Tipton Poetry Journal – Fall 2020
Sheltered in Place Claire Scott Three months at home with kids glued to devices and I haven’t done a single Monumental Thing such as painting the living room where my toddler Magic Markered the walls, but I am sure they are Masterpieces and any day now the Guggenheim will offer millions for her scrawl. I haven’t done a single Minor Thing such as clean the hall closet, but when I open the door the scramble of towels, screwdrivers, board games, Nerf darts, flashlights, odd socks and tennis balls stares at me reproachfully and I gobble a pile of Ativan or chug a pint of gin. What I have managed to do is gain fourteen pounds grow my hair into a perfect Brillo pad and watch all 684 episodes of The Simpsons while managing to ignore the school emails with unintelligible instructions on how to teach quadrilaterals and long division.