Container Gardening For Beginners Container Gardening For Beginners
Container Gardening
Many people love to garden, but quite simply don’t have the room, or they want to bring a part of their garden indoors. Container gardening allows you to grow your garden any place you have the room.
Container Gardening
If you take a look at the pictures of my garden elsewhere on this site, you can see that I’ve taken container gardening to something of an extreme – my containers are about 8 feet long and allow me to have a pretty decent vegetable garden. We did it this way because there was no easy way to plant a vegetable garden in the home we are renting, but really wanted to show our children where vegetables come from.
Most container gardens, however, are done in much smaller containers. The exact size depends on the needs of the plant involved. Many plants are small enough to do well in smaller containers, allowing you to hang them or place them on your patio, or even indoors. They can be a part of your home’s decor or a fun way to grow just a few vegetables. The containers can be arranged to bring out the beauty of all the plants. Larger plants can be behind smaller ones or
Container Gardening
you can use a tiered display to hold similarly sized plants at different levels. You don’t have to limit yourself to vegetables and herbs in your container garden. The plants don’t even have to flower to look beautiful. Choose based on where you want to grow them (indoor, outdoors, lots of sun or just a little), how much care you are willing to take of them and what plants you just like to look at. Done right these plants will be with you a very long time. One of the nice things about growing plants indoors is that you don’t get very many weeds at all. That saves quite a bit of maintenance. Don’t choose your plants based on the pot they are in at the garden store. You will want to repot them with a good potting soil when you get them home, and that is the time to choose your pot. Many plants will come to you in a root bound condition, so they will need a larger pot than the one you purchased them in. By: Stephanie Foster Article Directory: Stephanie Foster has limited space for her garden but loves having it anyway. Visit for more gardening tips.
Container Gardening Ideas For Your Home
Container Gardening
Many gardeners have given up on the idea of a garden because they lack space, time or lots of experience. But if growing plants is an interest of yours container gardening could be your answer. Container gardens will allow you to enjoy “playing in the dirt” without investing a lot of time or money. You can get very creative in container gardening using vegetables, decorative grasses or flowers and herbs. You can plant a container garden with any plant that would grow outside. The trick is to come up with some creative ideas for your container garden. You should do some research at your local nursery or on the internet to choose the plants you wish to grow to help you come up with some ideas. Try to use plants that complement each other and have the same basic needs for water, air and light. A container garden idea that has taken off recently is the landscape container. Some people plant a simple evergreen tree in a container with good drainage to place at their front door. Or you could plant an assortment of flowers for a bright and beautiful vista. If you do plant flowers, add plants that spill over the sides of the container to add more visuals and interest. What ever container gardening idea you can come up with can be placed on a deck, patio, and balcony or by the front doors. Put them somewhere that your family and friends can enjoy. You can grow vegetables in containers but choose wisely. Vegetables like squash and pole beans need lots of space, while tomatoes need a deep pot. When you grow your own vegetables you will have tasty produce not the bland stuff that is in the grocery store. Nothing tastes better than a tomato right off the vine. There are many chefs and good home cooks that grow their own for just this reason. Don’t forget to pot some herbs, they are pretty plants and add zest to your meals. But don’t just stick to vegetables and herbs; why not add fruit trees too? Instead of using an evergreen tree, pot a fruit tree instead. There are many dwarf varieties available that work best
in pots since with pots there is less soil therefore less nutrients to draw from. If you live in a year round warm climate citrus trees are perfect. In other regions, stick to pear, apple and cherry trees. Another good container gardening idea is to grow strawberries. With strawberries
Container Gardening
climate does not matter since you can bring the container inside. Fresh strawberries are amazingly sweet and delicious. Imagine how good a bowl of fresh strawberries will be, strawberries that you have just picked. Remember that container gardens dry out more quickly than traditional gardens. Be diligent about watering your plants if you don’t want your container gardening ideas to wither and die. Container gardens must be fertilized too. Keep a small notebook handy so you can write down the needs of your plant so you will always know when to water or feed. Keep an eye out for pests. If you find a container that has an infestation, isolate it immediately and treat it with a natural pesticide. You don’t want harsh chemicals on fruits, vegetables or herbs. A good natural pesticide recipe is: In a jar, combine 1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid and 1 cup vegetable oil. Shake vigorously. In an empty spray bottle, combine 2 teaspoons of this mixture and 1 cup water. Use at ten-day intervals (or more often if needed) to rid plants of whiteflies, mites, aphids, scales, and other pests. So, do some research, come up with your own unique container gardening ideas, gather your materials and get to work. The fruits of your labor will be amazing. Happy Container Gardening! Copyright Š Mary Hanna, All Rights Reserved.
This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged. By: Mary Hanna Article Directory: Mary Hanna is an aspiring herbalist who lives in Central Florida. This allows her to grow gardens inside and outside year round. She has published other articles on Cruising, Gardening and Cooking. Visit her websites at Gardening Landscaping Tips Gardening Outside and Indoor Herb Garden Creative Tips For Container Gardening
Container Gardening
Container gardens can create a natural sanctuary in a busy city street, along rooftops or on balconies. You can easily accentuate the welcoming look of a deck or patio with colorful pots of annuals, or fill your window boxes with beautiful shrub roses or any number of small perennials. Whether you arrange your pots in a group for a massed effect or highlight a smaller space with a single specimen, you’ll be delighted with this simple way to create a garden. Container gardening enables you to easily vary your color scheme, and as each plant finishes flowering, it can be replaced with another. Whether you choose to harmonize or contrast your colors, make sure there is variety in the height of each plant. Think also of the shape and texture of the leaves. Tall strap-like leaves will give a good vertical background to low-growing, wide-leafed plants. Choose plants with a long flowering season, or have others of a different type ready to replace them as they finish blooming.
Container Gardening
Experiment with creative containers. You might have an old porcelain bowl or copper urn you can use, or perhaps you’d rather make something really modern with timber or tiles. If you decide to buy your containers ready-made, terracotta pots look wonderful, but tend to absorb water. You don’t want your plants to dry out, so paint the interior of these pots with a special sealer available from hardware stores. Cheaper plastic pots can also be painted on the outside with water-based paints for good effect. When purchasing pots, don’t forget to buy matching saucers to catch the drips. This will save cement floors getting stained, or timber floors rotting. Always use a good quality potting mix in your containers. This will ensure the best performance possible from your plants.
Container Gardening
If you have steps leading up to your front door, an attractive pot plant on each one will delight your visitors. Indoors, pots of plants or flowers help to create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. Decide ahead of time where you want your pots to be positioned, and then buy plants that suit the situation. There is no point buying sun lovers for a shady position, for they will not do well. Some plants also have really large roots, so they are best kept for the open garden. If you have plenty of space at your front door, a group of potted plants off to one side will be more visually appealing than two similar plants placed each side. Unless they are spectacular, they will look rather boring. Group the pots in odd numbers rather than even, and vary the height and type. To tie the group together, add large rocks that are similar in appearance and just slightly different in size. Three or five pots of the same type and color, but in different sizes also look affective. With a creative mind and some determination, you will soon have a container garden that will be the envy of friends and strangers alike. By: Paul Winter Article Directory: Looking for more gardening tips? Why not visit my website at and ArticlesRus.Net Submitted with Article Distributor.
Container Gardening Tips
Learn How to Garden for Beginners – Container Gardening – Urban Rooftop Porch Patio Balcony
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