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Early Childhood & Youth
Life Coaching for Kids Lab
These fun S.T.E.M. projects are an entertaining way to develop life skills such as self-esteem, perseverance, patience and managing stress.
Halloween Gore-tastic Hour
Investigate what makes Halloween so chilling in this electrifying S.T.E.M. workshop. Themed souvenirs included.
Instructor: Lisa Lombardi
Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center
Fees: $33 R / $43 NR
Spooky Thrills and Chills of Fall Ice Cream
We are building self-esteem through ice cream this fall season! Making and eating ice cream is a fun way to introduce chemistry teachings to children and build confidence.
Instructor: Lisa Lombardi
Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center
Fees: $33 R / $43 NR
Grinch Goo-tastic Holiday Slime Lab
Kids have the slime of their life creating seasonal Grinch inspired slime. We develop the soft skill of perseverance as we take the steps and patience needed to form stretchy slime.
Instructor: Lisa Lombardi
Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center
$33 R / $43 NR
Feeling Frozen in Life? Hints from Frosty the Snowman Lab
With the anticipation of the busy holiday season, along with general life stressors, kids relax and “defrost” as they learn up to 125 ways to manage worries.
Instructor: Lisa Lombardi
Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center
Fees: $33 R / $43 NR
Life Coach for a Day!
This unique C.I.T. (coach in training) leadership experience is designed for teens who might be curious about the field of life coaching! What does a life coach do? How is coaching different from therapy or social work?
Instructor: Lisa Lombardi
Location: Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center
Fees: $35 R / $46 NR