1 minute read
Friends standing together chatting
Two friends arriving with suitcases
Adjusting bag in ‘private’ before moving towards the denser area
This scene takes place at the 1st bus stop.
A bus has arrived, and the occupants of the bus stop transition into the bus.
Meanwhile, two girls use this bus stop as a route towards the 2nd bus stop.
Their path highlights how the architecture of the bus stop forms their path. Which is immediately broken out of once the 1st girl passed the pole.
It also suggests the unconscious interaction between the 2nd girl and the 1st girl- her path echoes the girl before her.
1634, ~10 minutes
This map depicts observed motion at the 2nd bus stop I observed (the adjacent).
It was interesting to witness how with different people the use of the space changed. Though the stop had its primary function: ‘a place where a bus regularly stops’ (Oxford Language), each coming, going and dwelling, saw the space re purposed.
I saw how some people allowed the bus stop to direct their motion due to the spatial boundaries provided by its architecture. And how some people chose not to be confined within the bus stop’s space but used its surrounding context.