Urban design Portfolio

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SKILLS- language: . Vietnamese: . English: . Dutch

"The balance between working and living brings qualities to both"


PERSONAL DETAILS : Name: Tien, Thi Thuy Pham Address: Tiensevest 58A bus 0301 3000 Leuven Belgium Email: tinepham288@gmail.com Phone: +32 468507345 Date of Birth: 28th August, 1994 Nationality: Vietnamese Social status: Single

EDUCATION: . 2016- 2018: Master of Architecture- Master of Science Katholieke Universiteit Leuven- Sint Lucas Brussels . 2015- 2016: Bachelor of Urban Design Katholieke Universiteit Leuven . 2012- 2015: Bachelor of Urban Design Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture . 2009- 2012: Baccalaurate Le Hong Phong highschool for the gifted SKILLS . AutoCad: . ArcGIS: . Sketch up: . Adobe Indesign: . Adobe Photoshop: . Microshop word: . Microsoft Powerpoint: . Adobe After effect: . Photography: . Model making: . Video making:

EXPERIENCES . 2013- 2015: Event organizer - yearly proms, dacing parties and competitions and for University dancing club- Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture . January 2014: International workshop participant - District 4; Port Revitalization in Vietnam by Hudderfield University UK Coordinating/ Analysising . Ferbuary 2014: International workshop participant - Urban Collisions and Rowhouses in Ho Chi Minh City - Kassel University / Germany Coordinating/ Analysing . September - November 2014: English tutor . May 2015: International workshop participant - Problems and Potentials of Slums in Vietnam and a comparison to Seoul - Han Dong International University / Korea - Coordinating/Analysing . Extra activities: Attended to several volunteer works helping children in porvety during highschool years and university years in Vietnam ( with certificates and credits)

Capacity Self- motivated and great sense of responsiblity Creative and active , high level of innitives Ability to work in multi- cultural environment Open- minded and socialized Ability to work under high pressure and tied deadlines Major in Urban design research and open to work in architectural field

Archipelago DREWLLING IN THE PARK Project's location: Nieuw Zuid Antwerp, Belgium Total area: ~348.800 m2 The site of Antwerp’s New South is an intersectional area between the parkway of the Green Singel, the Scheldt River and the center of Antwerp. In general, the motorway is considered to be a rupture in the city, a vast borderland between the inner (medieval and 19th century) city and the former villages and 20th century parts of the city that lay outside of it. However, analysis of this Green Singel structure shows an interesting sets of buildings, which look like “pebbles” in a “green river”. The majority of these modernistic building types offer their users something quite unique: a view with long perspectives over a landscape, at locations that are relatively close to the center of the city, often combined with an enjoyable local park. So, it turns out that the ‘rupture’ is (also) a collector of special and often qualitative clusters. This design takes this quality as a starting point: it an opportunity to continue Green Singel to impressively meet the river: a big vibrant open park that is a great dwelling environment for its residents and neighbors, but also offers a fantastic recreational landscape for everyone in the city of Antwerp.

Green singel analysis Building clusterizations exist in many places in Belgium which reflects greatly along the Green Singel. Those clusters include Het Kiel, Chasse park and the Singel

Design Schemes

Building positions and orientations ensure that every apartment has a wide view to landscape, as can be recognized in the ‘Kiel’ residential project by Bream. Ensembles such a cultural center ‘De Singel’ make clear distinction between the public domain and serene inside garden courtyard. By minimizing the the infrastructure through site circulation and parking areas, the landscape is maximized of usage. The main principle in the design of the ‘Archipelago’ masterplan is to use landscape element to define clusters of housing. In order to do so, existing terrain is manipulated slightly to remake the site topography. The housing positions are on the higher levels, while long open views are kept open in between. Following the analysis of existing clusters, each building in a cluster has at least two views: to a collective space within the cluster and to the outer park landscape. This public park is designed to be meadow land with smaller landscape element such as water ponds and clumps of trees. In contrast, the inner landscapes of the clusters tend to have a more mineral materialization. They are designed to be flexible for various community activities by using orthogonally ordered furniture elements (such as trees, tiles, benches, grass, play equipment, etc.) to delineate specific spaces and programs. Waterfront in the design concept is considered as another important element which value the site by its potential of making an open space connect Green Singel with the Schelt river. Into specific, step and stone system (innovation of quay planning dealing with flooding problem) combining with landscape element (which is the continuity of inner landscape) are created to form the whole quay design.

