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re-branding campaign project book

Urban Smarts 1

“ ef i vr se tr ya na r at ims ta tweausr . -Ralph Waldo Emerson 2

project introduction This journey has taught me so much about media design, marketing and branding. On top of all that, I’ve grown t o l o v e t h e U r b a n S m a r t s p r o g r a m . I t ’s incredible because it not only serves atrisk youth but it teaches them creative skills and delivers a positive outlet for the students. This program supports those in the San Antonio, TX area, but I saw that it had much more potential. My vision in this re-branding effort was t o e v o k e t h e p r o g r a m ’s s t r e n g t h ’s a n d show the world exactly how remarkable Urban Smarts really is. - T.





St rat egy 08 client brief 10 swot analysis 12 creative brief 15 target audience 17 research paper




00 design goals 00 mood boards 00 logo development 00 preliminary designs

St andards 00 color 00 typography 00 imagery + tone 00 logo

References 00 in text 00 images

P ro ces s


So lutio ns 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

connections logo electronic print video green graffiti campaign summary


01 S t rat eg y 08 client brief 10 swot analysis 12 creative brief 15 target audience 17 research paper 6

Research and Strategy After choosing Urban Smarts as the company for the branding campaign, there was extensive research to discover and develop. This research brought forth methods and strategies to understanding the client and the c l i e n t ’s n e e d s . W i t h o u t t h e i n t i a l research stages, the final product w o u l d s u f f e r. W i t h o u t k n o w i n g what a company is, what they s t a n d f o r, w h o t h e y s e r v e a n d h o w they can improve, any final designs wouldn’t be effective.

- T.


01.strategy 8

c lie n t br ie f

The client brief provides details about the Urban Smarts program regarding company background, goals and vision. In order to understand a client and client n e e d s , i t ’s r e q u i r e d t h a t a d e s i g n e r research the company profile. The following information allows for further understanding of the b r a n d ’s v a l u e s a n d p r o m i s e s . - T.

about urban smarts it all star t e d i n 1 9 9 3 .. Urban Smarts was put together to “divert elementary and middle school students in urban risk areas away from gangs, drugs, and contact with the Juvenile Justice system”(Urban Smarts). Funded by the Department of Community Initiates, Urban Smarts offers a tuition-free program where students can learn from actual professional artists and work along-side interns to gain inspiration in the fields of art and creativity. This is important because “youths [are] able to gain a sense of self-efficacy through the acquisition of new skills and the accomplishment of multiple goals” (Stinson, A., 2009). “Urban Smarts is an arts-centered prevention program designed to divert elementary and middle school students in urban risk areas away from gangs, drugs, and contact with the Juvenile Justice system (‘Urban smarts’).

current market sector At-risk youth, according to ‘At Risk Youth’, are “children/youth who are more likely to drop out of school due to a variety of demographic, socioeconomic, and institutional characteristics.” Various programs are designed to assist these children with developing better decision making skills and lower the risk of dropping out of school, joining gangs or making other choices

that threaten their livelihood. The specific sector included in the action plan above is At-Risk youth programs that use artistic expression as a learning module. The biggest issue these programs are facing right now is a lack of understanding for the demographic and target audience. The programs need to push forward in a way that conveys the potential of the participants instead of conveying the mistakes they’ve made in the past or the idea outsiders may have of them.


selling point Urban Smarts is the only nonprofit at risk youth program that not only encourages c r e a t i v i t y, b u t a s s o c i a t e s i t with in te llige n c e .

client needs The current brand image is l a c k i n g e n t i r e l y. T h e l o g o a n d w e b s i t e a re o u t d a t e d . I n order to increase interest in t h e p ro g r a m a n d i n s t i l l t r u s t in the guardians of those participating, the program n e e ds a re de sign th a t e vok e s fun while maintaining a level of soph istic a tion . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

professional image sophistication following brand trust growth potential




01.strategy 12

s wo t an alysis

“SWOT analysis is a tool that helps identify business strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats� (Levens, p. 27). In order to fully understand the c l i e n t ’s n e e d s a n d t h e d i r e c t i o n of the re-branding campaign, the program had to be analyzed. This analysis pin points the internal characteristics of the program and weights them against the external characteristics. - T.

swot analysis strengths

caseworker support professional artist teachers open & public facility


lack of brand image lack of social media short-term program


area expansion increased funding longer program term


other after school activities lack of student interest lack of volunteers

The Urban Smarts brand’s current strengths include the caseworker support, professional artists and the facility. The caseworkers benefit the program because they encourage the students to face emotional issues and provide council. These caseworkers assess each student and provide them with like skills training including “dealing with feelings, dreams/goal settings, healthy choices, and life changes”(Urban Smarts). The program uses one professional

artist and two art interns per school. These individuals teach the students based on personal knowledge from life experiences and schooling. They inspire the students by showing them that art and creativity can be transformed into a career path. T he facilities act as a benefit because the program is held after school at various public schools. This eliminates issues of location cost, transportation and parental trust in program legitimacy. This also allows for the program to be held at various schools simultaneously.

