‘Th e Tea m Ch al leng e’ i s de si g ned to b e an uni q ue ly ex ci ti ng , fa st m ovi ng and t ho ug h t prov ok i ng p rog ra m , whi ch ex pou nds th e benefi ts of im pr ov ed com m u ni cat io n, team w ork and pro bl em sol v ing sk i ll s . Th e e vent cont ai ns a v ar iet y of i ntri g ui ng c onu ndru m s , wh ic h de vel ops bot h th e co he si ven ess and pot enti al of th e team at a ll lev el s of a bil i ty. A l l pr obl em s h av e a bui l t in fl ex ib il it y, des i gne d to tes t th e i ni ti ati v e and neg oti at io n s k il ls of th e pa rti ci pa ti ng g rou p.
Everyone is encouraged to familiarise them selves with the rule on the back of this sheet, in order to reduce the admin time at the commencement of the day. It is very unlikely that any group will have time to complete all the activities, so careful time management and consideration to the type of problem, will prove essential in acquiring the best results.
To make as much money as possible, by successfully completing as many challenges within the time limits allowed. 1) ) Teams must familiarise them selves with all the activities before making their first selection of activity. 2) Teams must plan to achieve the highest returns possible but if this can be achieved with a smaller number of team members, the team can attempt two problems simultaneously. 3) Any breakaway group formed must have at least 2 new team members. 4) Problems can be undertaken more than once, IF :- 1) the team can convince the adjudicator that a second attempt will produce a different result. 2) That the team uses an entirely different method, or 3) that a completely new sub-group is attempting the problem with NO original members. 5) Teams are encouraged to negotiate with adjudicator to tailor the problem to suit the attributes of the team. It is expected that if the difficulty of the problem is altered, the remuneration will also change. 6) It is strongly recommended that teams become familiar with the contents of the ‘Battle Box’. Anything inside the box can be Begged, Bought or Borrowed. 7) Before any problem is undertaken a plan must be presented to the adjudicator to get the ’GO AHEAD’. The ‘GO AHEAD ‘ will only be given when the adjudicator is happy with the quality of the plan. 8) A different Team Leader must be appointed for each problem. 9) A different observer must be appointed for each problem, who will complete an ‘Observation sheet’ and feed back to the team at the end of the activity. !0) The achievements of the team must be kept up-to-date using the ‘Team Ledger’. 11) At the end of each problem the teams bank account is credited with an interest payment of 10% on its balance. 12) The adjudicators decision is final. 13) In the event of a conflict rule 12 applies
When reviewing a problem, it might be beneficial to consider just three questions :-
* How did individuals communicate their ideas? * How did the team receive communication from individual team members? * How aware was the team of the feelings of others? * How much time did the team spend when discussing the problems? * Could the planning stage be shortened and yet made more productive?
* Were all alternatives explored before deciding on a course of action? * Once a direction had been identified, did the whole team work proactively to perfect the plan. * Did every team member know what was going on at all times? * Did the team plan for all eventualities? * Was the element of time taken into consideration?
* What was the spirit of the team like during the exercise? * When the going got tough, did the tough get going? * How did you ensure a proactive frame of mind under pressure? * Was the team aware of the frame of mind of its members? * Was P.M.A. Maintained throughout?
* Did the team allocate areas of responsibility? * Were decisions autocratic or democratic? * Did the team work as unit? * Did the team use the strengths of its members to their full potential? * Can the team identify at what level of development they are at.
This group got a great deal of achievement when the whole team crossed the bridge.
Your mission should you choose to accept it............
Your company are on a sightseeing romp around the forest of Bigwud. However you and your guide are suddenly captured by the Bigwud Wood Troll. Whilst the troll is sleeping off his lunch of tour guide tart, you decide to make an escape over the raging river. However the bridge is broken so your team decide the best thing to do is build a new bridge out of the bamboo available.
Is to build a bridge to carry your team over the river without waking the Bigwud Troll.
SCORING ÂŁ5,000 for all members crossing the bridge.
* The bridge must be strong enough to take the weight of the the heaviest member of the team. * The bridge must span the six foot wide river. * The bridge must never touch the river. * The bridge must not have any supports in the river. * Teams are given 60 bamboo canes and 1 roll of tape and a ball of string.