Proposal Housing typologies

Nieuw Zuild Antwerpen from the river - Elevation

Site perspectives

Ca Mau Archipelago FUTURE URBAN TISSUES OF CA MAU Clusterizing Ca Mau in respond to flooding, saline intrusion and dense centric urbanization Project's location: Ca Mau, Vietnam Thesis presented to obtain the degree of Bachelor in Architecture and Urban Design

Ca Mau peninsula is situated in the southern most part of Vietnam, between the East Sea and the Gulf of Thailand and the lowest part of the country. Ca Mau city is located in the heart of the peninsula. The topography of the site is quite flat with the highest part of the city being the current city center, whereas the rest of the city are quite low and currently used for productive landscape (Shrimp farms, Paddy field‌) which are facing with the serious problems of flooding. The intention of the project is from exploiting the research about the site issues and exisiting potentials to start seeking for a new design solution base on the existing city structure. Concentric development tends to be presented strongly through the city analysis. Taking this as the starting point of the project. The city master plan and landscape strategy plan are made to illustrate how archipelago could be a solution for these problems in Ca Mau without losing the identity of the city, in another hand, strengthen the city in terms of living condition of the residents.

Flooding is one of the most important issues in Ca Mau City. The reason of the flooding is the impact of Sea Level Rise from the seas that affects strongly to the living quality as well as development of the city. Damage up to 10 billion VND each year for water management and development. Moreover, the ecology of the city is now at risk due to the loss of the territory. Besides that, with the low amount of rainfall in dry season which allows saline intrusion to Ca Mau city also causes many serious problem for the economy and the living of the residents in Ca Mau city. Because the land is covered 2 sides by the East and West Seas twith different tidal effects to the rivers and canals leading to the water having become more salty and the serious lack of fresh water demands for human habitation in Ca Mau City.

Even though the city is now at risk of being under the water by the year 2050, the urbanization is growing rapidly, especially in the last 20 years. The logic of the urbanization development is mostly based on the main infrastructure and main canals, rivers and expanding as an octopus’ tentacles and then followed by the grid structure of the French colonial period. With the aim to become a second class city of Vietnam, the masterplan of Ca Mau in 2025 is developed with a concentric model and expansions of hierarchy of old roads. However, the new developments made by Ca Mau government are on the lowlands where the soils are very weak and flooding risk is really high. Although, there are some new ponds made to meet the needs of fresh water demand in the design, however, they lack the logics behind these ponds.

1939 1951 2016 Lowland City Planning

City structure analysis




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From the French Colonial period, Ca Mau was planned with a very clear hierarchy of road which connects to other cities by five main highways. The inner city roads was planted with beautiful green lines and currently are activated as commercial services. However, going out of the city center, all these boulevard seem to loss the identities and turn back to the highways with very big road and less green. With the rapid urbanization, the main highways will be consolidated by new habitants. Therefore, infrastructure can be a potential landscape and framework to develop new urban quarters in the future.








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Inter-City Road Primary Road Secondary Road Tertiary Road Agricultural Road

City mobility analysis



Source: [1],[2],[3] AHO Student, Ca Mau Hyber (Landscape) Urbanism


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From the city scale, there are several new neighborhoods that has been constructing on the periphery of the city which are based on the new developments of main amenities of the city such as airport, hospital, Petro neighborhood,... The new developments has developed with different tissues based on the location and purposes of the private developers for example: Petro Vietnam neighborhood and Ward 9 new urban quarter which contain big blocks, slabs and clear design of public facilities and greeneries, while the others follow the traditional way with townhouses and green streets. Although these new neighborhood are working independently and lack of the connection as clusters around the periphery, they also bring potentials to Ca Mau City as an archipelago concept.