The current weaknesses include a lack of brand image, a lack of social media and the length of the program term. The brand image currently relies on the logo. The website is the only form of visual collateral supporting the program and while it provides information, there is no design or visual feeling. The logo is outdated and confused. The program’s image isn’t reflecting it’s potential. The social media that is lacking is detrimental in today’s day and age. Connection to social media allows a consumer to feel personally connected with a brand and legitimized the program. Without social media, the program

will not thrive. The Urban Smarts program is only run for eight weeks per year. The students are enrolled in a highly effective course, but at such a short interval, the impact is lesser. Future opportunities include expansion to more schools, increased funding and longer program terms. The expansion is limitless if the program evokes its strengths. Not only could the program expand to more schools in the San Antonio area, but the program could spread out of the state as well. If the program can evoke a stronger brand image, the funding could be increased. This would continue to assist in program expansion regarding both locations and curriculum. The program also has the opportunity to run for terms longer than eight weeks. The program would succeed as a yearlong program after school program and over the summer. The threats the program faces are competing after school activities a lack of student interest and participants and a lack of volunteers including caseworkers and artists. The student participants are those who have an interest or wonder about art and creativity but the program faces competition of programs, such as theatre, that promote similar ideals as well as programs, such a sport activities, that promote different ideals entirely. In order to maintain interest in students and volunteers the re branding efforts are necessary.


01.strategy 14

creat i ve b rief

insert text here - T.

Positioning USP Call to action Key Tenents


01.strategy 16

research paper

insert text here - T.


01.strategy 18

t arget audien ce

In researching the target audience we developed specifics. Margo Chase and Chris Lowery introduced the process of creating target audience personas. By creating actual personalities, the design work is pinpointed. When a design a p p e a l s t o a s p e c i f i c c h a r a c t e r, i t will also apeal to the others in the same target audience division.

- T.

target audience divisions parents




male & female Age 5-18 lower/middle class live in urban area interest in art

male & female have child age 5+ lower/middle class live in urban area interest in art





male & female age 20+ background in art professionals college students

male & female age 20+ business owners concerned citizens middle/upper class


primary persona development



Maria Sanchez Age: 14


Stephan Smith Age: 5


Marcus Fields Age: 8

Bio: Hometown: San Jose Hobbies: Photography, Drawing

Bio: Hometown: Houston Hobbies: Coloring, Sports, Cars, Cartoons

Bio: Hometown: San Antonio Hobbies: Drawing, Sports, Movies, Video Games

Maria is an at-risk youth based on the difficulty she has recently had handling life changes and her parents divorce.

Stephan Smith is an at-risk youth based on his lack of attention in school. His young age and attention deficit put him in this category.

Marcus is an at-risk youth based on his location. HIs family’s home is located in a neighborhood known for gang related violence.

secondary persona development


Rachel Woods Age: 38


Brittany White Age: 23


Richard Hart Age: 52

Bio: Hometown: Nuevo Loredo Career: Stay at home mom Kids: 3

Bio: Hometown: Houston Career: Student Kids: 0

Bio: Hometown: San Antonio Career: Entrepreneur Kids: 4, Grandchildren: 2

Rachel loved art when she was younger and wants a program or after school activity to encourage her children to be creative.

Brittany is an art student in her last year of college. She wants an internship or volunteer work to gain experience in the arts before graduation.

Richard is looking to invest in a program that will benefit his grandchildren and as well as show his and his businesses philanthropy.


02 P roces s

00 design goals 00 mood boards 00 logo development 00 preliminary designs


Design Process insert text here

- T.


