The rapid art exhibition

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The Rapid Art Exhibition

(Please line up !)




The Rapid Art Exhibition 16-Dec 2015 14:15-15:45 Free for all visitors Location: Millennium Park

(201 E Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60602

1.Please line up 2.Line up with out talking or touching other people 3.Face for ward and watch where you are going 4.No large bags or backpack 5.Please accompany children at all times)


Splash dust 材質:石頭,水,塵埃 Material: stone, water, dust Size:HxW12x8 cm

「Splash dust」是一幅抽象的複合媒材作品, 創作者集結了世界各地的塵土到


,他表示“我希望大家可以感受到各種不同的 記憶,同時我也希望大家從


看到自己的倒影”,的確,凌亂的塵埃結合封 存於平靜的水面之下,有如複雜深遠記憶被

封存於靜謐的時間當中,不經意地流露出來。 The artiest gathered the dust from all over the world to create this work. ‘ It is the memory I gathered,’ he said, ‘and with the water I wish the viewer can see the reflection of themselves.’ Indeed, orderless dust binding under seal in calm waters, like complex profound memories are sealed in the quiet time which, inadvertently show it.


Weird Rendering 材質:金屬 Material: metal Size:HxW12x8 cm 從新興的電腦3D製圖發想,猶如蓋一個彎曲 的圓管以及有機的曲面一般,藝術家 的超現實元素到




搭 配,加 上 不 規 則 表 面 的 鏡 面 反 射,把 2 1 世 紀虛擬世界結合現實的風景,有趣的變化讓 觀者有無限的想像。

The concept of this piece is from the emerging computer 3D rendering. It composed with a curved tube and organic surfaces in general. The artist arranged the surreal element to this drawing, combining the structural tube on the right side as a perfect mix with the irregular surface on the left. More over, the irregular surface reflects its surroundings. This piece represented the combination of 21st century virtual world and everyday scenery, challenging viewer’s imagination.


Squeeeeeeze 材質:石頭,壓力 Material: stone,pressure Size:HxW12x8 cm 從「Squeeeeeeze」中觀者可以感受到緊張 的氣氛,緊緊排列在一起大小不一的灰色石


之前的一般的時間靜止。其中,黑色的石頭就 像是已經經過壓縮般的散落在其中,讓

作品更有層次感。藝術家也鼓勵來觀賞的人 觸摸



From this piece ‘Squeeeeeeze’, the viewer can feel a sense of tension. Grey stones closely aligned with each other conveys the oppressive atmosphere. It also creates a sense of silence before the critical point. Among them, the black scattered in the space creates more layers in the piece. Viewers are also encouraged to touch this work and feel the tense between pressure and material.


Mr. Bézier 材質:金屬,卡典西德 Material: metal, cutting sheel Size:HxW12x8 cm 是一幅貝茲先生的肖像畫,創作者使用切




在日常生活當中,他是現今社會上的指標人 物,大部份的人都必須遵照貝茲先生的指示 來行動,從廁所到


生做出各種不一樣的動作,我們感謝 作者將那麼重要的貝茲先生繪製 讓大家都記得他!



This is a portrait of Mr.Bézier, creators using cut vinyl to compose this portrait. Mr.Bézier is an important figure in today’s society. I believe we all have seen Mr.Bézier in our daily life. Most of us have to follow his instructions or acts. Mr.Bézier, from the toilet to the trash can, performed different actions for us to follow. We would like to thank the creator for making this portrait of Mr.Bézier so that everyone remembers him!


Blurry sunshine 材質:蹲下,陽光 Material: squat, sun Size:HxW12x8 cm 件作品搭配了環境的變化讓觀者可以有不

同的感受,當人們要屈膝端下觀看時,影響了 視線的光影,可以看到變化多端的影像,如同

晨間的陽光灑在地上, 「模糊陽光」是一幅非 常溫暖,觸動記憶的一件作品。

This piece composed with the changes of the surroundings so that the viewer can have different feelings when observing. People need to bend lower to view the “Blurry sunshine”.The action impact the vision and the light, so you can see the image changing. As the morning sun shines on the ground, "Blurry sunshine "is a very warm and touching piece of work.


Her 材質:告示 Material: sign Size:HxW12x8 cm





畫面似乎有些憂鬱,不規則的線條如同複雜 的回憶一般,畫面被大膽的色塊分割成幾個

部分,有趣的安排讓我們一窺創作者的心思: 你想到的


個 ?

The work "her" has an incredible power. We will associate the special “her” in our mind. The glowing blue screen seemed al little melancholy while the irregular lines presents a sense of complex memories in general. Also, the picture is divided by bold colors into several sections, giving us a chance to sort out our thought: Who is the specia “her” in your mind?


untitled 材質:金屬零件,石頭,鏽 Material: metal, stones, rust Size:HxW12x8 cm 無題組合了非常豐富的元件,金屬的質感與 生鏽的顏色使得畫面富有層次,似乎在告訴



人造物改變了大自然亦或是大自然改變了人 造物 ? 件作品讓我們重新思考現代人的 產物與大自然的關係。

The untitled is an art piece that have many layers of material and colors. It represents the industrialized society around us. The perfectly symmetry round space composed with nature rust is an interesting combination. Did the artificial change the nature or is it vice versa? This art piece makes us rethink the connection between human beings and the nature world in our generation.


Gradient 材質:椅子 Material: chair Size:HxW12x8 cm 創作者利用自然的光線以及材質創造出非常

自然的漸層意象, 裏的漸層不像是電腦製 圖做出來那麼完美無缺的漸層,而是一種富 含生命力的顏色變化,無聲的傳達出一種

穩的氣息,尤淺淺的灰色變化至濃列的灰,讓 整幅作品非常的有立體感。觀看


時候也可以坐在它旁邊的椅子上,從不同的 角度看


The creators take advantage of natural light and materials to create a very natural gradient image. The color is different form the perfect computer generating gradient, instead it contains a rich color variation. “Gradient” has a silent and calm atmosphere, especially in the changes of shallow gray to thick ash grey, making the work three-dimensional. Viewers can sit on a chair next to this art piece, enjoy it from a different perspective.

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