Petro Vietnam

Khi Diem Dam New Urban Quarter [1]

Ward 1 New Urban Quarter [2]

TV-Radio Station Urban Quarter [3]

Ward 9 New Urban Quarter [4]

New Administration Urban Quarter [5] [1]






Existing City Center

Ca Mau Hospotal Urban Quarter [6]

Airport Urban Quarter [7] [7]

Urban fabric analysis

From the city scale context, there are two question raised: How can the city be developed adapting with the Flooding and Saline Intrusion issues in the future? How to meet the need of houses in rapid growth of urbanization in sustainable way?In order to answer these questions, based on the investigation stage that we pointed out the problems as well as the potentials of the site. The concept of developing the city as archipelago city is very suitable and sustainable.First of all, all the highways which are safe roads will be selected as backbones of the new developments and keep all the lowlands for landscape. The new islands will be created along the roads and the main Ca Mau rivers in order to revitalize the river. After that, a new ecological corridor which are canals and constructed wetland will be established to interconnect and deal with water treatment for new islands. Then all the highways will be merged with green system and turned into boulevards which are downgraded to have more spaces for pedestrian. Moreover, developing a new mobility strategy to connect these islands by public transports and bike/pedestrian system to make Ca Mau city become a sustainable city. In order to make the concept clear, the islands will be formed with three principles: firstly, topography that the lowlands will be dig to create the ecological corridor mentioned above and make use of these lands to create dike to protect the islands from the flooding; secondly, the scale of the ecological corridor will be not bigger the rivers, finally, trying to keep the existing houses. With the concept of Ca Mau Archipelago City, the city now has a chance to reconnect with the river and adapt with the flooding and saline intrusion issues. New islands are created along the old highways that now are the green boulevards connecting the whole city by public transport and commercial corridor. Besides that, the new canal and constructed wetland system improve and clean the polluted water as well as making use of storm-water in the wet season in order to meet demand of fresh water in the dry season. Moreover, an afforestation strategy is developed following the main canal and rivers which can improve the saline intrusion to the city.

City structure strategy

Population division strategy

Landscape strategy

With a very fast growth of population, in order to meet the demand of houses for 250 000 inhabitants in 2050 of Ca Mau, the new urbanization will be developed as island floating among the landscapes that the project bring to Ca Mau mentioned above. Each island will be accommodated with different morphologies and programs based on the location of the islands in order to create a diversity in identity of Ca Mau City. The population for each island is calculated based on the requirement of 2 ha per person, it means for each person will have 2ha landscape. With that new standard, Ca Mau resident will have a chance to live and interact more with open space and landscape.

Firstly, the ecological corridor will be developed based on the lowland. The new canal will be established by cut and fill process that make use of the digging land to fill the dykes of the islands and make them become safe land. The canal will be merged with the constructed wetland system which is able to clean the polluted water by ecological way. From the strategy, the new neighborhoods will be reconnected with the water and take advantages of the recycle water. Secondly, there will be a new forest system developed following the main canals and rivers from the north and the south of the city which can help the city dealing with saline intrusion and improve the quality of living of the new city. From the north of the city, the main rivers and canals which connect with the Mekong Delta will be forested in order to put the pressure of the fresh water from the delta and bring them to the Ca Mau city and pull the salt water to the sea. In addition, linear mangrove forest will be followed the water ways from the south which take the salt water from the East and West Sea. The mangrove forest has a power to prevent the salt water and protect the land from soil erosion by the characteristics of the roots. Besides that, the afforestation strategy can bring down the temperature and improve the air quality of Ca Mau City.