01.strategy 24

desig n goals

insert text here - T.



mood board s

Devloping mood boards allowed for estabishment of a general look and feel prior to starting any final design work. Three mood boards were devloped, with the third meant to push the boundaries and be compiled as an ‘out of the box’ option. This third design,utilizing minimalism and a monochromatic color scheme, was the most sucessful and although elements were adjusted prior to starting the final designs, the look and feel remains the same. - T.


mood board development Ad ju s ted E l em en ts : Wh a t h a s e volve d in th e proc e ss of de sign is th e n e w u se of c olor ph otos in c lu de d in th e de sign s. Th e im a ge r y still e vok e s th e sa m e f e e lin g - h owe ve r it wa s de te r m in e d th a t bla c k a n d wh ite ph otos on ly did n ot e n c ou r a ge c re a tivity a n d im a gin a tion a s we ll a s c olor ph otos c ou ld. Th e f in a l c olor c h oic e wa s a lso a dju ste d to a gre e n with a sligh tly m ore ye llow ton e h e x c ode #d7df 21 F in a l f on t c h oic e s re m a in th e sa m e u sin g h e lve tic a n e u e in ligh t, bold a n d re gu la r. I n a ddition to th is, th e logo type f on t tre a tm e n t ‘r u n ’ is a lso in c lu de d. Dire c tive words re m a in th e sa m e with th e e xc e ption to “won de r,” wh ic h is re pla c e d by in n ova tion be c a u se it h a s a m ore positive , a c tion ba se d c on n ota tion


01.strategy 28

logo d e v e l o p men t

insert text here - T.

logo sketching


01.strategy 30

p re l i m i n ar y d e s i g ns

insert text here - T.

visual prototype sketches


03 S t an d ard s 00 color 00 typography 00 imagery + tone 00 logo


Design Standards The importance of design standards goes beyond defining t h e b r a n d ’s n e w i m a g e . T h e s e specifications act as guidelines for those involved in future design and branding efforts. Maintaining the brand image is dependent on using design e l e m e n t s i n a s p e c i f i c m a n n e r. Everything from imagery to the tone in textual facets reflects what the Urban Smarts brand is a n d w h a t i t s t a n d s f o r.

- T.




co lo r

In choosing a color palette for the Urban Smarts branding campaign, it was vital to remember two things. First, that using primary colors in order to appeal to a younger target audience is cliche’ and to be avoided. Second, the chosen color had to differentiate Urban Smarts from the competition. Chapman states that white “can h e l p t o c o n v e y c l e a n l i n e s s a n d s i m p l i c i t y. . . and is popular in minimalist designs� (Chapman, C). A minimalist approach gives t h e b r a n d s o p h i s t i c a t i o n t h e r e f o r, w h i t e i s t h e primary color used.The green color is bright and fun enough to draw in the attention of a younger audience without giving the brand an unprofessional look. - T.

primary brand colors White


R 255 G 255 B 255 C0M0Y0K0

Vivid Yellow Green




R 215 G 223 B 33 C 20 M 0 Y 99 K 0

R0G0B0 C 75 M 68 Y 87 K 90

*sha de s a nd t int s a c c e ptabl e onl y as s m al l accents .


color usage white a c c e p tab le: backgrounds, headline copy with background filled u n a c cep tab le: body copy, caption copy

vivid yellow green a c c e p tab le: headline copy, background w/headline copy u n a c cep tab le: background w/body copy, captions copy, body copy

black a c c e p tab le: body copy, headline copy, caption copy u n a c cep tab le: background

shades/tints a c c e p tab le: borders, background graphics u n a c c e p tab le: copy, backround, fills

logo color variations a c c e p tab le: 1 color logo, 2 color logo u n a c c e p tab le: copy, backround, fills, graphics


approved logo variation colors






R 242 G 153 B 173

R 241 G90 B 34

R 32 G 196 B 244

R 32 G 149 B0

R 234 G0 B0

C1 Y 49 M 13 K0

C0 M 80 Y 100 K0

C 65 M0 Y0 K0

C 83 M 16 Y 100 K4

C2 M 100 Y 100 K0

*used only for holidays, charity events or promotional periods *color variations are to be used in the logo only


03.standards 38


The following fonts were chosen specifically to adhere to a minimalist look and feel. By using minimalism, the brand evokes sophistication enough to instill trust within the guardians of the program participants. Wheeler states that,�the typeface needs to be flexible and easy to use, and it must provide a wide range of expression� (Wheeler 10/22/12, p. 154). In order to keep the typography choices in line with the fun, youthful aspect of the company all primary headlines will be in lower case format. - T.

approved brand fonts primary headlines

helvetica neue light lowercase kerning +200

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz |1234567890~!@#$%^&*()_+|}{:”?><

