Montessori Leadership Magazine - April 2022

Page 14

tion for the ultimate purpose of advancing

the case and motion with their recommen-

Montessori student learning.” While they

dation to the rest of the board. After the

may operate a bit more behind the scenes,

presentation and discussion, the board

their work plays a vital role in MACTE’s

votes to accept the motion for accredita-


tion or revise the motion. After the mo-

The MACTE board is composed of

tion is agreed upon there is a final vote on

fourteen professionals, which include a

the accreditation decision. MACTE staff is

board member emeritus.* Each individual

there during the board meetings to answer

brings with them a wealth of experience as

any clarifying questions a board member

Montessori teachers, program directors of teacher education programs, and accredi-


A Closer Look: The Workings of MACTE’s Staff and Board

tation professionals working in higher education. The board is composed to represent all Montessori levels, from infant-toddler through secondary, and represent MACTE’s recognized Montessori organizations.** This team of qualified individuals provides their vision and leadership in governing MACTE as the accreditor of Montessori educator preparation programs.

The staff of the Montessori Accredi-

One of the largest undertakings of the

tation Council for Teacher Education

MACTE board is making accreditation deci-

(MACTE) is small yet mighty; we are a team

sions. At least five times a year, the board

of seven working primarily from our homes

works to review a compilation of documen-

these days to support our programs and

tation for each program; this documenta-

keep the accreditation process for educa-

tion includes the program’s Self-Study,

may have. If there is an identified area of

tor preparation programs informed. There

their on-site verification visit report, the

concern, the board will discuss and may

is an additional team that is also a part of

Program Director’s response, and any other

generate stipulations a program needs to

MACTE and has been since the beginning:

necessary supporting details. They vote

address in order to improve. It is also pos-

the MACTE board of directors. The board

for all accreditation decisions, from initial

sible that the board may vote to not grant

of directors help support MACTE to strive

programs to renewals and all the substan-

or to revoke a program’s accreditation if

to meet its mission “to recognize, assure,

tive changes a program is required to com-

they are not in compliance with MACTE’s

and promote the high quality of that prep-

plete. Board members work in teams of two

Quality Principles and other administrative

aration through its system of accredita-

to review the documentation and present

matters. The board of directors also provides governance and counsel to MACTE for policy considerations. After voting on accreditation decisions at each board meeting, there is time for discussion items to be addressed. The board represents MACTE to the Montessori community, so there is frequent conversation between MACTE staff and board members to provide updates and explanations about what is currently taking place. To be accredited by MACTE means a program is dedicated to continuous improvement.




dedicated to continuously improving as an organization. We are currently in the



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