City mobility strategy In order to revitalize the waterfront and sustain Ca Mau City, the mobility strategy aims to shift from the private vehicle of Ca Mau residents to public transport which also connect with the water system. Besides the boulevard systems based on existing highways now are merged with landscape, there will three main spines which has different landscapes and functions are established including Economic Spine connects the whole city with commercial purposes with Petro Vietnam; Cultural Spine along the Ca Mau riverfront which is developed with cultural public facilities; Park Spine links the city center to the new neighborhood of Petro that give people a view to the finger forest and productive landscape from the northern of Ca Mau. Moreover, new public transport system consists street-bus and water-bus from the city center to the Petro Vietnam.

Water utilization cycle







Site scale- urban fabric strategy

As discussed in the analysis for the site, and the proposed structure of the city of Ca Mau, it is best suited for the stie to develop in a clusters-based structure. The first step is to define the island. By integrating the landscape within the site with the river, the canals and the surrounding productive landscapes, a thorough natural landscape will divide the area into different islands, selected by their functions as well as urban forms, with different identities. The “islands” are defined by the densification of housings within the “sea” of natural and productive landscapes. The edges of these clusters are also determined by the elements present at the specific locations, ranging from key urban spaces at the cross of infrastructures and landscape; to waterfront that connects directly to the main road of the city to the opening of inner landscape to the outer ones. We also structure these spaces accordingly to the urban experience we would like the users to have. Lastly, the urban fabric of each island are defined based on the existing structures. They vary from rowhouses with setbacks for collective spaces; to community spaces connecting longitudinally and thorough to complement the bond within the neighborhood. We would like to emphasize the use of collective urban spaces to provide intimate and on-the-spot urban activities.

Landscape strategy map

Park Mangrove Wetland Water Productive

An important point of the design is to define what separate these islands. We have decided that it is best suited with the context of Ca Mau to have a small canal with wetland along it. Canal because there will be more space for water and moving water will solve the problem of mosquitoes. During the dry season, this canal will be kept at a low level of water to prevent drowning and still maintain freshwater to respond to saline intrusion. When flooding season comes, this canal will help relieve the pressure received by the other older canals that have not been able to fulfill their purposes. The placement of wetland along the canal is to provide a natural cleaning mechanism for the water. Stormwater as well as other kinds of water put on the ground will be purified before they come into the canals and will keep on being cleaned after coming out into the rivers. Throughout the canal, the spaces shift and vary with a rhythm of open and close spaces. At places, it will be faced with building blocks to provide waterview for the balconies. At others, it will be a core for urban activities, a place where people can interact with the water, where they can hold events. And at some places, the space with be a combination of both open and close. The sequences are created to provide users with the most various urban experience.

Main Road Neighborhood Pedestrian Path

Mobility strategy map The roads and streets hierarchy is also a focus of the strategy. The three main roads of the site are divided into 3 profiles: 1. The commercial spine with 6 lanes of cars and motorcycles. The sidewalk will be wide to best cope with the largeness of the road. The first floor of every building will have a setback of at least 5 meters to provide shaded public space for people to walk. 2. The riverfront road with 4 lanes of cars and motorbikes. The sidewalk on the river side will be enlarged together with the open space underneath each of the housing units. The other side will be the basic sidewalk with trees for shading. 3. The woodland road with also 4 lanes of cars and motorbikes. The sidewalk with residential houses will have trees in the middle to be the separator of semi-private and public realms. The other sidewalk will be rather smaller to enhance the interaction of user with the woodland trees. The final kind of street is the ones inside all of the islands. These streets are going to be available for small level of traffic with only 2 lanes. The sidewalk will be a combination of basic and the one with tree in front of setbacks.