S econ d a ry He a dlin e s

helvetica neue bold kerning +100

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | 1234567890~!@#$%^&*()_+|}{:”?> ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

capt i o n s

h el veti ca neue light ker ni n g +100

ab cdefgh i j kl mno pqrstuv wxy z | AB CDEF GH IJ K L MNOPQR ST UVW XY Z | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 0 ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + | } { : ”?> <

body copy

helvetica neue light

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ | 1234567890~!@#$%^&*()_+|}{:”?><

Logo and Accents run medium lowercase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz numbers and symbols unavailable


03.standards 40

tone & imagery

Roger Horberry defines a brand tone a s “ p e r s o n a l i t y i n p r i n t � ( H o r b e r r y, p . 3 7 ) . I n o r d e r t o c o n v e y t h e b r a n d ’s personal aspects a defined set of acceptable and unacceptable words are included. The brand imagery is an immediate glimpse into the personality and meaning of the brand. The images must adhere to a standard in order to convey the b r a n d i m a g e e f f e c t i v e l y. - T.

brand tone

innovation creation imagination Tagline: What have you created lately? Ac c e ptabl e

Unacceptabl e

Won d e r Aw e Imagi nat io n Exci tem ent P rogress G row th S mart L ear n Fun H ap p y

Uni n spi ri n g Monot on ou s Ted i ou s Ev ol u t i on Augm e n t a t i on Bor i n g Sad Lam e

Co p y: The tone is always fun and lively. Promotion of creativity and intelligence is to be highlighted. Words to be avoided would be words that are too sophisticated to connect with a target audience 5-18 and words with a negative connotation. Ex amp le: “Hey there! Thanks for visiting the Urban Smarts website. If you haven’t had a chance to look around and learn a bit about us and the program, what are you waiting for?!” Co nnectio n s: The Urban Smarts brand image relys on connecting the viewer to other aspects of media. When possible copy should promote connection, action and include hash tags.


brand imagery

Accep tab l e H a ppy C h ildre n A r twor k P a in t P a in t Br u sh e s A r t S u pplie s C a n va s Te e n a ge r s L a u gh in g Gla sse s I n qu isitive f a c e s Un accep tab l e Un h a ppy C h ildre n Bore d S tu de n ts E dgy im a ge r y Da r k im a ge r y Children/Teens




image treatment

Acce pta ble B orde r Colors

Un accep tab l e I m ag e Treatm en ts Drop sh a dow I n n e r or ou te r glow Be ve l/ e m boss Borde r s E xc e e din g 1px

S iz e: Min imu m 15 0 dpi- 300d p i Color: Full color p reffered , b lack a n d wh ite a c c e pta ble S h ap e: Squ ares , rect an g les & cir lces accep tab le. N o ad d itional ge om e tr ic or or ga n ic sh a pe s




l ogo

Logo standards include the logo anatomy and format variations. Also included are clear space requirements and minimum size specifications. Acceptable and unacceptable variations are included to demonstrate methods of adjustment that continue to maintain the defined brand image.

- T.

new brand logo Logo Ana tomy Logo Gr ap hic

Logo Typ e C o lo r

Tran s p aren cy Sh o wn

Ac cep tab l e B l ack an d W h i te

Horizontal F o r m at


logo specifications & acceptable variations Minima l Sc a le : Picas - 9p 1.25 x 9p1.25 Inches - 1.5174 x 1.5174 C entim eter s - 3.8 541 x 3.8541 Pixels - 109.25 x 109.25 Ma ximum Sc a le : N o Lim it Cle a r Spa c e Defined b y size of “r � relative to sca lin g. C le a r sp ace m ay exceed shown b ound ar ie s bu t neighb or ing gr ap hics are not to cros s in to th e clear sp ace. Ap p lys to hor izontal form a t

A c c ep tab l e Variat io n s G r aph i c O n l y Ty p e O n l y ( c a n be u s ed in all w h it e & all white low op acity ) G r aph i c P a r ti a l in clu din g s mile ( if logo is p resent elsewhere) G r aph i c P a r ti a l in clu din g s mile low op acity (if logo is p resent elsewhere) 1 o r 2 Co l o r i n c lu s io n fo r Ho lidays and Events (m ain ty p e rem aining b lack)


unacceptable logo variations U n a ccep tab l e Variat io n s G l o w, i n n e r o r ou t er D ro p S h a d o w o n log o t ype o r lo g o gr ap hic Lo g o i n w i th Grey co lorat io n O ut l i n e St re tc h i n g o u t o f pro port io n 3 + Co l o r A d a pt ion Bri g h t Ba c k g ro u n d No n u n i fo r m Scalin g Ske w i n g / S h e a rin g


04 S o l u t io n s 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


connections logo electronic print video green graffiti summary

Design Solutions insert text

- T.


