1 minute read
Michael Keshigian
Michael Keshigian
The other men, in their ostentatious outfits, attempted to entice her with idle bravado, drinks or a dance. He watched as they huddled around her, competing for her attention with intense glances which said much more than hello. He bid his time in a corner, where smoke filled air stained his eyes. Far from the embattled contestants. he wrote on a pad, describing her voice and beauty, thoughts he knew he would one day read to her when they were perfected and courage allowed him to rouse her from the customary into the extraordinary ardor of his verse. He would be the different one, the flushed eccentric with common clothes and a black notebook, thick with words she had never heard before. He would be the charming misfit who, in a warm summer breeze, on the edge of night, will capture her affection with a narrative it took so many nights to contrive.
Hidden Amid the Stars
Michael Keshigian
It wasn’t easy, living with him, his moody character and need for privacy, the all night creative fits while she tried to sleep. She interrupted him in the middle of a thousand poems for household information, invaded his reverie on the blue hill mountain pass as the view sung an ode in his brain, even conquered his triumph over an elusive phrase when she yelled up for dinner. But he clung to her, his raft on the white water swirls, stability upon the rumbling current of perpetual thought. Often, he floated alone, submerged in foam, gagging for the tangible and she would grxab a handful of hair, yank his heavy head up. They stumbled through silence, blundered through varied perspectives, yet when the river calmed, they studied the stars to find out exactly where they were going.
Michael Keshigian had his fourteenth poetry collection, What To Do With Intangibles, recently released in January, 2020 by Cyberwit.net. He has been published in numerous national and international journals and has appeared as feature writer in twenty publications with 7 Pushcart Prize and 2 Best Of The Net nominations. (michaelkeshigian.com)