Community Key Urban Urban Space

Urban strategy map

The first zoom in is chosen to express the implementation of sequences of collective community space that leads the inner activities of the site towards the riverfront and vice versa. It is situated at the intersection of the two most important roads of the area, one going from the city center all the way to Petro Vietnam, and the other one runs along the Ca Mau river. As key mobility structures and commercial spines, the building blocks are larger with height of 7 - 8 stories, and facade follow the perimeter of the blocks. The zoom in was designed as an example of the strategy of leading the people outwards into the riverbank. The streetscape is opened up as wide as possible without damaging the quality of building fronts through the use of open ground floor. Behind the building blocks are sequences of community spaces that open up to the roads in between buildings to act as leading spaces to the larger scale urban spaces along the river. Another aspect of the zoom in is to illustrate the connection between two large urban spaces, one being on the canal and the other one beside the river. The method stays the same with all pedestrian path out of the canal space leading back to the main road coming towards the river, thus strengthening the function of the road.

The second strategic zoom-in map is chosen to illustrate the connection between the geometric break urban space and the linear open space along the canal that open up the view towards the massive productive landscape scenery bordering the area. Again, the usage of sequences of collective community spaces is applied to act as stepping stones towards the canal park. The design also expresses the structure of a geometric break block. Since the space is specifically dedicated to urban activities and social infrastructure, bigger and longer building blocks are curved along the topographic lines of the location. Opening in between builidngs are selected as the best connection between the inner space and the sequenced spaces. Diverse urban experience is also a focus of structuring this zoom-in design. From the curved urban space to the community ones to the canal park, buildings are placed to create a shifts in volume of open spaces. This would allow various kinds of urban activities to take place with more emphasis on larger one and the ones in between are transitional.

The third zoom-in is chosen to illustrate the connection between another geometric break block and the riverfront. The same principles apply for the inner urban space: larger, longer buildings are used, curved along the topographic lines of the location and dedicated to social and sporting activities. The housing structure on this site is bound by the usage of distribution space. The urban spaces are covered by dwellings to provide access toward the back as well as a collective community space for the neighborhood. Together with small openings in between buildings, they form a sequence of spaces that ultimately lead users from one large urban space to another. For outsider of the area, the connection between the two spaces are also available via the pedestrian path placed along the canal. The zoom-in is also to express the opening point of the canal to the river. Through the leading boardwalk and urban spaces, the river and the canal combine to create a quality riverfront neighborhood that carry on the landscape quality of the canal into the riverfront, together an entity of urban spaces.

The third zoom-in is chosen to illustrate the connection between another geometric break block and the riverfront. The same principles apply for the inner urban space: larger, longer buildings are used, curved along the topographic lines of the location and dedicated to social and sporting activities. The housing structure on this site is bound by the usage of distribution space. The urban spaces are covered by dwellings to provide access toward the back as well as a collective community space for the neighborhood. Together with small openings in between buildings, they form a sequence of spaces that ultimately lead users from one large urban space to another. For outsider of the area, the connection between the two spaces are also available via the pedestrian path placed along the canal. The zoom-in is also to express the opening point of the canal to the river. Through the leading boardwalk and urban spaces, the river and the canal combine to create a quality riverfront neighborhood that carry on the landscape quality of the canal into the riverfront, together an entity of urban spaces.

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Bru.sl.xl OSSEGHEM Project's location: Osseghem, Brussels, Belgium

Osseghem is a neighborhood located in the Southen part of Molenbeek municipality in Brussels capital. Through the site analysis, the area embraces many issues but what tends to be more serious is the watse of land use which makes the disconnection in within the site context while it ( the site) owns some special spatial qualities of landscaping. The density of living spaces are presented strongly through the site, howerver, the lack of public domains and identified green spaces are not yet to be found clear around. The idea of the project is to exploit and strengthen the existing identity of agriculture and schools on the site, transforming the site of the gazometer into an educational center upon urban agriculture. The produced food can be enjoyed in a restaurant positioned on the ground floor of the gazometer. The densification on the site embraces the existing character on the site. The development of the project need to be seperated in different phases due to the needs of adaptation to the environment change of the users. This also shows the feasibility of how the project could be developed and grown in the neighborhood.