04.solutions 50

c o n n e c t i on s

Instert rationale here

connecting media to media


04.solutions 52


Insert rationale here

new brand logo St a n d a rd Lo g o | Ho rizo ntal Fo rmat | G ra phic Only

A p p ro v ed Lo g o Co lo r Variatio n s




e l e c t ron ic

Electronic media works to evoke a professional,sophisticated brand image. The website redesign better organizes information and encourages connection to social media.The mobile website condenses this information f o r o n t h e g o a c c e s s i b i l i t y. I t u s e s flat design to maintain the minimal look and feel. The mobile sketching app provides the users will an easily accesible problem solving asset, instilling brand trust and promoting brand ideals.

- T.

redesigned website

updating the look A c c o r d i n g t o G a v i n C o o p e r, “ a website is a living, breathing brand tool that need to be cared for over time� (Wheeler 10/22/12, p. 166). Simply placing the new logo onto the existing website will not adhere to b r a n d s t a n d a rd s . T h e w e b s i t e n e e d s an updated look and feel but also is necessary to allow for customer connection to each social media.


mobile website

on the go Wheeler stated that “websites lead the top of the brand necessity list—no longer enslaved to the desktop, they migrate to wherever the consumer is, on her iPad or her smartphone, to the mall, on a h i k e , o r u n d e r h e r p i l l o w. We b s i t e s have made every business a global business accessible by almost anyone anywhere�(Wheeler 10/22/12, p. 166).


mobile application sketch smart by urban smarts

According to How Businesses Use Mobile Apps, “a mobile app should solve a problem for a business or a customer. Ideally it will allow them to do something on the move rather than on their computer or in person” (“How businesses use,” 20å13). The Sketch Smart App would allow the students to quickly sketch out ideas to bring to the program at any time. The app also will always include the full name Sketch Smart by Urban Smarts so that any user introduced to the app before the actual program can make the connection.


04.solutions 58

s o cial m e dia

Social media is used to promote the brand and illustrate the b r a n d ’s p e r s o n a l c o n n e c t t o t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s a n d t h e c o m m u n i t y. Each media acts as a tool to promote the viewer to take action and continue the connection. This is done through hash tags, sharing and promotional contetsts. When Urban Smarts shows users the updated web presence and pairs it with personality and fun the brand is able to thrive. - T.


facebook ads & contests A c c o rd i n g t o S h e d l o n , “ b r a n d s a re m o v i n g further away from direct advertising, whose metrics that are hard to calculate, and into original video content--content that is created not to sell but to engage. They tell a story and they create brand loyalty”(Sheldon, 2012). Because of this – Facebook will not be successful with simply the daily update o f w h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g . T h e v i e w e r s n e e d t o b e e n g ro s s e d i n s o m e t h i n g . T h e F a c e b o o k page will be used for event and advertising purposes, but will avoid mundane updates. The updates will be primarily those that link viewers to another form in the media mix ( E x . Yo u t u b e , Tw i t t e r, I n s t a g r a m , G o o g l e + ) . E a c h a n n o u n c e m e n t w i l l p ro m p t t h e v i e w e r to take further action and branch off onto a new source of media.



instagram contests Not only will the Instagram page include images of student work but it will also be another aspect of the media mix that will encourage action. The Instagram blog includes many benefits of using Instagram for branding and business purposes. It suggests one “inspire action. Start a movement around your brand, whether that means i n s p i r i n g p e o p l e t o c a p t u re photos while running like the #runfree campaign from @nikerunningâ€? (Instagram for Business). In order to achieve this different hashtags will be created and used within the app. These will include contests or challenges to create or capture an image of something specific. By instigating a challenge, m o re u s e r s w i l l b e i n c l i n e d to participate.


