Montessori Leadership Magazine - April 2022

Page 16

Creativity, Ecological Intelligence, and Cultivating the Cosmic Task at Home and School BY KELLY JOHNSON


Creativity and Cultivation of the Cosmic Task


the ways of Einstein, Maya Angelou, Yayoi

Are the mechanics or doctors who think

Kusama, or Maria Montessori (and that is

outside the box to solve complex problems

okay), we all deserve the benefits of being

with cars or human bodies, or the physi-

creative in our day to day lives.1

cists who envisioned the Hadron Collider,

Creativity — and being a creative thinker

Isn’t the Montessori Method already cre-

based on particle theories any less creative

— is elusive and inherent all at once. As

ative? Yes, of course, the method inherent-

than the eccentric author, award-winning

humans, we all have immense potential for

ly supports creative cognition. Why would

composer, or genre-defining visual artist?

creativity across all fields of life and learn-

developing stronger foundations for cre-

Of course not, because each of these tasks

ing — from art to science, to social and

ative cognition be important then? It is too

and many more like them across fields

educational contributions, and beyond.

easy to forget to make space for the fluid

require immense amounts of interdisci-

Though few of us will ever be Creative in

transitions that creative cognition requires.

plinary creative cognition. Fortunately, as


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