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Site proposition in 2040

New residence with a green rooftop, located at the entrance to the left-over gazometer

The entrance to the new public space at the gazometer

The new learning center built base on the position of the left-over space and exsiting low quality housing

REINVENTING THE SUBURBAN RAILWAY STATIONS From micro public intervention to macro vision of a green London

Project's location: Streatham, London Thesis presented to obtain the degree of Master in Architecture, Architecture in Social context

The existence of today railway in London talks not only about the present of the city but also reflects back to the history and the importance of it to the development of the city. Back in time when railway were first constructed aiming at transporting products around UK, the presence of railway stations were seen as strategic spots where many activities happened. Nowadays, railway exists as a mean of transport but rather spliting London urban environment into pieces especially in those position where the stations and the rail conjunction lie . The aim of the project is to bring back the vibe of living into those spaces along the railway landscape and emerge them to the picture of a green London.

London being divided by the railways

Railway system in London nowadays

Strategy map- urban proposition- city scale- the network of green

Bickley station area

Selhurst station area

Sutton station area

Streatham common station area

London city has proved to start having a great concern about the green structure in and around the city center. There are several green projects proposed and launched in UK and in London specifically. The original drive of the projects is to engrave the value of existing green spaces and illustrate how important the green spaces would help constructing a better living environment in London. These projects vary from the idea of reserving the natural green spaces in the city- the central part and the suburban to building a picture of a green city starting with the green belt around it. "Green belt"project together with the ecological along the railway show a great landscaping poten-tial that in the future they would contribute the whole greenery scenario of London and the neigh-borhood. The idea is to combine the two landscaping features together. The green belt scenery would be first constructed then infiltrate into the city through the ecological system along the railway.

London has a complicated public transportation. This complication comes from the size of the city and the demand of people moving from one place to the other which creates the enormous amount of train lines running in and through London. London offers people yet a complicated but convenient mobility system. It is shown clearly that the connection rate now is denser in the center and lighter in the outskirts. This situation, in fact, gives the people living in the city center more privileges in mobility and leaves people from the outskirt in difficulty of moving around the city. The railway system nowadays, accidentally creates a fragmented urban environment, especially in the areas where the railway conjunction lies. Along the conjunction areas, many empty spaces area left over along with the ecological system that is naturally grown or with the least of human touch. These spaces are often considered as the buffer zones. The buffer zone green areas combine with the spaces left over in between the railway junction unexpectedly create an eco- system along with the infrastructure. However, most of these spaces are considered empty and fenced. Strategy map- Site scale

The exisiting local stations in Streatham area

The existing effort to connect the neighborhoods around the junction is made through a small fenced walkway next to the railway and the ecological system along with it. It is also consider as part of the connection to the station area. However, beside the leading boad " Station approach", the walk way and the station has no spatial connection. The lost of the spatial connection also causes the lost of its users. The station hall is dedicated to the users of the train and serves purely as the ticket trading house and isolated to the neighborhood around it because of fencing.

productive landscape along railway Cycling and pedestrian path

New residence with rooftop green house

New cemetery along with the urban forest Wood trading and workshop center Station urban living room

Project isometric- an eleveted walking connection through different types of building; The rooftop of these buildings serve as the public platforms for recreational activities

Elevated walking path above the station platforms The main idea of the project is to create a connection above the existing railway junction (which is now heavily dividing the area) by using set of spaces which dedicate to public and outdoor activities. The connection plays not only as an basic infrastructure but also brings value back to the spaces along the railway especially the local stations. The new design for the station space is marked as a start to construct further changes in the neighborhood. The station area would be opened and connected to the nearby bridge which would create an outdoor space for ocassional activities. The space would then be connected to the new level on top of the existing platform which is called the " urban living room"

Connection from the street level to Streatham station

Educational and recreational platform- the view from the connecting bridge to the wood center

Educational and recreational platform on top of the wood center

Green house rooftop platform- The connection to residential and commercial building

Connection from the wood center to the residence

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.