TIME AVAILABLE 45 minutes not including planning.
PENALTIES If the bridge collapses while crossing, ÂŁ5,000 is divided by the number in the team and multiplied by the number successfully across.
THE BLIVET SCENARIO Two sales team have taken the new Blivet to a large potential client. On opening the boxs HORROR!!! It has fallen to pieces. One team is able to contact your technical people who can explain how to reconstruct the Blivets.
Your mission should you choose to accept it............ Is to rebuild the Blivets entirely from verbal instructions from the techies. Unfortunately due the range, communication has to be done through a relay to one team.
GENERAL RULES * The team must form into 3 groups. * Group one is the technical people with the completed Blivet. And one Walky-Talkie. * Group two have a dismantled Blivet and two Walky-Talkies, one set on a frequency that can talk to the techies and one on a frequency that will talk to group three. * Group three have a broken Blivet and one Walky-talkie that can only talk to group two. * No one is to see the Blivet before the groups are in position. * once all groups are in position the Blivets will be handed out and then the only communication allowed is via Walky-Talkies. * It is strongly recommended that you check comms before starting.
No penalties
SCORING Successfully building the Blivet ÂŁ4000.00 each
BOARD OF THE RULES SCENARIO The board Gaming Association (B.G.A) and Bill D’Board were in partnership with each other designing the board game of the year. However Bill was not going to hand the rules over until the game was complete, as he had been conned by a previous company. Unfortunately, whilst bill was doing a spot of dusting, he fell of his ladder landing on his computer killing himself and Destroying the computer, thus wiping out the rules. The B.G.A had invested a lot of money into the game and so have hired your company to make up some rules which would fit with the game.
Your mission should you choose to accept it............ Is to designing the rules for the board game ‘On Assignment’
SCORING £1000 to £10,000 Depending on the Playability and presentation of the game.
*Teams will be issued with a complete board game. *All pieces and cards of the game must be used. *The team must present the game in an understandable format to the adjudicator. *Any loop holes found in the game will result in a fine.
PENALTIES Maximum of £500 for any loop holes discovered in the rules.
Building a machine that can travel forward three fee, shoot a dart and then return to be reloaded, is a mechanical problem for the dedicated, but it’s a great feeling when it works.
THE DART LAUNCHER SCENARIO K’nex has commissioned your company to design and produce a prototype for a dart launcher which will be sold as the Christmas promotion of the year! Your company spends £200 on the full range of k’nex to develop the prototype for manufacturer.
Your mission should you choose to accept it............ Is to produce a rocket launcher capable of firing a rocket at the score board.
GENERAL RULES *The rocket launcher must be made out of the equipment provided. * The Dart must be mechanically propelled to the board. * Your team will have 15 minutes firing time in which they can load and fire the darts as many time s they wish accumulating as many points as possible. * The dart launcher must complete the route described on the diagram
SCORING All darts successfully hitting the board in the 15 minutes firing period is multiplied by £10. e.g. Hitting the number 20 will get the team £200 pounds.
TIME AVAILABLE *No time limit for planning and constructing the the prototype. *15 minute firing time.
PENALTIES £200 lost investment.
This is one of the those problems that seem easy to begin with but soon show that things are not all what they seem. Good communication and problem solving skills are essential if the group is ever going to discover the missing route and save their colleagues.
DOMINO DILEMMA SCENARIO Your team of archeologists have discovered an ancient puzzle that you are sure can be solved with a standard set of dominoes. The solution will provide your team in Egypt with essential information as to how to cross the booby trapped floor.
Your mission should you choose to accept it............ Is to solve the problem and map a safe route across the floor.
GENERAL RULES * All dominoes must be placed on the grid, so that the numbers on the dominos correspond with numbers on the floor. * The archeologists think that their might be significance in double numbers and the number 4, because they know double 4 is the start domino. * Once all dominoes are placed on the grid the route must be calculated and provided to adjudicator. * We know that the ancients were obsessed by the passing of time, so the total of all the numbers on the route equals the amount of seconds in an minute and minutes in an hour.
Every mistake on route ÂŁ1000.00
Successfully plotting a route ÂŁ5000.00
Your mission should you choose to accept it............
Your team are doing a work swap with air traffic control and unfortunately someone has spilt coffee over one of the computers. Each of your team is able to access one piece of information on their consol.
