Montessori Leadership November 2021

Page 29

Sarasota University, CGMS Announce Historic Partnership the

tion between CGMS programs and those of Sarasota, eventually

world’s only Montessori-focused

including dual enrollment. But first, we intend to work with the





University to improve all of their systems and processes.” He

tion, and the Center for Guided

clarified that the CGMS management team will complement, not


replace, SU existing staff.






the world’s leading accredited


confidence about the opportunities this new direction affords


education announced

programs, a


Kitty Bravo, the Director of Education at CGMS, expressed

both institutions. “CGMS and Sarasota University share a passion-


ate commitment to the highest standards of Montessori educa-

direction of Montessori higher

tion. We have long admired Sarasota University, and together we


feel that we can realize our long held dream to run a university




designed and led by Montessorians which serves the global community of Montessori educators and schools.”

Although CGMS is affiliated with the International Montessori

Council, this will not be an exclusive relationship. Sarasota UniSarasota University (SU) founder Dr. Ronald Ogrodnik said

versity will continue to welcome adult learners who are enrolled

that the Center for Guided Montessori Studies (CGMS) will now

in, or who have completed an accredited Montessori certification

lead the institution. CGMS partners, Tim Seldin, Kitty Bravo, and

program from other organizations. “Our goal is to serve the entire

Marc Seldin have been named to the SU board, and CGMS will

Montessori community,” says Kitty Bravo.

serve as the management company in charge of all SU opera-

tions. Dr. Ogrodnik will continue to serve on the board and as the

Foundation. Asked about next steps, Mr. Seldin offered a guide to

university President. Dr. Daniel Robin Howe will serve as Director

CGMS’ initial priorities.

Tim Seldin is President of CGMS and the Montessori

of Education.

“Working together, CGMS and SU will be able to further our

establishment of a new position at the university: a Student Suc-

institution’s mission of offering strengths based education,” said

cess Coordinator, who will work with individual students to guide

Dr. Ogrodnik. He continued, “CGMS is the perfect partner for SU.

them along their educational journey. Among the tasks ahead will

Founded in 2006, CGMS is one of the world’s largest and most re-

be the development of strong systems for community engage-

spected Montessori teacher education programs and entirely

ment and enrollment, input from faculty and staff, a new learning platform

shares SU’s values.”

“One of the essential elements of our plans for the future is the

Sarasota University is the only accredited in-

for courses, strong financial plan-

stitution of higher education solely devoted to

ning, institutional advancement,

Montessori. Although some other colleges and

and the development of a fresh

universities offer Montessori oriented degrees,

strategic plan.”

SU is the sole institution devoted entirely to im-

Sarasota University is an

plementing Dr. Montessori’s vision for higher

accredited institution offering


master’s degrees in Montessori

Asked about his vision for the fu-

ture, CGMS Director of Operations Marc Seldin said “We hope

education and leadership. Find out more online at

to offer closer integra-



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