additional social media platforms

linked in LinkedIn will be used for the professional side of the program. It will feature information regarding how the program benefits the students but also allow for those interested in volunteering to connect with the program. This will solidify the legitimacy and p ro f e s s i o n a l i s m o f t h e p ro g r a m . I t will also be used in networking will other companies. J. Kevin Wolfe stated that “once your cause is listed, key players at corporations who donate to you will likely want to show their support by following your non-profit. This gives your non-profit clout, spurs popularity and can lead to further donations a n d i n v o l v e m e n t ” ( Wo l f e , 2 0 1 1 ) . B y connecting with other companies as well, Urban Smarts will gain a higher following, receive more f u n d i n g a n d c o n t i n u e t o g ro w a n d spread to other communities.

twitter “ Tw i t t e r g i v e s y o u a p o r t a l t o bring valuable information about your company to others—your information can potentially reach thousands of people”(Galoozis, 2010). It creates a personal connection allowing consumers to converse with Urban Smarts at any time. It will increase legitimacy by getting the brand out and allow people to talk about Urban Smarts through hash tags and @ UrbanSmartsorg

google + “97% of consumers search for l o c a l b u s i n e s s e s o n l i n e . Yo u r l o c a l Google+ page connects you with customers on Search, Maps and Google+, no matter what device they are using”(Google). Toms uses Google+ as part of their marketing mix. According to Google “TOMS pushed the limits for how their fans interact with their brand by hosting a 6 day Hangout On Air with local artists who customized shoes on the spot” (Google). The Hangout On Air feature of Google+ can be implemented for local artists to discuss the program. These videos can then be recorded and placed f o r l a t e r v i e w i n g o n t h e Yo u t u b e Channel.


04.solutions 62

p rin t

The use of print media illustrates b r a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l i s m a n d l e g i t i m a c y. Identity design and brochure design provide the target audience with tangible sources for both correspondense and information. Magazines and posters allow for direct targeted marketing. Each print media then carries with it and evokes the specific brand image.

- T.


letterheads Wheeler states, “although emails and texting have become the m o s t w i d e l y u s e d f o r m o f c o m m u n i c a t i o n , l e t t e r h e a d s a re n o t yet obsolete” (Wheeler 10/22/12, p. 170). In order to maintain professionalism all print and email correspondence will feature a specific letterhead including the redesigned logo.

business cards Something tangible is needed to continue with the b r a n d ’s p e r s o n a l c o n n e c t i o n a s p e c t . “ R e g a rd l e s s o f t h e a l l t e c h n o l o g y i n e v e r y d a y l i f e , t h e re i s s t i l l a n e e d f o r a d d i n g a p e r s o n a l t o u c h , s u c h a s a b u s i n e s s c a rd , t o your networking strategy” (NoD, 2012).


informational brochure

I n se r t te xt h e re


magazine advertising

why use magazines?

“Magazines and newspapers are the two most frequently used forms of print advertising” (Levens, p. 198). Magazines ads will be implemented to inspire creativity in the target audience. “Magazines also have fairly long lives; monthlies may be kept a ro u n d a n d re a d f o r 3 0 d a y s o r longer” (Levens, p. 198).


poster design

why use posters? Out of home advertising, specifically through posters will be effective because “it can result in high message frequency among people who often travel the same route past an outdoor board or transit ad” (Levens, p. 199) This use of print media will allow for the delivery of a “short message that needs to be exposed to a broad audience” (Levens, p. 199)



Inse r t te xt h e re


04.solutions 68


Instert rationale here

video newsletter




g reen g r affiti

“Moss graffiti, also called eco-graffiti o r g re e n g r a ff i t i , re p l a c e s s p r a y p a i n t , paint-markers or other such toxic chem icals and p ain ts with a pa in tbr u sh and a moss “paint” that can grow on its own” (WikiHow). This will show atrisk youth that art can be passive and doesn’t need to be damaging to our s u r ro u n d i n g s . “ G re e n g r a ff i t i f o r g e s a s t ro n g c o n n e c t i o n b e t w e e n t h e u r b a n neighborhood and nature” (Urban Times) and it shows Urban Smarts find ing a solution th a t a llows you th s to stay creative without being destructive. -T

guerrilla marketing with green graffiti

“Guerilla marketing, in which unconventional means such as graffiti, sticker bombing, f l a s h m o b s a re u s e d c a n h e l p t h e o v e r a l l multimedia campaign effort� (Dreamfire). By u s in g g r a ff it i in a n e n viro n me n t a l l y fr i e nd l y (and legal) way, the campaign message can be s pre a d o n t h e s t re e t a n d imple m e nt t he ide a o f c re a t io n , a n d ima g in a t io n .


04.solutions 72

s u m m ar y

Instert rationale here


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