Is to verbally share the information and discover the lost information.
* 9 team members will be given one information card each and 1 team member receive the matrix report log. * Information can only be shared verbally. * The object is discover the names of the pilots, the airport they have flown from and their destination. * This information must be entered onto the matrix card.
SCORING ÂŁ400.00 for every correct entry.
PENALTIES Because of the potential disastrous effects of a mistake ÂŁ1000.00 will be deducted for every incorrect entry.
THE MOOSE CODE SCENARIO Your company have been captured by the Moose clan. You have been thrown into two different cells with no way of communicating with each other. You want to plan an escape but cannot discuss it in your recreation time as the Moose clan are always around. You decide the best way to do this is to create some sort of code by tapping on the radiators. New prisoners bring encrypted messages from home which you all need to be able to work on. It is decided that a tapping code must be invented so as to decipher messages as quickly as possible. development and testing is paramount.
Your mission should you choose to accept it............ Design a tapping code in which you can break the encrypted message.
GENERAL RULES * Using a sample encrypted sheet, design a tapping code to allow 2 groups to work on the problem simultaneously in different locations. * You are allowed a maximum of 15 minutes to develop your code. * At the end of the 15 minutes The two groups will be separated * The two groups will be given two new identical messages. * Using just the tapping code, the 2 groups must work together to produce two solved quotations.
Working code and correct transfer of message ÂŁ4500
45 minutes
PENALTIES ÂŁ500 for verbal communication between the two groups once the activity has commenced.
This is one of the favourites. How high can blind folded team members build their tower. A great exercise on communication and trust as the blind folded team member is directed round a small obstacle course.
LEANING TOWER OF PIZZA SCENARIO Due to last years disappointing Pizza games sponsored by Don & Joes, your company has been enlisted to spice up the event. The ‘Beer & Pizza’ race only became interesting after the power cut, where participants had to negotiate the course in the dark. Don & Joes would like to repeat this race but in such a way as to reduce the fatalities to an acceptable LEVEL.
Your mission should you choose to accept it............ Is to build a safe version of the ‘Beer& Pizza’ race, and then test it to prove it’s suitability. (Don’t forget the course must be challenging but do-able)
GENERAL RULES * The course must incorporate all the bamboo in the pack, channeling participants inside the course, similar to that of a maze. *All the bells must be hung in strategic positions along the course. * It is anticipated that the course will involve going under, over, and through a number of obstacles as well a negotiating a winding path. * Once the course has been constructed to the satisfaction of the adjudicator the team can move into the second phase. * Half the team don blind folds and under the Verbal Guidance of their partner outside the course, must build their Pizza box, place 3 glasses on it in a tea tray fashion and then carry the Pizza & Beers around the course without ringing any bells or dropping the glasses. * Glasses can only be touched by the carrier when the Pizza box is perfectly still. * Any damage to the course must be repaired by the sighted members of the team before the blind folded members can continue.
A problem solving exercise that test communication and team work skill in an intriguing but non physical way. The indoor challenge has activities that will stretch everyone, regardless of physical ability or interest.
Log Rhythms SCENARIO Your team has 18 trees which need to be planted in straight rows of 5 trees. Your employer has offered a generous bonus for every row of 5 trees you are able to plant.
Your mission should you choose to accept it............ Is to arrange the trees in such a way as to produce 9 rows of 5 trees
GENERAL RULES * Your team will be supplied with 18 free standing trees. * You have to position them so as to form 9 rows of 5 trees. * All rows must be perfectly straight.
Every row less than 9 £1000.00
Successfully forming 9 rows of 5 trees bonus of £5000.00 Every row £500.00
PAPER TOWERS SCENARIO You and your team have been taken prisoner by the ‘Staydry’ dwarfs, who serve the wicked ‘Ice Queen’. You have been allowed three news papers for entertainment and you have discovered a real of tape under one of the beds. A plan to escape now evolves. All you need to do is build a structure that can support a cup of water and when the guard comes in, topple the water over the ‘Staydry’ guard, causing a severe allergic reaction and providing the opportunity to escape.
SCORING £1000.00 for every foot of tower. £3000.00 bonus if the contents of the cup emptied over the guard.
