af or mert ownhous ebui l tf orweal t hyl andowner si sbei ngconv er t edi nt oahot elf ort our i s t s . ( bot t om)Thecour t y ar dofanabandoneds chool hous ef or msamak es hi f tdogpound.

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