10 Ways We Can ReImagine the Classroom
Most of what we do is defined by the needs of a system that was designed a century ago, and is reinforced by our own level of comfort with conflict and change. It is rarely defined by the needs of the individual learner.
If educators want to stop being blamed for the failures of a system that they didn’t design, they need to design the system they are willing to defend because it benefits learners.
10 Ways We Can ReImagine the Classroom
#1 Transform the role of the teacher from Content Provider to Learning Sherpa, Literacy Swami, Exploration Coach, Lead Learner.
Basically... • Be Less Helpful. • Outsource content creation to the world. • Teach kids to find, evaluate and use information wisely. • If they aren’t accusing you of not wanting to teach, you’re doing it wrong.
#2 Transform the role of the student from Content Sponge to Content Creator. • The one’s doing the work are the one’s doing the learning. • “Knowing” is only one skill among many. • The ability to use knowledge is greater than the ability to retain it.
#3 Transform the act of learning from Solitary and Independent to Collaborative and Social.
Basically... • It’s not cheating, it’s collaboration. • Forced to choose between socializing and “learning” I’ll choose socializing, but this is a false choice. • What I think I know is refined and transformed through other people’s lenses. • What it is possible for me to know is increased based on the size of my personal learning network.
#4 Transform the classroom from “Set in Time and Space” to “Anywhere, Anytime.”
Because... • What students learn outside of school has value, and they deserve to see us value their learning. • Technology has created a world in which arbitrary boundaries to when and where it’s appropriate to learn seem weird. • Learning isn’t a place, it’s an act. • If I’m a learning deputy, I want a big ol’ jurisdiction!
#5 Transform the focus of classes from Content-‐ Memorization to Skills-‐Development.
Basically... • It doesn’t matter if I know who Romeo and Juliet are. It matters that I can read complex texts and understand them. • It doesn’t matter if I know what the transitive property is. It matters that I can solve real problems using logic. • It doesn’t matter if I know the dates of America’s wars. It matters that I can think critically about what is worth fighting for.
#6 Transform the nature of the curriculum from Segmented to Integrated.
#7 Transform the nature of classroom content from Standardized to Individualized.
We do this by taking every opportunity to... • Let students choose the content they study. • Let students choose the talents they develop. • Let students choose the methods by which they learn. • Let students choose the means by which they demonstrate their learning.
#8 Transform educational resources from limited, standardized, and driving the curriculum to limitless, individualized and supporting the process of learning. •
Every turned off device is a turned off child.
Every tool is neutral and can be used poorly or well.
The larger the toolbox, the greater the possibilities.
The task should determine the tool, not the tool the task.
#9 Transform the focus of education from Product to Process.
Because... • We can’t measure all that we learn. • What we tend to measure is limited in scope and value. • We learn through continuous acts of risk-taking towards organic goals that become refined as we refine our learning. • Learning is not a checklist, it’s a canvas.
#10 Transform the perception of school from Meaningless Work to Purposeful Fun.
Build Playgrounds
What are the Qualities of a Playground? Self-Directed Discovery
Stimulus-Rich Environment Universal Design
What are the Qualities of a Playground?
Safe and Clearly Defined Space
Room for Personal Toys
Socially Enhanced
What are the Qualities of a Playground?
Built for Creativity