Your mission should you choose to accept it............ Is to construct a tower made from paper as high as possible, that is strong enough to support a cup of water at its highest point.
GENERAL RULES * The tower can only be made with the materials provided. * The tower must be built as
high as possible. * The tower must be strong enough to support a cup of water at its highest point for one minute without any intervention. * The tower must be positioned by the door and when the ‘Staydry’ Dwarf enters the room, the contents of the cup is emptied over the dwarf with the use of some wool unraveled from someone's jumper.
PENALTIES If the tower does not support the cup unaided for the determined one minute £50.00 per foot will be deducted.
THE FETE SCENARIO Your team are running a stall at a local fete for charity. The stall that you are going to run involves the children throwing balls from differing ranges to knock down skittles. Because this is the first time your company has got involved with this type of event, your task is to assess the likely scores achievable by partaking teams.
SCORING Teams can only score the maximum of their prediction on each turn.
PENALTIES The difference between the achieved score and the predicted score will form a penalty and be deducted from the achieved score. E.g. if the team says that they will score 100 but achieve 90 the penalty is 10 giving a final score of 80.
Your mission should you choose to accept it............ Is to run the activity amongst the team and ACCURATELY predict the team will achieve
GENERAL RULES * The Team has 10 balls to throw each turn and 10 turns in total. * Balls must be divided as equally as possible amongst the team. * The objective is to knock as many skittles as possible. * When all skittles have been cleared, they are then re racked. * Each team member can throw from 3 different distances scoring multiples of the skittle value. 4 metres (M) = ÂŁ50.00 Skittle Value 5M = 2 X SV, 6M = 4 X SV, * After the planning stage, the team must predict the score for the first turn. After each turn the team must predict the score for the next turn and so on for each subsequent turn.
Good team work, cooperation but most of all time management are required to complete this frantic construction exercise.
THE TOWER SCENARIO Your company are tendering for the large contract of building the Devon Communications tower. The tender involves accurately predicting the time it will take, and the height obtainable. In order to practice the art of accurate prediction, a simple exercise has been devised.
Your mission should you choose to accept it............ After a period of planning, build a tower as quickly as possible, as high as you can, using ALL the bricks provided.
SCORING See chart on reverse
PENALTIES See chart on reverse
*The team have to build the tower with the equipment provided. * The team are allowed up to 30 of the 40 minutes planning time. * During construction as many people can be involved as deemed efficient. * All the bricks must be used in the tower construction. *The 6 barrels representing the mast must form the top of the tower and be stacked on top of each other. * The tower must stand unassisted for 5 seconds.
This exercise always get a laugh as teams struggle to construct a tent under the verbal instructions of a sighted team member, whilst being tied in a three legged fashion to a team mate.
THREE LEGGED SHELTER BUILD SCENARIO Your company has agreed to assist a charitable organization within your local area. This organization caters for the blind and they are to attend a team building day with Contact. Because of the inclement weather that has been forecasted, a tent has been provided to protect the team members from the worst of the weather. It is felt that these people should be encouraged to erect their own shelter and so as to appreciate the difficulties involved, a simple exercise has been developed so as to encourage empathy by the supporting staff.
SCORING Bank balance is doubled at time of exercise
TIME AVAILABLE No time limit
Your mission should you choose to accept it............ After a period of planning, all but two of the team don blindfolds and under the direction of the able bodied team member, erect the tent.
* Under the GUIDANCE of the sighted team members, the BLIND team members must erect the tent. * The Blind team members must pair up and tie their inner legs (as in a three legged race), putting their inner arms round each others shoulders, any task requiring two hands must be done with the outside hands of the pair. * Every 2 minutes, the sighted team members will be instructed to change places with a blind pair. * Once the tent has been erected ALL the team must get inside, zip up the tent and sing a campfire song.
£50 for every minute in the construction. Anyone suspected of ‘Peeking’ that team member is removed from the exercise and the team fined £250. The Joker cannot be played on the exercise.
Thank you for taking a look out our Indoor Challenge. These are a sample of the exercises that are available. Our remit is to provide such an eclectic mix of activities, there will always be something that every delegate will be able to shine at. For more information on this course or any other enquiry please contact Simon 01395 222174, visit our web site: www.contact-training.com or email me at Simon@contact-training.com